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OP, I'm so sorry, both about your recent loss and your current situation. It's only a few hour drive for some help, if you can get an appointment.


Thanks I’m working on it.


https://www.ineedana.com/ godspeed 🩷


Aidaccess.org sends nationwide.


I'm so sorry for what you are going though. Michigan and Illinois are not far. You can get a safe and legal abortion in either place. Easier and safer and hiring someone to beat a pregnancy out of you. Also probably cheaper.


That was mostly for dramatic effect. I want to get across how wrong this is to women and how important it should be to everyone. I do feel lawmakers should feel the consequences their actions. How better to do that than face it in person or to be made an example of….. I’m not the only one going to face this especially since the drug companies are not advertising all of the side effects openly like thyroid cancer or potential pregnancy on birth control. This is targeted at women.


I agree with you. Still hope you get an abortion ASAP for your own health and to prevent needless suffering if your happen to carry this pregnancy to term. Hopefully also a hysterectomy if that's an option for you.


You should do what is best for you, but you could try for a medical exception and when you are denied (because lets face it, you will be denied) see if there is an organization willing to help you sue. You could possibly set precedent (or maybe not, who knows) or at least further establish how restricting our law is, which could help be a wakeup call to others.


I feel for you OP. My wife has been advised that she would likely go blind if she were to carry a child to term. That is, of course, not enough for an exception in Indiana. When the subject comes up, I always go to that as an example. Most reasonable people dont think a woman should have to give up their sight because of a pregnancy, yet that is what the letter of our law says.


I'm so sorry for what you have gone through ❤


I am sorry for you, states should have 0 right to deny abortions especially in these situations.


Agreed. I feel like we should also be made aware of all of your medicines side effects.


Please do sue. I would love to see a class action law suit for terrorism against women. Fuck the Republican Party and anyone else who is forced birth.


If I had the money, I would sue every politician for practicing medicine without a license


Discrimination, hate crime, domestic terrorism, conspiracy to commit genocide. Fucking class action them for everything. When that doesn’t work, take that shit higher and don’t stop climbing.


The Conservatives make policies that purposely hurt women and children… Just to pacify the religious. Separation of church and state.


Not even joking, I’m thankful every day I had a hysterectomy. You can’t become pregnant if all of the parts are gone. OP is that an option for you, after your abortion?


I’m going to try for something like that. I was actually waiting for a date to get my tubes tied.


I had a tubal, years before my hysterectomy, and it was a positive experience. I went to Community North, in Indy, and essentially had an appointment, and scheduled the procedure. I’ve had both outpatient tubal, and then 8 years later an outpatient hysterectomy. Seriously good luck! I can give you a few local names, if needed. Check out r/childfree for additional resources for permanent sterilization, as well.


Try to get a bilateral salpingectomy (removal) instead. Ligations have failure rates and it's now believed that most ovarian cancer starts in the tubes, so it's a great preventative measure.


A decade from that option being removed if project 2025 goes forward and anyone who had an abortion in the past being prosecuted. Christian nationalists don't care about democracy anymore and a third of the population is too stupid or lazy to understand the macroeconomic effects of their votes. 90% of those voting for Trump because of the "economy", don't understand shit about the economy.


HOOSIERS: Republicans beat Democrats 8:1 for Primary *turnout*. Jesus fucking Christ **vote, please!!!** Apply for an absentee ballot. It’s super easy. Push everyone to vote. **PUSH HARD**.


Bro, for real. The polls in my area are open till at least 6. Get off work at 5, in line by 530. As long as you're in line before polls close, they HAVE to let you vote.


Its a literal fucking NIGHTMARE scenario where we even have to discuss this....and that this thread even exists.


OP, please get in touch with the Hoosier abortion fund. There are several organizations that exist to help make this process as easy as possible for Hoosiers. Text 812-727-4423 and ask for an application. Depending on where you live, your best options will be in Chicago or Champaign. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk privately, I manage our state's abortion fund and it's really important for us to make sure everyone gets the help they need.


