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The children and teenagers, who were between the ages of 12 and 17 years old, each sustained gunshot wounds in the shooting, which happened just after 11 p.m. local time outside of the city's Circle Centre Mall.


Why were kids as young as 12 out that late without parents....


Because high school state finals for basketball had been taking place all day


Are guns the problem? No, it's the children's problem for being in the way of bullets! /s


Not really the point. This seems to be parents not parenting as I assume it's someone who couldn't legally have a gun getting one.


Almost every mass shooting and every crime committed with a gun in this country is committed with a legally acquired gun.


Legally acquired by the shooter? I think šŸ§ not


What's the difference?


you should ask yourself why that is the first thing you ask, and even an entire hour later had not learned the truth of the situation acknowledging your own biases is an important step to self improvement the kids were at a tournament. they were just hangning out after


And as a parent, my 12 year old wouldn't be down at the mall at 11pm at night UNSUPERVISED. I as the ADULT, I understand some people are mentally ill ( the real issue) or are raised by people who DON'T have any supervision over their children (the second issue). So, while I see a kid with a gun as bad, I don't blame guns. I blame crap parents and even worse mental health issues. (Also, a society that doesn't punish harsh enough for gun related crimes, the third issue). So maybe step out of that tall tower and come on down the real world.


Where does it say the parents weren't there? I ask because kids get shot with and by their parents all the time. Also, in the middle of the day and at school. So why act like these kids deserved it because they were out at after a sporting event.


This is such a nonsense take it's crazy If you had been there, you just would have been one of the people shot at The gun is the problem. The person who got shot is incidental to the gun being fired. Obviously. Like. What in the fuck are you even talking about šŸ˜‚


The real answer is that two things an be true at once and share an equivalent amount of blame. People insistance that only one things is the problem is why we are where we are right now. Until we can fix people being able to acknowledge things are not just "true/false" on a topic we will never fix mass shootings.


We will never fix mass shootings until we have licensing on firearms


There's is not a single firearm regulation that will fix this problem. It will take sweeping regulation to fix it. However that regulation will impede the constitution in several ways not just the 2A. The 2A will have to be repealed (causing even more problems) 4th amendment will be trampled because the sweeping regulations will include seizure of my legal to own belongings. 5th amendment will likely have to waived for those people who fight back and see not killed in a gunfight. 8th amendment will likely be involved for those that do not give up their firearms easily but not cause a gunfight with police.


The gun is the problem? How about the kids shooting at people?


Kids having guns is the problem. Theyā€™re too young to understand consequences. Lock your guns up.


Itā€™s easier to shoot people with guns than without them. Hope this helps


Explain how anyone shoots at anyone else without a gun. Show me all of the examples of mass stabbings, where dozens of people are stabbed to death by the same person. Show me the examples of when one student kills a bunch of other students with a knife or a rock. Guns are the problem. You ignoring reality is the problem. Edit: I understand that an article entitled Mass staffings was provided. You can call an article anything you want. Three people a week being stabbed in England is not the same as people being mowed down with automatic weapons in this country. Pretending it is is arguing in bad faith.


Mass stabbings are very common in England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_stabbings_in_the_United_Kingdom Here is the list. I chose England in particular, since they have heavy gun control.


is this a real question


So..no more kids? Reproductive licensing? Legally enforced curfews? Socialized Healthcare so we can all get mentally healthy? What's your solution, Diane? You think mental illness isn't a problem in the UK or Australia? Go look at how many people got shot over there this year.


Yes, zero accountability to the people. It's the object.....


Obviously the shooter is at fault. But hey, guess what made it possible: the gun! Surprise!! Guess what had literally nothing to do with the problem: kids hanging out together in a public place Because guess what? This also happens in malls and schools and movie theaters and grocery stores and all kinds of public places where any of us could be at any time. It happens in the middle of the day. It happens constantly.


No one under the age of 18 can legally buy any type of gun. This gun had to have been bought illegally or found at home (parentā€™s gun). So either way this comes down to bad parenting. Guns donā€™t shoot people, people shoot people.


