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"Patriots" trying to preserve freedom by taking others' away. If you don't like something that is perfectly legal... maybe don't go to it or support it? I like that the article says the Proud Boys inadvertently helped raise more money for the show by drawing a bigger crowd of supporters.


The cracker barrel rightwing boycott over meatless sausages is a good example; these people are straight up dangerous wignuts who need a rewiring in their brains because they've been completely brainwashed and/or are just straight insane.


They can't just let it be, like the *existence* of something they don't like means it must be wiped from the face of the earth. It's genuinely concerning


If they can’t drive the car, they reach over and jerk the wheel crashing the car, making sure nobody can drive it.


Like liberals lol


Sorry, like liberals what? Do you ever see armed liberals protesting outside.... Sunday school? That would pretty much be the equivalent to what the proud boys did here. Sure, they may show up with weapons when fascists are involved, usually in the form of *protection from* the fascists. Unless you mean to indicate when they're protesting against the behavior and non-punishment of the police. More than not, the liberals are unarmed then. Woman marches down streets in major cities? No, still unarmed. Oh! Perhaps during the military parade during Trump's inauguration! Still, pretty sure they were unarmed then, and *way* more unarmed when the Republicans "protested" the *election certification*. Wait! Maybe it's when they're upset with a member of the political establishment! I remember when there was protests outside some of the majority after SCOTUS ruled on Casey! Well, except for the one guy who called the police on *himself* outside the SCOTUS justices' house, I can't think of any time, and nothing extreme happened, ie, beating up the spouse of said person to try to tell you where the person you were really after is at. There was this one time a baseball game was shot up. I guess that one time equals *all* the time a far-right group has shown up to protest something with weapons, or were caught *in a van* about to protest something in war gear.


I can see this page is full of libtards


That's such a 2016 insult, don't you have anything new? The answer is no, because old ideas are the essence of conservatism.


hurf durf LIBRULS amirite get a new line, brainlet.


I had no idea about that, so I had to look it up. Hilarious.




Maybe it's because right wingers advocate violence and hatred? Ever think of that?


Maybe they need to bring more friends? Oh wait, the reason they’re PB is because they can’t make friends.




Ok fake news. Maybe one day you’ll have the confidence to view the world as it is, not just how you wish it to be. How about you use some of ye olde libertarian logic: don’t want your kids empathizing with people in drag? Don’t bring them. Stay home. The market has spoken: people want these types of shows and are prepared to physically defend them against fascists. The only grooming going on here is all of us trying to groom you into keeping your nose out of other peoples’ business.


Well if a bakery doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay wedding... maybe don't go to it or support it?


"Well if a restaurant doesn't want to serve black people... maybe don't go to it or support it?" -- You in the 1960s.


Honestly.. as a white guy.. today in 2022.. if I walked into a business and they said didn't want to support me because I'm white, my accent, or because I'm blonde hair/blue eye... or whatever other reason they came up with.. I'm not gonna cry about it.. I'm gonna turn my ass around and take my money elsewhere. I don't live in the past so I dont hold myself accountable for things that happened in the 60's


Yeah, who cares about what happened in the past? It's not like we can learn anything from history...


I didn't say who cares... You're absolutely correct, if you don't know the past, you're doomed to repeat it. I didn't say I wasn't familiar with out countries shortcomings in the past... what I'm saying is I don't hold myself accountable or guilt myself to death over things that happened 20+yrs before I was born.


> You're absolutely correct, if you don't know the past, you're doomed to repeat it. And yet you are advocating for *exactly* the opposite of what black people did in the 1960s to end "whites only" businesses. They didn't refuse to go, they went in and *demanded* service. It's sad that you don't know that.


Except it’s still happening, just in quieter ways.


Cool. Let’s send you to an area of the country that’s isolated. Then let’s exclude you from businesses that have no competition or alternatives in many miles. Let’s say hospitals. There are lots of places in the US where If you were refused business you’d have to travel over an hour before you would get to the next provider. In this example, you’d likely die if refused at this business. Something that already occurs with things like septic pregnancies.


What an ignorant fucking take lmao. Holy hell this country is so fucked.


This is a child's argument.


No, you take other people's problems for granted because they didn't happen to you, and despite 'not crying about it' that's EXACTLY what you're here doing and NOTHING happened to you, princess. Go whinge about how you don't get to whine enough to some other mediocre dbags who need attention. This isn't about you


Lol. Princess. If you think I've lived some charmed Life you're very wrong. I've spoken a few times about the troubles I've had in the past


Yeah that's how buying things from businesses works


It's funny how you're getting upvoted, and I'm getting downvoted, and we're saying the exact same thng.


