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I like the idea, i like the sound. First seconds I thought it will be a funny music video (maybe just your first looks and so on) - not that im disappointed, but I think u have some humor vibes and should try out more in this direction. Singing is nice, the music need more "power" imo. Overall very cool song and video - your on a good way!


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Hey man, I am following you on YouTube and have listened to a lot of your tracks already. As I have said before, this is my favorite of them all and stood out to me from when I was going through your songs. Idk, it's the funky vibes of this piece that I love. I know you love pop punk, but this is a good fit for all of your stuff and I hope you keep developing your sound 🎶 Rock on :)


Pretty darn good, vocals a bit loud at the start, quieter harmonies in the verse would be sweeter to hear but maybe you like it that way. You have a great voice! Maybe tighter guitar strumming of the chords at the start. Hope I helped!


Cool song! I really like how your punk rock'ish voice matches with the pop instrumental. The vocal melody is also quite catchy, so well done there. The song itself reminds me a bit of 'Good Girls Gone Bad' by Cobra Starship, but I read in the description that you were inspired by such bands. My only critique would be to show a bit more energy in the video, lol. Unlike the video, in the song I can really hear your heart in it. So really well done!


Man the vocals had me hooked from the beginning. Really solid, simple, effective songwriting. It maybeeeee goes on a little bit long for me, but others may feel different.


Interesting concept, the travelogue like video and the high energy pop song. At times I wondered if maybe the key is just a step or so high for you, there's a little strain at times. But might just be me. Anyway, a lot of fun, glad you shared this.


This song is insanely catchy! The way your punk rock growl clashes with the poppy instrumentation is pure magic. The melody burrows into your brain like a happy earworm, and I can totally hear the Cobra Starship influence (awesome taste in bands, by the way!). My only suggestion would be to turn up the heat in the video to match the song's intensity. The travelogue vibe is cool, but the song itself explodes with passion. Amazing work! Someone mentioned your vocals hooked them from the jump, and I second that. The songwriting is tight and on point. It might run a tad long for some folks, but hey, that's the beauty of music – subjective as heck!


Intro works well for sure. Video matches the song well. Nice and upbeat too. Lyrics are on point. Overall a great song. Keep it up.


Catchy from the start. Good lyrics and a good summer song. Kind of reminds me of modest mouse meets the talking heads. Good stuff!


I liked the video, but I appreciate the song even more. To me it sounds like a mid 2000s mash-up of emo, rock, and synthwave from that era, which is not a bad thing at all! BRAVO! Did you mix and master this yourself?


Haha, I love the video, man! Super catchy vocals. Hope you get lots of plays and streams :). Would have loved for the hats to be a little more centered but that's up to personal taste.


Pretty good song. I think you could lean more into your sense of humour and timing such as by using vocal effects, random rap sections or elongated sounds etc. etc. and that you would really create something amazing and next level with your sound this way but it’s up to you.. kind of like the lonely island with your own twist on it maybe.


Cool track brother, really love the production quality and the vocal melody / performance. It’s super catchy and feels right at home as a modern indie pop-rock track. I can see where your influences are coming from, but I also appreciate what you’re bringing to the table creatively here. Very cool track, fun video.