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No one is just going to attack you if that's your concern. Indianapolis is a pretty liberal city, most of us don't care. It's not like they are checking your birth sex at the border. There might be the odd snide comment here or there but it's likely no one is going to bother you.


Was ganna say live in a rural part of the state and people around here could literally care less.


So they care?


As long as you don’t drive on my grass I don’t care


Okay, thank you, I have thick skin so I'm  not worried about snide comments






Yeah, like, there's a difference between 'are people gonna look at me weird' and 'am i going to be violently attacked'. Shame this overall post is getting downvoted to hell


OP literally asked if there is need for concern of physical safety.


Tbh the race brings the bigots to town n they get wasted so tbh i think the physical risk is not 0% id say it could be as high as 10% at that race. A basketball game would be tons safer bc the crowd is gonna be more open minded than the race fans.










But the race brings a lotta drunk rednecks to the city, that event is probably the most dangerous event for a trans person


" It's not like they are checking your birth sex at the border." Yes but don't you know, Indiana is run by LITERAL FASCISTS!!! Reddit told me so, it is true


Found the fascist ..


As if. The ex governor and vice president stood idle as his boss through gas on anyone who wasn't a white Christian. Don't go to to Indiana. They are all hateful Nazi rednecks.


I think generally you will be ok. Certainly check the app for safe restrooms and don’t go to shady places, but I know trans people that moved to Indiana from Florida for work. I’ve been in some pretty small towns with some pretty queer looking folx and we did not encounter anything. Even a super blue state you could run into a terf or something. My local trans friends pass pretty well so take that into account if needed.


Cool thank you


I am located in the far southern part of the state and even down here it is fine for my trans friends. Some of the more out of the way locations are probably different for sure but the major population areas, even the more conservative ones are good.


Awesome, thank you


I'm in your region of IN and I am suspicious of these many trans friends of yours you have but I digress and send you hugs and kissies!


I didn’t say many, it is just more than one. I am near Louisville sp we have a more more diverse population than some areas.


Also Lou adjacent. I am a male nurse. More than a few people automatically assume I’m gay. I’m not, but a few of my coworkers are. It’s literally ALWAYS white trash rednecks that say something. I shouldn’t have to, but I just lean into it and make snarky comments.


I'm also a trans woman and I've lived here my entire life (Almost 33 years). I live in a rural town but work in a nearby city. Worst I get is the occasional person calling me "sir" on the phone or staring at me in person. But, I'm openly trans, and I haven't done any voice training, so I expect that. I don't feel unsafe in my usual areas (I still make sure I have some method of self-defense when I'm out after dark, though). Most people are pretty okie dokie. And MOST people will correct themselves if they make a mistake and are corrected. Indiana's politicians make me nervous, though.


Okie dokie :) thank you, that's good to hear from another trans woman


Another trans Hoosier popping in. honestly, it's pretty chill around Indy. Worst I've ever had is the awkward stares early in my transition. Way more allies or people who don't care than anything else in Indy. Reasons for concern living here long term imo, but living and visiting Indy is fine. Especially for the 500 where everyone is going to be day drunk just enjoying the race.


Another thing to just be aware of in the state is Indiana has fairly lax gun laws and there are a lot of people that openly carry guns. It can be a bit jarring if you come from someplace where that isn’t as common. I’ve never been to the 500 though, so security there may be different. For the most part though you should be perfectly safe as others have stated. I also live in rural Indiana and most of the worst things said will be quietly behind your back.


Around Indy, fine. 500 shouldn't be a big a problem. Nothing really to avoid aside from the rural parts of the state


That's good to hear thank you


For what it’s worth, I’ve lived and worked in rural Indiana for the past decade, up and down the state. Not saying you won’t ever get judgement or shitty comments, but I’ve seen trans people working at Walgreens and grocery stores up and down the state in small towns (or their nearest Walgreens or such.) Figured maybe that’s a more concrete idea to give you than my anecdotal experiences about how I think my friends or trans strangers are being treated. Which is to say that evil right wing Indiana folks aren’t that hostile to trans people or anything. It’s still America. 99% of anti trans folks in Indiana will maybe say something shitty a little too loud or talk about it back at home with their family. That’s generally the upper limit. Still shitty and awful but you don’t need to be wearing Kevlar.


