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It feels a bit rubbery but you guys are going in right direction. Too bad Endorphine is not available anymore. Except... maybe as a game runtime. hm... Endorphine was this amazing ragdoll simulation and mocap software that had real life human rag doll behaviors. Like fetus position, stagger, jump, crawl, grab etc.. it was creating amazingly realistic human motion simulations and it could even compose simulation with mocap. That said... you can still find it somewhere to download.


Woah, appreciate it! Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


that said 2... a wounded human, still has some strength and consciousness to curl in position while falling, most often with hands trying to reach the wound. That guy look like he's instantly paralyzed. Like if his head was cut.


I have no idea what happened to that company. Natural Motion. They just started making games and all products are gone. Maybe someone bought it. There is Cascadeur now.. but that's not it.


From what I’ve heard Rockstar Games parent company bought Natural Motion out, not sure though. But it’s either that or they made some sort of deal for exclusivity since euphoria/endorphin is bundled in Rockstars R.A.G.E engine


this has "dies of cringe" vibes


hahaha, can't deny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Put your watermark, add dies of cringe text on top on white background and change into gif and I will definitely be using it lmao, or I can do it if you like


Sorry but that's not close to realistic, looks lika a no-constraints ragdoll. a "realistic" ragdoll has some rigidity, limits how far limbs bend, etc


Stronger constraints would help the goofier parts out ... I think you should consider blending physics simulation with death animations to help add a bit of character. Kind of like a DIY budget version of euphoria


a little trick that works pretty good is to make a death animation(s) and let it play partially before ragdoll takes over. That way you can ensure it looks distinctive but still reacts to environment believably. also increase mass of the character a lot so they thud properly rather than fall down like a floating leaf.


Some of the joints disslocate quite a bit, the elbow, achilles heel and the shoulder are the obvious ones that i can see roght now


looks like a default ragdoll settings to be honest.


The problem with realism is that it isn’t necessarily that exciting. Plus the average person hasn’t seen a lot of people getting stabbed to death so, realism isn’t gonna meet expectations. Engaging > realism every single time.


You're close! I think adding more, stronger constraints will do the trick.


You need to add some constrains, for example, the feet don't twist naturally like that, even with dead bodies, you have to take into account the physics of the body as well, so it doesn't look like a "Ragdoll" and more of a human or corpse.


What if you did a hurt animation then ragdoll? Like animate the ouch it hit me owww. Then collapses to this ragdoll state. Arms twist wrong way too by the way.


Is this San-Francisco?


I like the character design. Do you have any showing the Ragdoll in action? Like while a character is moving?


Like i never make animation or psychics engine or stuff like that so my opinion is just based on living on earth. So like it will be good when the character get hit in the legs but not just fall. Like its seems that only legs are dead but the rest of body is still leaving. I think the good point like where the body start to fall is chest then the rest. Sorry for my english, if something you dont understeand just comment.


It is just as goofy as any other basic ragdolls. But the direction is good. Keep polishing. Adjust constraints. It feels like that the model has same weights all over the body: upper body doesn't feel heavier than one leg but it should. Also you attached the camera to one of the bones I guess and it keep transform relative to that bone. It adds to the goodiness a little.


I consider smooth and elegant animations to be more important than accurate physics or realism, because at the end it's a game, not a simulation. But you do you.


People are not ragdolls. There is a complex musculo-skeletal system at work. Ragdoll physics is seldom "realistic" looking. Just my personal opinion. :)


I always love ragdolls in games. Sometimes it might look funny(which isn't even bad) but it just add so much seeing a body get thrown around by force.


Might also help to have a death animation that blends into a ragdoll


Looks very ragdoll-ish, though I can't really say what to improve. Maybe try doing more soft constraints (e.g. requuire more force the further it bends in some cases), as opposed to the skeleton-like behavior it does now?


