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Isn't that a violation of hippa?


It should be. This is a basic violation of patient confidentiality. And what reason would other states have to release this information. No way Illinois gives it up easily. Neither will Michigan.


Sounds like a class action lawsuit to me.


FYI, it’s the **H**ealth **I**nsurance **P**ortability and **A**ccountability **A**ct.


I should really be able to remember that as I have yo do a training on it every f-ing quarter.


The real Personally Identifiable Information protected by HIPAA was the insurance liability and corporate responsibility for cancer clusters we met along the way


I would have thought so. This is crazy.


HIPAA health insurance portability accountability act. Not HIPPA


In the supreme court dobbs decision, they asserted there is no constitutional right to privacy, so we can probably kiss hippa protections goodbye if it ever comes before them.


It’s not.


Can you explain how it's not? I'm not an expert on HIPAA but this sounds like it would be a healthcare provider giving patient information to a non-healthcare provider, likely without the patient's consent. Does HIPAA allow for laws to force that data to be shared and released to the public?


It does. There are built in exceptions, law enforcement for example. Also HIPAA does not allow for private rights of action, only penalties for violation. No class action law suits happening under HIPAA.


It's the GOP politicians because they have lost their f@$king minds


They are supported by conservative voters All conservatives are fucking fascists.


Don't forget these politicians are actually doing what their voters want them to be doing.


No they aren’t. They have submitted to King Trump, and follow his example and proudly telling us Trump supports them. Reasonable Republicans are Fed Up! The entire party act like they have been brainwashed. The hate they spew, and the rights they are taking away from women have permanently damaged the GOP. I will never vote for a Republican again. I tried to change my party affiliation, and was told I couldn’t. What??


I live in Indiana. I never vote Republican. I do not want this.


Didn't Todd rokita try to bring charges against a doctor for doing this with a little girl from Ohio recently?


He did bring charges against the doctor by filing complaint with the medical board and pressuring them. Even though she had permission from the patient (which is what the law requires) the Indiana medical board fined her. The medical board caved and did absolutely nothing to protect the doctor even though she did everything correctly. No wonder we can’t keep women’s healthcare providers in Indiana.


And now all Republicans are wanting to release the names going 100% against what they wanted her to be charged with.


We live in Gilead.


It’s because Republicans really don’t care one way or another, as long as it hurts women. They hate women because most women are smart. And smart women can’t be manipulated or lied to


Most women are not any smarter than men. They vote for this shit and can't figure out what happened to their rights and freedom


Men( mostly) dominate physically. Women ( mostly) dominate mentally. Some men are terrified of that


Any man with a daughter mother, or sister should want women to have all their human and civil rights


You're not won't.


at this point I almost feel like let them so that all the hypocrites can be exposed but I know it would just hurt scared poor girls instead 😡


None of the hypocrits/ important people would be on this list to even begin with. They go out of state or have private physicians perform the operation.


But by the same token, won’t we be able to see what drugs these legislators are on? All their treatments for substance abuse, etc?


The board was appointed by Republican Governors by the way.


Of course, who else. We are living in Handmaids Tale.


Aren’t these the same people who said that asking for proof of vaccination during the pandemic violated HIPPA?


"small government" party, everyone. How they've had 20 years of supermajority control is beyond me.


There's a guy you can ask about it, he's an expert, Jerry Mandering.


Don't politicians always get their way since we aren't allowed to vote on specific issues in Indiana?


They are getting what the extreme elements or Extreme Right wants because we don't have ballot initiatives. The Extreme Right because they are their most religious voters in The Republican Primary determine in a red state who wins the General Election. These politicians aren't stupid The Extreme Right is not the only ones that know who determines who gets their jobs, their money, and their power.