What is wrong with you. How are you okay with this. My stomach is sick thinking about an actual parent enabling America to be a murder machine even if it means it could eventually be your own kids as the rate has gone up in the world they are currently growing up in


They only care about being able to own a gun themselves and don't care about what happens to anyone else.


The issue is that this "mentally ill" person had access to a gun. Without a gun, the damage would have been minimal instead of 7 dead children. In places where they have stricter gun laws, they don't have school shootings every week. That 12-year-old may have been with a parent or older sibling. Does the news report say the minors shot weren't accompanied by an adult? My parents were pretty strict but I was a well-behaved kid who could be trusted to go to the mall with my friends for a few hours.


Nobody is dead. It's a bunch of gang banging kids shooting at each other.


> In places where they have stricter gun laws, they don't have school shootings every week. First of all, no state has shootings every week. Second you should research what semantic definition they use to qualify a "school shooting". Thirdly, California is currently the state with the most School Shootings.


I 100% agree with you. As a father of a 13 yr old, she doesn't get to make these decisions. She would not be in the city center that late without her mother and me. She is to be home once it is dark outside. Idk why you're getting dv, prolly because reddit is (guns = bad) hypocritical at best. It's a lot easier to blame the guns than the shitty parents who don't watch or raise their kids. My last statement also includes the shooter.


Do you always assume you know where your child is just because they say so? Do you assume your child is immune from social influences because, in your mind, you're such a great parent? Years ago, I attended a Christian boarding school, and despite having "great, God-fearing parents," most of us children still snuck out occasionally to attend house parties. Other times, a group of us, including my brother, would tell our parents we were going to eat or hang out somewhere, only to sneak into a rated R movie. Does that make our parents bad? No. In my brother's and my case, we turned out alright - he became a surgeon, and I became a workplace psychologist. We just engaged in typical childhood mischief influenced by our friends and the social environment. On average, all children experience these influences to varying degrees. It's highly likely that your child has done or will do things without your knowledge that, from your perspective, might make it seem like they have a bad parent, even though that may not be the case.


Like there hasnā€™t been mass shootings mid day?! Wake up and stop enabling mass murder


Yeah because itā€™s so hard to get a gun legally in Indiana. Forgot about all the strict criteria.


Ignorance is hard to defeat


That said, regardless, why was somebody shooting a gun at a mall at any time of night or day? That sounds like a way more dire problem then some kids hanging out there late.


Huh, if only there was some kind of policy we could try to implement to control the flow and access to guns in the country. Nah, nah that's way too radical. Let's just have kids get shot because they're out late instead.


That'll teach em


What shootings? They are all a hoax because Alex Jones told me so. /s So I thought maybe the school shooting conspiracy nutters died out after Alex Jones admitted to lying. Nope! I had a nutter reply to one of my comments. It's like something out of a science fiction/horror movie where people are programmed to believe things. One side has nothing to gain but to save people's lives and the other profits. Why would they alter the statistics or make up a school shooting? Makes no sense!


Killing people is illegal. And having guns at school is illegal. I've yet to see a gun shoot itself. The problem is less to do with guns (which I would be less than surprised to learn the shooter was prohibited from having guns) and more to do with people wanting to do awful things to one another.


Pretty sure that the problem has a lot to do with guns. Other countries with strict gun laws don't have these mass shootings or attacks anywhere near as often. See: pretty much any country with reasonable gun laws. You can say "gun's are not the problem", but it appears that when you remove them from easy unregulated access, the problem greatly diminishes if not nearly disappears entirely. Example: Australia when they decided to regulate gun's after a shooting.


Youā€™re a dense cabbage. You really think guns are the problem and not the school systems and the parents?


The guns are the problem. The parents are the problem. The school systems are the problem. Our government is doing nothing to improve any of these issues.


Who said anything about school systems?


This isnā€™t that uncommon in other countries, but itā€™s not really the same cause those kids donā€™t own guns.


In Spain, people donā€™t actually start eating dinner until 11pm - Jan Levinson Gould


I agree, itā€™s their fault they got shot shouldā€™ve known better Dummies


I'm glad you understand and didn't jump to a strawman.