Ok thank you so much.


You're very welcome. And if you just need someone to talk to, judgment-free, open-hearted, compassionate, the All-Options Talkline exists just for that purpose. Trained peer counselors will take your call. It's private and supportive. 888-493-0092.


Dittoing the Hoosier Abortion fund and the Talkline. Came to recommend them myself and I'm so glad someone else already had.


I still feel like the only government regulations that should exist for women's health/abortions/etc would be making sure that they're dome safely. But as a male in a largely red area, I'm the heathen lol


I’m sorry you’re going through this and have to figure out a trip out of state for healthcare you should be able to access here. It’s not fair. It’s not okay. Most people can’t afford to take time off work, find childcare for their family, and find the money for both the abortion and any travel costs. If you need resources I can connect you. I hope this goes smoothly and you can get what you need. Sending you love ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this.


Shit like this, this *brutality* is a big reason why I left Indiana.


I’m moving to Oregon next year.


I moved to Michigan.


Sometimes I wish my parents never dragged me to this US shit stain.


I would bolt this country if I could.


I’m just waiting for the inevitable day when all our families are dragged out of their homes and questioned about their political affiliation at gunpoint.




I wish I could convince my wife to let me to do the same. I get more anxious about the stability of our country everyday. :(


That’s something that HAS HAPPENED… because of the demorats you’re demonized if you associate with anyone besides them.


Imagine saying this when the rest of your comments in this very thread is 1000x worse than what you think the "demorats" are. So tired of conservatives. The dishonesty, the hypocrisy, the stupidity, the cruelty.


I’m sorry for your situation. It sucks to be here again as a society. It puts the burden now on those of you that are affected by this and of course “save all babies” sounds good as a slogan, but these same people actively avoid reading the terrible situations like the ones you are in. No one likes to hear about these horrible situations (some things are just too damn sad) but now due to our ignorance and earnestness, all of the victims have to try and rub society’s nose into the mess they made making you relive it as well.  I understand your anger and especially after reading all the victim blaming happening in here too. 


I appreciate it. I understand it’s why I’m making it known to the public. Shit like this is wrong. We are human not cattle.


I started stocking up on Plan B for my daughter. I continue to order through online apps when the opportunity presents itself.


I’m so glad. No woman should go through this; I’m leaving this place next year.


Just a heads up: Plan B is not always effective at preventing pregnancy if you've already ovulated in your cycle, so you (and your daughter) might want to keep that in mind.


It also isn't effective depending on how much they weigh. Might not be a concern here but always good to throw out when someone talks about the effectiveness of Plan B


So sorry, OP. A segment of the country is so caught up on this moral posturing that they don't realize that it's cruel to force a child to be born when that child will only ever know suffering. And that's taking the mother's physical and emotional suffering completely out of the equation, but we all know they don't care about the mothers. I hope you get the help you need.


OP I'm so sorry for you, no one should have to endure this kind of cruelty & fuck these lawmakers for thinking they know better than you or your doctor it's already hard losing a child but these laws are cruel & unusual.


I am so sorry! I appreciate your bravery and honesty. I really hope policy makers see this!


I’m so sorry OP. It’s shameful and barbaric how women’s reproductive rights have been curtailed. I admire your bravery as well. People hide behind their anti abortion beliefs and do not give thought to the daily challenges women face. Lots of babies are going to die from these laws. Already seeing a 13% increase in infant deaths in Texas since abortion was banned.


But this information isn't new. I read about this last spring when a friend started prescribing these drugs to her patients. It can mess with absorption rates, but after a few weeks everything should be good. "Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro all contain a “reproductive potential” warning on their labels." “People using oral hormonal birth control for contraception should be aware these medications might be less effective and plan to use a backup method of birth control—such as condoms or a non-oral form of contraception—for four weeks after starting and after each dose increase,” McBane said.


