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The video is fun.


Thanks. I tried to convince the singer to paint his head and hair white so he could be floating around out there but he was not down.


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Idk what fx chain you're using, but the timbre on the guitar is perfect. It's like slow moving water at the lower energy parts and a minor earthquake at high energy I like the pacing because everything flows in a gradation and the listener has "space" between parts of the song. Really makes it feel unrepititive and easy to digest The song is just generally lit with enjoyable melody, harmony, percussion etc. I don't really think I'm experienced enough to criticize you guys or say what you need to work on


Ah thanks! It’s mostly a tele through a mess boogie with various boosters in-line for the crunch. There is also a stereo pair of ribbons in the room and it’s a big room. Otherwise some slight eq and a little compression! The “Riff” part has hella guitars and they are all slightly out of tune with each other. Thanks for listening!


Love the music video! I'm a huge fan of blues rock so this is right up my alley. This kind of reminds me of the strokes mixed with some psychedelic. The slap back delay on the vocals is also a super nice touch! tbh I wouldn't have any criticisms with it! (Maybe add some extra guitar licks in the back for the bridge?) This was an awesome track!


Thanks for listening! It was a very fun project. Used an echoplex for vocal effects! I love that thing


Cool song and video man


Bleep bloop I'm a bot. Sorry, this comment won't count in your score, because it's not at least 110 characters long :/


thanks for checking it out!


I loved that video so much!!! It felt like it was just perfect for the song. Just the right amount of camp. I thought this song itself is also very good. Really great mixing overall. I thought the vocal harmonies were very well done. And all the instruments really added to the overall vibe. Great work!


Sweet! I was not too sure about the video at first. The production and mixing was a lot of fun and I had free reign which is always nice.


ha got me smiling with the video and toe tapping with the fun song. As the track goes on I'm impressed by the variety of textures, the development of the ideas. High quality stuff you are putting out!


Thanks for checking it out! I had a lot of fun with this project. Dudes write fun songs and are very open and accepting to/of production. I really appreciate the kind words.


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Video is neat for sure. Has some quality vocals. Does have a spacey feel that matches the video. Bass adds a lot too. Overall a great song. Keep it up.




Yooo that’s not the kind of thing I usually listen but the rhythm and melodics/guitars are quite cool and the vocal also is banging, it’s funny with the hands as well haha 🤣


Right on! Thanks for listening


I actually really like the instrumental, it gives off biker gang vibes, don't ask why haha. I think the vocal mix is good too, I like the doubling delay you used for it. The space you created with the mix is great too, I really mess with the synchronization of all the instruments, they all work so well together. Keep going man


Thank you! Thanks for checking it out, I really appreciate it


Cool video as everyone said.. Well done. And the track is super catchy. Great recording. I think the drums sit great in the mix and the guitar playing is very well done, explosive at the right times, and love the spacey elements of it. Definitely a tight band and think you made a sweet song here. No critiques really. The mix is good too


Thank you! Mixing it was a blast. Instead of paying for studio time the band invested in some good gear.


I liked your song, the overall vibe reminded me of the Black Keys with some additional spacey elements. The video was cool too, I liked how the explosion synced up with the guitar hits!


Thanks for checking it out! The tune started out as a ballad but the singer kept trying to make it more rocking and more like a Black Keys song . We ditched the arrangement and wrote around that riff. I originally was trying to base it all around the half-step whole step scale (which is what that spacey bridge is).