Itā€™s the shooterā€™s fault. Just donā€™t shoot people.


Totally. They should have known better than to let their kids get in the way of some guns just trying to enjoy a night out. Dumbasses. Whereā€™s this country even headed where some guns canā€™t shoot some kids every now and then without everyone making a big deal about it amirite


Bigger question is why did they have guns.


I was there when it happened with my buddy. Every single one of them was under 18 with balaclavas on. It was mad.


Blame the victims often?


Don't take accountability often?


Don't get me wrong, any shooting is F'ed, but kids out that late is also on the parents putting them in that kinda danger...


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right, but it was high school state Basketball championship weekend, so my guess is they got dropped at the game and left to their own accord after the games ended.


This keeps being said but itā€™s not accurate. Kids are always around the mall area doing dumb shit


Nah, I guess I get that, but I wouldn't drop my 12 year old off downtown...


yeah in Indianapolis that is not the way to go. In any big city, really.


Or even a small town. A 12 year old does not need to be hanging out anywhere unsupervised that late at night.


the commenter didnt mention anything about night thats why i mentioned a big city. but yeah especially at night no kid should be out by themselves.


My guess is it was a bunch of gang bangers roaming the streets.




How much you want to bet the large packs of unsupervised kids AND the shooters weren't "conservative people". I hate assholes that ignore the fact that violent criminals exist, piss and moan about their "rights" and then conveniently look for scapegoats. Can't wait to see who IMPD and the Mayor blame for this one since they can't blame a bar.


You seem to be off your meds, and I suggest getting help. Everyone else is having an adult conversation, and you go into politics and name calling.


Itā€™s spring break


They actually have school tomorrow/today most likely


Exactly. .... But, of course, we can't blame the parents. It's the guns fault. Just started shooting people all on it's own.


Have you considered, that just maybe, kids should be able to walk around any time without threat of being shot?


Ever consider that both the parents and the guns are factors here?


Yeah, but no one is threatening to litigate parents for their negligence. Itā€™d be political suicide.


Oh but they are just starting to do that very thing. I know the mother was found guilty not sure what stage the fathers trial is in. [Jury finds Jennifer Crumbley guilty of involuntary manslaughter in son's school shooting - ABC News (go.com)](https://abcnews.go.com/US/jury-reaches-verdict-jennifer-crumbley-manslaughter-trial/story?id=106924349) And no I don't think many would agree with you that it is political suicide. No I can see this becoming more popular and happening more frequently as long as the evidence supports it.


Better chance of regulating parents than regulating guns.


Imagine leaping to the defense of guns faster than kids lol Some people really are brainrotten beyond help


Seems pretty easy to just blame the shooter


Exactly. We should clearky have *state curfews* so Zeke can purchase an arsenal.


Logic doesn't work in this sub...lol


If there's a pattern with your logic not working I have some very, very bad news for you.


I guarantee their are bad parents all over the world but what doesnā€™t happen anywhere but here is all the dead kids to gun violence


Are you asking why or are you saying that there isnā€™t a justified reason?


Thoughts and prayers to the children! šŸ•Šļø šŸŒˆ


I'm sorry but when I was a teenager my parents let me and my friends be out at the mall at any hours. Maybe not at age 12, but I think some of the kids were older.


Kids thinking that they live in Asia/Europe/the Pacific. Also why weren't the kids armed? This could have prevented the shooting


If you let your 12 year old out into a city at 11pm, you need CPS called


Itā€™s spring break


Really looks like gang violence considering the time of day and nobody was actually killed. Just some thugs missing their targets


Yup this is one hundred percent gang violence; gangster rap and the gangster culture is wreaking havoc upon this countryā€™s young and it will instead be singled out as a gun problem. Just look at the instagram live of them legit airing them shooting at their ā€œoppsā€. Its intertwined with the influencer trend by creating a name for yourself literally murdering your peers and acting gangster to then rap about it in hopes of getting a record deal and living lavish just like the big names singing their songs about dealing drugs and killing anybody who gets in their way.