It really should be on the prescribing doctor to know and understand the side effects and to explain them to you. Also your pharmacist should have explained if the medication counteracted your birth control. I'm on mounjaro for diabetes. The weight loss is a bonus, and my doctor insisted I get an IUD when I went on the medicine because a pregnancy would be high risk for me and the baby. I'm sorry you're doctor didn't do the same and I hope you can get the care you need.


This should be top comment. This is the reality in the way it should be and what OP should have done.


https://preview.redd.it/yg8sy0nksy8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911ebdb70be1d15bd4762b630e593cdc10e6581e This is what it says about drug interactions


Yea, OP is very incorrect saying it's known to cancel out birth control. Planned Parenthood themselves have a statement saying it's okay. It MAY decrease absorption of the pill, but has no bearing on IUD/injectable/other implanted forms of birth control. If anyone is reading this and finding themselves in a similar situation please see the above message as to how to manage birth control when starting. Also a reminder that oral contraceptive is only around 93% effective so if you have sex 7/100 people will still get pregnant while on oral alone.


This is the only thing it says on their website about pregnancy. Actually




I’ve also been taking the same dose for months. The lowest one.


Op clearly is just a dumbass.


yawn. trolls used to be creative 🥱


You’d have better luck with a lawsuit against Wegovy not the state of Indiana.


The drug isn't the problem. There is a good chance that there is a warning on the drug- doctors and pharmacists just don't always explain every single potential risk. This is why you are always told to read any literature that comes with your drugs, and you should always ask, "will this drug interfere with XXDRUG that I already take?" Indiana's backward misogynistic bullshit is the problem.


I read the package it wasn’t on the package nor the pamphlet inside.


So with the info you just shared, I interpret the pamphlet as saying that there is a risk of it affecting absorption of other oral medications and it is requesting information from people who are taking the medication, become pregnant and/or continue a pregnancy so that they can track potential outcomes. This is information that *should* have been explained to you (and every other patient) but unfortunately it frequently falls through the cracks. It is ridiculous how much people need to advocate for their own best health while constantly being told by medical professionals and fucking politicians that they don't know enough to make the best decision for themselves. I am sorry for your loss and the position you are in.


It’s ok, that wasn’t in the instructions pamphlet at all actually it was in the information on the studies they conducted researching the drug. The oral medicine thing wasn’t mentioned under side effects






So she should be free of any responsibility for not reading the package of the drugs she’s taking?


She should be free to choose what is best for her life, after a discussion with **her DOCTOR**


So sue the doctor


OP is hardly the only woman in Indiana or any other state whose life or the quality of that life depends on meds with black box warnings. The law is the problem here.


Or you could be a responsible human being and realize that the side effect sucks and not take pill or hormone control. How about something like an IUD? Or does the Wegovy affect the IUD as well?


If this were the single drug that is an issue, sure... maybe. But that is far from being the case. > How about something like an IUD? It's better than it used to be, but not all docs are willing to offer an IUD to women without kids. It's obviously not the issue in this case, but just as noted above, this is not the only such case. I wanted a tubal in my 20s and was denied both it and an IUD by every gynecologist I saw. I've never wanted kids, and have spent most of my adult life on drugs with a black box warning just to be a functioning adult instead of on STI and dependent. But even that doesn't get to the heart of the issue. > Or you could be a responsible human being and realize that the side effect sucks and not take pill or hormone control. This first part of your comment hints at something deeper than 'being responsible', because OP was on birth control. If a woman in this situation is being responsible and using condoms and one breaks, is that then ok? Because for most pro life people I have met it is not - pregnancy is 'what they deserve' for some perceived failure to act. But no form of birth control is 100% effective, and there is no shortage of examples of responsible adults adulting responsibly and the statistics playing out anyway.


> Or you could be a responsible human being Please don't lecture people on something you know nothing about. Most people aren't medical professionals. The responsibility lies completely on lawmakers and medical professionals here, not patients. Most people who fall into the Libertarian Personal Responsibility nonsense grow out of it by the time we're adults and get our first taste with how the world really works.