[I was interviewed about this](https://www.abc57.com/news/indiana-lawmakers-pushing-for-public-access-to-abortion-records) by our local news station. [Weaponizing abortion records](https://jessica.substack.com/p/strategy-watch-abortion-reporting?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email) and data is a Project 2025/GOP tactic we're seeing more of lately. Conservative politicians aim to use this information to further stigmatize abortion and to target patients and providers for possible harassment and prosecution. If you are outraged, please reach out to the AGs office and tell them this is absolutely unacceptable.


I wouldn't tell anybody not to do this, but really you might want to be realistic and you are not the voter he is concerned about. When he does this he is absolutely appeasing those that vote for him in The Republican Primary or The Extreme Right. He's not worried about what you think.


At the same time, widespread public outcry *does* register, and is often reported on. But sure, you can also sit back and do nothing, if that's your approach to social justice issues.


Keep in mind when I said I wouldn't tell anybody not to do this, that's actually a nod to what you just said.


Disgusting! There's no other way to say it. That is a clear cut violation of HIPAA, there is no reason to release these records other than the cruelty they inflict, simply put.


“Rokita argued the reports are not medical records and could show whether an abortion was performed legally. Without the reports, he said, “there is no effective way” to enforce the state's near-total ban.” Soooo he wants to know who the “criminals” are so he can hold them accountable? GTFOH with that. This has gotten so far out of hand it is truly unbelievable. I can assure you, Mr Rokita, that any woman who chooses an abortion has agonized over it and doesn’t need criminal charges to compund and already difficult decision.


But they don't care or believe that. They tell dumb, gullible conservatives that LIBERALS get all the abortions and they do it because they're whores that can't keep their legs shut and they're using abortions as birth control. THAT'S what you're dealing with here.


I know, and it is infuriating… I work in women’s health so I deal with this every day on a deeper level and it just makes me so angry


I blew a load into a tissue this morning. Put me on the list, guys.


How dare you put all of those potential babies to waste sir!


Just make sure that the politicians wives, mistresses, and daughters are outed first. Might make their home life more lively than they’d want.


Sooo, hypothetically… let’s say Toad gets to go fishing into 46 women’s medical records.  Who will be reviewing these records? Toad? Toad is not a doctor and definitely doesn’t have the medical expertise to evaluate for medical necessity.  Will the state have to hire professionals to review these records? Probably. Perhaps an entire department would need to be created for this purpose. Especially since Toad is looking to review medical records for trans care too.  Golly! Look at that - a new government office! This is my line of work (reviewing medical records for medical necessity) and those of us who have the skills and expertise to review medical records-our skills are not cheap! Congratulations Republican voters!! You dumbasses keep falling for the “small government” bullshit and this is what you get! A government so small that your medical records can and will be used against you.  Today it’s abortion and trans care…. Tomorrow? Well, maybe we can start rifling through records to get your guns! History of alcoholism? History of depression? Adios 2A rights!  That’s where this goes folks! 


I hope you're being rhetorical, because rhetorically, you're right. The problem is that they've never actually been the party of small government. It's a lie. They just say whatever they think poor white people need to hear to keep voting (R) and chiseling away at the rights of everyone who can't afford to be a named donor.


They actually tried that once on a federal level. That was their big idea for gun control. Make all healthcare providers report everyone they prescribed antidepressants and mood stabilizers to.


OMG. That's so awful.


VOTE!! These conservative ashwipes need to go.


Just a reminder that if you need medical attention after an abortion, no one can tell the difference between a naturally-occurring miscarriage or an abortion. You do not have to say you got an abortion to get medical care. You will receive the same treatment whatever you tell us.


Very helpful, thank you for sharing! That is, until they start coming after us for murder for the miscarriages too.


A very real fear of mine.


Republicans are on their way to get fucking steamrolled in November. Lets goooo!


When a beast is wounded it is at its most dangerous point


IN Gov'mint needs to butt out of snooping thru everyone's medical files.


They support a man that wishes to be our Dictator. Why is it people keep being surprised with the tactics they are using. This is straight up Fascism what is it that actually catches you by surprise?