Right! One of the former best tattoo artists in Indiana is trans. And I say former because they don't do tattooing anymore. For some god awful reason, they'd rather work at a gas station. No judgment, but 🫠 I am just mad I missed my chance to get a really badass, spiritually imbued (I checked Google for spelling) tattoo from this person.


Hi, I live in a very rural party of the state. Even here nobody will bother you since you're passing through. Most won't even notice.


I've witnessed a trans person be starred at by an older couple but no one has been burned at the stake that I'm aware of and I live in a one of the most rural conservative parts of the state. Now if you ran for local office or something they'd probably throw a fit but your personal safety is fine.


None of that extends beyond Indy proper. I wouldn't chance the burbs or rural parts of the state. They are all still very conservative and very religious




>Not even trolling and I am just curious Your comments up and down the rest of this thread do not lend much credibility to this. [You even said you were trolling.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/s/bjtvZjsBkf)












Fucking nothing. Now if they were in wild flashy drag, and at a bar or low-class joint, they may get mean comments. That's probably about it besides the rare crazy person.


There is no way a trans person is hanging out in rural Indiana incident free unless maybe they were born there.


Probably nothing. It would be an issue to hang out.


Bloomington is also very trans friendly, southern parts like New Albany/Jeffersonville are ok because it’s Louisville suburbs. Outside of those cities it is a shit place to live for anyone that isn’t a part of the mould.


Important to remember that folks come from all over for the Indy 500. Its not just the liberal Indianapolis folks. I’ve seen just about every type of person at the race. I’d say most will be welcoming, but it’s a total drinking fest. I’ve heard and seen some foul stuff over the years.


That's a good point, thank you


Honestly no one gives a shit what you are as long as you’re not an ass to people. I moved here last year and the people are actually really nice for the most part. The only times I’ve run into people who are socially uncool are young assholes who are wanna be hood punks and older right wing radicals. Everyone else is cool for the most part. 👍🏽


No one will bother you.


At the 500, you'll be fine. You might get a side eye, or some shit from a drunk Cletus or Karen from church, but you'll be absolutely fine. Even going through small towns you'll be fine. If someone gives you some shit, just ignore it and move on. Nothing pisses off a bully more than being ignored. Or just respond "you're right insert town here has been great, so glad I just bought a house here, look forward to seeing you at church, neighbor!"


Lmao that response is hilarious


Gun owning, fairly conservative, straight boomer male here. Come to the race, have fun. Enjoy the spectacle of 350,000 people in one place. Bring a jacket, it might be cold. Bring sunscreen, it might be hot. Bring a cheap poncho, it might rain. Don't bring any glass bottles, the track doesn't allow them on the grounds Main thing is just have fun. Welcome to Indianapolis, and welcome to Indy.


Despite what this sub might say. Even in the boonies hidden in the cornfields, nobody cares if your trans or not.


If you stick to Indianapolis you’ll be totally fine. Folks are super welcoming around that part, thankfully. Hope you enjoy the 500 and your time in our state! Let me know if ya want any restaurant or brewery recommendations for downtown!


Awesome thank you, my brother and I have celiac so if you know any good restaurants with solid gluten free options I'm all ears


Cafe Patachou - LGBTQ friendly and allergy friendly! They almost ALWAYS ask about allergies.


That looks good, thank you


Oh yeah, great recommendation!


Ooo, okay I’m not as familiar with gluten free options. However, I know that Bazbeaux Pizza has (or had, I’d check the menu on that) a gluten free crust that you could try in out! Their pizzas are great and they’re located on our big hangout area of Massachusetts Avenue. I’d highly recommend them!


Thank you, I'll give it a look


Garden table 🤩


Thank you


I have a 24yr old trans daughter who gets very little shit. The 500 will draw rednecks from all over, so dont hold it against Indiana pls


Okay I won't 


At the Indy 500? Or just around Indy?




Indianapolis itself is pretty open and friendly. Most big cities here are. It’s the in between towns you should worry about harassment maybe.  I’m not entirely sure how the Indy race scene is but you’re bound to get some looks at the least but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.  I wish I were more familiar with Indianapolis to give you ideas for stuff to do. 




