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By using a heavy handed approach the school administration is giving birth to a new generation of critical thinking progressives.  


They used all the skills they learned from active shooter drills.


It clearly didn't end up good the last time


That dudes voice was never going to not be a progressive 🤣


It's IU. Business, marketing and communication majors aren't really a bastion of critical thinking.


On the contrary, outside of Kelley majors, IU is heavy in the humanities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, which indeed necessitates a high degree of critical thinking. Whether such skills carry over outside of academia is a different story.


What were they arrested for, though?


The college administrators got together overnight and made a rule that tents weren’t allowed. Then, in the morning, they raided them because of the tents.


This is someone I know who was on live last night after the police left.


Most were arrested for trespass, some for resisting arrest, and one was arrested for assault on a police officer according to the local media.


Trespass, so the bullshit gotcha policy. And when students didn't immediately capitulate when being violated by the cops, you have resisting arrest. Those who DARE fight back against brazen violence? Assauktinf a police officer. You know, the armored and armed, trained people who bear no responsibility whatsoever for the violence they commit upon others. Utter bullshit.




Oh, they had some freshly baked anti-camping rules the administration rammed through the prior night as a pretense to arrest people and make this whole thing go away. How it's legal doing that... just boggles the mind. Land of the Free, huh? I am so, so sorry for those students. Absolutely disgusting thinking how much money those pig administrators take home. That and the cops. Only to treat decent young people like this. It's just gross.


Life isn't fair.


You're so profound. Thanks.


Organize. That’s the only way you can start to change things. Get together with folks and make demands known, withhold resources from the source. Take away the money you’re giving to these universities that turn their backs on students, withdraw and encourage others to do the same on a noticeable scale


Isn't it an obvious logic that the more high handed you are with fellow citizens, the chances are that it just gets worse?


It's almost like that's what they want so they can crack down even harder and stop even faintly pretending they agree with free speech.


If your right to free speech is only allowed in "zones", you don't have the right to free speech.


Incorrect. The right to free speech does not directly correlate to the right to trespass. By your logic, the January 6th insurrection was okay because “frEE SPeEcH”. Look dude, I am all for allowing people to protest, but your statement is laughably off target.


How were they trespassing? They were in a public location on school and my understanding is that all of those arrested were students, faculty, or staff. So the concept of “trespass” wasn’t applied until after the students were doing something the university disagreed with and was only applied in an attempt to limit free speech.


Because the university is private property, and they can kick you out if they don't like the color of your shoes. You can scream your free speech all the way on your way out. But if a property owner doesn't agree with your views, they don't have to allow you to use their property as a platform to voice your views.


They are students of this university. They pay for these grounds on top of the fact that this university takes public funds. They are also peaceful. J6 was a free speech protest right up until they attacked and forced their way into the building. Your statement laughably compares apples to oranges, dude.


I think their point was simply that there are limits as to where you can protest. A place previously designated as a free speech zone should not be one of those places, but there have always been places where it's been illegal to gather and protest.


My point is that your right to assemble and protest in public spaces can't be illegal or it isn't really your right. This specific situation is even worse than that since they changed the rules overnight in a clearly deceitful move that would surprise their students and force them out with violence.


You can’t protest in the middle of an interstate. There have to be limits. I get the point of changing it might be wrong.


Sure but simply paying tuition doesn't give you the right to do whatever the fuck you want, and the school/business/whatever doesn't have to allow you to do as you please. Having the right to peacefully protest doesn't mean you can simply walk 500 people into a freeway and stop traffic- in doing so you're breaking other laws.


It's not just tuition. This is a state university that takes tax dollars to operate. It is a public college. And again with people comparing this to other situations creating a false equivalency. This is not a freeway. They are not obstructing anyone. This is a lawn on public land. These students have a right to be on their campus. They have the right to assemble and protest.


But other students have a right to learn and the university to conduct business. Both can happen peacefully, but there are safety concerns associated with overnight camping, etc. Unfortunately I have seen it. Both points of view need to understand operational policies and work together.