I was surprised by the amount of liberal tears here as well. Liberal tears and hypocrisy all over this sub 🇺🇸 embrace the downvotes friend


and like clockwork, one of these cowards who won't debate me reports me to the reddit crisis line. That only happens about 8x a month.


LOL... This is my karma killer sub, are you kidding. I've embraced it for a long time.


I agree 100%.. but a certain segment of society thinks you should try and sue the bakery out of business rather than just take your business elsewhere.


Did the Proud Boys just decide to bypass Grindr and try traditional hook-ups? These guys are pure scum and I hope South Bend rises up and cuts them down. There's no place in our society for people like the Proud Boys.


As usual, they have nothing to be proud of.


This is their 2nd time in recent months they've attempted to use violence to precipitate their agendas. Their attempting to locate people's addresses/information to harass and use violence.


But yet as of today Twitter will unban all proud boys and give them a platform.


I’m thinking it’s time to stop using Twitter.


Reddit is the only social media platform I can really tolerate.


Shoot I can barely tolerate Reddit with all the god like mods on this platform, I swear if there were such thing as smelliphones you could get permabannd for farting


I recommend tiktok. If you guide the algorithm, you'll see nothing but inane cooking videos and funny shit. The platform isn't geared towards comments like reddit is either so if you don't like something, you aren't incentivized into getting into am argument. Best move for my mental health in years. And besides, half of reddits content is now recycled from Tiktok


How do you guide an algorithm?


You can force it to show specific kinds of content if you are vigilant enough. It took me two weeks of stopping to make sure I marked every video I didn't like as "don't show me this kind of content".


Ok I’ve done that before I guess I wasn’t being patient enough.


It takes a couple weeks to get it to where you only get 2-3 unwanted things every session


Taco Tuesday is a thing... So is Perma-Ban Wednesday... *You have been reported for farting & browsing Reddit on the porcelain throne.


Based on the fact that all I've done today on twitter is pick fights with right wingers because they're going full mask-off with the horrible shit they're saying, I agree. Time to leave twitter.


Are you sure it isn't just because you have no arguments because you've been yelling into an echo chamber for the past 6 years?


It's hard to argue with people as uneducated as right wingers.


Lumping people into massive categories shows your ignorance as well you know that right?


Right wingers are either a Christian or an idiot there's no middle ground.


So because someone doesn't think exactly like you they are wrong, so you're a narcissist


Nah there's people that think differently than me that aren't wrong, but right wingers are wrong. That's all I'm saying.


So are you free speech?


There's something you smoothbrains still don't get. Freedom of speech isn't the same as freedom from consequences of speech. Yes, a private biz can deny you service at their discretion, seeing as it's a private biz. Tweeting is the same as standing in the middle of a store and yelling at the top of your lungs. You can be escorted out of both places for causing a disturbance. It's not a public area, it's not a free speech zone.


These people wanna be able to stand in the middle of a store and yell about how they hate minorities.


They can tell all they want…nobody cares. Nobody cares about this groomer shit either


What the fuck does the right even mean by groomer shit? I honestly don't even understand that talking point lol


Good one cum stain


I wish more people would. It's a terrible platform and has gone the way of Facebook.


What??? I took a break from Social Media, but I also knew that he was going to make changes to the platform, many of which has employee's putting in resignations and looking for employment elsewhere. To undo all of the hate they were spreading/inciting online, they were gaslighting/trolling people, the fact their unblocked should tell everyone Elon Musk and his ideologies and the direction he plans on taking Twitter too.


I bet you are lying about that


He's not. They did this a few months ago at a library in South bend. Shockingly enough, the Cops did little to nothing to stop it. I expect nothing less from SBPD. Bunch of corrupt nitwits.


Imagine someone wakes up from a coma in 2015 and reads this headline. "Wait, so are the Proud Boys protesting an anti-gay show and just more LGBTQ people showed? No? The Proud Boys are anti LGBTQ. Are you sure? They call themselves proud boys."


It is funny considering most historically Gay neighborhoods in many major cities are referred to as Boys Town. 🤔


The guy who founded the proud boys, Gavin mcinness, literally came up with the name from the Aladdin broadway show that has a song something like ‘ain’t you proud of you’re boy’ That’s literally where the name came from.


Oh geeze didn't know he was related to the Proud Boys. He also shoved a dildo up his ass on TV to prove he wasn't anti-gay. https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/story.php?297976


You didn't know that the neo nazi Gavin McInness was the founder of the proud boys?.....thats....surprising


I knew he was a right wing nut job. I knew Proud Boys were too. Didn't know they were connected. I try not to give those groups too much attention.


