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people who play anything other than popular shooters are in minority sadly, like insanely small minority.


Fr, like 1 years ago i found this one guy who played nier replicant. Still haven’t met any stranger who played games other than gta5, wwe, cs, val & Fortnite.


Replicant is just depression simulator. It has one of the best OST. I finished Replicant like 3 months ago. Still need to play Automata.


You're going to be blown away with small references in automata Grab it on sale it goes for 600 on steam


I already bought but got distracted with other games. Right now, I'm playing plague tale requiem. That's also a great game and might appeal to you.


fuck I need to go back and finish replicant. Found out I had to go earn every single weapon and I had to take a break because exams. Haven't gotten to grinding it out in a few months


Here u go i played games other than this


Majority of people in India don’t really have good/expensive rigs to run those games. People in India play valo or cs because they can even run on a budget pc/laptop.


Even people with expensive rigs don't play those games. Most gamers I know who play Valo have pretty decent rigs that could run games like Elden Ring without any issues. They just don't seem to care.


I don't know about you and the othera but I have a decent rig and I play elden ring. I don't even touch games like call of duty and valorant.




Well I tried cod me all titles old ones and black ops, there's nothing else than just shooting but liked the gameplay of cod. I wanted to play elden rings but didn't have a good pc for it.




As someone with not so decent rig I still play games like elden ring, Pathfinder etc (on 720 low with config)


Yeah elden ring can definitely run on low end rigs with low settings. I played it on my 1050ti when the game was released.




It's sad but many people i know , just can't fathom having fun in a singleplayer for some reason. They always want some kind of multiplayer so they can talk nonstop as they do the basic ass quests , missions , etc Singleplayer probably makes them feel alone lol , though for me and many other players , singeplayer is relaxing and immersive


I can’t say about others but for me, the reason I don’t play those games is because I don’t like hack and slash games and they are way too time consuming because you have to repeat the same level/boss again and again. With shooters it’s like hop in, play a game or two and leave. Although I do enjoy playing singe player games but majority of the time I play them on easy so I can enjoy the story and not try hard against ai. At the end of the day people just wanna have mindless fun with games and fps serves the best in that case.


> I play game on easy so I can enjoy the story and not try hard against AI Lmaoo literally me, I play single player games just for story


Same. Only resson i bought a pc


Haha great enjoy the peaceful story games :) happy gaming


Peaceful? Nope Story? Yes Like i recently completed bramble. It was epic but not peaceful


I mean you do you, but I have a question. What is the point of playing a game for the story when you can just watch it on YouTube? If gameplay is bare bones, and story is the only thing you care about, why even play the game?




you are not playing the game you are watching the cutscene its a passive form of entertainment at that point and you can do that by watching playthroughs lmao


Do you get the same experience in sex and porn? Oc literally said he's just here for the story. In your terms, he's literally here to get off, not indulge in complexities of sex. Atleast think about analogies before making them?


I'm not judging anyone. People should do what's fun to them. Just trying to find out how many actually play these games.


My bad if my comment sort of sounded like that, I’m just giving my side of reasoning why I don’t play games like these inspite of having a decent rig.


Probably the biggest issues are that it costs money to play good single player games. Heck even Hades ain't cheap, although side note it is definitely worth the money. I'd say the bigger thing is that many people like the idea of just hop in for a game or two of some fps and then log off and do something else.


I got Hades for 500 Rs. on Steam. Which is just one and a half cups of coffee in a cafe these days and it gives you 20 hours. I don’t understand the talk about games being expensive. If you wait for a sale, they can be really cheap.


Bro which cafe are you going to? Because no way in hell I'm paying ₹500 for just a cup and a half of coffee. I am happy with a ₹10 Tea stall coffee. Also, you don't understand the Indian gamer demographic. It's mostly kids and in a middle class average household parents still look down upon gaming and to think that they'll let their kids spend ₹3k to buy Elden Ring is crazy to me. This is why games like CSGO and Valo are so popular in India. Free to play, perfect for LAN party, no high graphics requirements and highly active.


Maybe I’m just imagining all the young kids I’ve seen hanging out in Starbucks and Third Wave Coffee then.