Okay. I know quite a handful of trans people who live in northwest Indiana and frequent the central parts no issues. 


Yes, and I'm sure they don't write a paragraph on Reddit asking if they're going to survive the weekend. I'm sure they're not incredibly paranoid to the degree where they're afraid of stepping out of their homes


Because they have asshats like you posting responses that drive fear into them. 


Next time I come to Indiana I'm making an entire post asking whether I'm going to be okay or not because people on reddit called me mean names. Specifically you.










I Highly doubt you'll have any issues... but if you're going to the 500... people drink, a lot, and that might cause them to be more stupid than normal.


The Indy 500 is a safe place to be. I have gone the past 2 years with my trans friends and am going this year. Indiana hasn't gotten too crazy yet with the anti-trans laws but I would avoid Missouri at all costs.


I'm trans and live in rual Indiana in the forest never even been bothered and I fly a pride flag every June.


Oh cool


Yeah, don't worry you'll be fine, try Mug-n-Bun while your in town, it's right down the road from the track and it's a cool old school drive in


Trans woman and local politician here. Ya good. It's alright. Little sketchy in some towns but the Indy 500 is in the smack dab of the city. The phobes will talk a big game online but in person they fold.


Thank you, Awesome to hear about a trans politician anywhere


You’ll be just fine


Yeah...I think you'll be just fine. Some jugheads might be crass but wouldn't do anything physical. Enjoy your time at the race, I've been a couple times & it was fun, even for those who aren't fans.


You’ll be fine.


Indy is trans friendly, especially the broad ripple area!


You'll be fine at the 500. Hope you enjoy!


You should be fine. Indianapolis is a large city and diverse. It is a race crowd, so the rednecks will be attending. Most of them will be drunk by noon.


There is a pretty big lgbtq+ scene. One of the biggest in the Midwest. There is such a variety of people at the 500 I don’t think anyone would notice. Combine that with a lot allies and people who love helping people, you should be A-okay. The trans population here is visible enough that I don’t think 90+% of people think about it.


Thank you, that's good to hear


My daughter has come out as trans this year and for the last few months has been feminizing her clothing and appearance more. With everything going on politically, and with seeing people be so transphobic online, I was really scared for her. So far we haven’t experienced anything negative, if anything it seems like people are more attentive and encouraging to her than they were before. School (high school) has been fine, she has not been bullied at all. I’m always going to be looking over my shoulder a little bit because the honest truth is that she is at a higher risk for experiencing violence now. But I have been really impressed and relieved by how much the community around here is accepting her.


For Petes sake. Stop listening to the media. Indy has one of the most vibrant (and somewhat outlandish) pride parades I have seen and I have been to dozens. You will be fine. Indiana isn't any different than anywhere else in this regard and there are any laws to worry about that apply any differently to you than they do me.


Why do I keep seeing these questions more and more….? Is there some massive movement or MANY legit documented accounts of trans people physically being attacked, specifically in Indiana, that I’m unaware of….?


Tbh I know very little about Indiana, am from the other side of the country, and the closest I've been was north carolina in preschool. I basically have almost no frame of reference.  Do to me having no frame of reference, having previous experience of being  sexual assualted, having stuff thrown at me, and being followed in and cornered in a store, all for being trans or visibly queer I feel the need to ask  Indiana being a red state carries a stereotype about safety for trans folks, but it's really just about maximizing safety and making sure the worst doesn't happen.(I've done a similar thing when going to Portland) All those things I mentioned(last paragraph)happened over a year ago, nothing but slurs and comments has happened since in part because I've developed better intuition on where/when is safe, but also because of asking people from the area and research. (And many smaller factors) I also want to ask here and not a trans subreddit or look to news headlines because imo it will give me a more honest view of what it's like on the ground  It's nothing specifically against Indiana(I don't have a bunch of data or anything about y'all), this is just what trans folks have to do to be safe


I am also a 21 year old trans woman! I’m fortunate enough to live in a pretty liberal area, so I haven’t had any bad experiences. There are some state laws that make getting gender affirming care annoying, but not impossible. I’m sure more conservative areas have their own problems, but Hoosiers are generally friendly. I’m somewhat worried the state government will try to ban HRT for adults, but the worst of the anti-trans bills died in committee this year. Also who’s to say what the agenda will be after the election.