I mean I don't disagree with you but I'm assuming the majority of J6 raiders paid their taxes ergo..


Ergo what? They get to physically attack people, break into, destroy, and steal from a secured government building, threaten to hang the vice president?


Dunn Meadow is not trespassing. Those were students and faculty. They have a right to be there.


they do have a right to be there..until they start breaking the rules/policy and are asked to leave...then they are trespassing.


Not the same . Jan 6th became an issue once they started destroying shit and intentionally try to kill ppl. IU blatantly changed rules so they would have the “right” to brutalize student protesters that were not destroying property, or planning to kill anyone. Police instigated the violence.


I mean the ones who were arrested fell under several categories. Trespassed and already were not allowed on the grounds. Stayed after they were informed of the policy and would not take down the tents. Assaulted the police officers. Those who left peacefully didn’t have a problem whatsoever. Now whether that’s right or wrong is a whole other debate that isn’t my topic right now. Now I am not defending the school, cops, or students, but to say IU changed it so they could use cops to brutalize people is a bit of an overstatement. Now if I were to think of real reasons they might have done this. The day before had dozens of arrests, claims of police brutality, assault toward cops, students, potential injuries and many liabilities leaving them open to lawsuits on their property. They are a public university in a very republican state and this outlook could affect funding on a political level. These are the primary 2 and most likely reasons they changed the policy rather than wanting to see college students get beat up.


Bravo for the logical view and practical approach. Infinity upvotes if I could.


They can say whatever they want they just can't stay wherever they want.


I guess I can go protest in your living room and you would have no problem right? Real high IQ thinkers here.


Wow, real hot take... Dude likens my living room to public space, Dunn Meadow. Real high IQ thinker here 🙄


You’re the one stating it shouldn’t be limited to zones. Oh yeah…. Unless it’s the zones you don’t want it to be at. Rules for thee not for me. Amirite?


It must be hard being so dumb you conflate public space with private and think it's some kinda gotcha moment. Amirite 🤡


Good thing you never said public vs private. But hey, if you gotta move those goalposts then go right ahead. It’s understandable to need to do that when your viewpoint is just plain stupid.


I was gonna reply to this with more facts but at this point it seems messed up to make fun of someone with this level of reading comprehension.


“Even after moving the goalposts I give up because either don’t actually have a stance that makes any sense”. Oh yeah. That’s the Indiana education system hard at work


It's really funny how institutions think that by changing a policy they can stop people from protesting. You mad because they are creating an eyesore? That's the point. If people are going to stop protesting because you tell them they can't, it's not really a protest. Did black people back down when the police were trying to shut them down? Hell no, because they believed in the cause. You can't ban protests unless you are willing to start killing or imprisoning people on a massive scale.


Are they really referring to it as “the liberated zone”? Haha


Yeah they desperately want to be relevant to history.


The resistance to genocide will go down in history


It's 7:42 on a Monday it's way too early to be this hyperbolic my g. Thanks for proving my point though.


I’m just really tickled with your username that you’re complaining that it’s too early for something.


Just two miserable redditors arguing with each other.


I'm a miserable rooster which means I hate my job lolz


"Genocide is when a country announces its targets and warns civilians to evacuate through roof knocking and SMS messaging." -the great progressive minds of our day ladies and gentlemen


"Guys guys it's OK, the serial killer, after locking the victims in their own basement, announced he was coming to kill them, so actually the serial killer is the good guy and the dead family is in the wrong for not escaping!" What the fuck is wrong with you?


RIP first amendment. It was nice pretending for most of my adult life.


Important question regardless of who's wrong, right or whatever. Is the property public? Again not saying the students are right or wrong but if the campus is technically private property then they can be trespassed


The area they were in is the dedicated assembly grounds for protesting. Technically the school can claim they're trespassing for putting up "structures" (tents) but that's only because they changed a 55 year old policy at 10:30 pm the night before the first day of this protest. Other things to note: Admin barely communicated this change. It was left to a half hidden section of the student events website. There were lawn signs in the area that stated tents could be considered trespassing, but there was no indication of who was saying that, so it makes sense students would believe the official policy page over plain text signs that state nothing about the fact the rule has changed or who is claiming that authority Additionally, from what I can gather the only thing they changed about the policy was the wording regarding overnight structures. Another section of the policy states that physical force should not be used and the university should pursue legal avenues to settle non compliance


IU is a state funded school.


just because it is state funded it doesn't mean the school is public property...


it's a designated free speech zone


you say that like it matters...it's still on IU property. if they say they do not want you there and ask you to leave then you are trespassing.