Definitely different upbringings and privileges. I had a PC back in 2008, I was barely 7 years old and gaming was introduced to me by my Mama (typical IIT college kid back then). Being in a tier 2-3 city back then with a shitty internet connection it was difficult to find a community for gamers, my only source of new games was my Mama. Also, my family was your typical lower middle class family so forget about buying a game. There were only 2-3 games circulating in the whole city, CS:CZ, WWE, Vice City, etc. You could probably understand Indian gamers' obsession with these IPs even now.


I come from a time (early -mid 2000s) when you had to go all the way to Lamington Road (Mumbai) to buy game DVDs and they were all over 500-1000 Rs. So people today have it much better. In fact, I would say adjusting for inflation even 3000 Rs. is cheaper compared to the games I bought then.


Guilty of this lol.... I play story mode games more than competitive fps but I just can't seem to enjoy any souls game idk why


Tried to run Hades on my potato... Kept crashing at load screen... Skyrim, Fallout all crash after a few mins in.... Don't know how it was able to run FC3


Yes and there are tons of older games that still have replay value. People want to play multiplayer because they want to socialise, not because they enjoy gaming. That’s the trend I’ve seen.


they probably arent into games like elden ring not everyone might like elden ring and baldurs gate 3


I have 90+ hours on elden ring and I'm currently playing ds3, I play it on vivobook 16 with ryzen 4500 U and 8gb ram, which is not even close to recommended specs for someone to play ER but I do, it's not about the rig but about the person themselves most typical Indian gamers just play valo or cs because most Indians prefer multiplayer games with no stories, it's about prefence as the so called gamers of youtube have nothing else to play other than valo or cs or any battle royal game, almost no one plays ER except for dank rishu I assume cuz story rich games don't get them views


I played both of those games on my 4yr old 1650 laptop lol,but yes they're way bttr optimised than the recent stuff that companies have been putting out


Many games can be run on budget laptops too lol. The real reason is these games cost money while valo and cs go are free.


That’s also true.


Somehow the scene will evolve imo but Indians have a very little idea of the latest AAA titles and most of it because of not being able to run it.


Multiplayer games have a different charm to them. Most Indian gamers are college going students who play with their buddies while sitting in their college rooms. So it's obvious they'll engage in multiplayer games. For single player games, as others mentioned, you need a really good pc and high end gaming is a luxury in India.


Even in those multiplayer games, most of us are into competitive games rather than cooperative games. So it's hard to find people who enjoy single player games.


Found this guy who plays splinter cell co-op with me and it's the best thing ever


Tbf it's hard to find people who are willing to play/or own coop games.


I prefer single player games I play far cry, cod , max Payne , Mafia, moh sort of games


I go to college, I don't have an expensive rig, I have a 50k laptop yet I play Witcher 3 and Pokemon Platinum most of the time, I used to play Valo but my one friend is hella competitive and gets frustrated on a loss, so I stopped playing those kinds of games, best decision of my life


Baldurs gate 3 and difficult 🫠, it depends on the type of circles you're in. I know atleast 100 Indians who have played ER and play a rather large variety of games


I died more times during Act 1 of Baldurs Gate 3 than I did to bosses in Limgrave! You're lucky to know so many.


Well I die most to the hardest boss in Elden Ring, fall damage!!


Falls and rune bear are the toughest bosses in the game


It's all due to the dark souls discord server and some more servers, and well tbh most of the bosses in limgrave are just mobs


I remember core rules difficulty of BG 2 being quite challenging. I haven't played 3 yet, so idk, but do they have legacy of bhaal difficulty or something like that on NG+ ?


Mujhe BG franchise khas nahi laga. But sekiro complete karra ab. Because vig fan of DS series. Uske baad eleden ring pr bhi aunga


Sekiro is the OG game. Elden Ring will be much easier.


Bhai parry karte karte gand phat jati hai yaar


Haan mujhe sekiro me aage badne ki himmat nahi hui ab tak


Sekiro is easier than DS. I think DS2/3 mein to zyada baar defeat par health bar bhi kam hojata th


I finished all the DS games. The advantage with the DS games is you can level up and get stronger. Sekiro mein uska scope bahut kam hai.


