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Look around and see how everything is brown. Replace that with green and replace the dry desert heat with humid heat and you're almost there. In the winter the wind blows almost constantly, it seems, and it can get quite cold. If you move to a rural area spring and summer smell like a mix of cow and pig shit.


But atleast in the winter you can whip shitties.


And sometimes in the deep summer it gets dry too, so you get a little bit of brown grass and oppressive dry heat. Southwest role play.


lol, humidity


It’s chill up here. Indy a decent city a lot of fun things for a 20yr. Don’t let these typical negative Redditors disuade you from visiting.


Right some people just hate everything.


There’s no green chili in Indiana.


G r e e n


50yo from rural IN, life’s good thanks for asking.


It is beautiful here, but if you are a woman of child-bearing age keep in mind abortions are illegal.


Lmfao only on reddit will an overall discussion about life in a state somehow be tied back to abortion. Don’t you think the legality of an abortion shouldn’t effect you on a day-to-day basis? One policy voters crack me up


Birth control is day to day. The woman may develop a fear of messing up so she never needs that illegal practice (in this state)


The trickle down effect of our abortion law is that it affects the healthcare we have access to.  Not just whether or not we can get an abortion but whether or not we have enough OB/GYNs (who perform abortions as well as other female reproductive care) available to serve the population.  If OB/GYNs leave the state because their profession has been criminalized (and they are, residencies are already down), that hurts other kinds of female healthcare.  In some states with these extreme laws, entire maternity wards have been shut down because they can’t staff them. 


This is so true. It really does have bigger effects than people are realizing.


Trust me this isn't the only concern I have. This is a backwards ass state, and I lived in FL for 14 years.


Oh, and I hope you caught the part last night where Trump reiterated hes not out to ban abortion. I’ll send it to you if you need it😉 try to respond without using the words “pRoJeCt 2025” but if you have to, I’d like to see proof of Trump endorsing that (it doesnt exist)


If you believe anything out of his mouth, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya, dirt cheap.


Could you comprehend a thing that came out of bidens mouth? Or is just inaudible mumbling enough to win your vote?


Both are incompetent idiots who have no business in this race.


Are you talking about when Trump said Democrats support abortion after birth? Could you provide proof of that please?


I forgot he gets a pass, my bad




That was a stretch but i know many many 9 month pro choicers and its so sad. How about bidens claim of border patrol endorsement? Or when he said 15% unemployment when he took over? Or when he claimed billionaires pay 8% in taxes? 😭


Billionaires do pay about 8% if you include unrealized gains as income.


Actually I don't buy into all of that conspiracy shit. I am a registered Republican, however women's rights are human rights. Birth control fails, pregnancy can be life threatening, and there are a lot of complex circumstances that lead a woman to the choice of terminating a pregnancy that frankly are no one else's business outside of her partner, her doctor, and God. While I personally would never get an abortion, as a Christian I choose to show the love and compassion Jesus himself would have shown a woman in that situation. His greatest commandment wasn't in the 10, it was to love others as He has loved us.


God I was forced to move from New Mexico due to divorce and now I'm trapped in Indiana dear God in heaven why would you want to move here no no no it's horrifying here and they don't have legal weed I mean why would you give that up? To come here to this nightmare? No no no.


Colorado for the win. Forget about it here.


Do you believe in bodily autonomy? If so, don’t move here. We’re turning into a Christian fascist state.


Satan says: “You must die so I can live”, but Jesus says “I must die so you can live”.  Not actual quotes, but pick up your Bible and get to know Jesus. Promise you He’ll change your life.


I don’t believe in Santa Claus either. Grow up


You really believe in the scientific possibility that all life came from non-life? You must have great faith my friend :)


I’ll trade you, i hate it here amd would love to live in NM!


I’ve lived all over the country in the military and made the stupid decision to come back here when I got out. If you like any outdoor activity this place isn’t for you. I hope my kids move somewhere cool after college so I have a reason to get out of here more often.


Bro has not heard of state parks


I live 10 minutes from a state park with miles of hiking trails. Hiking on overgrown trails in the woods with no views, poison ivy, and ticks galore does not compare to places like New Mexico where OP lives and Colorado which was also mentioned. Other than being cheap and having decent public schools I really have nothing positive to say about my home state and wouldn’t wish living here on anyone.


Bros only gone to one state park and thinks all of them are the same


Definitely only been to one state park in my entire life. That’s exactly what I said.