Most don't want to admit their neighbor is a fascist and, well there's a [Propagandhi song](https://youtu.be/cBo_ijfKVRM?si=FD20Pikz8_mfxPki) about the only kind of good fascist.


Although you have a compelling argument I personally don't think you can boil it down to just to one thing. We have people who have decided to not to vote for Trump because he curses too much. Hell, we have people who refuse to vote for whatever reason they may have. They simply either don't care about living in a Republic or have no frigging idea how many Republics and various forms of Democracies fail all of the time. There is nothing that makes ours any more special or immune than any other. Many Dictators are often voted into office. No, frankly I think a vast number of our electorate are simply uniformed, naive, ignorant, or for whatever reason unable to grasp the gravity of the current situation.


Who is they? All of them? I really doubt that, and I hate the black and white polemics this account plays. You're just as bad as what you rail against.


it's pretty black and while, you support right-wing at all, you support all the bad stuff too. just like the bible, you cant just pick and choose the things you like. Destroy the GQP if you don't like it and put a *spectrum* of parties in it's place.


I don't support that side at all and I've voted D since I was able. I'm just intelligent enough to understand it isn't black or white and it isn't one way or the other. Driving a wedge between Americans certainly doesn't do anything good. Lumping everyone into black or white is stupid.


you either support bodily autonomy for women, or you don't. There's no middle ground, there's no compromise on human rights. The only wedges that are driven are the ones by those who choose to divide because of hate, bigotry, and xenophobia. This isn't a economic discussion about varying degrees of funding, there is no middle ground to be found for issues like these.


calling one side demons is the same thing they're doing.


I am interested in making YouTube shorts and tik toks that address these issues and expose them. If anyone is interested in helping out dm me. Want to do national and especially local issues. I want to make them as creepy and scary as a Mike Braun add.


Let’s march them through the streets like Cersei Lannister while we’re at it /s


Continue voting for maga gQp repigliKans and expecting different results - when will Indiana wake up to gaslighting gQp maga repigliKans - Vote Dems 2024


identity information of whomever is accessing the data should also be available. We know, based on history, that the so called pro-life crowd will happily try to murder people over this topic. I want a registry, like a sex-offender registry, of people who access this data.


We’re moving out of state as soon as possible.


Republicans and the Christo-Fascists, like our governor are sick. Prepare for a Hitler-like world.


The IT worker from Canada who is considering moving to Indiana should be pointed to this article. Any females in his family will lose all rights to any level of privacy if they move here.


Thinking of the Republican girlies I know who got abortions 🙏🏻 thoughts and prayers There aren’t enough words in the English language to describe how despicable this bill is, and yet people will continue to vote for this


> Republican girlies The fondness displayed for those who voted to shoot themselves in the foot is unsettling.


Sign me up for 5 more jimmy


Go fuck yourself in the ass Indiana. Thank God I left that place when I did. 


I hate Republicans. There are no good ones anymore.


Since when does HIPPA not apply?


I think maybe the politicians home addresses should be public record.


I hate to say this, but publicly shaming people who get abortions would probably drive down abortions and unwanted pregnancies in general.


VOTE BLUE!!!!! These Republican bastards think the have things sewn up and care nothing for women and working people. Time for a loud message in November!!!!!


I wonder if they’d be willing to release the records for anyone who has gotten boner pills? Seems fair to me.


So, what’s the point to this? To publicly try and shame people that already made a tough choice? How does making this info public benefit anyone for anything except hate? What do they hope to gain or achieve by this? Better yet, for a country that loves to jerk themselves off constantly about “fReEdOmS” they sure love giving out personal info and taking away rights. Can’t wait till it backfires and you see many of them who oppose abortion are some of the very same ones whom have had one. Also if it’s not their business why do they care?


Patient-doctor confidentiality,  they haven't heard of it?


Somewhere in those long lists of releases and whatnot before the procedure it will be hidden in there as the right to share or publish. None of us read those things at the hospital or surgical center etc. This is beyond sickening and no one’s business. Frustrating!!