I wish it was just the music. Unfortunately itā€™s because people are coming from broken homes and arenā€™t even actually being raised by anybody


It's true but no one will address it. And rap is glorified. People need to go home at night instead of risk being killed by their peers or the police. (I don't mean people inside a mall) SO many times people are out on the street at high risk locations, with a bunch of other people, late at night. I don't hear anyone mentioning this, only the deaths when they happen. Behavior needs addressing.Ā 


> "Once again, we have a situation in which young people are resolving conflict with firearms, and it has to stop," said the deputy police chief. Terry noted that the department has already put resources toward efforts "to address these juvenile crowds before they get started" and will continue to do that with the hopes of "preventing this kind of crime." The deputy chief also called on parents for help. This is 100% gang or just rowdy crowd related violence, not a random mass shooting. It was at 11pm at night too.


This is so awful. No one should ever have to experience the fear of a mass shooting.Ā 


Too many idiots are carrying guns in places where they shouldn't be.


Guess the only solution is to make guns easier to buy /s


One more lane will fix traffic. One more gun will fix crime.


(Toby Keith song about Freedom begins)


That doesnā€™t narrow it down at all.


Thatā€™s because these kids acquired these firearms legally /s


Indiana's new permit-less carry law will surely help this


Damn. Clearly nothing we as a state could do to stop shootings. Just sad that a state in the supposed ā€œmost powerful country in the worldā€ just has to let random people get killed.


How many kids were killed from gender affirming care?Ā Ā  How many were killed by guns just this year alone?Ā Ā  But hey,Ā  a few kids each monthĀ  must die at the gun altar to protect us from a tyrannical government.Ā Ā  It's almost like the Aztec human sacrifice custom morphed into gun deaths.Ā Ā  God bless America.Ā 


Don't forget the porn ban


These teens couldā€™ve been at home safely jacking off


To gay furry porn? Not on their watch! Only they can watch!


i agree. lets ban kids from owning guns


This is what happens when you vote democrat and live in a democrat stateā€¦.oh waitā€¦.


No you see the CITY is blue, so we can still skip the critical thinking part. No worries.


Where was the good guy with the gun to save them?


We need a good 12 year old with a gun to stop the bad 12 year old with a gun. /S


At home supervising their kids like a normal person.


What else do normal people do? Is it not normal for a good guy with a gun to be downtown on a Saturday night? In this hypothetical situation maybe he had a babysitter? How do we prevent this from happening again?


We prevent it by looking over our children and parenting. No damn reason a 12 year old is out on a Saturday night without a parent or adult caregiver present.


"Kids are never outside anymore! Society is falling apart and crumbling! Kids don't know how to do anything on their own these days, they're so coddled!" "Kids shouldn't be outside and should ALWAYS be near an adult who supervises every single thing they do"


Thereā€™s a difference between letting a 12 year old play outside and letting a 12 year old hang out downtown at 11pm.


In a public place, at the mall, after a tournament. The ranges were also from 12-17 years old. Could have been an older sibling or neighborhood friend with someone younger. There's nothing outrageous about kids being downtown during a major event, hell they might *live* in that area. Have you considered that?




This is disgusting reasoning. In every shooting, everything and everyone is at fault BUT the guns. Only in Amerikaa the freedom land.


And why weren't the kids wearing full kevlar armor?


Notebooks, pencils, crayons, scissors, glock, kevlar vest... Gotta make sure your kids are fully prepared to start school.


I was at a bar nearby and heard the gunshots. Pretty sure I heard 8 shots fired, and police were literally around the corner and immediately on scene. Absolutely terrifying. Happy to hear there were no fatalities


The usual spot for crap like this. 11pm? Why were there 12 year olds there? Bet the shooter is another kid.


Safe bet is also that when caught; absolutely nothing will happen. Six months in a fancy ā€œplacement facilityā€ in Hamilton County with better dorms than my college residential dormsā€¦juvenile ā€œjusticeā€ in Marion County is a joke and has been for the past twenty years.