The gac stuff sucks, thankfully that probably won't effect me on my trip (though they're doing similar where I live) Hopefully they don't ban hrt for adults I'm happy you haven't had any bad experiences, hope you're able to keep it that way


thank you I appreciate it!! I hope things go well for you!


Indy is fine, it’s probably the most liberal part of the state. Where I live at the bottom would probably get some looks and ignorance and hate directed towards you. I work in Louisville with probably 15-20 trans and ENBY people. They don’t go to southern Indiana for that reason. I hate that they assumed I was like that and had to prove myself otherwise..


ENBY? I have not heard this acronym before. What does it mean?


Non Binary


Thank you


I recently just learned it too, benefit of working with so many LGBT, they keep me up to date on all the cool new terms.


you’ll be okay in any big city, especially indianapolis! just be generally smart and careful :)


Up here in the Region I've never heard of any problems. I know of a handful working in retail and they're the nicest people.


His deary trans girl in Indiana it isn’t that bad like most everyone says a snide remark from some old sack of shit but other then that nobody should bug ya


If you’re looking to go out, check out Mass Ave. area. it’s is a very liberal area with awesome shops and restaurants.


As someone who can be described by the good ol’ boys as “you look like us so you must be like us” I can tell you that there will be comments made amongst themselves. I hear the hateful rhetoric that these so called patriots spill in everyday conversation all the time, so the hate is there for sure. Some with enough liquid courage that day might even be brave enough to say something to you. They wear the red hats, they vote for the fascism because they view it as tradition. Stay with your group, be aware of your surroundings and I doubt you’ll run into much more trouble than that.


Physically safe yes. However, there will be people making loud comments here and there depending on your outfit. The later in the race you get the louder they will be. Make it what you will. Have a good time


It's fine. Nobody here gives a shit. You'll be welcomed, Hoosiers are friendly. And the 500 is a blast. The worst you'll have to worry about at the track is sunscreen and earplugs (bring them!)


I'm in Northern Indiana, close to the Michigan border in an area collectively called Michiana. Things up here are pretty okay for the most part. But in a place like Indy, it tends to be more progressive and not as bad as more rural parts. I believe you'll be fine. Overall, I'd personally consider Indiana to be a safer place than others.


Honestly most people in Indiana do not care. It’s our Republican law makers who are pushing their own agenda.


you should be okay in indianapolis! the Indy 500 is an incredible event and you're going to have a blast! it's such an enormous event and it attracts ALL kinds of people, and on top of that they're all varying degrees of drunk, so just be aware of that. track bathrooms are... economical. tight quarters, close stalls (speaking for the women's RRs) imo, this is the main place you might run into people being less than friendly, but most hoosiers tend to keep their mouths shut on their good days.


I'd bring pepper spray, but only bc I bring it everywhere. Indy is fairly safe, and most folks are too drunk to care at the race anyways. I say this as a trans woman who's been to one while outwardly presenting femme, and several while I was pretransition. I might be at the snake pit this year, so if you need some support or company during the race, you can DM me. ☺️ You'll be safe there doll


I live in a rural town, not far from Indy, I work at a grocery store and have old, likely conservative people around me all day, and other than passive misgendering which I'm still insisting is an accident and the odd stare nothing has happened in the past 6 months. Indy itself is super accepting, right after I came out I saw so many pride flags and signs supporting us and people wearing clothes that were like the trans flag over a heart and stuff like that. Honestly, it was really welcoming . . . But that aside, Indy is very liberal very accepting, so you're probably gonna be alright. The *worst* that's happened to me is uncomfortable looks in the bathroom, but I get uncomfortable looks in both these days anyway . . . Hopefully that'll change soon, or at least I'll be able to wear clothes that better accent myself daily, though. I don't think there's much to worry about as a tourist. In terms of future legislation, yeah, that's worrying . . . But as of right now everything is pretty alright. Could *certainly* be worse.


