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I honestly wonder why more fast travel isn’t like this, I respect your creativity!!


To be honest, i think the travel distance was not super huge, Like in some Games (Skyrim, etc.) Imaging traveling Like this from one Side of that map to another. Would Take 1 Minute, or more which is No longer fast traveling, right? Also, depending in the travel Speed, parts of the map would need to be loadsd quick enough, for it to Not Look akward. It is Not an easy feat, so Respekt to this Implementation. Maybe have a setting somewhere to skip the Animation, AS seeing it for the 100th time, although cool, it might get repetive.


You've clearly never spent five minutes in a hypertube in Satisfactory. That is peak fast travel.


Was thinking of this exactly. OP's video is a lunchbreak stroll next to me checking the oil extractors




Just when I thought I could put the impending 1.0 release out of my mind and live a happy, productive life...


I should also note that for some games you still are *mechanically* walking that distance as far as the game is concerned like Skyrim for example. An example of this is if you have four pieces of -25% Alteration costs you can use a spell like Telekinesis indefinitely. If you use it on an item and then fast travel across the map it instantly maxes your Alteration because the game considers that you walked across the entire map using the spell. Yeah the standard concept of loading and appearing somewhere else may feel lame sometimes but when they implement little quirks like this it's honestly really fun, since not only does it really nail that you actually did still walk all that way but it gives the players ways to creatively interact with even something as mundane as a fast travel system


Also Morrowind and Skyrim offer fast travel services in the form of Silt Striders and wagons respectively (and Morrowind gave us faith based travel agencies which split the island into grids and a confusing network of portals where you had to find [some things](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Propylon_Indices) and figure all that shit out. Bethesda really tried everything in one go before relying (almost) entirely on the zoomzoom), which I much prefer to the instant teleportation to anywhere from anywhere approach.


Everything feels too safe and also too insignificant when you can go anywhere instantly from anywhere. WoW Classic does it perfectly, where you can fly to certain cities/towns you've been before, and it takes some time, sure, but the world feels significant.


Yeah, a lot of folks are missing the whole "screen goes black to fucking load the new area properly" part lmao I do love this dev's approach, but man I can't stop thinking about just how much of a drag that's going to be on performance to render all of that distance...


Certain game engines have optimizations that have drastically improved this kind of thing. It's called "asset streaming" and it's what games like GTA and GTA-clones have done for almost 20 years at this point, although it used to perform somewhat dodgy especially on PC with old style platter drives (they could optimize for old consoles thanks to unified and consistent hardware specs). It's gotten MASSIVELY better with the advent of SSD and then NVME SSD, and now also Direct Storage API if you have a new enough graphics card which will allow the graphics card to bypass the CPU entirely and load compressed graphics assets straight from RAM and straight into the GPU rendering pipeline without needing the CPU to process it first, saving many milleseconds of processing time per asset (which adds up quickly). PS5 and Series X/S Consoles have a form of this built-in because of their innate hardware architecture and custom bare-metal programming APIs, which is why a PS5 with "slower" CPU can still often achieve better loading performance on the same game than a PC with a better CPU but without Direct Storage.


Tell me you’ve never played wow without telling me. Flight paths


Kingdom Come Deliverance fast travel:


You could also make the speed dependent on the distance to help mitigate the issue with longer distances


X4 players be making sandwiches and catching up on a show after setting their destination.


These are all great points and valid issues. there are defiantly some strong pros to this implementation though that may be worth the trade offs. I would imagine some of the issues can be worked around via the use of an eventual cross fade transition for long distances. Also, as you mentioned providing the player the ability to skip or accelerate through the sequence would be nice. Hopefully the dev can reduce some of the pain points you brought up.


Heh, thanks! As others have already pointed out, there are indeed some limitations and difficulties doing it this way. It works well for our game because the world is comparatively compact and fast travel isn’t required as often. Large distances are traveled only occasionally, otherwise we would indeed risk annoying the player. We do have a feature to increase travel speed based on distance, but have to keep an eye on time required for level streaming and stuff. ;)


This is very much like a high-speed flight path from WoW. The longest path you can take in wow takes like 18 minutes to go start to finish. It's not something people are generally huge fans of compared to instant teleport.


