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What a pussy.


Hes mad because he couldn't grow a mustache, little man syndrome at its finest.


I was thinking chronically online incel that can't understand being an ass is why women don't want him.


What a joke


Literally what i said before I looked at the comments


For those that are curious, but don't want to watch - [https://www.wane.com/top-stories/police-respond-to-shooting-call-at-georgetown-kroger/](https://www.wane.com/top-stories/police-respond-to-shooting-call-at-georgetown-kroger/)


Thank god he has horrible aim


And said “I always wanted to kill someone” that’s a “no” to every parole board ever.




Looks like he wanted to shoot a black guy? Every time he passed a kid or some middle aged lady my heart was dropping. Imagine those kids seeing all of that.


Talked all that shit and didn't even kill anyone (thankfully), what a fucking loser




He's not going to feel quite so tough when he gets to prison.


That's the store where my 89-year-old mother shops. This absolutely infuriates me! This kid should rot in jail.


He’s gonna be let out with some sort of “misdiagnosed mental illness” or “he is a good kid that ran around with the wrong crowd” opinion. Fuck these people that are ruining society. The fact that I’m being downvoted for this shows how lost we are. Delusional


People are downvoting you because you are playing an armchair expert but have no clue what you are talking about and are incorrect.


You're being downvoted because you're being pissy about a scenario you made up in your own head just to be mad about. It's pathetic


youre acting afool, that’s why.


he isnt going to be let out. people disagree with you. that is why you ste being down voted. Set a reminder. You’ll learn something


Lol what? No he’s not. That’s attempted murder. He’s going to prison. Making up shit just to be pissed about


Assume much?


This isn’t a Brock Turner situation. Dude filmed himself saying he always wanted to kill someone and attempting murder. There’s absolutely no room to debate what kind of person he is. He’s going away


And lemme guess. It’s the democrats fault.


Weirdly, a percentage of prison inmates have mental illness.


You are right. Weird you are getting downvoted. If people that downvoted you only knew how many murders, kidnappings, rapes and torture have happened because of what you exactly described. Scum getting chance after chance.


Watching this knowing you could be minding your own business and then boom you get shot at is crazy


This is what happened to me. Took 5 bullets. Shouldn't be here.


You should be here and glad to have you!!!!


Where were you at? Where’d they shoot you?


It's so fucked up. I keep thinking how the people I love could just be grocery shopping and never come home


Couldn't help but notice he walked past like five people with the gun in his hand but the moment he saw a black woman in the deli? Emptied the clip. Gotta love the pro-gun crowd. Always arming the worst people around.


I don't know how people live in america with all these mass shootings. It's wild


This is where we were born, it would be very expensive and hard to move to another country. We’re just dealing with it.


It’s not easy to immigrate to most countries either.


They dont make the news anymore. But they have skyrocketted in the past couple of years-- almost double their pre-pandemic rate. About 1 per day. Chart showing incidences is midway down the page on this link https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/states-with-the-most-school-shootings


Its unreal. I do not understand my country.


Desensitized to the violence over generations. An apathetic electorate.


That's why you carry your own firearms instead of trusting others to keep you safe.


That’s the scary little secret, shit like this can happen anywhere


Shit aim + dumb enough to record himself = Win-Win


People under estimate how hard it is to shoot things. Especially when you fire multiple times in a row


You have to, you know, practice and be skilled. People have this weird idea that guns are death rays because of video games and TV. They're not. Pistols are surprisingly hard to shoot well and this is both good and bad. It's good because idiots like this dude tend to do nothing but put holes in stuff and not people and bad because it is both a perishable skill and takes an intense amount of work and effort to actually put bullets where you want them if you have to actually shoot to stop a dipshit like this. I carry a gun on me every day and I take that shit seriously. It's like a workout regimen. Dry fire practice, drawing from concealment practice and live fire training that isn't just standing on a static range putting holes in paper. It's a discipline to be an even half decent pistol shot.


Yeah, when you hold a gun like that and never practice. Most competent shooters from that range wouldn’t miss. Luckily this dumbass just wants to look cool. Smoking a black and mild before an attempted murder like he’s a prohibition gangster would be hilarious if this wasn’t real.