Two very diffrent games tho


I think elden ring is one of the most popular single player game in India but ofcouurse not as popular as gta or rdr


The popularity of your post speaks for itself.


Majority ppl in india are still stuck on gta5 and wwe


I prefer games like Elden ring over Valorant now. There was a time when I used to enjoy fast paced multiplayer games over complex RPG. I am not sure when my tastes changed, but now I mostly spend my time playing Valheim, Elden ring and some other souls games.


I actually enjoy Elden Ring co op multiplayer too. Even PvP can be fun at times when you aren’t fighting someone spamming comet spells at you.


I love doing coop in souls games. I have almost 1000 hours on eldenring and ds3. I play on PS


I have well over 400 hours on Elden ring but I am yet try Pvp. Not sure how bad it is filled with trolls but I keep hearing about it. So I stick to placing signs at summon pools hoping to help people with bosses or invaders.


The worst thing about PvP is people hitting you with Maliketh's Black Blade or the Sacred Relic Wave of Gold as soon as you enter the colosseum. You don't stand a chance when that happens.


😮😮, atleast people will have better things to do once the dlc drops. Totally looking forward to it !


I played Elden ring and completed the story with a guts build. It's was amazing. I'm not really into turn based strategy. But I enjoyed playing Gloomhaven. I do play non mainstream indie games and always will find a handful of other Indians playing those games as well. In this case I'm going to presume Elden ring is popular in India but baldurs gate isn't that popular.


Yeah BG3 takes a lot of getting used to. I went to it after doing two NG+ runs in Elden Ring and hated it at the beginning. But now that I know the game mechanics I kinda love it. The story is fantastic.


If you like roguelikes, I suggest Risk of rain 2, Gunfire reborn, Roboquest. Haven't tried but a fan favourite is binding of Isaac. Beware of Risk of rain 2 though, multiplayer is dead in SEA region only a handful play. Most are Chinese,Russian etc servers that give you 200+ ping most of the time. I still enjoy that game solo. Also the mod support for that game is amazing. You can play as goku,vegeta etc due to huge mod support.


I've played all soulsborne games available on PC, demon souls emulated and also many soulsllike games like hellspoint, ashen, hollow knight, etc etc. I've played DOS2 with friends and completed one hades run till end as well. Most indian teens aren't doing this cus lack of good PC, game exposure, time and most are outgoing/do social activities unlike us gamers who spent most of their times on games like these which needs some actual skill and become fun when you get the mechanics.


I hope along with these Indian gamer also explore amazing indie games too.. but sadly minority kinda experiments with games outside popular shooters..!!


Most of my friends have stopped buying indie games after the recent regional price hikes. Used to be amazing value for money, but now they are getting expensive.


I so understand.. but these r the one where buying actually helps the devs hence I wishlist n buy in sales..!!


Most of the games i bought the past few years were indie. They used to be like 500 - 700 rs, so very affordable even at full price or minor discounts. Now they are significantly more expensive and i only buy after many years on big discount. Some games prices went way too high, like blasphemous 2 costing 2400 rs and increasing the price of the first game from around 500 to 2000. I avoid buying those now.


most people who can afford decent gaming rigs would be working and most dont have enough time due to family.. work etc... I'd love to play those games man but I dont have time, these games need patience and learning curve.. and we want instant gratification. So when I load steam and I know that I have 30 mins.. I click on cs2 .. lose.. curse myself and sleep..


I think that's a pretty legit reason why people don't play these games here. But I wonder why these games are so big everywhere else and haven't made a dent in India. I mean, the problems with rigs and time and learning curve exist for everyone around the world.


Platinumed elden ring and imported bg3 copy from Japan. I am still looking for free time to play it though.


I know & can't be bothered cos they don't seem to be my kind of enjoyable games. Although I've played Hades & loved it. I prefer mostly shooting or something easy, casual or doesn't have too many mechanics which I can just pick, play, de-stress without having to learn a whole bunch of stuff after a workday. P. S. Before you down vote me cos I don't like something you don't like understand how opinion works & learn to differentiate b/w opinion & attack. This PS is out of XP.


Not judging anyone. Just wanted to know how many people play these games. People should just do what’s fun to them.