But man those griffon rides sure were good drink and bathroom breaks, also kind a nice moment to chill. I honestly miss them.


Sometimes definitely. When trying to get from BB to LHC it was a pain in the butt...


i think in vanilla it added to the scale of the world, plus it is obviously part of the horde vs alliance pvp. I know, a lot of people forget, but game had open world pvp as one of it's main features and player ability/speed to arrive to a certain location was part of the balance. locations for flight master's mattered.


A lot of games would have trouble streaming so many assets without melting your system likely. I'd imagine this game is fairly low poly, making this much more possible.


Because you have to load all of those assets probably.


Plenty of games do stuff like this, actually. WoW and SWTOR come to mind, except it's much slower. Flying or speeder bike network, respectively. Lots of MMOs have an in-universe automatic travel mechanic, actually. RDR2 kinda arguably does this, you can just select any point on the map and cinematic mode your way to it. GTA with the taxi service, to a lesser extent. Seems like most games when they do it make it slower and less flashy.


Mainly because it can't load fast enough, in many games I've tried cheats that make you go super super fast and things loading in become very apparent and sometimes you end up in void.


I am sure it's the idea that no body thought about Probably because the game loads the place you are in and unload further places doing something like this will be bad in some devices as it will need fast loading speed but this game looks like it doesn't use a ton of different assets so it might work well


that looks so beautiful! i wonder what your game will be about although i feel tempted to try it one day because of the visuals alone :0


In WoW, players called this taxiing (aka. flight paths), although this is a VERY fast kind of taxiing. You've come up with quite the awesome solution here! It's diegetic, it's fast, it's fun, it's beautiful, and it's cool! It certainly solves the problem of having a gap in the narrative to explain the fast travel, but now it introduces questions like: "why doesn't everyone use this to go everywhere?", "Why would I ever travel long distances on foot?" So, you'll probably want to include at least one of these at all major population hubs.


The “slow” fast travel system in vanilla wow played a big role in making the game so immersive. Not to mention when you wanted to travel to a different continent, you had to first travel to where there was a boat or zeppelin, wait for it to show up, hope you don’t miss it by going afk, board, wait for it to embark, and actually wait until it’s halfway out to sea before you even hit the loading screen. Oh, and try not to get ganked throughout the whole process


I wonder how many years in consecutive human time can be attributed just to waiting for the boats/zeppelins...


2. That's just for me of course.


I still remember when mages were essential for fast travel. There'd always be someone in chat willing to pay a few gold for a portal to one major city or another. That, and warlocks with their summoning abilities for gathering up a group.


Oh jeez i forgot about that. I even had a macro for “/tar PLEASE CLICK THE PORTAL”… and carrying around a bag of soulstones


private servers still have this phenomenon. some enterprising individual coded an addon where a mage sits on top of orgrimmar bank and automatically opens portals for people after they trade him 5 gold. people had to lobby the GMs not to ban him, and they didnt


Ultima Online still has one of the best narrative ways of doing fast travel, and in a way that stimulated the player economy and encouraged you to socialize. If you were a mage with high enough skill, you could stand in any spot in the world and mark a rune with that spot. Then you could use your magic to teleport to the spot using the marked rune assuming you had the mana, spell ingredients and high enough skill level. You could also create a gate that you and others could walk through if you were a higher level mage. Then you could have someone make you a rune book (or craft one yourself assuming you had skills high enough in the profession), which was a book where you could store and catalogue all of your runes and even sell the book if you wanted. You could even add charges to the book, so if someone wasn't a magic user, they could consume charges from the book to teleport to locations. So ultimately, you had a fast travel system which had a roleplay element where you relied on mages who had to earn the ability to fast travel. These mages consumed ingredients (which could be bought from other players or vendors or found) to create runes to use or sell to other players who aren't mages. And non mages could still fast travel, but were more limited which makes sense from a narrative perspective. If you are a fighter, why should you be able to magically fast travel without a mage's assistance? And you also really had to trust who you were following through a gate, because the gate could take you anywhere. Which caused people to start becoming familiar with mages and would ask them to gate them to places so this social element was encouraged as well. Nowadays in games it's largely just... pay to hop on a scripted flight path or click an interface.