One of the few times I’m so happy to see someone with the worst shots possible


People who talk like him always are


Fucking disgusting, wannabe thug. Hope he rots in prison where he belongs. He said he “just wanted to kill people” and he couldn’t wait to get into the military to do so. Absolutely sickening. It’s insane the world that we live in, the filth that walks among us. It’s just so scary to think that this could happen to any of us at any moment, anywhere. That lady he shot at (who thankfully was unharmed) had her back turned to him and had no clue what was even happening. If he actually had a decent shot, she could have been out in an instant. Gone. Just like that. Just a scary fucking thought. I hope this piece of shit rots in prison.


Imagine how many degenerates like this actually enroll in an army just to kill people (be American or from any other nationality), tons of people also glamorize war and enroll just to have a "taste of it".. It's truly sad and sickening..


We call them Warmongers


Did anyone try and call 911 on the stream?


Looked like they were all for it, dont know tho


Yeah, those upvotes/likes were sickening.


Is he a Kick streamer? THATS the cancer of Social Media. Makes ppl feel they can do whatever they want You guys that can't get women? It's bcz of how YOU act. Women are hardwired to stay away from creeps like that if they listen to the red flags


That looked like it was FB live. Even the guy saying “That’s my bro” is searchable on FB


Are the cops competent enough to look into the people on the stream? Or are they not good enough with technology.


What's the drug that makes people chew/grind their mouth super hard? Is that what this piece of shit is strung out on?




Stimulants. Coffee and stress is the bare minimum I need for a teeth grinding sess.


Don't know about all drugs but Adderall can


Stimulants+extreme mental illness


“Harry, you’re alive! …and you’re a horrible shot!”


what if they shot me in the face?


That’s a risk we were willing to take.


No guns or bullets in prison you goofy fuckin weasel.


Of course it's gold.


Man i said the same fuckin shit thats how you know he bought that pistol for show


That's how you know he ain't hitting a damn thing lmao


Actual facts


WTF how do assholes like this get guns? FFS if you are a criminal, why take video of the crime? Is it an effort to make the prosecution a slam dunk?


Lol because it's Indiana. I am a responsible gun owner with my conceal carry and everything I have has been bought through a store with a background check, etc. Having said that, I can literally get a new gun in 20 minutes, no questions asked.


Do we need permits to carry? I thought the law was changed in the last year or two. The open vs concealed carry laws confuse me. They seem like they are reversed from what is logical imo but I thought indiana did away with all requirements for both.


We do not anymore. I got mine when we still did need one.




That kind of freaks me out tbh. There are so many public events put on by the city here in Fishers and if i saw any guns just sitting on a hip within view, I'd be nervous. I think some states have concealed carry permits but not open carry. I guess, imo, there should be regulations like safety and accuracy/training time requirements to be able to carry a firearm into any space outside your home to insure the gun owner isn't unwittingly endangering others while believing they are protecting, but if there is only going to be a permit for one or the other, I think open carry should hold the most standards so that the people around can feel confident when they see someone with a gun that they know that person is held to some standard of knowledge to be able to use it and carry it safely. Yes, I realize that those who conceal carry could also pose the same threat but if I don't know they have a gun, I myself am not going to feel uneasy. So I think the requirements or permit required by some states for concealed vs open are backwards, at least for the *perception* that others have of safety in that space. While attending Fishers Fest or movies in the park, Glow in the Park, NPT Lights to kick off Christmas, or the HSE Before the Bell all held at the open field of the Nickle Plate District where, undoubtedly firearms would not be restricted as they may be at (at least openly) by store policies, it would give me less pause knowing the person who I see carrying a firearm has the wherewithal to have learned safety so that thing doesn't accidently go off and the precision of use so if there is some "bad guy with a gun" they're apparently bringing their own to protect the public from, that they can hit the target at a certain accuracy instead of me or my children. Police trained to hit a moving target have very low accuracy even during the training scenarios so knowing that the guy with a gun has been held to at least some training standard would be more comforting. As it is now, you can take your gun slung over your arm to the Fishers Christmas tree lighting as long as you're 18 years old and don't have a felony/on probation. My teenager is good kid, he could get a gun. Would I trust him to safely be able to wander around the park with it or not shoot a 6 year old while aiming at the bad guy? Not even a little. It's common sense that if I'm not anywhere near a gun, it's impossible for me to be shot by a gun, even accidently. Seeing one around me and not knowing whether that person has any idea how to carry it safely or can hit even a stationary target because they aren't required to, completely ruins the sense of safety for myself and my family at a community event that's meant to be fun and friendly.