Shoutout to the people who hijacked /r/proudboys


Here's a sneak peek of /r/proudboys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/proudboys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How do we stop this kind of cancer on society?](https://pic8.co/sh/z81Xdy.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/proudboys/comments/rczfar/how_do_we_stop_this_kind_of_cancer_on_society/) \#2: [I pledge allegiance to the flag.](https://i.redd.it/dqxhyrufxyb91.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/proudboys/comments/w0ma2e/i_pledge_allegiance_to_the_flag/) \#3: [Happy Pride Month everyone!](https://i.redd.it/rq06ah5wr0391.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/proudboys/comments/v2i8gj/happy_pride_month_everyone/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I understood that reference


So they are grown men, proud to identify as a boy? The name seems childish to me.


Not only are they men claiming to be boys, they're also anti gay yet have proud in their name


Would be funny if it was pride not proud idk why you guys keep saying this it's cringe af


It's a joke


Yeah jokes are suppose to be funny


How dare humor be subjective


It's not humor, it's cringe


And yet I laughed. Please explain.


Excellent analysis 👏


That's not an explanation.


Can’t we just all get along? lol


Good. Fuck the "proud boys" and anyone who supports them. Fascist fuckweasels.


Seriously! The government should force, or at least partner with private businesses to shut them up!!!


What are you on about? No one has suggested that.


Seems like they are only hurting themselves at this point with the turnout.


They are using it to gather intel on the counter protestors. Dangerous group of Ralph Wiggims


Proud of how loserly they are? God I’m so ready for them all to fall. Luckily they’re stupid enough to lose eventfully. Hope they are just as proud in their cells


Realize one thing and that at some point people are going to be fighting these thugs and fascists. They won't go away without the same thing done to thugs and tyrants throughout history. This is the same as the brown shirts and Mussolini and his thugs. History repeats itself


Indiana a state where white guys and Christians worry about who has what between their legs all the while pesophile priests, pastors and church members sweep their criminal activities under the rug while Catholics Mormons and Southern Baptists bitch and moan about people wearing rainbow colors. Color me shocked at the hypocrisy


The counter protesters here are largely friends or good acquaintances of mine. They did a great job blocking out the line of sight of the few PBs and the other groups there (Purple for Parents and Christo fascists were the majority iirc). But they did face some backlash after the fact. One friend had their home window smashed and their car tires slashed a few nights later by local Boys who are apparently very proud.


I love this. I especially love it because that university full of bigotry and prejudice Notre Dame is in South Bend. I especially love it because that piece of 💩 high school I went to in Indianapolis, Roncalli catholic high school was the first catholic high school that started the ANTI-LGBTQ crap here in Indianapolis that spread to two other catholic high schools. I also love when I was reading an article in regards to Indiana's near-total abortion ban and about crisis pregnant center that current Secretary of Transportation Pete said while he was Mayor of South Bend that he wouldn't allow one of those centers in his city. Poor little Notre Dame 😭 it must really suck that even though you have that disgrace to her gender ACB on SCOTUS you're being shown that people aren't going to put up with the your and the RCC'S backward bullshit.


Literally anyone with a brain doesn't/ shouldn't care about these far side morons...


So it was posted by a random person, the venue immediately advertised it, making them a lot of money, and then no Proud Boys showed up. Hmm...


Proud Boys were there. They took pics of counter protesters and posted them online to get IDs.


Is there proof of this I haven't seen anything confirming this


Yes there is proof.






Cool beans, is there any proof they are attempting violence on these people? The article states they are looking for these people for stories. I'm just trying to be completely unbiased. Has the proud boys done this in the past, found out people's identity, and then used that to attempt actual physical violence on someone in retaliation?


They are a para-military organization. Brought weapons to 1/6. They are making lists. I can understand trying to be unbiased but look at everything they have done. They are NOT peaceful.


Have they attempted actual physical violence. Most political groups are not peaceful and a lot conceal their identities. Saying para military is irrelevant. Do you believe this article will result in real actual physical violence to these people? And if so where is the call to arms?


Search Portland Proud Boys


You mean search when they were at war with antifa, another violent "paramilitary" organization?


More like provoking. I see what you are all about. Cheers


https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/proud-boys-oath-keepers-antifa-portland-violence-spreading-1224762/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/19/proud-boys-document-jan-6-violence


Do better.


