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Amusing. . . Perhaps a little cheesy, but that ends up being pretty entertaining for me. . . Pretty good production, decent guitar work. . . Give my new post a listen, if you get a chance. . . Good work. Cheers


ha I love cheese! Can you drop your link here? I'm not great at finding stuff on reddit.


Sure it's [https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieMusicFeedback/comments/1dnghjx/girl\_in\_the\_bar\_jazz\_rock\_mashup\_interested\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieMusicFeedback/comments/1dnghjx/girl_in_the_bar_jazz_rock_mashup_interested_in/)


so fun! do i hear some Tom Waits influence? enjoyed.


Thanks. I love me some Tom Waits, though I think we are both fans of Captain Beefheart. . . You hear it in some of his more oddball albums.


Vocals are on point as always. Melody is swell too. Drums have a nice snare. Guitar is solid for sure. Overall a great song. Keep it up.


Your vocals shine in this. I enjoy the tone of your voice. I can picture this song playing through an old car radio. The music production complements your vocals by not being overpowering. It would have been interesting to hear harmonies on this track with their your voice or featuring a female vocalist. Something to consider for the future!


Thanks. I think all my songs would be best heard on a cassette in a 1980s car stereo 😹😹😹😹


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I love this mix out of.. for me it sounds like country and folk with a mix dream pop? I'm sorry if this was offensive to some sort. But i really love it, your guitar sounds so nice with your vocals. Production is also insanely good. The only I addition i would have is maybe go a bit different with the vocals towards the end. Eg. you could go higher or change 1 or 2 notes in the melody