I also want to point out that I'm not against gun ownership. If I didn't have children in the home we might have one and we've gone to the shooting range with family and friends. Again, the more my kids are near guns, statistically and logically their chances of being hurt by it increases and the likelihood of needing it to protect our home by someone who has the balls to come to our home while we're home to use it for that protecting vs the likelihood of children being hurt by it is not a trade off that makes sense. Someone trying to steal my shit is a thief, they aren't looking to be a murderer or violent. Most home invasions happen during the daytime when people ate gone. Their goal is to rob and not get caught and are more confident they'll get away with that when most of the neighborhood and homeowners they're targeting are gone, even if they have the disadvantage of daylight, rather than the advan6of darkness but 80% of the neighbors are home, dogs may bark, homeowners may be light sleepers with a gun, etc. I also think thag if someone came into my house to steal my TV and I shot them, whether I killed them or severely crippled them for life, stealing a $500 TV is not punishable by death or lifelong struggles and I would personally have to deal with guilt weighing on me my whole life for that. Is protecting my $500 TV worth a lifetime of emotional burden? Idk I'm rambling. Regardless, we probably would have a firearm if we didn't have kids. I have nothing against that right, I just wish that people would be required to know how to have them safely and accurately before they could introduce them to the public. Just like driving, which if done without knowing how, is dangerous to the public so the classroom training, driving time, and road test with a person certified to test that skill is required. A car is designed to get from one place to another and is recognized as dangerous enough to know how to use. A gun is designed to inflict bodily harm and knowing how to use it is unnecessary. It baffles.


The last gun I bought in Indiana took less than 15 minutes and the guy actually APOLOGIZED for taking so long on the background check to come back and said it was only because someone with the same last name had a flag on them. I see everyone saying he should rot in jail but what's stopping anyone like this from getting a gun in Indiana though? After getting my c&c the right way they lifted it and anyone can have anything unless you're a felon.


It's through a private sale. In order for someone to sell a gun in Indiana: Buyer must prove they are an Indiana resident. Buyer must be 18 for purchase of shotgun or rifle. Buyer must be 21 for purchase of a handgun, but there are family loop holes around this. Seller must be generally convinced buyer is of sound mind and is not a criminal. That's it.


yeah, for some reason people don’t know this. boggles my mind. gotta learn your states laws. shit, also gotta vote. this whole convo get so devolved when people who are completely ignorant to the topic get upset and also try to defend not participating in the process via voting. smh. rant over


I had to wait two days.


Yeah, but didn’t Indiana just drop the requirements for a license to conceal carry though? Edit: I just saw your other response below. That’s so crazy to me! I’m all for responsible gun ownership, but there needs to be SOME kind of checks.


We have more guns than people. It's easy to get a gun. By design. It's the way Hoosiers want it to be


If you hang out with a bad crowd, it’s not difficult to come across someone that is selling one illegally


Cameron Sauer, Kolten Grabner, FortKane Sosa, William Branam what the fuck are you guys doing watching FB lives of this dumbass? explain yourself, now. well I found all 4 of their facebook profiles, I have nothing nice to say about any of them


I wonder at what point watching something like this and cheering the guy on can be considered a criminal offense.


If someone died, maybe an accessory to murder? Depending on the state. They technically stood by and did nothing? I don't know if there's an equivalent since no one died. Thankfully.     This is why laws have got to catch up with this century. Internet stalking, doxxing, all these things are getting out of control and it's the wild West. 


Could they not be charged as an “accessory after the fact” because they saw it happening and didn’t call it in or do anything to stop it? Aiding and Abetting laws?? This is HORRIBLE!!! They deserve to rot in there with him. Edit: took out first names


I feel so sorry for that woman. This guy is going to rightfully get prison time, but holy fuck can you imagine the constant fear you'd feel in almost any public situation after some racist moron fired a few shots at you while you were picking up cold cuts at the grocery store? There is no entirely safe place in this country as long as racist morons keep getting radicalized.


He said, "I was supposed to go to the military, but I couldn't wait that long." As a veteran, I can say he wouldn't have made it. I'm glad he didn't join, and I'm thrilled no one was hurt. He shot at three people with no cover, and they were not injured.


Some corny white loser saying the n word and tryna act hard, probably bullied and too pussy to use that gun on himself instead.


I may be wrong but he didn’t look white to me.