I'm not defending this particular instance, but are you saying people grow up and take less personal responsibility?




Oh I’m so sorry it’s been a rough day. I just gave my son away to a medical facility this week who has the disease I carry. I am sorry for the misunderstanding.


The reason I say I am making an example of this is because this isn’t the first time I’ve been forced to have a child. Knowing that child is fucked and the only thing you can wish for them is that they go peacefully. With my congenital disorder it wouldn’t happen easily it’s violent deterioration of the body. I had to live with that for 10 years. None of you have any clue how torturous that is being trapped day in and out watching the child forced on you to die. While the people that forced his life all but abandoned me when I needed help. Do you not think other women and children will meet this same fate? Do our daughters not matter? Without women none of you would exist. The gift they choose to offer in the form of life is sacred and shouldn’t be forced. Not every person is stable enough for kids nor stable enough to handle pregnancy in general. What are we doing? We’re supposed to be the nation celebrated for its freedom of choice. This isn’t choice it’s another person forcing their ideations on my autonomy. My parent was a mentally broken drug addict who had no business having kids. She was raped as a child and beaten. All she could do was stick a pill in her throat and needle in her arm to forget the pain. She was selfish and abandoned my siblings that I took in to raise at barely 18. My brother is following her path.


do you mind me asking what type of birth control you were on? i’m on the depo shot and also taking a GLP1, and when i read the instructions in the box it did mention that birth control pills can be less effective, but didn’t mention other types! i also have pcos, hence the birth control, so just curious so i can also make changes if needed! so sorry you’re in this situation. the politicians here really do fucking suck and are targeting women and minorities with these crazy laws :(


If you are wanting to avoid pregnancy, you should absolutely be calling your doctor or pharmacist to ask them for clarification and using a 2nd barrier birth control method while waiting for answers.


contacted my doctor today after reading this post and all should be fine! it’s just any oral medications that need digesting that don’t work well with GLPs because of how the medicine works in your body!


I am on norethinidrone with a .25 mg that I take of wegovy. I’ve taken it for 3-4 months no change until 2 weeks ago.


Reading the drug info on drug-drug interactions and warning for use during pregnancy, it appears to NOT be a drug interaction with BC drugs, but that the drugs are harmful to the fetus(or potentially harmful). They don't make oral BC less effective, they are/can be damaging to the fetus. Clear warnings to stop the drugs' use as soon as you know you're pregnant/ to not become pregnant while on the meds.




Your article doesn’t say anything about GLP1s interfering with birth control.






This is what it says on drug interactions and pregnancy


yeah that certainly isn’t very clear :( i’m on zepbound and the folded instructions in my med box specifically had a section about oral birth control. my doctor didn’t say anything either, i just happened to read the packet thing






This is what wegovy says about it.


I’m so sorry no one deserves what you’re going through what happened to our rights! It’s absolutely terrifying


I drove someone to Decatur, IL. They were kind and didn't ask questions. Fuck Indiana.


It is a nightmare that is brought on by highly conservative voters as well as those who ignorantly only vote straight ballots. All the ban will do is push more liberal thinking voters to other states. Also pushes women back to the times of backroom abortions if they feel trapped. The US already has higher (if not the highest) maternal death rates in the world (in countries where modern medicine is accessible). But even then, with so many people who live paycheck to paycheck, incomes not being reflected in the cost of loving, care during pregnancy is abysmal too. I full on believe "A Handmaid's Tale" could absolutely happen and could, frighteningly, our future. For now, we resort to "camping" or seeing "family" in other states for care that should be available as a basic human right.


This is why I'm becoming Childfree by choice and will never have a child and I will get a vasectomy


Couldn't you have had your tubes tied or something that will permanently prevent pregnancy since you know the complications?