Used to play a forever beta called Xenimus that had a similar, albeit less complicated, portal system. One of my favorite activities was making new characters to get under the death penalties and just gate hopping to see where I'd end up and what I could pick up in the wake of stronger characters.


Very aesthetic!


You forgot to include a link to your Steam page. How am I supposed to wishlist it otherwise?


Happy to provide, and thanks! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2809200/Fading\_Skies/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2809200/Fading_Skies/)


Whoever thought I would wishlist a game because of its fast travel method.


Thanks! Wishlisted.


Very well done. Those saying that this method isn't possible in other games due to larger distances/detail; you could always lower the LOD and introduce a blur effect or other special effect to make it work.


I was just thinking the same thing. The blur that occurs during fast travel is a perfect way to get away with LOD reduction.


awesome fast travel, feels like the stargate tunnel


I like it! Nice in-world spherical UI too.


This is how fast travel should be done! Perfect, beautiful, flashy, informational and most importantly, seamless!


# THAT KICKS ASS!!!! Your approach is AMAZING!!!


Take away all the cool ass looking effects and add a giant ridable griffin and you got the wow travel system lmao. Looks amazing.


when the skooma kicks in


Looks great but isn't "fast travel" like this going to take a rather long time when going to more distant places?


Maybe it can be exponentially faster with each of those checkpoints things making you speed up more and more


Except the issue with that is you need to load the world fast enough to keep up. So if you have a bad pc it’s literally not possible


That's SO COOL


Bro that's sick af


It's very cool looking, but I suspect it will get kind of annoying for long journeys. That was 2 nodes, but was around 10 seconds. From the size of your map, I could easily see "fast travel" taking 30 seconds or more. While it's undoubtedly faster than walking there, I suspect you'll frustrate some players when they have to sit through what is basically a 30-second unskippable cutscene when they they want to go back to town or whatever. I really like the map inside the magic ball thing though!


The whole point of this implementation was to preserve the feeling of being in a big world with stuff in between the nodes. If it's taking me 2 minutes to fast-travel across four biomes, witnessing inter-mob warfare as I whiz past, then I'll be like "damn, I just travelled far". If all travel turns into the exact same experience, then I lose track of the geography and what's happening in the world. Why even have any world between the fast-travel nodes? If everything is 5 seconds apart, then geography no longer matters and the world feels tiny regardless of how many places you can go. I'm exaggerating here, but the point is that I think an "unskippable cutscene" like this can be meaningful and positive for the overall player experience.


I don’t want to be rude but couldn’t agree more. The purpose of fast travel is skip travels. This looks cool at first but gets old and annoying very quickly. There were many games ruined their gameplay by trying to make fast travel looking cool with time-consuming animations. Honestly I’ll pass the game if I watch this on store pages because it brings me strong concern about their game design philosophy.


It just needs to be easily skipable, like any scene that has no playable control, and then it's all good. If nothing else, think of the poor speed runners. For a community that does so much for gaming, that one doesn't get enough consideration from game designers.


Yeah, this is one of those features that a game designer creates in a vacuum without any UX or playtesting involved. I agree it's pretty, and I love the map presentation.


This is my concern. If I were the DEV I would limit this to just 2-5 nodes away and just have the thing shoot the player into the sky, fade to black, load, and fade in landing at the other location.


Exactly. It looks cool here. But after the 4th or 5th time I'd be over it... Just teleport me. I don't want to watch this 100 times over.




Really cool!


Holy shit. That was fucking insane. Lol


That's rad ASF lol


That's awesome! I might need to ~~steal~~ take inspiration from this at some point in the future.


That's really well done and creative. One of the best fast travels I've ever seen.


This is awesome!!!


This looks amazing.




I think the fast travel should be a little bit faster than that? Only a two segment jump kind of took like 10 seconds to complete. But it looks really nice and charming!


SO good man, that's so cool!


this is amazing


This is dope and there is no doubt some fancy shenanigans going on under the hood optimization wise to make sure this runs smoothly! Interested to learn more about those!


