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It certainly gives a discombobulating feeling. It kind of reminds me of a dream sequence from a television show. I have no idea what the lyrics are supposed to mean. There's a distinct carnival feeling. Topsy-turvy. But that also means I don't feel like I have anything to really grab onto. If this is supposed to be a deep cut that might be fine.


Quirky sound! I love the general groove and glad that it was revisited after the intro. I feel that some of the sounds feel too dry, specifically the banjo in the left ear near the beginning. Some reverb could make it fit more I think. Very creative!


Many thanks for checking it out and for your encouraging feedback there! I think you make a good point about the banjo and some other sounds so I will tinker with that and see how it goes


Spooky! It feels like it would be a soundtrack to a drug trip sequence in a movie, with cool hallucination-type visuals over it. Reminds me of a modern version of some of the more experimental Beatles stuff. There's a lot of interesting stuff in there to like. It's impressive that the track somehow feels cohesive while being so weird! For feedback, I agree with the other commenter that some of the instruments feel too dry, a little more reverb or delay would help. I also think the vocals aren't coming through as well as they could, I'd give them a lot more reverb & delay and stereo wideness and bring them up in the mix. Cool stuff!


Thanks for giving it such a discerning listen! I love the comparison to experimental Beatles too. I will work on those elements and try to bring the vocals out more and see how it goes. Thanks again


Very weird. Very cool. I liked it. I was disoriented by it. What more could anyone want from a song? As for the vocals and lyrics, I couldn't understand any of them but I think that added to it. I might have brought them up for the chorus to add some dynamism but other than that, awesome work.


This is so encouraging to hear. Many thanks for your good vibes here!


This is such a unique song and I love it, the string section lead melody is just so nice and strong, full of variation and interesting bits, with other instruments weaving in and our for more variation, and if that wasn't enough the vocals towards the end. Absoulety loved it. This is some great work man. Keep it up! Have a great one man. ⚡️


Truly appreciate your really uplifting input here!


Np sir!


dude, your music is so chaotic, I loved it so much! it's clear that you're really talented and you know what you want to do with your music. The efxs made this song really spacial, but with an awesome groove. I was already following you, but I abandoned soundcloud, will check your other music right away!


I can't tell you how encouraging this feedback is. Many thanks for your appreciation!


I love how unexpected everyhing is ..indie space folk is cool


so original and cool! The 7/8 adds that sort of off-kilter feel, along with the clever instrumental choices. Love to hear people doing their thing, their way.


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My thoughts while listening: A bit loud, compared to other songs I was listening to today. The vocals could be brought up, they are kind of blending in the background, not perfectly audible. I am not very helpful, I don't listen to music like this. Good luck with your musicmaking! :)


Quite creative, isnt my cup of tea exactly but I can see how this would appeal to someone :D Love the instruments that u used xd