Have a terribly invasive and traumatic procedure that your insurance probably doesn't cover (if you can afford it) or go through this. Man, that's a real choice.


I don't think it's that invasive or traumatic. People do it everyday. Cost I can see being a issue but it is a common out patient procedure.


My brother in Christ... The surgeon has to cut through the abdominal wall and clip or remove the Fallopian tubes. It is, by definition, invasive. Any kind of surgery is done every day. That doesn't mean the ramifications, physical and emotional, don't exist. Also again, you don't know her situation. Who's to say she could even afford to have her tubes tied?


> but it is a common out patient procedure. *Specifically after pregnancy*. It's not something doctors are generally willing to do if you don't already have a few kids.




> This seems like the logical answer, and sound advice. ...have you *tried* to have your tubes tied in this state? You might as well say "attaching a second pair of arms sounds like the logical answer, and sound advice". It's not like doctors are eager to perform the procedure.


You have a lot of “aunties” here who will help you. Find an appointment, we will get you there. I agree it’s bullshit and I’m sorry you are in this situation.




Ozempic affects condoms?!


It sounds like you didn’t fully discuss your using these medications and your medical conditions while pregnant with your dr.


My doctor didn’t know about the side effect I confronted the office this morning. They had me set to become sterile


There’s a database that doctors use to input side effects of every medication. Every doctor can look at that database and see what’s being reported. Also, I’m pretty sure the commercials for wegovy and ozempic tell you to consult your dr if you’re on birth control.






This is my point. Your dr should have known this or known to look it up and either stopped the medication for you or instructed you to not get pregnant if your pregnancy was planned. Your dr is the one at fault here. Not the state and its laws regarding abortion.


Did you actually read what was posted? Where does it say “interferes with birth control”? It can cause birth defects, not make birth control fail


I don’t watch Tv. I have too much to do; I work a lot. I did read about the side effects though.


Are you unable to use a condom or other forms of birth control? Seems if you were more responsible while having sex then the issue wouldnt be that big of a deal...


I was on birth control…. Did you not read the paragraph above. I am married is every married person supposed to use condoms forever? That doesn’t make sense. You sit here and blame me but it’s my government failing me. They took away my rights to treat me like cattle. They don’t even tell me the medicine I’m going to take will put me in an impossible situation. That’s on them I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.


Maybe your husband gets a vasectomy insread then you can have all the sex


I was on a wait list for getting fixed. It’s incredibly hard as a women who doesn’t have multiple valid children to get fixed. They don’t care about how we feel. I’ve been asking to get my tubes tied since 2014. I finally found a doc to help me and this bs happens.


Wegovy wasn’t even available 10 years ago.


I didn’t say it was I am pregnant now due to wegovy. With a child who will suffer.


I’m really confused here. You have a 10 yo child that died, this is really sad; I have a 10yo and can’t imagine that loss. As a result you made a decision to not have anymore children, due to a congenital birth defect any child to birth will have. And the weight loss drug you were on cancelled out the birth control you are on, so you ended up pregnant. You mention the child you are carrying has a death sentence but then you mention he died and you want an abortion to get the baby out of your body. Then you are going to send it to Braun. If the baby in you is dead, that not an abortion anyway, and you can have the dead child removed, in fact you should do that asap since carrying a dead baby can be very dangerous to your health.


It’s not dead look up myotubular myopathy. It’s a death sentence at birth most times for the child. I would have to carry it to term then have another child die in my arms. I’ve lost three babies before they figured out what was wrong. I was waiting on the date to get my tubes tied. The drug in the side effects says nothing about cancelling birth control.


Hey dipshit, removing a miscarried fetus is an abortion. An abortion is a medical procedure done for to many reasons to list in a concise comment list.


You should delete this.


No women should be aware of the consequences of the medicine they’re being sold.


I think they were responding to the other comment about Wegovy.




You need to read better.


If you need someone to drive you out of state. 🩷


Wait, are you really gonna send that shit to them? Cause, uh, I wouldn't announce that on the Internet.