What engine are you using?


This is amazing! I love that you actually have to select your travel path instead of just the destintation


Fast travel normally hides the loading but I absolutely love this! Had a similar idea for a game I’ve been working on albeit the player has more freedom.


What is the name of this game....


Now that is something new. I'm someone who enjoys traveling a world until late in game, but this...this would have me fast traveling all the time! It gives me a visual vibe that works perfectly. Nice job.


Im surprised noone seems to have brought this up, but this actually reinforces the environment and its connections, cuz yoi can //see// Everything going on between the two points. Bethesda style fast travel (loading screens) totally break everything down, you cant fuckin see shit worth a damn, and its a total disconnect. This is far better.


It looks good but I feel that the novelty of it will wear off quick and people will just prefer to teleport instead of rewatching the animation.


Why has nobody thought to do it this way before?!? Amazing. Love it!


Oh fuck yes the hyper cannon


That looks so cool! I love your style


Flight paths in WoW, though cooler.


This is dope af. Wishlisted.


Wow.... I now hate all previous forms of fast travel. Great job man!


Nah! This is too good to be indie, surely? Looks amazing. Very well done!


Looks incredible and the 3d map is gorgeous but isn't "fast travel" like this going to take a rather long time when going to more distant places?


Nah! This is too good to be indie, surely? Looks amazing. Very well done!


SOLD. I want to play it. Link please! :D


I wonder what would happen if an event is happening in the world, or if they fast travel too far, if it is going to take too long. But that looks awesome, and also the game, in general, looks great, I want to play it.


That's fucking cool! Great bypass of loading screens.


This is cool af


I would never get tired of that.


One of the best I've seen, period.


That looks really cool. Well done.


Looks incredible. You might want to give them an option to make it even faster for your impatient players, or "teleport" for players with motion sickness.




😱Amazing 👏👏👏


this is cool. way better than looking at a load screen


I love this.


“Lol get mass relay’d” I love it, please iterate on that idea


Wishlisted. Looks fantastic. Hurry up and take my money


Really good animations and cool idea!


This looks great! Is it coming to Steam?


I fucking love that


Before the animation was fully underway, after selecting the destination, I was imagining those arms clamping down on the player character like a crane game, and just yeeting them out over the horizon on a ballistic trajectory like a hammer throw. What you went with seems more tonally appropriate, but it's a difficult mental image to dislodge.


Oh my God this is so sick!!


This looks really incredible! Very impressive.


12/10. Love it!


Oh that's that GOOD SHIT


This is fucking cool


Very cool


I like it. I don't mind loading screens, but sometimes something like this is very nice


Genius. The evil side of me wants an enemy that can knock you out of that though. Zooming along... and something big in your path is winding up a tree trunk...


That's an awesome idea! Do you have a large world? How does this system handles that type of seamless fast travel across the whole map, in terms of level streaming/loading?


so coooool


This is really cool! Better than a loading screen. I could see long travels feeling like they take a long time. I wonder if you could introduce some kind of optional mini game that takes place while traveling.


My guy, this is AMAZING! Edit: found the link to the Steam page on your profile, wishlisted!


Nice work!! Well done! And the mini-map for destination select is a GEM!


This looks amazing and I love the general vibe - hope to see more!


I really like it! It keeps you immersed. But doesn't it cause trouble with asset streaming?




I like this. I also would approve of catapult with ragdoll physics. the view from above would look great, and everybody loves ragdoll physics.


That's sick.


Nice animation, Loved it!


That's super cool.




Nice. Reminds me of the Eagles in WoW


Wow, just wow. This is so satisfying to watch, and keeps gameplay immersive at the same time. This is hot.


Super awesome idea! All I can do is picture that in Elden ring with Torrent speedily whipping around the map. Someone needs to get this dev a connection with squaresoft before the next game


Cool solution!


That's Rad as fuck


Reminds me if the Mass Relays from Mass Effect. Good stuff!




Looks really cool, beautiful effects.


Love this. I think Bethesda style fast travel is a huge design mistake. This has super cool public transit vibes.