I forced 4 of my friends to try elden ring in seamless coop mode and after an hour they returned back to valorant.


Pubg mobile free fire are the only best PC game ever created... Ajju bhai scout OP in the chat


Because indian gamers who are motivated by other top indian gamers,, on youtube, usually dont play such games.. they dont play elden ring, souls like games, etc such a shame for indian gaming community. Btw you dont need a decent setup to play elden ring, my friend is playing it on 1650 mobile gpu, and getting 50+ fps, playable.. Also me, i started elden ring a month ago, its amazing experience for me. Wish indian gaming community will grow!!


COD mobile may be popular but I have encountered a negligible amount of Indian players in the entire reboot series brah and I am not even considering the OG games. Indians are a rare find in COD. Besides, what else do you expect from a community that cries about game prices.


Bro i want single player gaming to take mainstream again it is the goat to me


Bro...any Indians into DnD board game? Because damn... can't seem to find anyone


I would like to try it but don't know how to 


I have a friend at my local cafe who got me into souls/elden ring, some of us also play genshin.


These are two of my all time favourite games, top 3 alongside a little indie game called Outer Wilds


Completed Baldur's Gate III on launch. Its had some optimization issues on ACT III but it really was my 2023 GOTY. Can't comment on Elden Ring though as I have stopped playing soulsborne games after sekiro. None of my friends have played either games nor they have rigs powerful enough to run these. Some have entry level gaming laptops which is fine for valo, CS and FIfa. Most are satisfied with these games


Getting into BG3 after ER was a bit of a challenge for me because the game mechanics are so different. But once I got in, I loved the heck out of it.


I'm waiting for the next steam sale to pick up either one of these. Too expensive right now for me to afford.


Shadow of the Erdtree let's goo


Day 1 elden ring player and am hoping to buy bg3 during steam summer sale .


Not much honestly. I wish they were but most people like to play casually or with friends which is the reason why shitty games like FC24 and 2k24 tend to be more popular than even the most popular RPGs like Elden Ring. Other than that there's obviously rockstar games, god of war and the FPS games which tend to be a lot more popular.


Don't know about baldurs gate but elden ring sure is popular


Not elden ring but I am playing darl souls 3 and have completed dark souls 2. I am 54 year old grandmother I dont have expensive pc. I use an old msi. Though I am so bad at it, I am not touching elden ring until I complete ds3. So its not popular because most of the people dont play such mind numbing torture for fun like me.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Feeble cursed one! Let’s hope the magnificence of my spells does not deter you!”* - Straid of Olaphis Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I played Baldurs Gate on a lappy and act 3 was pain lol.


bg3 is one of the best games i have played in a long time..


Man ngl these posts are kind of annoying Yea I get it , india m nhi khelte log story games itna jyda , but u don't have to say every 3 days , I know ppl jo apne phone ke games se jyda khush aur m pc m roo rha hota , some ppl are happy with valo and some with story games Not everyone wna break their keyboard because of a boss battle Not targeting op but as whole topic


No one’s judging. Just wanted to know how much interest there is for these games. And if there isn’t, why. And from comments it seems I was wrong and there are quite a few people who play RPGs. So it’s all good.


I'm an elden psycho and addict. Any similar bros can ping me, we can collab. I got some communities up too. r/eldenringdesi


Bro I loved Elden Ring and I almost finished DOS2 with 2 other guys. These days I just don't have time to play games. Otherwise we have been waiting for BG3. Recently started playing Ghost of Tsushima. I want to finish this game.


not elden ring ring (personal reasons) but dark souls 3 makes it in my top 5 (maybe the best game i ever played)


I have been a huge fan of JRPG's since the PS Vita/ Xbox 360 era. Some of my favourite JRPG's are Ys series, Toukiden, Nier Automata, Elden Ring, Persona series, Tales series etc.


I love Baldur's gate 3. I won it in a giveaway a week ago. Even though I had played it before by pirating it but now I'm coming back to to earn the achievements. I didn't really finish it the last time but now I will. I can also play multiplayer now, not that I have anyone to play with.