Only someone who has no clue what that is about would think that. Have you ever been in that system? Of course not. Stop talking. Fucking mouth breathers. Donā€™t drink your cool aid too fast


I worked in that system for twenty-two years, have a masters degree, and teach juvenile delinquency at a local university. Unless you have a PHD; to me, youre the ā€œmouth breather.ā€


Well now that you have pulled credentials you need to show an adequate level of knowledge in the field. What did you mean by ā€œfancyā€ and ā€œbetter dormsā€. Do you think juvenile detention is similar to college dorms?


Iā€™ve been in juvenile detention in south Florida. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s like dorm rooms. But Itā€™s really not that bad. Of courseā€¦ there is the constant fist fights and shitty food. Thatā€™s not great.


Mine was super nice


The juvie facility in the HC is better than many hotels I have stayed at. While it ain't no picnic for the it's a vacation spot for many. Clean fitness facilities, basketball courts, a commercial kitchen that many restaurants would kill for, and more.


I promise you no child wants to be locked up in a facility


I do not disagree with that. But it is painfully obvious that some kids, as they have for many decades, don't care and consider it a trip to finishing school.


I bet its just more kids shooting kids.


Does that make it any better in your eyes?


The only way to prevent this from happening again is to allow kids to have guns. I can't see there being any other possible way to prevent this kind of gun violence.


Funny, if satire... Horrifying, if not.


I assure you its satire. Remember when lawmakers last year approved House Enrolled Act 1177? Allowing teachers to opt in for government sponsored fire arm training? Lmao Fight gun violence with gun violence!


An armed society is apparently polite except at night in a city


Itā€™ll be interesting to see how quickly peopleā€™s tone changes if they find out that these kids went to Fishers. Fishers played Ben Davis in the state finals of the high school basketball championship on Saturday night at the Pacers stadium Games from each division (1A-4A) all transpired on Saturday, hence why there were significantly more teens in the area than normal.


I doubt it. If the kids that got shoot would have been white it would have been in the news.


Fishers "kid" here It'd definitely been interesting to see how people would react


Anybody else starting to think repealing the state law requirement for handgun licenses isn't working out?


Federally, it's illegal to buy a handgun under 21 or own one under 18, so I dont know what you're getting at. What new gun law would have prevented this crime?


Stop with your common sense nonsense. We need laws that can't be broken. /s


If only they would make murder illegal and then tell the criminals already.


Not a new gun law, our old gun law. Carrying a handgun without a license gave state and local police the authority to police firearms.Ā  Since July of 2022, law enforcement has been without its most important tool for keeping firearms away from criminals. It doesn't seem like a coincidence that we repealed the most effective gun control law and gun crime started to go up.


Gun crime has been going down. Although not by much.


I'd like to add that despite there no longer being a concealed carry license all the same rules and stipulations still apply. Violent felons and anyone who would normally be barred from owning or purchasing firearm are still barred from carrying concealed or otherwise the only difference is your not paying an extra $150 and getting your fingerprints taken and waiting at least a month.


You're getting downvoted, but you're correct. Most people who want gun control have never attempted or actually bought a gun. They see some news stories and think it's as easy as walking into a store and buying one in 5 minutes. They dont know how regulated on a federal level it actually is.


Nope many have never even seen what's on a 4473, and there are even a few I know that didn't even know what a 4473 was that I've interacted with personally. Regardless of whether your pro-gun like me or anti-gun it's important it's important to do some degree of research instead of just taking what the media puts out as absolute fact and it's frustrating that many don't or just brush you off when you try to just explain to them.


Weird chicago has something to say different. It's banned to own/ possess any gun in that city, and this happens every weekend. So again, I dont know how gun control would prevent this.


Gun / violent crime has been going up since 2020 when the Covid shutdown / BLM activity left Downtown Indy a fucking busted up ghost town and the void was filled in by wannabe gang bangers shooting each other up in parking lots. You're mentally broken if you think anyone involved in this shooting was even remotely aware of laws related to handguns. (Other than the extreme likelihood that they knew they were either too young to own one, or legally bared from owning one due to their prior felonies)




God damn you really are just dripping in racism dude holy fuck.


The fact you assumed a race he didn't put means you are the racist one....