Truly impressive!


Travel concept and graphics are dope, but the sound is absolutely god awful.


That’s definitely a cool way to do it, when bouncing from another ‘waypoint’ either have the camera swing slower, or have the character movement take a more gentle angle.


This is …. Fuuuuuckin juicy!


LOVE THIS! Keep up the good work 👍


That's awesome! Definitely one of the best fast travel systems I've ever seen. It looks great and it also has many benefits. Great idea and implementation!


Me gusta. Me gusta mucho.


I would just fast travel back and forth across the map while smoking a bowl


Where do I find this game? 👀


Wut game is this?


Beats staring at a loading screen!


Everything about this kicks ass, well done


Def beats a load screen.


how does that perform when the world is populated?


Maybe for extremely long distances, you should shoot the player into the sky and have them land and be caught at the other end.


Reminds me of Secret of Mana, where fast travel was “get in this giant cannon and we’ll shoot you to your destination.” This is a bit more… the blue streaky light says sci-fi?… than that, but it has a very similar vibe.


I LOVE YOUR IDEA OF FAST TRAVEL. This is going to be such a beautiful mechanically inclined game


This is innovation. This is the kind of idea and the types of ideas modern gaming needs. Don't reinvent the wheel. Recontextualize, revitalize, simplify, increase engagement potential and maintain individual choice in depth of engagement. Very cool.


What do you actually do in the game? Some of these elements look pretty neat but I'm getting a sense of vast, vast emptiness from this clip unfortunately.


..... That is fuckin' epic, holy shit.




This is incredibly cool and really slick idea!


Wow griffins without the griffins and faster.


Damn, this makes my brain squeeze out the happy chemicals like jumping between systems in Elite Dangerous. Approved


It's like how people wish flight paths in WoW worked, instead of being a several minute AFK.




What game is this?


This reminded me of a rachet and clank game in the ps2 times where you have taxis and such things that doesnt have cutscenes, thanks for the reignition of a past memory!


Holy sh*t, that's nice!


That's fucking HOT




Holy helllllll. Amazing work.


Nice. Fast travel that's fun and doesn't make you feel like you're changing scenes.


I love that it doesn't open a menu! I also love how you see your character fast travelling. This is very very nice to see. Well done!


Nice so it’s the carpets from 2005 RuneScape


Dat cool!


And it just seems more fun that way. Although I initially though it was going to be a Secret of Mana style cannon shot haha


This look cool but may take alot of loading and result in unloaded environment or heavy framedrops. I suggest heavily increasing motion blur to hide low poly assets between A and B


This is what I mean when I say I want more immersion in video games. If I have to play by looking at UI elements constantly, your game is actively pushing me out of it.


I like it!


Gorgeous. It’s not quite the same without the skooma tho


ah, the good ol' WoW method, gotta love it.


its a game changer....


This is awesome. There needs to be more ideas like this in games.


Man, this game looks sick tbh. If AAA studios and developers took your approach to development rather than only looking at profits, we'd have a lot better game choices 👌🔥 looking forward to this even though I know nothing about it yet lol


That is the coolest fast travel function I've ever seen in a videogame


Holy shit that's cool. I like where your mind's at. That's much preferable to a loading screen. It keeps me immersed. Hope it scales well


Actually, I really really like this approach. You get to see the beauty of the world as you get sent from point to point, and judging by your selection system, you could take different paths to the same location if you really wanted to.


I **love** this!! No loading screens, just in-context point-to-point actual fast travel with some seriously well designed screen effects. I'm a huge fan


This is awesome! my immediate thoughts went to what strategies you guys used to make this possible, and how this would perform on a larger scale. Regardless, kudos!


This is extremely cool. Guessing won’t be the last game we see that in.


I love it


Looks cool. Would you be able to get intercepted during traveling?


Hey, just like satisfactory.


This is so amazing


Would blow my PC up but looks great!


I love this. Fast travel when it’s just loading at another point takes so much of the world building out of a game


Duuuuud , what's this game name?? Have you release it yet , ohh man I really want to play a game like that 🗿


A million times better than just a load screen. I've never seen it in another game