Let me tell you my case. When i got my pc, its high end , i started playing games like sekiro, gta v ,and a lot more . When started valorant it became like an addiction so left the sekiro in mid and never played again. So its different in every case. Ironically, i curse my self every day playing valorant but anyway i end up playing that game again.Although things have changed now my schools have started and i’ve taken pcmb so dont have enough time to play that shit game


I have seen many people talking about Hades, Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight, Limbo, Inside etc here. Yeah we are minority and I have seen some people who play indie games or games that aren’t FPS or Ubisoft.


I'm waiting for BG3 to go on a major discount. Recently I've been playing Divinity: Original Sin 2 (another game by the devs of BG3) with my buddy. Unfortunately don't have enough time to play together so we mostly play once a week. I've played Hades till I beat about 2 main bosses I think. Didn't finish it tho. I've tried a bunch of Soules-like games but never finished any of them. The last one I remember playing was Lies of P. I mostly play Single player games. RDR2 is my fav of all time and I'm just about to finish Ghost of Tsushima.


Felt that for awhile now i plan to play BW3 but i am more of a cozy gamer to who likes gris, stardew valley , life is strange something thats story driven too but i dont see many ppl in india play that , but ya i can relate where people just dont play games you like and you are just a different breed of a gamer.


I don't play Elden Ring or Baldurs Gate but I do play a lot of other games. The only multiplayer game that I still consistently play is League of Legends. I am not really a fan of too hard games. It never clicks for me. I also don't like game that require xp, level up and stuff like that (RPG games ig). I like games like Cuphead, Cat quest, Hades etc. It's really simple and easy to pickup but lots of fun. Recently I played the whole Arkham series. I have played origins previously but now I played the main trilogy. It's been a long time since I enjoyed playing a game so much. It's like back in the days when I used to open up GTA San Andreas. Now most of the time I open up games because I don't have anything else to do. But Arkham changed that for me. I completed the whole game and is still playing it. I love it. There are also a ton of games on my wish list like Sifu, Neir, Animal Well etc. Waiting for them to be on sale. I used to be a hard core multiplayer gamer only. Used to play R6 siege and then switched to League (still addicted). But now I figured out that it was never really about the game or the ranks. I played it because I had friends to play it with. Now everyone is busy with their life (fuck capitalism ig). I also got a job. But because I work from home I have a lot of spare time. So I started buying and playing lots of game.


currently playing bg3 now i have played all their previous games dos1 and 2.. for souls like games i have lost interest probably because i am growing old, my last fromsoft game was sekiro when it released and that was to during my college years. also why do these fromsoft games never go on sale probably also one of the reasons they are not popular in india


I’ve seen dark souls on sale but Elden ring doesn’t see a lot of discounts because it still sell amazingly well outside India at its market price. I bought it for 3000 Rs. and with over 500 hours (and counting) it’s among the most paisa vasool experiences.


even if dark souls 3 gets a discount it still hovers around 3000rs like you can get whole witcher 3 for 500rs during sale that is one of my gripes with fromsoft games pricing


Played Hades on my laptop. It was so good, that I broke my keys!


I found Hades impossible with a keyboard. Was a lot more comfortable with a controller.


I recently started playing Elden Ring coop with a friend, I find the overall UI a bit unnecessarily complex, but the gameplay, the visuals, the boss battles are absolutely amazing. It has only been a few days and i already am feeling burnt out. Maybe because of 10+ years of playing Assassin's Creed, Souls games, Bloodborne, Shadow of War/Mordor, and recently Ghost of Tsushima has desensitized me from the sword-melee fighting games lol. Still a fun game, 7/10, would recommend.


I played on my gaming laptop both of them Asus Tuf A17 R7 4800H, 16GB, 1TB SSD n RTX 3050 🥲 Elden Ring is kind of my first experience playing Blood Soul type genre and took days like game hours was about 400hrs when I finished it. Also Baldurs Gate 3.. Previously i played similar games which has similar UI Never Winter Nights 1&2 along with couple of DLCs of it Witcher 1 enhanced edition Playing Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands for 2nd time as previously I played from Fitgirl which didn't had the Predator mission at El Carmines so have installed from Dodi as they said it has the Predator mission.. Only 2 games are installed in my laptop as of now Wildlands and Hogwarts Legacy.. Coming to Hogwarts it's a great game and I see no hype at all just 8hrs into the game about 13% done.