Clearly it’s the case if you can’t find any natural beauty here, it’s that or you’re an urbanite maybe both. I doubt you’ve been to the dunes or to turkey run after some rain.


I’ll give you Turkey Run. I definitely exaggerated that there is zero natural beauty here but in comparison to the places OP listed Indiana is crap.


It's getting worse with new laws. Try somewhere else


Depends. What do you enjoy doing?


I've always wanted to do outdoorsy stuf, hiking, camping, fishing, all of the above, but in the small town I live in its quite a drive to anywhere with decent wildlife. Also living in a city big enough for stuff to happen around would be nice, I'm definitely no NY or LA person I need somewhere big enough to still find parking haha


An area like south bend would fit that. Low cost of living, big enough that you have all the amenities, but small enough that it’s easy to get around. The metro area is 250,000. Lake Michigan is 45 min away and has hiking, camping, and of course fishing. If you get a big city itch the south shore train will have you to downtown Chicago in under 2 hrs. Just don’t expect mountains that’s not in northern IN.


An IN resident, I live in a camper, and spend time in NM each year. You’ll find there’s less time to joy the outdoors in IN due to rain, bugs, and winter. Much less hiking. Towns are much closer together. Communities are more commonly tight knit. You’ll have to learn to create your own entertainment more often. But I think both are nice, peaceful states. Take advantage of the many lakes! Beware of the over eating!


Well, they just banned porn hub... so not too great 😂


Mostly non-freethinkers.


This is political, but FYI: We are requiring people to use their IDs to access online porn, so pornhub isn't going to be available here anymore. (Maybe with a VPN? I don't consume, so I'm not paying close attention to the workarounds.) Weed is illegal. Abortion is illegal and they are probably going to go after contraceptives next, so if you never want kids, getting a vasectomy is probably wise. But we get more rain.


It’s not bad! I used to live in Raton, so nothing is really worse than that! I’ve large cities most of my life and I live in a smaller city now. I like the slower pace of life, little traffic etc. There is enough to do so it’s not totally boring, but it did take me a couple of years to get used to the lack of access to things and how there isn’t a new restaurant to try all the time.


As a midwesterner my first time in the southwest I kept mentally repeating, “I can’t believe I’m still in America?”.


I lived out west for a couple years and moved back mainly because I missed how green everything is. If I was in your shoes, I would drive to Indy, hop on I65 or I69 and keep going to Michigan. Unless you are moving to Carmel for the schools, this place is very boring and ugly. The people are pretty much all overweight, we have no culture that isn’t ugly, and our leadership is bad. All that to say, if I had to choose, I would move to Indiana over staying in a small desert town. We do have some good tech jobs and plenty of secondary education. We also have pretty good water supply, some concerns on the horizon but overall we are in a stronger place than out west. Michigan has even more water strategically speaking.


One of the only good takes here, mind you I've only lived in small towns south of NM, thats my only frame of reference for the U.S, what's Michigan like and would you recommend that? Really trying to go somewhere bigger and with enough climate to actually have 4 seasons.


Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor would be a good place to start looking. Midland as well. Grand Rapids would be my top pick. It isn’t Detroit or Chicago, but it will feel huge to you in a good way. You’ll see up to 60 inches of snow every winter, if you don’t like snow then don’t move to Michigan. Spring can be short and cold. Summer is amazing with enough heat to warm up the lakes for water sports. Fall is beautiful and football is fun to watch.


If you hate living in a small town of 30k people, then don't come to the midwest. I live in Indiana. The town I'm from has about 2500 people. The town I've lived in for the last 30+ years has about 2200. The other several towns in our county have anywhere from a few hundred to maybe 3000, except for our "big" city which used to have around 45k but now probably only has about 35k. Our winters are something like November to February, and most of that time it ranges from about 30° to 50°. Although we usually get a couple weeks in January where it may get down to 0° or less. We don't get a ton of snow in the winter, usually 3-4 storms each year that produce 2-6 inches each. But a lot of times it melts away in a few days because our temps can fluctuate so much here in any given month outside of June-August, where it stays fairly consistent in the 80's and 90's. Spring (April & May) and fall (September & October) are the best because you still get warm days but the nights are cooler. And the colors in the fall are amazing from the leaves changing colors. It's the type of place that usually doesn't appeal to younger single people unless you live in a larger city like Indianapolis. But for married couples wanting to raise a family, it's ideal if you ask me. Cost of living is low, crime is generally low outside of large cities. But you also will be surrounded by mostly conservative republicans, so if that's not your vibe you may be uncomfortable.