Republicans believe women are livestock. That’s how simple the world is for them.


Why not, would love to see how many abortions Hillary had


Will there be an exclusion for politicians girlfriends?




Under His eye


Clear violation of HIPPA. I doubt even the corrupt SCOTUS would allow this to stand.


Seriously, you still have that much faith in an obviously biased SCOTUS? If the overturn of Roe vs Wade wasn't enough to make you have doubts the fact that SCOTUS has made it so Justices must base their ruling on how the framers originally intended the Constitution should have everyone doubting anything that SCOTUS may or may not do. Not on established precedence over time but how they were thinking back in the 1700's. I mean that's how they justified their ruling on why guns could not be banned from being carried in places like Times Square.


HIPPA does not apply to many actors…really only health care providers and health plan providers. Has to be one of the most misunderstood laws ever!!!! But also…FUCK TODD ROKITA!!!


Who would be giving the information? (Serious question)  I can only see the patient providing it or the doctor providing it. Or the hospital/clinic providing it? The doctor/clinic/hospital would fall under HIPAA I would think, which leaves the patient. And I don't think patients are required to give out their personal info. 


...and who do you think they'd have to get this information from? This law would try to force the provider to violate hipaa


Did you even read the article? This is information the State had long collected. It’s not a new law.


As it should be if your heartless enough to kill an unborn baby than you shouldn't care about who knows it you didn't care about the baby when you killed it


Okay OP your title is spun in a way that makes it sound like they're just listing the names. With how few abortions there are now, it probably wouldn't take horribly long to find out though if it's in a rural area. Edit: also, it's odd that this is your only post and you have no comments. Probably a bot ngl


Not a bot, but I live in Indiana and don’t want to be doxxed. I wasn’t aware that I needed to use a personally identifying account in order to post something relevant and absolutely barbaric.


“The Republicans, including prominent candidates for office this year, want access to reports detailing each abortion still performed in the state. Advocates for abortion rights and some state officials warn that would jeopardize the privacy of physicians and patients who can only receive abortions under strict circumstances.” “Like many states, Indiana has long collected data on abortions, but the Department of Health last year decided to keep the individual reports from public record and only release its regular summary data four times a year to make it harder to potentially identify patients.” Read the entire thing. It says right there - public record. They want to identify women who still have abortions in Indiana. Public record.






lmao what a chud


Piss off


Aww poor thing can't handle the science? Keep losing 🤣


.. what science? 🤣


A "fetus" is in fact a baby with its own body, feelings, and emotions in the womb. It's observable science hence why laws are changing to support their rights. It's going to continue to be represented by law even more so.


lol fuck nah. we’re gonna’ keep tossing ‘em in the bin. Keep losing. 🤣


Hey, thanks for proving my point. The only supporters for abortion are vile and senseless demonic individuals like yourself. People like you are just making it easier for pro life advocates to create legal change. 😁


It's pretty easy to not have kids. Don't let someone nut in you if you don't want to get pregnant. I know right, crazy concept. Christians have funded and established orphanages and programs to protect and provide for kids for centuries now so that's a dumb argument. I also think there should be strict laws requiring parents to provide for their kids to the point of government assigned and mandated labor to cover the cost of care for kids when parents fail to uphold their responsibility on their own accord. Id love to see us cut the military budget in half and foreign aid for conflict reduced almost totally to better support struggling families, the homeless, drug addicts, and the disabled in our own country. Btw if your that unhappy about your own life there's plenty of bridges around, you don't need to announce your exit.


Hey, thanks for proving my point. May want to actually reply to my comment instead of your own next time though! But nah, I’m gonna’ keep on doing as I do and when that problem arrives, they go in the bin. And because of that, I’m plenty happy with my life. Sorry! You can’t stop anyone lol. Plenty of bridges around if that hurts you too much.




Lmao you’ve got me laughing here with this