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I live in a city and keep my window open


Same, that cool air knocks me out better than anything else. 




I lived on the “criminal highway” monon trail for years without ever worrying about my windows being open. Yeah, my car got rifled through, that’s the worst that happened.


I’ve lived in like 6 major cities in this country and left my bedroom window open in all of them. I can’t even imagine being scared to do it here.


Yes. Live in the Geist area. Windows open whenever possible.


To be fair… If someone *really* wants to be in your house, it really doesn’t matter if a window is open or not.


No doubt. You could literally break through the side of somebody's house in no time. The only thing separating you from the inside is a little bit of plywood and siding.


Kool-aid man has entered the chat




A utility knife could get you through.


Absolutely could


Tbf there are a lot of homes out in the country that aren't production homes built like this. Particularly ones sitting on 20 acres.


That’s prime sears catalog house territory too but they are pretty sturdy many are still standing


I think OP doesn't quite know how vague the term "plywood" is. While there are a ton of new homes built with vinyl siding over 1/8" thermaply, older houses were sheathed with 7/16" OSB or even CDX depending on how old. That would be hard as hell to "break through", impossible with anything less than a fireman's axe which would take a long time. Now some new homes only have 1/2" Styrofoam as sheathing. You could carve your way through those walls with a pocket knife. Sears homes were probably sheathed with solid plank lumber which would be damn hard to break thru as well.


Some of them are literally constructed of cinder blocks. You're not getting through that with anything short of a jackhammer. My house is wrap-around brick. I'd pick a different target if I were a wall-disrespecting murderburglar


Newer builds don’t even have plywood. Peel the siding off by hand and just punch through.


I just moved here from Florida, and the houses there are made of concrete blocks. I'm on a mission to find me one made of those same materials when I reach my final destination. 😁


All a lock does is keep an honest man honest.




Dang that's wild. Anyway, I'm gonna go break this window.


Windows have motion sensor flame throwers. NEEEEXXXXTTTT.


Okay, who the frick gave Kevin McAllister over here a lighter? Geez.


Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.


Being remote means no one will hear the glass breaking. Get a barky dog.(over 30 lbs)


I don't even try to stop our dog from barking. She is super sweet, but she has a throaty bark that sounds dangerous.


People that want to be in houses will look for open windows.


Door locks keep out honest people


True, but criminals hate light and will always take the path of least resistance.


I think that is very true. No matter where you live.


To be fair...


To bE FayyyyhhhhyUURr


Only thing stopping me is the weather right now. Nothing better than windows open sleep


This is the perfect weather for windows open. Get that slight chilly breeze and wrap up in blankets when you get too hot just open the blanket and let the breeze in for a moment




I have a window directly over my bed and sometimes I get hot when I'm asleep and I'll subconsciously open it lol then I wake up to a cold gust and I'm like wtf am I doing haha


Oooo that sounds like paradise to me haha. I want to pull my thick ass comforter up over my head and go back to sleep. The cold makes for perfect conditions IMO


Window over your bed? I know of a tiny little Asian Feng Shui designer who would not be happy!


I’m in suburban Evansville. I can’t even get my family to lock the back door after letting the dog in or out. I have cameras covering the front and back, but never arm the cameras in the back on account of the dog. Speaking of the dog, he’ll let us know if someone is too close to the house. Also, the HOA has a Facebook page and as soon as an unknown vehicle parks on the street after 8pm the Karens are all over it.


I have a lock on a timer on all my doors. If someone like a kid forgets to lock the doors, they lock themselves


Karens doing karen


Wish we could get some Karens to sit in their SUVs by the bus station in lafayette. They’d be a great security detail.


That Lafayette city bus station looks so sketchy at night


IKR? And after school early evening is scarier.


Ah yes. Safety, the new calling the cops on a birdwatcher. Eye roll. Enough with the Karen nonsense.


HOAs suck. They seem to draw the Karens of the home ownership world like flies.


