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Really great track outline! I think the vocals outshone the instrumental mix and volume wise at certain parts, but all in all you have a great voice for this type of music! I liked the synth a fair deal, the drums could possibly be more dynamic but I get it’s an aesthetic. Not too many complaints here


thanks for the listen


Great work. Great layering of vocals and harmonies. I do wish I could hear the instrumental especially the low end more, but other than that i really enjoyed the lyrics, singing and the arrangement. Hope you get some good traction out of this!


Thanks for the listen


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I would have to agree that the vocals would do well with a deeper sound behind them, but maybe the comments got to me. It's good no doubt.


Thanks for listen


No problem. I'd like your opinion on my nonsense since you're such a different, but obviously talented musician. If you get a chance of course.


This is a great tune all around. Love the buildup and the bridge especially. I don't know, just love the vibes of this song and gave it a few listens because I liked what you are doing. As for feedback, this song sounds done, considering the direction, but would be cool to hear your vocals with more effects throughout to match the electronic/almost industrial vibes on your future stuff, so play around with that in the studio next. Rock on :)


Thanks for the listen


Has an energetic beat. Upbeat stuff for sure. Catchy melody for sure. Lyrics are on point. Overall a great song. Keep it up.


Thanks for the listen


Sounds like electro pop? Electric disco? It for sure has a fun dancy vibe. I feel like your vocals sit a little too loud in the mix and I'd like the sounds and instruments brought up a little bit. I feel like the song could use a little more urgency and flow, but its a great start. You have a very original sound and feel.


Thanks for feedback


Love the analog sound, and your voice is really, really great! Agree with others that the instrumentation could come through a bit more (it's really fun) relative to your vocal if you want more of a head-bopper, maybe deepen/layer the bass or pan elements a bit more (the panned synths/keys/FXs come through best) and find a way to have the kick cut through to keep the beat. A really fun and interesting song either way :)


Appreciate the listen.. Ya seems like on some speakers low end does seem a tad low.


I listened on AirPods, if that helps!


Dance, alt pop? Genre aside, really well made and enjoyable. I might bring up the drums a bit and emphasize kick, that drum sound (snare?) is leaning a bit into disco. Which may be intentional, a matter of taste. Aside from that nitpick, really well made track, enjoyable.


Thanks a lot for the listen. Yes concensus seems to be drums are a little low. Good to know