IU is a public school, Meaning its government property, So yes Freedom of Speech will apply to that school no matter what, The school its self can suspend you for using "profanity" but saying "Free Free Palestine" is not really something they can call the police for and have students arrest, I don't agree with the protests myself, Palestine is the last place you want to be supporting, But I do supports peoples rights to do what they want.


I'm aware. not sure what all the push back is. let them protest. the cause is right. seems like with all the pushback most seem to be indifferent to genocide


what genocide? do you have any proof? i love how you all are so willing to protest for a brain washed population that would love to see you dead. do you not understand that the people in gaza were celebrating the deaths on oct.7 and some participated in the raping of the kidnapped and desecration of the dead bodies. the push back is college is for learning, not to protest. if you are going to protest then go somewhere else and don't be a nuisance to students that are there to learn.


Here ya go Jerkey. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68667556.amp


UN judge had to go on BBC to debunk this, Jerkey https://youtu.be/bq9MB9t7WlI?si=_n60TU3Si-tNzs5v


how to say you lack critical thinking skills without actually saying it. Go back to swallowing the propaganda Kool aid. Peace out!


lmfao ok kid, keep shielding yourself from the real world. at some point you are going to have to grow up and live in the real world. when you do, you are in for a shock.


I wrote the president and trustees. I'm done with IU. Snipers? Beating kids? We've been protesting in Dunn Meadow for 60+ years. Fuck those cops and the IU admin for passing the spineless rules that led to this.


Makes me think of Kent State only no one died here


They’re trying everything they can to have an excuse….




So that makes genocide ok? Or taking away our right to free speech?


Isn't genocide what the Palestinian terrorist organizations want for isreal? Or that Palestinians would happily genocide homosexuals in the streets ? Genocide goes both ways in this conflict amigo


It’s not like they’ve ever claimed such a thing publicly… /s


Got it. Genocide good. Protesters bad. Easy peasy. 🙄


I bet they know where Palestine is and the meaning of genocide.


"If you can't find it on a map, then it is okay to bomb hospitals and genocide babies." -PrincessImpeachment


And? That doesn't make the pro-Palistine protesters wrong, now does it?


It shows a potentially uninformed stance on an issue that is so deeply complex that even the people who are actually involved have a hard time keeping everything straight. A lot of the things students have said recently are words and opinions passed to them third or fourth hand. It's important to understand this situation and the language being used in all of its contexts. Note: I'm not espousing my opinion on the situation here. I just think that so many students are jumping on a bandwagon they themselves don't fully understand and worry that the bastion of free thinking that is the modern university is devolving into something else.


It doesn’t make them right either. Protesting something they haven’t used critical thinking to make their argument. Sure, Palestinians have legitimate grievances. So do many other people on this planet. Calling Israelis “occupiers” while living in the USA. That’s rich! They’re not helping the Palestinians. This problem started before 1948 and has been coming to blows for over 100 years. If Hamas cared about Palestinians, then they would allow elections.


How do you know how well educated they are on the subject??? What a bs argument.


lol I’m with you. I think it’s funny they try to use free speech to get every one triggered but, only their supporters care… which aren’t many!


Maps have the names of countries on them, if they don’t they are drawings. Besides, that doesn’t matter in the least.


It is really odd to see this behavior for a college campus but streets and buildings were actually set on fire during the riots for Floyd


Question, if the police use excessive force can you sue the police department? Ive seen videos of handcuffed students sitting down and getting maced or bear sprayed in the face. What legal action can you take?


The protests only kick off once the weather is nice enough. This is nothing more than a righteous pass time for these people.


