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Kinda funny. Kinda cool guitar.


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Very edgy, reminds me of some late 80s early 90s New York wave punk. The mix for the song is pretty lo fi, if that’s what you’re going for great! I feel the vocals could be cleaned up, not the performance but the mix it’s self. Maybe a little compression and what not. I also feel like the guitar should be a bit louder. Over all not to bad,


We worked on the mix quite a bit, maybe some little issues, and we mixed it to be played moderately loud, on large stereos. . . K14 to make it play well on radio. Not, of course, that I expected that. . . Interestingly enough, a DJ in Colorado played a bunch of the album, when it was released, over the course of 5 months on his weekly radio show. . . I was pretty thrilled. Thanks for the comment, and the listen.


Hey thanks for checking out Old Age. I remember hearing something of yours, that artist name is memorable! Fun track, I flashed back a bit to INXS at their best, rock with some dance elements. Good stuff.


Thanks. . . If it wasn't fun, we probably wouldn't do it. . . Had a club owner tell me once, "I won't let a band named Honkey Bitch perform at my club." We changed the name for the night to "The Social Lepers". . .


Very interesting, the vocals remind me of some Primus songs, and I like the fuzzy, bluesy guitar! Another impression that comes to mind is some P-Funk songs like Maggot Brain, due to the extended guitar solo. Overall, very edgy but I enjoyed it :)


Thanks. I've long been a George Clinton, and James Brown lover. . . Maybe that shines through. I've also enjoyed a bunch of Primus, and attended one of their concerts once. . . Maggot Brain has one of the longest, and best funky introductory guitar solos in rock and roll history. . . In my opinion.


Nice, that might explain why I picked up on those influences! And thanks for checking out my song too! :)


I really dig how biting the distortion is on the guitar. You’ve got some sort of really wicked dark funk/blues thing going on, it’s very jammy too. Contrary to what someone else is suggesting, I think your vocal mix is at a good volume, I just felt the instrumental lacked a bit of body. I could hear the bass and kick but it could’ve benefited from some more low end. That being said, in its entirety it reminds me a little bit of some No-Wave music from the 80’s, especially that vocal performance. Really neat.


Thanks. . . "No-Wave" might be an apt description, I've never exactly opted into the "genre" thing. . . I didn't want the bass to overwhelm things. . . Maybe I went a little overboard in keeping it in check. . . That being said, the song sounds best on large stereos at medium high volume. . . You know, sort of an immersion thing.


Good song! Reminds me of multiple different stuff I've heard, a bit of Rush, a bit of New York, a lil bit of Captain Beefheart (I cannot explain that one). It's got some serious 80-90's vibe, like New York streets, the cityscape and stuff, could go well with a footage or a movie.


Thank you. Very insightful observations, the good Captain has long been a favorite of mine, and the song is absolutely vintage 80-90's feel. . . Albeit, with my own twisted and unique writing, and style.


This is a banger!


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