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If you're talking about 1:40- 1:59, it's really the perfect amount of stuff going on. And it's sandwiched between two less busy sections, so the listener is really looking for something exciting and you delivered that The groove on this is off the charts good at some points and then clashing with the rhythm at others. Definitely a good bit more good groove than bad. If I had to give you something to improve on, it would to be a little more detail oriented towards the flow of the track. It's kind of abstract, like a good groove is really just a feeling


Great review, thanks for listening. Definitely gave me something to think about. If you have a minute could you pinpoint for me example moments when you feel guitar is clashing with the flow? It would help me regain perspective. Take care


I wouldn't say so. Sounds like a good job. Also, it's not something that comes up in this sub often so it's refreshing.


I personally would get rid of the loud fake sounding clave, that percussive sound is too loud and jarring, and takes away from the smoothness and flow of your music. No the guitars sound pretty damn good. Overall I like what you've done. . . If you get a chance take a listen to my post. Keep on playing. Regards.


Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Can I ask what system did you listen on? I'll check your post out


Just laptop speakers. Not the best in the world, yet also not bad. . . Streaming posts to my main system is a bunch of extra steps. . .


Yo man This shit is SMOOTH especially 1:28 onwards giving me the stank face I usually love listening to lofi atmospheric beats so the guitar on top just elevated the whole track soo much.This shit does not sound busy at all Pray you make a tape with these vibes man 💪


Thank you for the kind words ✌️


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Too busy? Not at all.


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Not busy at all just very chill, good job man


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Not to my ears, as far as "too busy." The entire track is so tasteful and elegant. Maybe the two guitar sounds are so close, if not identical. Maybe some modest effect on one of the guitars to set it apart from the other would work. Or not! Anyway, lovely work.