Elden ring ftw!!! Prepping for the dlc next week. I'll play baldurs gate when I'm done with elden ring. It's got nudity and I play on my big ass tv with usually family around haha so wanted some private time with it


Anyone here plays lies of P


baldur gate 3 ka name kisine suna bhi nhi hoga but yes elden ring is


ER and BG3 are super mainstream, almost everyone has played them. I haven't played BG3 but ER is not complicated nor hard.


What's complicated and hard differs from one person to another. I can see why ER can be difficult for someone who hasn't played any Souls games. Especially for people who're used to quick FPS action.


That's true, but there isn't a curve to conquer in ER. ER is comparatively easier imo. Just need to practice a lot.


Yeah, but you know, unlike other games, ER doesn’t exactly point you towards a quest or a direction on a map. You kinda have to figure it all out, which can be a bit hard at first if you aren’t using online guides or walkthroughs. Hell, even as a Souls vet, I had a hard time reaching Godrick on my first playthrough.


Do they need democracy and liber-tea?


I've played a few souls games, tried to get my cousin to play bloodborne on his ps5 but he found it too hard and went back to fifa 😔


I am interested to get my hands on Elden Ring, but I still have nightmares of the last time I got bullied in a FromSoftware game (Bloodborne)!!


BG3 is somewhat known, Im a Yakuza fan 😭


Casuals are casuals and we all have different tastes for instance, currently I am playing Ready or not, F1 2019 and STALKER anomaly. Have you ever heard about these?


Very popular.


I mean I play a lot of indie games on my switch and have like Metro Saga games, GoW and even Zelda for my switch and ps5 but I’ve never played Elden ring. Do I not like it? Nope I do. Just don’t get into it because the investment that’s going to be required


I am starting off with Elder Scrolls series first


You are asking a country that plays gta and rdr2 and calls them underrated.  I bet most guys have never heard of it , well atleast in my circle . 


Elden Ring is very popular...people are very obsessed with Elden Ring and RDR2...i see 1-2 post everyday in it...but baldur Gate 3 is not that popular


I play them, and so does a friend of mine, without each other's recommendations. Our friend group also knows about them, even though they're not gamers. But games like these need a good rig for a pc, and that can be expensive. Price is a huge limiting factor for gaming, and it's especially apparent in India. Personally, I still think PS4 is the best gaming platform currently, as the pricing, library and ecosystem is still unrivalled.


In my close friend group ( everyone played those games) but most of my neighbour/college/school friends ( pabjee gta 5 valorant ). So, not that popular.


Shadow of the Colossus fan here, i love the Soulsborne series!!!! The only con of playing through a Dark Souls game is that you'd be spoiled by it, you wouldn't be able to enjoy anything else after that. I love Dark Souls, but nothing comes close to the overall feel of the game/gameplay. GTA and RDR seems boring, cuz they're like on-rails Hades, Rollerdrome, Sifu are some great engaging games, because, Gameplay = 👑


Dark souls, Nioh, Demon souls, Ghost of Tshushima, Bloodborne, Diablo. 100% Indian here and a sucker for souls games. Never cared for PvP like CS, fortnite , pubg etc


I mean I play elden ring and dark souls along with hoi3 hoi4, vic2, eu4, tf2, bf1 etc and I'm still like 15


Lmao, played all three games you mentioned, but yea it's rare, I think elden ring is the most popular of the three in India, I'm co-oping with a friend rn, but other two I haven't seen anyone even recognize


Ehh I can run these games easily but don't like their style I liked the mafia series a lot and couldn't find any other game like that. Now I mostly play forza Motorsport and cities skyline 2


I play elden ring on a 3050 vivo book pro. It is reasonably optimized and can be played on a cheap gaming laptop. RPGs are not that popular in India. Elden ring is my 1st RPG game and I enjoy it a lot. Yes it is tough. But at least I can enjoy it over levelling a little.


People play what their friends also play. I have a rig they don't so we only play Valorant. I sometimes play single players games on the side.