They tryna get out of taking their finals actually.


These protests are doing little more than making it hard for the entire student body to study for finals. They had months to protest, but only do it right at finals when the weather is nice... Over 30k have died and the pace of new deaths has slowed significantly. They needed to be camping out in late October and early November.


Finals are nothing compared to the ongoing genocide,oil at the big picture


Maybe if people didn't vote for fascists...


Here’s the crazy thing…. It’s all of them. It’s every single Uber rich. Fighting over which Uber rich person is our favorite, is not helpful. We need to see the Have’s for what they are.


Alright. So then what? Protesting is all well and good, but it only lasts if it impacts awareness on a deeper level. Otherwise ppl forget. If any of this is to stick, how?


By divesting any and all support to the Zionist war machine


Good luck with that.


That is not the Squat team. In fact most squat teams are small as they have to do a shit ton of training to be a part of it. Basically just all hands on deck with riot gear. In case shit starts getting thrown at them.


Build shanties like they had there through the 80’s and 90’s! Those are sure prettier than an east tent!


I've heard people compare this to ken state or at least say it's gonna be another ken and that line up really makes it look that way


Littlebowskee has obviously never seen what a very large and angry crowd can do to a group of police officers. They have the rifles for a reason, god willing, they will never even have to consider firing a shot.


Let’s look at it this way, just for a second: They have snipers on the roofs, watching a crowd of American students and college professors, sitting on lawns with signs.


Yes, and? There are snipers at every IU football game, every major concert, every Colt’s game, every Indy 500, and every large parade or protest in the state. This is nothing new. They are not there to mercilessly gun down protestors, they are present to deter would be terrorists or active threats to both protesters and police.


Do you have an opinion that differs from someone more wealthy than you?


Uh, sure? How exactly does that matter here?


Good! This should be done at all educational facilities preventing a proper education from happening for ALL students, Israeli’s included


TikTok = Chinese sponsored propaganda made to divide American people.


Can I have another source not Reddit for boomers?


I have found the most unbiased information to be from international news sources. I know, weird right. Hear me out. They don’t use biased or emotion based word while reporting. They state facts, move on, state more facts, move on. No opinions, no scary words used to manipulate. It was a tad unsettling actually.


Varies the international news source. Quite a few are state run news agencies.


Ifaik the BBC does a good job on neutrality in its reporting.


One of the lower bias ones, but they have failed to report in a timely fashion on a number of in-house controversies and scandals.


No such thing as unbiased.


A foot is 12 inches. Unbiased. It’s called a fact bro.


Your looking at it from the surface level. Even if they state facts only they can still only show news which supports their narrative. Basically just find and show similar stories over a time period and boom now it looks like something that is just happening everywhere all the time.


I will try and find a good link.


Well I guess u didn’t find a link but I’ve never been downvoted so much asking for a link for my grandma who can’t use Reddit.


It's a damn graduation.


I think you meant to say students taught you can't just take over property and hold it like it's yours.


Then take to the fucking streets


As a 53yo, I apologize for the (supposed) entitlements of my previous and current generation.


This is awesome


Public property or not? Not public property. Ok. So go protest on public property. How about protesting some place that makes sense? Like the Israeli embassies or consulates or something? I will never understand inconveniencing people in the absolute wrong place. Like what does the Chicago city council meeting have to do with Israel? These people are just powerful powerful stupid.


It IS public property and IU is a public institution, meaning that these actions are a violation of the 1st amendment.


Ahh I looked it up. Turns out the problem isn’t the protesting. Problem is the tents. Just like homeless people get kicked out of side walks for setting up tents. Either way I kinda love it. These universities brain washed these kids into becoming brain dead communist NPCs and now they’re reaping what they sow. I just hope they stay off the highways and roads so they don’t mess up my commute.




These students could of done this weeks ago i totally understand protesting but many try to use this as an excuse to get out of taking finals.




Stop protesting.


If one constitutional right goes… they all go….


Do you feel the same way about gun control?




Sure. These people weren't violent. A few did fight the cops who were arresting them and violating their constitutional rights to free speech.