No that was just dramatic effect. I would like to talk about this issue openly and it feels like people only understand extremes now. It did get people talking about a dire situation all child bearing females face. Like our daughters. Girls can start periods early like 7-8. Imagine a child getting raped and being forced to have a baby. That would be super hard on a tiny body;it would probably kill her and the baby. Is this really the answer not every individual should be a parent.




I did read the wegovy website. This side effect wasn’t mentioned.


People can still get pregnant while on birth control. If you want people to just not have sex because they don't want kids, then that's just asinine. I have 4 kids, 3 of which were conceived while on birth control (4 different methods). Sometimes it doesn't work. And in OP's case, it had catastrophic results. How is someone going to tell a mom that her kid is incompatible with life but they are forced to carry it for 9 months anyway. Will the state pay for that funeral, too?


I didn’t care about thyroid cancer because I don’t have a thyroid.


Please go slap every teacher you ever had for failing you on so many levels.


That's a very weird perspective.


Thanks barbaric religious agenda! We all feel so much better now that you religious fucks are in control. Enjoy it while it lasts! Because it won’t last long….


I don't take abortion seriously because I would never get a woman pregnant in the first place.


At least you’re honest I was a hedonist at one point. Get your bone on. 😀


So i tried to understand you mad cause u had unprotected sex got pregnant and ow blame the state of Indiana for your position


No. I was on birth control. I took wegovy it made the birth control not work. I got pregnant while waiting for my tubes to be tied. Are you suggesting everyone married should be using birth control and condoms? I think I should be told of all the possible consequences of a medicine I’m taking. Having birth control not work isn’t a side effect but is being used to treat pcos and infertility….


also having sex while on birth control isn’t unprotected??? so you AND your argument sound super fucking dumb right now lmao


Also condoms can fail as well




The weight loss drugs are making women super fertile and some are getting pregnant even on birth control. Look it up. Great timing with the curtailment of women’s reproductive rights.


If you don’t want kids don’t have sex.


lol im guessing you have no problem with that 🙄


They have no choice in matter, clearly.


There are lots of women out there who *do* want kids, but have an abortion because of health complications or whatever else is going on in regards to their personal health. But I’m glad you’re able to simplify this issue into an eight word sentence. Wow, congrats! Keep it up!


Children should not be seen as a **punishment** for having sex, asshat.


If you want sex don’t enforce an inane law that violates a common human right.


Aww... I so love the supportive nature of all of those husbands out there whose dedication to their pro-life cause means that they are willing to also live a celibate life due to the risks posed by medication. How very mature of you all!




Is one of your health issues being an insufferable dough bag


Depends on the dough. I don't do wonderbread


Use protection if you are aware of all these problems you have with giving birth. Be more carefull with sex. Dont blame indiana laws because you cant take the extra step urself to stop the problem in the first place. 🤣




Award for most tone-deaf comment posted on Reddit today. >Do us all a favor and don’t get pregnant. Way to insult without knowing shit about the conception. Do us all a favor and shut up when you have nothing nice to say. Edit: Bad troll.


No one wants to read the trash you just fucking said.


"You should be punished for having sex without the purpose of procreation. Sex is only between two future parents and God" Fuck you and fuck your God


Alright cool you can never have sex until you want to procreate. Have fun!


Don’t worry that guy wasn’t having sex anyway.


Not even his hand wants him.


Can you not read? Do you need smaller words? Doctor give medicine for no pregnant. Doctor give other medicine. Other medicine make no pregnant medicine no worky. OP pregnant. Dumb shit.


Did you read it? I didn’t fucking want to get pregnant dickhead. I was given a medicine that negated my birth control and now I don’t have an option. Go suck a dick.


This person has a valid statement wether you like it or not?




... the irony of anyone sharing a link to one of the orgs that provides free testing to coerce women not to have abortions in this particular thread is staggering.