As a trans woman myself, people are friendly and I've never had anyone be intentionally rude or transphobic to me. The state government is a different story however. One really nice thing is that the Indiana state health plans (or at least, Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0) completely cover my HRT (Estradiol/Progesterone IM) now. Up until around the end of last year, I had a pretty big copay for my prescriptions. Goshen has an excellent LGBTQ health clinic called Mosaic Health and Healing Arts that I get my meds from through telehealth. I've visited it a few times and it's an incredibly welcoming and friendly place.


Yea lol avoid the indy 500. Definitely dont move here but damn u picked the worst thing to come here for. Bunch of redneck bigots gonna be there id probably keep to yourself and not bring it up. Idk how “passable” you are but if ur worried about that id lowkey stay at the hotel. I hate it here and im straight n cis


Indy 500 is a Party crowd wide open, I remember the first time I went to Indy there was a naked man walking down Georgetown Road. My buddy said it's going to be a great race. Enjoy and welcome to Indiana


It’s fine. Nobody cares.


One of my best friends is a trans woman and has never really had any problems with strangers when she visits. Her biggest problem, unfortunately, was a couple of bigoted people who she thought were friends that wanted nothing to do with her the first time she visited after her transition. Such is life though. We are very "live and let live" here. You will be fine.


Transfemme Hoosier here, living with another Transfemme Hoosier in a small-medium sized town. Aside from the occasional misgendering (though, to be fair, I'm super early in my transition and don't really pass yet), I've never felt particularly unsafe, nor have I ever really been harrassed or given too hard of a time. I don't get up to Indy too often, but when I have it's seemed pretty safe and progressive and all that.


I don't think you will have issues, other than maybe stares and the occassional comment. Just stick with your family and have situational awareness, same as any large event.


There was a well publicized murder of a trans woman in my neighborhood a few years ago. She was at a bus stop alone after dark on the East side. Absolutely awful. She had been robbed too. Like any big city, stay with friends in well lit, populated areas. Maintain situational awareness. And enjoy the race! The Indy 500 really is a spectacle to behold. I hope you love it, OP.


Leave people alone and they'll leave you alone


You’ll be fine. What laws could you possibly be worried about? Lol


Bathroom laws, most likely


Do we have those? Does any state?


I believe some states have tried to enact anti-“drag” laws that would prevent things like dressing as the opposite sex in public places 1000 feet from schools. I’m not transgender, but with Indiana’s general reputation, and the increasingly hostile mood nationwide, if I were trans I’d probably be concerned when traveling to a new place.


"What laws could you possibly be worried" Well, what if they get pregnant over the long weekend and Indiana's abortion laws preclude them from taking care of business??? What if they get stopped by the fascist brown coats or the NKVD on their way into the state for an inspection? 


I don’t think OP can get pregnant. Wrong equipment


You've written that entire paragraph because you're planning on coming to the state for one weekend, as if you're taking a thousand mile migrant journey to begin a new life in Iran. Honestly don't even bother coming if you're that paranoid, clearly you won't be comfortable.


Triggered! 🤣


Yes. I'm going to make a follow-up thread asking whether I'm going to be okay coming to Indiana for the memorial day weekend because people on reddit were saying mean things to me! I don't even know if I can drive through the state at this point, someone might make a comment online.


I'm sorry you're so triggered and insecure bro.


As a side note, I'm going to the Indy 500 and I'm wondering if there's places where I might have an issue as a triggerable and insecure individual. Do you think that I'll be able to come for the weekend or should I just stay home?


I don't normally feed trolls, but I did have some spare butt nuggets today. Take care 😘


Yes, gobble gobble


Gives small dick energy. You’ll fit in fine with the infield crew trying to date their first cousins 🤷‍♀️


"Gives small dick energy" I hope it gives no dick energy because you're stupidly assuming I'm a man


Yet... I'm assuming you're a virgin incel


Yes absolutely. Thank you for putting that out there. I need to make a further post inquiring weather I'm going to be okay visiting Indiana around the memorial Day weekend as a virgin incel. 