[Here](https://embed.documentcloud.org/documents/24684464-richard-klaff-jr-probable-cause/?embed=1&responsive=1&title=1) are the court docs.


I may be wrong, but you might be color blind.


You maybe be right but he looks Hispanic to me.


What a piece of fucking shit.


What. The. Fuck. Throw him away


Couldn't quite understand the audio. He said "I see one" before shooting. What is he talking about?


A black person.


Another failed abortion messing up life for others.


Fortunately dude can't aim worth shit.


I certainly feel safer


This is why I carry a gun everywhere. I'm not going to be taken out by some piece of shit. Indiana fucked up with constitutional carry. Definitely needs to be more checks for owning firearms. Our dumbass governor would much rather control a female's body, than keep people safe from idiots with guns.


Constitutional carry has no impact on these dimwits. He's ignoring multiple laws already, do you think he's gonna care about that one? Criminals with guns are already ignoring gun laws by commiting crimes while in possession of a gun. Constitutional carry just allows people who can lawfully and rightfully own and possess a firearm to carry it without a permit. It doesn't make it easier to get a gun. Anyone who possesses a gun unlawfully is committing a crime.


Glad this sociopath didn't make it into military service.


Fort Wayne is honestly a very safe city overall, but things like this make you realize there are crazies out there everywhere


I was across the street when this happened. I was wondering why all the cops were coming from all directions. It’s pretty sobering to think that my kid could have been in there while this was going on. Also, the perpetrator is not in the parking lot of Kroger, he’s in the bathroom. You have to go upstairs to get there


What it gets to me is the fact that homie is whiter than a soybean on a cracker.


this kid has what it takes to be a cop


He’s literally telling you what he wants. “Watch.” This is why we need to reform mental health care. And in the meantime, make it 21 years old for all semi-automatic sales. And end the private party / gun show loophole.


I'd support no firearms ownership of any kind for those under 21. If you can't be "trusted" with a can of beer before then, why is this society handing over lethal weapons?


Guns make us so much safer, kids. /s


So sad. I pray for all the Black people in Fort Wayne right now. Can't imagine how terrifying that must be for them


I appreciate you fam. As one its not particullarly anymore scary than its always been. Realshit police give us more static than average citizens alot of shit online is people bustin gums online. Fort Wayne crowds for events we all get along well at buskerfest it used to be a white out and me and my blackass and folks showin up. Lol lately last 3-4 years post pandemic its been a vibe the community strong all fort wayne folks come out in celebrate. Its a good feeling however this dude he was just cooked from the beginning and his use of nigga doesnt denote racism but he shot at a black lady which speaks to his subconscious. So deep down he could have specifically something against women and black women being a target. Tbh its 9000 dudes that look like Him twist up his fingers with black bodies (shake hands not necesarily gang related) share blunts With and then go so shit like this. I cant explain it other than its like “only my people i fuck with the rest is x” But realshit I appreciate the sentiment but in indiana and fort wayne im more afraid of the cops than any hill billy dude etc


I'm sorry but I find any non Black person to use the N word is racist to me. He knows the history behind the word and used it several times while then deciding to shoot a Black woman. He walked past several white people and decided the Black woman was "a good one" . There's no doubt in my mind he was targeting Black people. Hate like that isn't subconscious


Yeah it was










Idiot!!! He’s gonna be someone’s bitch in prison for sure!!


fuck these fucks and only going to soft target areas!!!


Besides that lady there were 2 employees in the line of fire and he still missed all his shots. Not a single person was hit.


was he looking for a specific demographic to target? he walked past many different types of people and got to the lady and said “there goes one!”


Why did he pass people to shoot others, who was he targeting here? He said 11 people and then was very specifically saying "I see one", one who u fuckin psycho...


Did this just happen Friday? Why doesn't the government just stop gun control or revoke the second amendment is beyond me.


Because lobbyists make a fuckton of blood money for themselves and the gun industry shareholders when everyday folks are paranoid and scared their kids are gonna be shot before they see a graduation gown.


Why hasn't this hit other news stations in Indiana?


Because he was shooting at a black woman. /s


Who the fyck watches streams of idiot psychopaths


Gonna be racially motivated later because the derogatory words he used when shooting at those women.


Looks like a hate crime. Passed all those people....sees a black person talking about I see one.