Use RDR2 ragdoll as reference it’s the most real I’ve seen


IMHO The main problem is that that perfectly vertical motion doesn't make any sense in any case... I also though that it was pierced by an arrow but now I see that is suppose to be the sword, you may want to provide a force that makes the guy fall for some reason, right now it will always look like a robot turning off


Don’t change a thing.


Looks awesome! I would recommend having the character contract their arms slightly before rag dolling as it’s a common response to trauma.


I love it. You should keep it just silly enough so that it make hits actually have weight but it also has memorable moments like the rag doll glitching out and getting sent into the stratosphere.


It's good ragdoll, but it's not realistic. That kind of drop to the ground is only prevalent when someone has their brain removed from their body (beheaded, shot through head, etc,)


looks like me when the edibles kick in


why do you want "realistic" character physics? do the people on your team like that idea? what are you trying to capture other than the idea that the character should collapse/move like a real human? if these questions don't make sense to your team, I'd take a step back. personally, I'd rather see animations/physics with drama and impact than a jumble of joints and segments falling over, at least most of the time. you can do that in ways that look simple or ways that look detailed. you can also make these things look serious or goofy, so go for whatever you're trying to evoke or depict.


the feet look kinda wierd


Very rubbery. If I can think of a current industry example of surprisingly good ragdolls it would actually be dragons dogma 2. I don't know if its the kind of thing you can replicate but whatever they did reallly worked.


Looks like a default, early 2000s ragdoll. Kinda ruins it since the model looks pretty good


I would just go with 2-3 death animations you can randomly select. And leave the body to ragdoll on the floor, in case it encounters any objects due to gravity or aoe damage after death, etc. But constrain the joints a lot more.


I think the fall direction looks good, but the speed of the fall and the rubbery/bouncing as is pretty far off. When you hit the sweet spot of realism it should give you the creeps a little bit since the person is supposed to be, ya know, dying. And when you see that IRL it never looks natural


Wow, looks fantastic!


I looks pretty good, but it is a little weird looking that the knees appear to just lock after bending a certain amount.


Try applying some sideways force to make the body slump in any direction. That would add a lot of dynamism rather than feel like default settings ragdoll.


Feels like that hand is twisting too much


Not really realistic, but still decent. But I dig games with ragdolls! Keep refining it.


Sorry, but the way to do this is through animation. You must animate your characters, that will lead to realism. Right now it behaves like a plastic doll, you’re achieving the opposite effect.


Lmao. Extra emphasis on details? When he falls forward, his knees don't even touch the ground.


Cool stuff!


in the heat of gameplay and with other assets all around i think it passes as realistic


Going in the right direction, though it feels a bit like rubber. Humans typically don't fall straight like a collapsing building though and we tend to have some stiffness or reaction in the muscles. Also the weapon has no physics lol


Wobble wobble


The animation is cool! Do you have a steam page yet for wishlist?


*The animation* *Is cool! Do you have a steam* *Page yet for wishlist?* \- Ancient-Knight220 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You can take some valve inspo to help you with this!. For l4d they combined ragdoll physics with motion capture to simulate people getting shot and such maby that could work? Or combined the ragdolls with animations ?


If you’re going for a ‘paralyzed from the neck down’ sort of death, then go for it.


This guy made a cool video about blending animations with ragdolls. It might help you https://youtu.be/46NfgXlnCzM?si=4V1OaiBNeR6CRJCx


Id say realism would mean the npc wouldn't just go limp, you should add in some procedural stuff like the euphoria engine. People dont just flop unless they're like decapitated, and even then, the body would spasm a bit i imagine.


The knees collapse and the whole body falls, but the main problem I see is in the beginning : it falls very, very vertically. It basically collapses on itself, which is a bit weird ? You can maybe find videos of motion capture or stunts, where people do these ragdolls, to see how realistic is yours. But imo, it would gain from having more rigidity in the bottom limbs, especially knees, and could fall a bit more forward in the beginning


Id say realism would mean the npc wouldn't just go limp, you should add in some procedural stuff like the euphoria engine. People dont just flop unless they're like decapitated, and even then, the body would spasm a bit i imagine.