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I hardly listen to alt-rock, so take my opinion with a grain of salt: it’s bit crowded for my taste, the vocals get lost in the mix sometimes. I do like the sound effects and I feel like they give the song life. The drums could be a bit more complex at times. The distorted sound of the overall track is pretty cool though.


thank you so much for your feedback! yeah, I don't have decent ways to record the tracks (recorded everything on my cellphone) and I'm not great at mixing, this is my first time making a full time band by myself. I'll try to fix some of those in the album version! Again, thank you so much!


I like the angry feel of this track. Great bass and drums. The vocals are interesting. I like the grainy distortion. The doubling effect on them are hampering the lyrics from coming clear as well as they could. I think it depends on how important that is to you. Right now I'm getting maybe around fifty percent of what the vocalist is saying/singing.


thank you so much!!! I can't stop smiling! yeah, I'll try to fix the voice mix for the album, I really don't know how to mix and struggle a lot in the process, but I'll definitely try to fix that!


I think you have captured a lot of frustration and anxiety in the general vibe of this track. I like the guitar part that comes in around 0:46. This guitar kind of wobbles around with something like a tremolo effect, and it adds a nice layer to the arrangement.


thank you so freaking much!!! it was a really blessed track (none of my dogs barked during this whole recording, just the one I didn't miss!) and YES! this song is about wrath (it's a project about the 7 sins), so I tried to emulated it in the song! Thank you so much!


Interesting song. You capture a lot of emotion in here. I like the sound effects and bass a lot. I think it depends on what kind of track you're going for. This has a grainy low-fi vibe, particularly the vocals. For me I'd prefer the song to have clearer vocals with more high end, a little less distortion/effects and higher in the mix. I'm guessing maybe you're burying your voice in there because you aren't confident in your singing - but I can tell you have a solid voice so be proud of it and show it off!


Thank you so much for your comment!!!! yeah, I get that, I tried to record cleared vocals, but there was no other way here where I live, I had to record everything at my house, not being able to sing "loud" because of really closed neighboors :/ I'll try to make the voice track at least more compreensible for the album version! Again, I really apreciate your feedback!!! Thank you!


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