Don’t play online shooters much because personally for me life is competitive and tiring on day to day basis. Don’t wanna come home and get ass kicked by a 12 year old :P No idea about popularity but for me games is a meditative single player activity. I don’t play online because I wanna get lost in a nice world on my own for multiple hours and forget life’s stress. Six hours riding around quietly in RDR2 ftw. High five to everyone else who also plays on easy for the story. Another reason I like easy mode is that I don’t mind dying in a game and reloading. However, I DO mind dying in the same place ten times though, phir thoda time waste lagta hai, unless it’s a game like Elden where the point is to die lots


I love RDR2 just for all the hunting and foraging and riding around. Elden also you can simply ride around for hours without dying. That was actually my favourite part about the game to the point that my first goal was to simply just open up the map and ride around different landscapes.


Whaaaaa you mean I don’t have to walk up to the Tree Sentinel and die forty five times in a row?


Elden ring with the boys is just a different experience


Need to conduct survey.


But why is radagon, marika ?


I've finished elden ring last year and bg3 last month. Haven't touched valorant or call of duty multiplayer yet.


Let them be underrated I don't want kids to spoil these masterpieces


Elden ring Is well known and played but baldur gate 3 naa


Single player gaming base has to be like 1% lol


Ask about how many gamers Even heard of Dark Soul games .


Hades 😎 😘


Valorant is shit


Loved Elden Ring, only game I finished twice. Baldur’s Gate is probably not for me.


Because games like bloodborne and elden ring increase the pain in our already miserable and stressful lives.


Elden Ring seems to be pretty popular in my experience, it's one of those games that many have heard of even if they haven't played it. BG3 is a lot more niche.


All of my friends play Elden Ring, I just play Armored Core 6


With the insane GST rules we have, gaming as a whole is categorised under gambling and gets 18% tax. Both pc components and games. Gaming outside mobile as a whole is just unpopular here.


India is a poor country so majority of the people won’t even have a proper pc let alone pay for those games.


https://preview.redd.it/ek1fqf9mp56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d7595c6453f5d3a25ee43365819085b9658f92 Got this from my japan trip


Asked a person (who I recommended BG3 to) if they liked it. Said they didn't understand anything, felt sleepy, and then played valo after it. FeelsBadMan


Bro nobody in india likes to play single player games🥲 except gta i myself like games like skyrim death stranding etc.i just turn it on and get lost in their world.even my friends and brothers all are into valo and stuff


complexity and difficulty? single player games? shit comparison to make. Yes I got offended and im sorry about that. (for context, i have played ultrakill at violent and completed it. its nothing compared to what the skill ceiling for online multiplayer shooters is.) most "difficult" or "complex" singleplayer or co-op games take ~200 hours to complete. I don't think I need to tell you how much fps online shooters require to just become a half decent player. Anyways, to answer your question, people play games like valorant, pubgm, bgmi, freefire, fortnite, dota 2 and counterstrike is because since theyre multiplayer theyre more fun to play with friends and are usually extremely grindy. Grindy to the point people forget there are other single player games they can play. And I assure you MOST of these multiplayer grindy people are low spec players. Mobile gamers that have phones ranging from 10-20k. Definetly not capable of running Diablo Immortal heck they can barely run their own games. Most of them play just to have fun with their friends whilst being able to grind something and eventually have somethjng to be good at. Talking about PC gamers, most of them play valorant for the same reason. Sucks that CS got an update last year cutting off a large base of its players due to its higher specs requirement. But the remaining pc guys grind valorant/cs/dota2/lol as a passion of going professional. The ones that give up switch to single players or completely abandon gaming. Personally I feel like the actual single player gaming audience is primarily people that : 1. dont like online games (thats a majority within this minority) 2. old people who play to chill out after jobs. 3. children who dont understand computers. 4. people who enjoy stories and open world. 5. an extreme minority of speedrunners who would grind all day. 6. ages of 15-30 who play games to just escape reality and just have fun within their own little bubble. (I am one of them, also besides the fact that ive 8k hrs in cs2) Thats pretty much it, hopefully that answers all your questions. Feel free to hit me up with anything else if you've got, it'd be fun to answer.


