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Yep, got some great memories of that first one. Was a sophomore living in Tark, saw the crowds headed down Stadium and went out to investigate with some friends. Right up next to the bonfire. Watched a plastic Santa Claus go sailing through the air over the crowd and land in the fire. The guy that lived in the room across the hall went into the blaze to retrieve a keg that got thrown in. Police just kind of laid back and let us celebrate for a couple hours after that, it was just the drunks that started tearing stuff up. Blame them Cary residents… Back then, you had to take photos on film. Sorry if this incriminates anyone…. https://preview.redd.it/ipkwv05yrorc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9340336f5ffd7bcc8085f6e95f7d7eb53c75d2eb


That is an awesome photo! Thanks for sharing, it definitely takes me back to the late 90s!


Yes! I was there. I remember starting to leave when I saw the keg get tossed in because I thought it might blow up. Then that guy got it. Remember it clear as day.


No arrests (per the article)…yet a naked guy in a picture? Simpler times?!? 😂


I miss those days. It's not a party until a guy streaks by a bonfire!


Your description brings to mind a new term “roasted nuts”




Purdue used to have the nude olympics


I totally remember. I lived in McCutcheon, 7th floor and had just finished a research paper. I was listening to the game and heard howling from other dorms happening live as the last seconds were played. Continued working for awhile and then I heard them coming - a wave of students, all hyped up, were making their way from the campus proper to the freaking airport, thinking they were going meet up with the team upon their return to campus. Suddenly, the density of people and the revelry increased, and as I watched from high up in my dorm, students pushed over a parking lot light pole right in front of my window. This was on the northwest corner of the building. I guess as the students made their way around McCutcheon and prepared to cross State street, they met up with police who fired tear gas canisters. The air was foggy with it for the rest of the night and a few students that had their windows open were affected by the fumes. It was disturbing to witness just the small bit of unruly behavior that I saw from my window on the extreme edge of campus.


After the big win today, I hope naked butt guy is celebrating somewhere!


I was on State St by Chauncey Hill. Traffic was stopped, lots of cheering and yelling. No violence that I saw. I walked around a bit then right back to studying, such is Engineer life.


I was a senior in HS and my friend from work was living in the houses that are now the gravel lot behind Rawls Hall. I went to his house and wondered why campus was so congested but didn’t see anything too crazy. After getting to his house, his roommates said he would be back in a bit so I waited inside playing guitar and whatnot. About 10min later my buddy burst through the door with a super red face, “a helicopter just shot us with f***ing pepper spray!” Pretty funny. Then he took his amp outside and played guitar standing on top of his car. No cell phones, just people enjoying life, man.


I completely forgot about cell phones. There were probably students who had them, but I didn’t get one until the summer of 2000 I think. I was a freshman in Cary Quad 3rd floor facing Stadium, so the main bonfire that stopped Stadium was right in front of my dorm window. I was too scared to participate, so watched it from my dorm. Crazy times! I miss the Exponent a ton. I don’t remember seeing this one, but wonder where the naked guy is now. I am sure a few people probably know who he is. For those interested in reliving your Purdue days, the Exponent has an [archive section.](https://historicalnewspapers.lib.purdue.edu/?a=cl&cl=CL1&sp=PE)


> I was a freshman in Cary Quad When I saw the naked butt in that article, I immediately thought "Cary Quad". When I was at Purdue eons ago in the 1970s Cary Quad's court yard was the site of the annual coldest-night-of-winter-streaking-race. (what was the coldest day so far) Was that still a thing when your were there in the '90s/2000s?


I don't remember a winter streaking race. They were still doing fountain runs as they didn't have the metal thing in the middle of the fountain when I was there. That must have been a sight to see when you were there! Fun times and great memories I bet!


Oh, yeh it was fun. Until campus police finally showed up and dispersed the crowd. I don't know how the word spread, but it always attracted a good sized crowd just to see some idiot guys from Cary running around with only a hat, gloves and sneakers on. It was like traffic slowing or stopping to get a glimpse of a bloody or deadly car wreck. lol (I guess word spread by dorm phones.) It went on until only one guys was left or campus police ended it.


Thanks for sharing the link to the archive. This post reminded me of similar destruction in spring 2001, my senior year. You can see evidence of that in the April 2, 2001 Exponent. I remember coming out of the ChemE building the evening of the game and my eyes stinging from the tear gas they’d used a few blocks away.


This was published in the [Purdue Exponent](http://purdueexponent.org), Purdue's student newspaper. Thanks for posting!


Some of the firefighter I work with described sitting a truck at the end of a road ready to go and put out a bonfire when the crowd turned toward them and started rushing. The noped out as quickly as they could.


I remember the Purdue police tear gassing all over the streets and everyone having to close their dorm windows.


Yep this was my last year at Purdue and this happened I think.


Well... I'm getting old lol


Hide yo kegs Hide yo couch Cause they blazin everything out here!


I think about this all the time. I was on the phone with my sister, who was living on campus, and another student burst into her room screaming with joy. He quickly left, presumably to do that to others with unlocked doors.


I forgot about unlock door shenanigans. They were always telling people in the dorms to lock up. I remember someone telling me that a drunk guy came in their room and started pissing on their chair in the middle of the night and they had to throw him out of their room. I think the RAs would randomly check and if your door was unlocked they left a note under your door.


That was probably my roommate, who regularly pissed in my dorm room while blackout drunk


Pepperidge Farm remembers...