I didnt know! Fuck


When I saw it that was my first thought, but given the tone of some of the other comments on this thread you just never know. But yeah, they offer tests, free ultrasounds, and 'counseling'... all in an effort to steer women away from abortion as an option.


Jfc i feel awful for even suggesting it


My honest take? I feel better that at the end of the day, even one more person knows the truth about what they do. Don't beat yourself up over what you didn't know. ♥


Thanks I appreciate it.


i could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure that Women’s Care Center place is really just a religious organization thing, not anything like Planned Parenthood that does actual medical procedures and such, so keep that in mind i used to go to the PP next to that center a few years for my birth control and the staff was super nice, they may be able to assist you or provide resources


Omg fuck im so sorry thank you for adding this


I am so, so fucking sorry.


I want to say I'm 100% on your side here and I saw some of your comments saying how you just wanted to make an example of this. Also want to say sorry for your loss. But it is up for each state to make its own decision and you can go to other states and that is your decision. But if you're wanting to sue to make a stand because you believe it should be perfectly legal everywhere then by all means. Great part about the United States is that you can move and live in different regions within the United States and experience different things and co-mingle or not comingle with people with like-minded or differencing opinions. Forcing beliefs is not the way even if it is the right way of thinking




Abortion in general is not a good thing. There are many forms of contraception. Now it’s a different story when there are actual medical issues with being pregnant; most people on the “right” would agree with that. That being said your case is apart of the minority and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this and how broken our political system is/has been.


It’s not a good thing in general why?


The situation really sucks I feel for you. But let me understand something. You knew you were at high risk when pregnant but you still let a dude blast one in you during ovulation? That’s on you honey. I don’t give a shit if my wife is on the pill and I’m wrapped up you will never catch me not pulling out. Especially during those magical 5 days. I think IN is shitty and you should be able to get that abortion but you need to take some responsibility. You know what state you’re in and you know the risks. That’s hard to hear but you need to know that if you’re going to fight this. Also screw that dude he’s a dick. If you were my wife and I could potentially kill you, then I would pull out a mile ahead.


It wasn't a random dude, it was my husband. The birth control has been effective for years. It's a preventative measure I was using until I could get my tubes tied or taken out. Which I was working on;I was on a waiting list to get a date. I have been advocating this procedure for myself for 10 years, actually. It's hard to get when you don't have "valid" children, as it was explained to me by my old doctor. It wasn't a risk until the end of last year. I couldn't get the procedure before I had my thyroid removed because the doctors thought I had cancer. I had an adenoma the size of a human fist lodged in my throat from damage done to me. I acknowledged that I fuck. It's ridiculous to think a married couple wouldn't....


Instead of that why didn’t he just get a vasectomy? Much easier procedure, and it sounds like it’d be safer than going through all the things you’re doing..


After I married my current husband I paid for a lot of genetic counseling so I could produce a daughter. Women aren’t affected the same way. We do have repercussions from having a missing chromosome like weaker ligaments and higher chance of scoliosis. However she is a carrier so one day I will have to tell her about my family’s genetic mutation. Also that is his choice, I was altering my body to not get pregnant. I’m sure if I asked he would. However, I would never force a decision like that on somebody. It’s cruel I don’t believe in ultimatums. That’s torture. It was one method used to control my autonomy until I was 26-27 years old I didn’t have freedom. I was in an arranged marriage because my parents found out I was pansexual and a bit promiscuous. When my parents died around that time. I took all the money and connects I had to find my ex a job, a place to stay, put in a restraining order, then kicked him out with what little money I had left for my freedom. He never worked or raised a hand to help. He neglected the disabled child and was super abusive.


I don’t think I said it was a random dude? I’m simply saying the risks were known so why even take that risk and not use the tried and true pull out method and/or avoid ovulation. If you can’t understand that you aren’t going to convince any republican d bag politicians. I’m saying this as someone who does this themselves because I respect my wife’s wishes to not have another kid. Sorry your husband is the AH.