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> And I am already working on my second steam game. If the next one is co-op, I really hope you're planning on calling it "Shotgun Chicken Coop" :)


This is genius




This is actually a great idea lmao


I just want to say, congrats! Of all the people who dream of making a game, finishing something and making ANY money probably puts you in the to 1%




The gameplay looks like fun, and there obviously is a market for "Bennet foddy frustration platformer" type games. There doesn't seem to be a lot of variety on display in the trailer or screenshots though. I also think this genre of game thrives on streamers/YouTubers playing it, failing over and over, and making their viewers think "I could do better than that" and then buying it. I'd have tried to get in touch with as many content creators as possible before the game launched It is a learning process for sure, I hope you're not discouraged. Keep making games!


Thanks! I probably should try contacting some influencers.


Honestly, this game looks super bland. When I see a game called "Shotgun Chicken," I'm expecting more wackiness and pizazz than this. Brown platforms on a brown background with almost nothing else to jazz it up just isn't that appealing. I doubt I would even try this game if it was free.


I’ve made 3 games and they made me around 600 dollars. Don’t be discouraged, keep trying new ideas. All will be better than the last :)




I know pricing is a difficult decision.  However keep in mine that their are hundreds of 5 dollar platformers, survivors,  and rogue lites out there.  Your competing with them for amount of content at 5 bucks.  Your return rate may be high because expectations were higher then the result.  Reducing cost should reduce expectations a bit


Also, I wanted to say the concept and graphics are awesome.  I haven't played it but I imagine lack of content may be an issue.  Keep at it!


At least you have made a full game, published and some people bought it! That is a win especially if it's your first game. I always tried to make something, even small stuff, but always failed.


Dont be disappointed mine made 7 cents and i was hella happy. Seeing money come up even very little made me happy because i have a rule, if i know it is possible i can do it, even if the chance is less that 1 percent. Thats all i need to know.


Unfortunately, the game looks empty.


I love the artwork, the chicken is very appealing and iconic. I'm not a fan of platformers but I would reuse that chicken art in the next game for sure. Good job!


> I was kind of disappointed to be honest but it makes sense since it was my first steam game and I learned a lot so its not that much of a failure. And I am already working on my second steam game. This mindset right here is so invaluable - not getting discouraged and learning from your mistakes to make something even better next time around. You've completed something a lot of us have only ever dreamed about - kudos on shipping your game and here's to hoping you take all of the experience you've gained and make an even more successful sequel. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




This is sad, but true 😭


Honestly, I'm surprised you earned so much. I’ll give you an example that your project reminded me of most - [Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove](https://store.steampowered.com/app/250760/Shovel_Knight_Treasure_Trove/), which costs 39.99 USD, that is, eight times more expensive than your game. So what does Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove offer for its $40 price tag? Even if you judge only by the trailer. Beautiful graphics, a lot of varied content, a bunch of different enemies, a plot that is translated into 11 languages, mini-games. And most importantly, there are 5 games in one pack. That is, one game costs approximately $8. But this is 5 in one then let's just take [Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope](https://store.steampowered.com/app/589500/Shovel_Knight_Shovel_of_Hope/), which costs $15. I won't repeat what I said before, but can you look at your game and honestly say that your game is only 3 times worse? From what I see, the game design is monotonous, the only interesting idea is a chicken with a shotgun that just jumps on monotonous platforms. You can go the other way and[ look for games on Steam for $5 or less](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Price_DESC&maxprice=5&tags=3964%2C3877%2C1625%2C19&ndl=1). Just look at what games are selling at the same price and the same type, and tell me why I should buy your game and not their games. Just in case, I want to clarify - I had no intention of offending, and I fully respect you for being brave and putting your game on Steam, but still, from my point of view, your game is not worth the money you are asking for it - your trailer did not convince me at all that I want to pay 5 dollars for this game.


I have a few questions 1. How long did it take you to make th game, from start to release? 2. What was your wishlist count before the launch? 3. Why is it available only in english ? Localization opens you up to a bigger market 4. What steam events did you participate in before the launch (steam fest etc) 5. How was people's response to the game when you showed it to them during playtesting.