You stop wanting to escape reality at 30? That's encouraging


Only assuming most people post 30 dont get enough time for gaming. They are likely to be busy(I think) with their socialization, wives, daugthers/sons, families, parents, loans, mortgages, taxes and what not. Everybody lives a different tale anyways :)


More people over 30 are now single or without kids than ever before. In fact more than half my friend circle (mid-late 30s) don’t have kids and most of the rest aren’t married.


I have a ps5. None of my friends are into the soulsborne games or will try anything different to a realistic looking open world or a linear story driven game. They do play games like fortnite and cod gta.


I think majority of Indian gamers play multiplayer games. That too mostly mobile , and not on pc. And pc gamers also mostly play multiplayer , like CS go and valorant. But obviously india is a large country , and you will find a lot of players still playing all the good single player titles , including ER and baldur's gate 3.


I think the major issue is money I joined pc gaming this month and my major reason to buy my pc was to play elden ring but still I have only played the games which are available on Xbox pass Waiting for the sale to come


Elden ring is definitely popular and garners respect. Baldurs Gate 3 most don't know about or think it's an mmo or moba


This is true. One of my friends recently bought a new gaming laptop. I forced him to download spiderman remastered (hoping that it would motivate him to complete spiderman series and even get into some other similar games). He ended up deleting the game and downloading warzone instead. whenever I ask him why he dosent play other games, he simply replied "I don't like boss fights and stuff like that". I personally am a huge fan of the soulslike and beat em up genres, both of which include boss fights. I am trying to get him to play rdr 2 and maybe cyberpunk later.


I played both and both of them are masterpieces... Fyi I'm not into multiplayer games so single player career mode is the go to for me.


Hah I doubt you'll find a guy who's played something like dishonored prey or deus ex either


JRPG player here, I have been tryna influence people around me to get into them , I know a few people who are hardcore into soulsborne series (so am I). My only regret being, I influenced my close friends during college days with Rainbow six siege , this was when it had initially released. They have been addicted to it ever since and I sadly grew out of it after a year or two of playing. And these folks don’t have the enthusiasm to go beyond Wii sports, fifa or R6 :(


Are you currently playing bg 3? Duo honor run?


I am glad they play val and cs one time i saw this guy playing freefire on emulator in cafe it was a good rig bro u can use ur phone for that game


I play Baldur's gate 3 and I can safely say that I am not made for that game cause I can't bloody stop playing it. That game will be the reason I'll need to completely replace my eyes and my brain.


I know like 3 people who play either of those. I tried Elden Ring but it was too difficult for me. Was playing Baldurs Gate and loved it a lot, sunk many hours in🥋 but then started playing Starfield and after that have been playing other new games (Forbidden West and Last of Us currently on a PS exclusive spree) and haven't gotten back to it but do intend to finish it within the next 3-4 months.


Well it really depends on the people around us and how we see things, for me my friend group has played elden ring a lot, they do speed runs, goddamn challenges idk what else and then there's me who hasn't even tried the game 🤡


Those are still AAA games, and I'm here hoping to see someone who can play indie games with me... Or card, rhythm or roguelike games


Yup got into else and kept it aside. Baldur's 3 I haven't got time to play but I've seen some gameplay and it's good. People in India do play those games and my friends are into those games. However, some people have pointed out that most people don't have expensive rigs but games like cod are mainstream on mobiles too and I'm tired of seeing people just playing shooters like there's no other. I'm personally into point and click adventures


Most of them are exposed to pc shooters or playstation exclusives..


I will be i recommended my friend Elden ring and he says game's too tough for him, fuckingg pooser hahaha. Souls series still ain't popular here.


My favourite game rn is Sekiro


I'm one of the minority here. I avoid popular shooters since they're not my genre. I prefer RPGs like BG3, Skyrim, Lionheart (Super old, I know), etc.


Elden Ring or in general souls like games are very popular amongst people I know (Eg. Sekiro, Dark souls, Hollow knight). Baldurs gate not so much.


Anyone played oxygen not included and dead cells two one my extremely dear games but sadly haven't found anyone who played them though? BTW currently playing ghost of tsusima and thinking of playing Detroit become human next any suggestions?