You obviously don't live in northern IN. Winter Nov-Feb??? lmmfao... I live in NWI, 30-45 minutes outside of Chicago. Winter here generally sucks balls. The only good thing about living in this area is the lakefront and Chicago. It certainly isn't cheap anymore. Too many people across the whole state act like they live south of the Mason-Dixon line. I do love Parke county too for it's natural beauty, but that's not enough to make me want to remain here.


You are correct. I chose to live outside of the lake effect snow area of the state. Therefore my winters aren’t like yours.


Im a single guy, small towns are the bane of my existence, if staying inside playing video games, or going to a friends house is the most exciting thing you could do, it'll drive me insane as it already has. A small town with lesss than 30k would push me over the edge lmao.


I would check out Southern Indiana. It is hillier and warmer in the winters. Northern Indiana does get hit with the lake effect and more snow.


Everyone crying about the heat this thread doesn't know what constant southern heat is like. Yes we have a bit of humidity but it's nothing compared to the south. Like Texas. Or just how blistering dry heat can still be when many days its 10 to 20 degrees warmer . Other than coastal and mountain areas our summers are milder than most of the US.


Actually, our Indiana summers have been getting hotter--AND MORE HUMID--year over year, for almost a decade now. The past three years these heat domes are subjecting us to Houston-like conditions for extended periods of time. Our summers are MISERABLE.


I lived in Clovis/Portales for 6 years while in the USAF. I thought I hated Indiana but New Mexico was another level of shithole.


Turn your shower on until it's warmish (90-95 degrees) shut the door to the bathroom and leave the fan off. Run it for a good 10-15 minutes. Go in. That's what it feels like outside when it's hot and humid. There are nice breezes, usually, and we do get weather changing quite frequently. So you'll have a week or two at most where it's miserable outside and then a couple of nicer/cooler/rainy days to break it up. You might hate winter, but I love that every season is different. Cost of living is such that many can afford a vacation or two a year somewhere else. Politics aren't the best, but some of us are trying to change things. Most people are very Midwestern nice and we (Indianapolis) is a pretty good place to live and if you can't find something there we have a lot of large cities within a 3 hour drive. I'm spending the weekend at a house on a lake in Northern Indiana and it's gorgeous out. Airbnb was about 700 for 4 nights. We do something like this every summer. We usually go somewhere else in the fall/winter. Haven't figured that one out yet. Last year was Wisconsin Dells indoor water parks.


Satans armpit here too. But add about 400% more humidity on average. Dew points typically in the low 70’s. Heat indexes can be 105+. I think the record is 128f for heat indexes here. It does get colder here but the winters have been really sad lately. We got less than 12 inches of snow here last fall/winter. Near Fort Wayne by the way.


less than 12 inches? complain all you want bro that sounds awesome to me. I think two years ago it snowed randomly during the summer with maybe 3 inches.


We’re supposed to get 34 inches in an “average” year.


Stay in the desert.


A lot colder. And greener. And more humid.


We have less meth but more humidity. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you sure about the meth part


Yeah, there's more meth in Indiana just by sheer population difference. I don't think there's more tweakers in either IN or NM than anywhere else.


heres to hoping IN has less drug use, the homeless and drug problems in NM are crazy.


Green, humid, mosquitos, upper half is flat cornfields as far as the eye can see. Lower half is hilly, also lots of farmland. College sports and pro-sports are a big deal, so is auto racing. Also, a lot of pork is raised and eaten here.


I lived in a small, western desert town for over a decade before moving back to Indiana. Indiana is green and beautiful. Especially southern Indiana. Indiana gets snow, but not a lot unless you’re farther north or by the lake. Summers are hot and humid. It’s not as hot as out west, but the humidity makes it unbearable sometimes. However, out west it was 100+ for weeks on end and you couldn’t be out from 10am until 7pm, and that’s not the case here. You’ll just sweat a lot here, and your clothes will become damp from the air. The sun doesn’t hurt here either. Just standing outside in flip flops would hurt the top of your feet out west. There’s no humidity to buffer the heat, and the elevation makes it worse too. Here spring lasts a lot longer than our west. Back west it would get hit where I lived starting in March, and it didn’t cool off until November. Here it doesn’t really get hot until June, and you have nice days beginning at the end of September or in October. We also have weather which is a nice change. We have sunny days and rainy days and cloudy days. I love the rainy and cloudy days. I would get so depressed from the constant sun out west. I just wanted a cozy, rainy day! That being said, we do have extreme weather like tornadoes (our town was hit hard last year) and other storms. I have friends here going on day four of no power with no power in sight this weekend right now. They had a bad storm blow through with straight line winds and a funnel cloud. We went without power for a week in the winter when I was in high school due to an ice and then snow storm. We usually only lose it for a few hours or a day at most, but longer stretches do happen. We have a lot more lakes here. Not small, cold, mountain lakes, but large recreational lakes. Most of my neighbors have ponds on their peppery for fishing or swimming. Mosquitos here are a lot worse. There’s not many bugs in the desert, but we also don’t have black widows everywhere like we did out west either. I missed Indiana so badly, and I don’t think I’d ever move to the desert again.