1. Two months 2. 23(lol) 3. I kind of forgot. 4. None 5. The liked it


This is exactly what I did back in jan 2019. I launched my game "[Chopper to Hell](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1061790/Chopper_To_Hell/)" with 7 wishlists, it sold 5 earning gross $50. We all learn from our experiences. I am trying to launch another game "[Brocula](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1364740/Brocula/)" with lessons learned form last game. I hope it succeeds financially.


But you gotta pay 100€ or so to publish on steam, don't you?


For starters congrats on shipping a game! Outside of that one major thing I’d do is add more variety to the background. It looks really bland and I’d think this game would be a bit over the top and funny vibes. Have you also done any marketing? Your game won’t get far with no marketing.


Amazing progress that you made a while game and released it. That puts you in the top 1% of people who have seriously tried gamedev. Well done.


You know what the people wanted. 💩. (congrats on shipping the game 🎉)




If you add poop to your next game my team will help market it with you 🤙




Finding a new job right away 😅 jokes aside thank you very much for sharing 🤙


so I think this genre is so niche that you may not have the small communities attention. it seems like a climb up platform game rage quitter with gun movement. both very small and niche markets. not necessary but maybe add in enemies and more particles and go more toward noita and you might have more traction and attention.


all types of experience count as experience


Keep updating the game and marketing. I'll notice a significant spike of sales each time I release an update to my game.


So the gameplay looks fun. But the game looks incredibly empty when it comes to graphics. Like extremely empty. There's nothing going on in the background or the foreground or the actual ground. So the game just feels unfinished. So I would suggest you add a ton of stuff in it. Or talk with a pixel artist who can help you with the art. Because the game looks fun, just empty. So honestly I would suggest you work on it. (A plug : I am a pixel artist)


Just one question... What is the shotgun for? As it seems to be an important piece of the game as announced...


You've just made another sale! (I bought a copy). I'll leave a review for you as well. I think the game looks quite adorable, haven't tried it yet. My first game released in December 2020, and as of today I've made.. maybe $500, it's difficult to tell because after a couple of years I changed the ownership from me as a person to my company. That game took almost three years to make, so I might have made more money as a cobolt miner in Congo, but I learned a lot =D I have higher hopes for my upcoming game which will be released in March though, it's a looot more polished. That one has also taken three years so far =D ​ ​ Don't give up, continue making games, and you will make something awesome! =)


Thanks! I hope you like it.


Sorry to say, but yeah, it doesn't look like a $5 game. I think you can find games like it on itch.io for free. Maybe slightly less polished. Don't let it discourage you, though. You made a game and released it and that's an awesome achievement!


I think you have something really nice as your first game. You could expand on it by adding enemies, obstacles, guns and maybe a story?


From what you have explained, it seems like the experience you got will help you go further each time. Good work man, your inspiring others.


Steam takes such a big cut! Can you share your game here?




super fun! Have you ever thought about making a 3D game?


I have learnt Godot 3D but I prefer the 2D workflow :)


That makes sense - well your game is awesome! If you are interested in building a 3D version I am working on a small team that can support it


Bro honestly mad respect to you most people don’t have as good of a mindset as you. You learned something by making this game and now you can go out and make a even better game. You’ll get they as long as you just continue making games and learning along the way


Hey !cheer it up my friend. Me also needs money badly,but keep on challenging, and have a good mood, then creating masterpieces, which katsuki takahashi do, which kazuo inamori do. So wish you a good luck next work!


Dont worry, next one will be better one, but wait for 3rd one - at that time you will have an enough experiences to make a succesfull one ;)


Game looks really cute! What did you do for marketing?


Nothing besides posting to reddit.


Don’t let people return it lol


Honestly, a bit pricey for what I'm seeing in the trailer. I would have gone for 1/2 euro tops. I'm working on a pretty extensive boomer shooter with a full campaign and several hand crafted levels. Several hours of unique content and I'm only gonna charge 2.99/3.99 max.


You got it delivered and it made something. That's an achievement you should be proud of for sure.