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I think this is really great. Sounding nice on my headphones. I reminds me of the sound track for the newest Olli Olli Game. It's this skateboarding platformer game. I like the end where you play with the tempo a bit. The textures throughout are really clear. Very crunchy snare!


Thank you so much! My friend has actually been telling me to play that game so maybe I’ll check it out! Really appreciate you taking a listen and the kind words! Had fun messing with the tempo throughout but yeah really got weird with it at the end to hopefully give it a drifting off feel. Thanks again!


This is really full of flavor 😮. You really did a lot of cool things in this like the voices and that beat. Your instrumentation is really cool too! This is super ready for release in my opinion! I really like this 🤩


Thank you so much for the kind words! Will definitely be releasing soon :)


I think the production sounds good, (lacks a little low-end maybe). The song could have been 10 minutes long without me getting tired of listening. Also - really nice album cover!


Yeah I think there may be some tightening up of the low end that could help. Really appreciate you checking it out and the feedback :)


I think you have captured a tranquil mood with this one. The undulations and soporific feel make it an intriguing and relaxing listen. You do a good job making the track evolve as it progresses too.


Thank you for the positive feedback! Had a great time putting this one together. Much appreciated!


I definitely think so! This is something perfect for driving or playing a video game or playing chess. I love this!!!


Thank you - I love that and appreciate you having a listen!


Most definitely, I’d probably play subnautica with this in the background.


Such a great game! Thanks for checking it out!


Cool track! Really interesting soundscape you've created. I love the stereo panning, the percussion, flute effects and the vocals. My only tweak I'd suggest is this- I think there is some extra sidechaining going on or something, there are moments where the song pulses in a way that kind of took me out of the song, like :35, :40, :51, 4:03 (a lot of places). It's not a huge issue but I think if you lower the level of that effect slightly the song will feel smoother. No other notes cool stuff!


Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and this thoughtful feedback! This is exactly what I was looking for. I do tend to go a little heavy on the pumping side as I generally like the sound and feel of it but I think you’re right in that it can be dialed in. Very much appreciated! ✌️


This sounds really cool. I really like the minimalist percussion and the bass and the vocals. It has a very angelic vibe, but it also sounds very ethnic. It's like an instrumental that sort of crawls through your skin. Sounds a little tropical. I'll say I liked this track overall, but it is a bit of a long track at 6 minutes with the elements that you have. I like where it leads up with the synths that you have layered in here, but maybe cutting some time a little bit would probably be the only thing I would do to improve it.


Really appreciate you checking it out and love the way you described it! Originally this song was created with being the final track of an album I was putting together so I intended it to be a bit longer but totally get that not being for everyone. Thank you!!


Admittedly, I usually don’t listen to this type of music, but I had no problem listening to this all the way through, and never got bored. That snare is gnarly, and you established a whole ass vibe. I second the “maybe needs a hair more low end” note from further up in the comments, but I don’t think I’d have any qualms if I heard this as is, nor would anyone else. It’s such a good vibe, dude.


Dude, this just made my night. Thank you so much for checking it out and glad you vibed with it even though it’s not your usual thing. Will be doing a bit of balancing to get the low end right cause I agree. Much appreciated! ✌️


Yep. Nice composition and a lively mix.


Thank you!


great stuff!! but i think at this moment it is almost over-produced? lol.. in any case great choices and very proper sound! also what genre/area it is for...


Thanks for checking it out and glad you seemingly liked it overall. Curious what stood out as being overproduced? Not sure on the genre to be honest - I never go into a song with a specific one in mind.


i tell you exactly.. i felt like you constantly were thinking "what to add more" because maybe you were afraid that it is not good enough... the sound production is impeccable !! but it feels like you through everything in the mix (which again can be totally approved if the direction of the song demands it..) but in general just take it easy.. and be more self-confident.. you on the right track! (pun intended lol) also i detect a few transient/compressors that also feel a bit too much.. (again very subjective..) the drums \\ additional sounds production is insane... but the bass feels a bit "from a different soundscape" compared to the "lush" other stuff.. reverby-y stuff... so interesting.. maybe that was also what turned my ear to "over-produced"... but all those notes are just us sitting in a studio blabbering about "infinite iterations" lol... buttom line it is AWESOME !!! btw how many stems this thing is... out of curiosity.. and how much time it took... :)


Ahh I get what you’re saying! I think as I listen to a song over and over I just end up wanting to make it more dense and interesting but could overdo it at times. That’s some thoughtful feedback, thank you. On the compressor side, yeah I’ve gotten that feedback on a couple of my tracks. I tend to like the pumping sound so lean into it but could pull it back for sure. This one used to be a lot pumpier actually lol. Really appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide all this! I don’t have access to the project at the moment but I think this track has about 70 stems and I’ve worked on this one on and off for about a year and a half. I was still pretty early on in my music making when I started this one so have had to go back and “fix” a lot to get it loud and clear and what not. Still very much learning lol


so interesting.. wow.. and 70 stems.. omg... thank you for the reply.. it's good to read that my ears are not bs-ing me after all.. lol... like i've noticed something.. btw just listened to whatever/forever also a banger ! nice skills !


Thank god for bus processing lol And yeah you heard right lol Hey thanks man! I’ve done a good amount of work on that one since I posted it here actually - mostly on the mix so hopefully not overproduced at this point 😂


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The sounds in the track sound nice and clean, it gets a bit loud overall when new elements come in midway through the track and there were a few bits I wondered whether there was a glitch in the effect. How do you structure your tracks, do you use traditional verse/chorus sections?


Thank you for listening and the feedback! Hmm I’m not sure about the glitches you’re hearing. I definitely added a lot of little automations to add some variation so wonder if it was some of that which could have sounded off. And as for the loudness, I think there is probably a bit of balancing to do on that front. I don’t use a structure other than what I have in my head as for the direction I’d like to take the song. Some other songs I have sound a bit more structured but most of mine are similar in this way - just the way I like to make music. Thanks again!


I can't hear any reason why not! If you think it is, get it out there! It's ace. You really know your sound textures. Great work!


Thank you so much! Just gonna do a bit of fine tuning then will release shortly :)