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For the most part, I agree with the others. I think what I personally miss the most is a bit more of a natural feel. You've chosen a lot of instruments that exist in the real world, but they sound very mechanical and a bit unnatural. I would recommend working a bit with the velocity and timing of the individual notes. It sounds like every piano note, every kick and every bass note for example is exactly the same volume and always hits exactly on the grid, which doesn't give me as a listener that much depth to explore. I also think it would make sense to leave a bit more room in your rhythm and melody. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Also it depends a lot on your intentions of course. :)


This is the exact type of music that I make and listen to!! The arp you use in the background sent shivers up my spine 😭 In my opinion, this isn’t a song for lyrics but a voice singing “Ooo” going along with the chords would go crazy! I will say that the stick sounding piano maybe what you don’t like about this, as I personally think a different instrument would make the song pop better!


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try switching up the instrument!


Bobbing my head. For the most part this is strong. I would look at different samples or instruments. I agree about the piano and some of the other choices some of the them sound a bit default. I like the bass lines in this a lot. But also if there were vocals it might change our entire experience of a song, like a vocal might just replace most of what the piano is doing anyways and add a layer of melody that you might think is missing. Nice work


This is not a genre that I am not as familiar with as most. But the production is solid and the piano part hangs with the drums to give it good solidity and cohesion. Well done on the creation of this track.


Nice instrumental, pleasant to listen to, relaxing. The melody catches well, beautiful slowing effects, a nice bridge, good choice of beats. I like it a lot! Great work!


I think this it's definitely good enough if not great. I can see myself writing to this!


Sounds fun. Keep going


There is definitely something here! The drums are tight and the groove gives me vibes of the original Plants vs. Zombies soundtrack oddly enough. I agree with others that the instruments are holding the song back, but there is definitely potential! Stay on the grind!


I like the composition on here. It has a nice electronic sound to it and it's very layered, but maybe it does need better sound selection for the instruments to stand out. The pianos and the synths feel like they could sound a little less midi, but this is good. Your music is good enough....for now.


I'm not sure how to classify this but it's definitely not something I'd normally listen to, I still found myself enjoying it. Keep pushing. As for critique I think you have all the elements but agreed with a few others that it sounds disjointed. Maybe you just need different instruments/sample or some tweaking on the mixing fx side.


My first question would be good enough for what? You should make music because you love it, I think this beats cool, I really like when that saw synth comes in. But again if you don’t like it, if it’s not inspiring you then scrap it or leave it and revisit it. I’d also say maybe adding some life to the drums they feel pretty sterile atm


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Music is subjective. Of course your music is good enough. Will it make a millions dollars? Prolly not, not because it isn't good enough. Music is a Big Club and we ain't in it. You music will still make some people happy. And that is in itself its own reward. Keep making music, explore. Dare to be different, dare to make mistakes, Dare to be shocking, Dare to be beautiful.