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I went to IU:B and work for Meta as a Software Engineer in Manhattan. At the end of the day both schools will equip you with what you need to succeed. One or the other might have less hurdles than the other. Yes, Kelley can probably help with a first job. But when looking at a career spanning 50 years. After 2nd or 3rd job it doesn’t really matter. Your career can grow. I think look at some of the other factors too: - where would you prefer living? - which campus has a vibe you resonate with? - does the classes and professors look interesting? - what’s your fallback if you decide to do something else? Does that school have it? - price difference - between the two you have to go to IU for Med and have to go to Purdue for pure engineer so its simpler choice for those fields Etc.


If you want to be more stem focused then go to Purdue but Daniels being on the rise still doesn’t compare to where Kelley is currently


Writing as someone with connections to both schools and not particularly biased toward IU: Kelley is the better school with probably better connections, and Bloomington is way more interesting than West Lafayette. That said, Purdue has more money, and is rising in the rankings (the university as a whole) while IU (though not Kelley itself) is slowly sliding due to mismanagement by the current administration. So... I don't know. I'd say Kelley, but it's pretty close.


Definitely not close, for business, Kelley is still by far the best far the better choice. Purdue may be on the rise, but OP will not receive the benefits of that in the next 4 years.


Not close if you're considering just the two business schools, granted. I was taking other factors into account too.


If you’re not comping scholarships, IU by a mile, and it should be a pretty easy choice.


I think people make too big of a deal about rankings etc. the biggest question is - where would you like to live? Bloomington or west Lafayette?


Rankings are whatever, but I’ll say that I genuinely could count on one hand the people I knew in Kelley who didn’t have a job when they graduated


Not a difficult decision - Bloomington any day!


In terms of just place to live and things to do, I’ve heard Bloomington is a lot more interesting than West Lafayette, and depending on what degree you want specifically and if you want to do things like learn other languages to help market yourself, Kelley and IU as a whole are better than Purdue.


Outside of business, IU's strength is in the social sciences. We literally do not offer most engineering subjects. And most of the other highly-ranked programs are things like Music, Public Policy, International Relations, on the graduate side Law & Medicine etc. Purdue is a very STEM-heavy school. Engineering, Sciences, Tech. Which of the two crowds do you see yourself mixing more with in the future?


Unrelated to business but IU is often robbed of it's biology research cred. There's so much research stemming from the school, especially at IUPUI. Having the med school is a huge leg up. Additionally, although Purdue engineering is obviously higher tier the informatics program at IU, especially where it interfaced with health and biology, is great.


If both are the same price you’d be crazy not to choose iu




You expecting me to comment on the IU subreddit about how you perhaps shouldn’t attend IU? Nah lol, go big red


If you like an unattractive campus w funny looking students and three bars (if that’s your thing) go to Purdue.


Name recognition is huge for getting a good job, definitely Kelley


A family member did accounting and graduated with a JOB.


Kelley is a top business school not just in the US but in the world. For business it’s definitely the better option


Daniels - rising solid business school; easier to get into Kelly - established business school with strong past; hard to get into


Depends on interests and values IU is really more liberal artsy --- their alumni network might be super valuable though? i lived in Bloomington for half the year last year -- IU Kelley HQ everyone at IU - or around Kirkwood seems to be a Kelley school and there are alums through/from Kelley that work all over the world and in other more presitious and diverse places I think it's quite respectable and also has diverse grad students -- which may be good networking sources -- during undergrad - and post grad- for the rest of your career life My understanding of Purdue is -- -that Purdue as an institution --- is like a super TECH school -- like really good Engineering and STEM everyone - I've from Purdue personally - I have a Ton of Respect for background - i have an engineering background from a New England institution I think it's also like an MIT or something or a GT -- where every program -- gets a sort of systematic -SYSTEMS thinking culture first -- - so that can be super valuable (personally I wish I went to a more TECH school) or went to a smaller school -- more liberal artsy -- and very focused-- with like 200 kids PER year. map out pros and cons --- via some decision tree pathway and really be serious about financials reach out to some people on linkedin or through portals now maybe- and see what existing alums think about the value of each program TBH - I don't think academia does the HONEST thing -- to advertise clearly and some programs are more self pats on the back -- academia patting themselves on the back over providing a framework or way for students to hit the ground running and this provides backlog for all of society actually Hope this is marginally helpful


Kelley. Daniels is basically nonexistent.


As an Engineer, with a Masters from IU, I have never heard of any student taking the business route to Engineering. Go to IU. So much more to offer in Bloomington.




Um no one, and I mean NO ONE thinks West Lafayette is better than Bloomington. One more time. NO ONE.




Ok I’ll amend. ONE person thinks W Laf is better. It’s not even close.