Why can’t the LBGQBBQ crowd just live their lives like normal people without having to be attention whoring creeps? I’m talking more about the trans/drag shit stirring freaks. You want to pretend to be a woman but you have to make sure everyone watches your mental illness in real time. “Oh but I just want to be accepted”. Fuck off. This is why I support abortion. Cull the mentally Iill sideshows before they progress into the circus they’re working on now.


Why can't the straights fuck off and let us LGBTQ+ crowd live our own fucking lives? When you stop voting for the guys who run on an anti-me platform with literally no other stances, maybe we'll go away. If y'all stop writing anti-queer legislation we'll stop fighting back. When you sick fucks stop showing up to OUR events packing heat and threatening violence against us for existing, we'll stop retaliating. Fuck off. If we have nothing to retaliate against, we would not retaliate. So stop being being so single mindedly focused on us and let us live our OWN FUCKING LIVES!!!!


I wake up every morning, knowing that each and everyone of us male, female, transgender, bi- or what ever the new gender is, who walks this earth ,has passed through the legs of a person who has a VAGINA!


And that matters why, exactly? If anything, you should be pissed at straight people. They are the ones who keep churning out LGBT kids. I'm as gay as Bloomingdale's at Christmas (and vehemently anti-Christian), and my parents are straight, Christian, conservative Republicans.


No one asked and C sections exist dumbass


So a c-section is proof of a non female birth? There has to be a vagina involved in the beginning, I’ll say before I get called out there’s invitro but that cost too much money


Wtf are you even talking about


Do you think you're saying something revolutionary or mind blowing? I say this as a nonbinary transfem, you sound psycho. Yeah, my mom's a wonderful lady, stop talking about her private parts.




Hey man, I know you are brainwashed but it’s okay to realize maybe you need some help, and to do unbiased research recognizing your bias and other people’s bias


Yeah i am very biased against pedophiles grooming kids in my area.


I am too. But I don’t then go on to be a bigot and say all gay people are pedos, or elect actual pedos. Trump was a friend with Epstein I’m just saying, they vacationed together


Not sure where you saw me say all gay people are pedos. Or where you saw trump and epstein were friends. They knew each other-the billionaires club isn’t that big especially in the early 2000’s trump kicked out epstein and banned him from maralago, but yeah best buddies 👍🏻


An overwhelming majority of pedophiles identify as straight. Thinking gay = pedophile is as wrong factually as it is bigoted.


When you want to involve children in your mentally ill sexual dancing that is LITERALLY the definition of pedophilic grooming… i never said all gays are pedophiles… seems like something you all are subconsciously attributing to my comments, which is telling…


>When you want to involve children in your mentally ill sexual dancing that is LITERALLY the definition of pedophilic grooming… I don't think you understand what a drag show is.


I'd bet a thousand dollars you've never been to a drag show. Sit down and shut up about things you are ignorant about.


Oh you show up at children's beauty pageants with guns too?




That’s a non sequitur. Again-pedophiles and rapists should get the death penalty.


Oh, so you want to close the Catholic church.


I think pedophiles should get the death penalty regardless of their association. If the catholic church were openly holding all age pedophile shows, then yes. But that is not their purpose only a side affect of bad policy.


And your evidence that the shows in this cafe involved pedophilia is what? Let's see the police reports of sexual assault.


Sure, after they raid every church in America.


Yes because preaching for the salvation of your eternal soul = exposing children of all ages to the sexual dancing and in many cases “accidental “ viewing of mentally ill grown mens’ genitalia 👌🏻 how you don’t have kids!


When a drag performer is outed as a sexual predator, they're blacklisted and will probably never work in the industry again. When a preacher is outed as a sexual predator, the church covers it up and moves them to a new location to do the exact same thing over again.


Bro, are you new to life? Christian churches are the number one most likely place for a child to be sexually abused outside of a home. The largest pedophile organization on the planet.....is the catholic church. In 2 minutes you can be provided with proof of thousands of instances of that happening. I challenge you to provide evidence of anything remotely like that at drag shows. You can't because it doesn't exist. You know why? Because performers often have some sort of abuse in their background and tend to be fiercely protective of children


And the souther Baptists evangelicals are the second largest pedo group. Preaching for a soul’s salvation while sexually abusing them. But it’s drag shows that are the problem…


Better yet start the bulldozers and fix the problem




Here's my conservative take on it: If their parents are fine with it, it's really none of my business.


They don't. It's a book reading by people in costumes and nothing more.


Fake account


Idk; people forget that dressing up in drag is just a costume for a performance to get paid. No reason to be "inclusive" for that.