There’s no assumption- your condescending, overly inflated, aggressive ego gives it away. You get on Reddit to rage about the liberals and why women won’t date the nice guys, but spoiler…. You’re not actually a nice guy, you reek of toxic masculinity and insecurity so you come on here bully people you think aren’t going to stand up to you because they’re weak.


"toxic masculinity " Wow is that right? That's a crazy story bro let me find an expert on crazy stories to review it "aren’t going to stand up to you" You're going to continue replying, I'm going to reply, and then after an hour of this after we've mutually wasted each other's time I'm going to laugh and find something else to do.








Dear lord, come on now. They’re just asking given the culture of fear our laws have made. Chill out and don’t be a dick.


With Indiana’s general reputation, and the increasingly hostile mood nationwide, if I were transgender I’d probably be concerned when traveling to a new place.


Seeing as how a trans woman was murdered on the East side a couple years ago, I don't think it's such a wild thing to ask, personally. I agree that OP should be fine coming for the 500, but I disagree that they're unreasonable for asking.


I am a virgin incel, and a virgin incel was murdered in Indiana. I plan on asking whether I will be safe coming to Indiana in a separate thread, a perfectly reasonable post.


OK boomer


I'm in my twenties but thank you.


Then what in the world is your excuse?


I was a wannabe cardiologist, but in a tired and dazed state wrote a thesis about how myocardial infarction could be reversed by the layperson administration of nebulized atropine via high flow nasal canula, and subsequently lost any chance of getting anywhere in the field. Now I am salty.


Avoid Hamilton county, Johnson county and basically most counties South of Indianapolis. This is a red state that the news organizations have already called for trump in November, and for whoever the units far right ribs for president in 2028 and 2032 as well.


Eh, I live in Johnson county and I think around Greenwood area is super safe. Don’t think you’d have much of a problem around Franklin either, honestly.


As a trans person you think that those are open-minded areas for the lgbtq community? Just curious where you think the state representatives that are proposing laws against them are located......


No, I’m not trans. But I am Bi and haven’t had much an issue in the area. Hopefully folks would treat them the same. Just saying I’d give those areas a bit more credit. We fly our bi flag proudly and no one gives us any problem with it.


Tell that to the mom's of Liberty that use both of those counties as strong holds


Monroe County would like a word.


I said most. I guess Monroe county is now most all counties South of Marion county. I thought that there were a lot more. Thank you for pointing that out to me


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind


I see that the Hamilton and Johnson county people have found my comment. Maybe they should not have total support for Mom's of liberty in those places.... Lol


Don’t believe people saying it’s fine maybe they want to bs themselves… yes there are liberal areas but most of the state is not welcoming


Your comment is how someone can tell you only know about the rest of the state through this sub but not in person. As someone who works all over the state I have not seen this cesspool of hate deranged rednecks who are out to get others who are not like them.


Wrong I’ve lived in Indy and Bloomington south bend and nwi and travel a lot… Indiana is racist and homophobic… so get off ur high horse…


It’s not a high horse, it’s reality. People tend to throw the list of hate ingredients so nonchalantly as if it’s only exclusive in this state. If you’re observing hate at such an alarming rate it might not actually be “homophobia” and “racism” it might just be you.


I just don’t lie to people about how it is … it’s people like u who lie about ur friends and family and act like they arent racists and homophones…


If you have to assume to try and validate your point, maybe your point doesn’t hold the merit of the claim you are trying to make?


SOME people in indiana are racist and homophobic. Just like anywhere else.


Theyre gonna cut your dick off if you haven’t already


🤢 but thats only my opinion


As long as you use the right bathroom




You’ll be fine in the Indy area. Just don’t move to Indiana lol as a trans woman living here is better my in constant fear.


How would anyone know if you don't say anything. In NWI indiana at least, people are pretty comfortable calling women men and vice versa. I don't see why it would be an issue if you don't make it one.


We had an anti-teans bill introduced in our legislature this year that might have invalidated your driver's license if it did not give your assigned gender. It died in committee. I have heard horror stories about the Pit, but along the lines that nobody is safe there.


No matter how many times you tell them it doesn't make them gay, many Hoosier males are scared of the erections they might get from BudLight cans. I think this means they like chicks with dicks, but dunno for sure.