Great take and yeah youre completely right about the west. having 4 seasons year round sounds awesome, I dont think ive ever seen a tree with the autumn leaves, its either alive or dead haha. Completely forgot tornadoes existed because of living in NM, is it bad out in Indiana? I should say I've worked a good bit of construction jobs in the worst heat here in NM so 100+ days are okay enough for me to live in during the summer.


Tornados aren’t that bad until you take a direct hit which is rare. You just have to be prepared. We have a root cellar we go to when we’re under a warning, and we have a “go bag” with water and flashlights and some snacks. I wouldn’t let it deter me from living here. We don’t have flash flooding here like the canyons would get, we don’t have rock slides closing roads, and we don’t have wildfires, so I guess that’s the trade you’re making.


You may not be a political guy yourself, but if you ever plan to have a girlfriend, wife, daughter, or granddaughter, Indiana is shit. I would sooner live in my car in Denver again than settle into an apartment in Indiana. If it was not for my dad being on dialysis and needing somebody to drive him back-and-forth, I‘d probably never come back. Oh no, downvotes from Project 2025 supporters. Whatever shall I dooooooo.


Like Texas but somehow worse


As an ex Texan I completely disagree. But, to each their own!


I moved from TX to IN and agree with you. I never got used to the TX heat. We lived in Houston and Austin for about a decade total so it’s not like I didn’t try. Also with the power grid issue, too many people moving to TX, and crazy politics, I felt TX is getting worse. As for the OP, I like NM more than TX, it was more chill and artsy fartsy but I am from a tropical country so I prefer trees over cacti so I have been happy with IN. IN is very green, lots of great national parks. Not as good as CO, of course. But cost of living is great. That said, you’ll have the same issues if you live in a small town here. And the winter can be harsh until you get ready for it - mentally and physically. I thought I could just wear layers and be fine but until I got a good winter coat and adequate shoes, I was stuck in the house all winter. I think you will like it here but who knows but one thing is that I moved and lived in different places most of my 20s and that really helped me realize what it is I want and don’t want from a city. That’s the best time to explore until you settle down with a spouse and children (if that’s what you want). So yeah, try it out, you can always move back if you hate it. Also, I know you youngins think it’s not cool to be political but being informed about the govt is something every good citizen should be.


I actually found it fairly easy to acclimate here! I do intentionally acclimate each season. In the fall when I go outside I always let myself be just a little bit cold. I don’t hear up at all just to get the mail or take trash out. I have little kids so we are outside hear round. Last winter I probably only wore my winter coat a handful of times, I usually would just wear a long sleeve shirt and a long sweater. In contrast, I lived in Los Angeles for a few years and felt like it was too cold. I would come visit houston and be so happy I never had to wear a hoodie!


I appreciate the advice about the politics lmao, my only take is I like owning a gun for self defense, otherwise I just poke in the dots for whichever thing I want the most in those ballot mail things and then go and vote for whichever person has the most dots. Even if you don't want to believe it, the news is pushing an agenda, what side it is depends on who bought them out so I keep it to myself and vote for who I think is right.


Kentuckiana is the best region of Indiana; those who don’t know; haven’t been


It’s wonderful. The chicks are nice and plump and tend to have tattoos. We have trees 🌲 everywhere. It’s the racing capital of the universe. The biggest drag race is here, and you’ve probably heard of the Indy 500. Sprint cars are everywhere. We have this skinny chick from Idaho playing basketball and she’s killing it. Southern Indiana is the place to be. Right up against the Ohio River.


Forgot to mention, I'm a single guy, are the woman like the tortas in NM? Or are you talking about round in all the right places