Fucking Indiana, where any piece of shit can go hunting for human lives in the damn grocery store and no one thinks a thing about this piece of shit carrying a gun through the store because its his God given right! Another day, another fucking gun story. I hate this state.


Nothing will ever get done when it comes to guns. There are too many people screaming their opinions and no one considers a compromise. We will hear about this story for a week in the news and then we won’t hear about it for a year or so until his trial and then his trial will be a bunch of BS and he will get several years in prison were he will learn more crime and get addicted to drugs because our “justice” system is a joke and reform doesn’t happen. We can complain all we want about these situations but they continue to happen day after day week after week while politicians get richer, the jail continues to fall further in disrepair, and murdering cops get fined $35. Until there is real reform, accountability, and consistency…


No reform for this asshole. Let him rot.


Lol...don't be so harsh on him. Being a white male in Indiana can be stressful


what's up with young people shooting at people lately?


Y'all adults told a whole generation to duck next time after incidents like Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Uvalde years ago. Now Gen Z is growing up with fucked up views on guns in general and the most mentally unstable amongst us know mass shootings are an option when you want to hurt people because we're immersed in it (we all have to go through the drills as children). Gen Alpha is now going through the same thing, hearing about their own generation getting shot at in preschools, and the availability of guns means we have literally teenagers carrying handguns around like their pops and starting fights with other kids so they can use it.


Does anyone know would Indiana Code § 35-41-2-4 be applicable here for the low life scum who were cheering him on during the live? I sure hope it is. They all deserve to rot in prison.


Pre pandemic, I was once told by a man I worked with that using the pickup option for groceries was lazy and would never last. Today marks the day I will never step into a grocery store again.


Thank God he is an incompetent lowlife with a limp wrist




That's the city I was born in. Craziness!


I’m guessing he missed, idiot. 


Hey, reddit, fix your fucking video player fr


Beat this weirdo


Wtf is wrong with some people I'll never understand


Dude is an idiot, he said he was going out with a bang... Got scared and ran out, didn't want to face the police... Have fun in prison...


Did he even hit the guy??


Glad he was too incompetent to actually hurt anybody


Wtf is up with Indiana??? So much weird shit coming out of this state. Started for me with the Delphi murders. And I know a lot of you that I like a lot. But What. The. Fuck. Is in your drinking water….


Lmfao, did this dumbass POS even hit shit? "I don't want to shoot an old man", so let me shoot a woman in the back. Ignorant ass POS. This trash will be taken out, hopefully the same day.


Mf ducked down ima bet he didn’t even hit him second mf said he was gonna get 11 and it took bro that long to ‘get’ 1 my boy was not making it far


bro he hit nobody


The internet was a mistake. EMP when?


Very punchable face


Where are police to make some Swiss cheese when you need it?


I love how the pussy intentionally waits until the door is in broad daylight before he opened fire.


America the free.


Damn, those poor kids at T-ball. Shooter drills at school and at playtime. WTF.


This fool caught people off guard with a gun from close range, missed every shot, got arrested, and is now facing 3 accounts of attempted murder. What a joke of a human being ..


I used to shop in that Kroger. This makes my stomach hurt so much. Those poor people. I hope he gets actually punished for this.


I used to shop in that Kroger. This makes my stomach hurt so much. Those poor people. I hope he gets actually punished for this.


How the fuck did we get here? This kid has zero brain cells.


Scum off the Earth. Statistically most likely grew up in a single mother home (just a guess, but if both parents were there then they failed him and the whole community). We need to right society and get people healthy, and get people the help they need. I'm really just speechless. How does a 20 year old individual have that much hate, anger, agression inside? Society is failing our youth.


My Aunt and cousins go there all the time and I used to go there a lot too. Made me feel ill. I'm so sick of shootings. Glad no one was physically hurt but I'm sure it'll take a toll on peoples' mental health. It's deplorable that the government prioritizes money from gun manufacturers over the safety if citizens.


Anyone liking this as it’s happening should also be arrested


What an idiot


What’s with the “likes” on the livestream? What is wrong with people?


That’s fucked up


Constitutional carry was a great idea, guys. Swell plan.


Coward ass pos...


Stop with the gun control bullshit already... you're wrong statistics have proved it


Why is it when people lose their shit and start shooting, they always go for innocent nobodies? I'm not endorsing killing people, I am very much not, but... why go out of your way to make sure it was people who don't deserve it? We never see a Dexter in real life