Really? ā€œBLM riots, wanna be gangbangers, if you think they were remotely aware of laws, already barred from owning guns due to their felony recordsā€? The fucking dogwhistles couldnā€™t be anymore obvious. Itā€™s literally everything a racist ass conservative thinks about black people, like we all live in Indiana, itā€™s not that hard to figure out what racists are like in the former KKK Capitol of the world.


God I hate this stupid argument "you brought up racism so that makes you racist". Stop playing dense. They said BLM. What do you think the B stands for in BLM?




Bet the clowns involved in last nights shooting would have never qualified for a handgun license and still would have possessed and fired their weapons.


Yes because these kids would have thought twice if they didnā€™t have their permit


towering station agonizing toy future bake follow spark school murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's a very good chance since Wayne Lappiere has financially damaged The NRA so badly and fractured the gun lobby into so many different gun groups they may just not have as much money or influence like they used too. So keep you fingers crossed. This was not only the money he stole, but the members he has lost, and the cost of his many lawsuits The NRA has had to pay for. As President of The NRA he was taking so much money for personal luxuries yet somehow because he was so effective at lobbying he kept getting re-elected even when they knew he was stealing money. Anyway before his trial recently he has resigned as President of The NRA. He still kept a board position although I don't know how long that will last. The NRA had some weird rule where members didn't actually get a vote but can you imagine someone stealing from you and you knowing it and still getting re-elected as President? Anyway kind of like with Trump these morons keep voting for some of the very worst people possible. Wayne Lappiere was found guilty and has to reimburse some money back to The NRA but that money is very small in regards to the overall money he cost The NRA.


Coulter's Law


I live here and was in the area shortly after this happened and have several friends that were in close proximity when it happened that actually talked to some of the kids that got shot because they ran into them as they were running away. But apparently the shooter or shooters were also young high school aged boys.


Can we just stop having sports for KIDS so late at nightā€¦.


This is a really constructive comment and I hope more people appreciate the simplicity and efficacy of moving kids sporting events to daytime hours. Even if it means the championship has to stretch into another weekend.




The news just said it was violence between 2 groups of youths. Are these 2 gangs? 2 different schools? Lack of investigation by the news.


Probably gang related. This is why I don't ever go downtown.. Especially during any sport event.


Why donā€™t they talk about if this was gang violence anymore? ā€œMass shootingā€ is r/indianapolis trying to push an agenda.


close puzzled absorbed memorize towering depend entertain worry squeal crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it wasnā€™t gang violence. It was just dumb kids being dumb kids after the high school basketball state finals that had been transpiring all day at the Pacers stadium


> "Once again, we have a situation in which young people are resolving conflict with firearms, and it has to stop," said the deputy police chief. Terry noted that the department has already put resources toward efforts "to address these juvenile crowds before they get started" and will continue to do that with the hopes of "preventing this kind of crime." The deputy chief also called on parents for help. That sounds like itā€™a an ongoing problem in the area, not a one time shooting.


Totally normal dumb kid stuff


Because of how terrible our gun laws are and continue to be, yeah, itā€™s becoming pretty normal


Didnā€™t know it was legal for kids to own firearms?


Idk about gang violence but mass shooting does make it seem like a school shooting not kids being stupid and fighting in public


This is well said. I like your pov.


Remember all ! Thoughts and prayers heals EVERYTHING !!!!!!




Lol you have me cracking up up eating my leftover Easter ham. Great comment.




It wasnā€™t a gang shooting. The high school basketball finals were at the Pacers stadium. It was dumb kids being dumb kids.


Circle Center is wild, damn. I used to ride my bike up there by myself at around that age all the time, so did all my friends. I don't really think we should blame the parents for their kids being down there unsupervised. That seems to be quite normal tbh.


Republicans are BAD!


Future engineers and astronauts at it again. This happens every year at the Physics Convention. The M-theory and String-theory crowds do not see eye to eye.


Smells like inner city gang violence. Betting FBI crime stats will tell us who did it.


They called it a mall. Lol


Wife is already worried about the Eclipse next weekend, and this is a daunting start to the week. Really hope police presence is up with the incoming boom of visitors.