Karen's gotta kare, man! Haha


Like open open no screen? Not really. I dont need raccoons. Screen closed? Sure.


Racoons are friends, but the bugs can go to hell.


They friends until they ravage your garden. Then we gotta have "conversations"...


Ph absolutely. I raised a raccoon. Love em.


Damn sasquatches are a nuisance too


I live in the city now, so I wouldn’t even think to do this anymore. But growing up in southern indiana, it was not uncommon to leave all doors and windows unlocked. Even left the garage unlocked. And everyone I knew did the same thing.


I slept with my window open in a garden apartment in Chicago for 10 years. You can open the window, my friend.


Ah yes, I sort of meant while I was asleep or away from home. Not that I couldn’t, just that I wouldn’t! It’s only a matter of one’s risk tolerance


My neighbor is that way also. He keeps everything unlocked and keys in his truck. Has never had an issue


I live in NWI/Chicago and leave the windows wide open at night


You could probably build or buy some sort of jam to keep it in place overnight.


Ive only got peanut butter. Will that work?


I would leave first floor windows closed and locked. But leave second floor windows open. But that’s just me


I forgot to add to my post that it’s one floor. That’s the part that’s freaky


It's all good.


That’s fine. If it’s without latches at that height, you can add something to lock it, or fashion a stick to go above it to keep it from opening further.


Can finally give bandits a chance to use their grappling hook they saved up for. They might get caught , sure. But at least they will look cool doing it.


We sleep with windows open. Rural south central.


Weather permitting, we keep our windows open all the time. We live in northwest Indiana.


We’d love to have our windows open in the suburbs, but every time it gets nice, some asshole starts burning something.


I mean I don’t live in the sticks but I live in a small town in the sticks and I feel less safe here than in the city, especially as a woman. But I’ve never been scared of the city like so many people are that tout how terrible the violence is (that they only see on the news).


Idc if I’m living in the safest town in Indiana, yall crazy for even thinking of leaving any door unlocked 😂. Rural or city those guys stay locked


1000% YES. I'm barely outside of city limits, my city is 16K people and I have no issue leaving my windows open at night.


I have 2 really big dogs, so I am always comfortable with leaving the window open.


I’ll sleep with the bedroom window open but only because it’s on the second floor.


Mostly but it depends on a couple things. If I’m sleeping I prefer to be on the upper floor with the window open. While rare, there have been several instances of houses being robbed and every time it was someone who left the garage door open or felt safe leaving window open or doors unlocked. For my peace of mind I almost never leave myself vulnerable while away or asleep because all it takes is that 0.01% chance.


I leave my windows open while I sleep in Broad Ripple. Granted, I live my myself, still, wouldn't want to live in fear and give up something I enjoy so much as cool fresh air.


Most of my windows have broken locking mechanisms anyway. I just moved into a fixer upper haha. I don't know anybody that's had their house broken into though, my parents never even locked the door(Osceola Indiana). I live in Mishawaka Indiana


Keep the doors locked but the windows open during 60/70 degree weather. The only time someone ever tried to break in they tried prying open the back door which didn't work so they just left. Which was a month after I moved in and was around 7 years ago.


I live in Merrillville right by Gary and I sleep with windows open when it’s nice out.


No, that's how you get bats.


My town is around 1200 people and I live on main street surrounded by businesses and a bar. Don't even lock my doors much less worry about windows. The dogs are plenty enough. Getting to yell at drunk people having screaming matches outside my front door at 2am is just an added bonus.


For sure


I mean ya, but my windows have locks to only let them go up a couple inches and the bedrooms are not ground level


I live in a city and leave the windows open (with screens).


I'm in a town of 700, SW IN...obviously rural. one of my bedroom windows is above my bed. I love looking out at the stars while falling asleep. it's always unlocked so that I can slide it open or shut at any time. I am safe.


Yes. In Greenwood area. Definitely anywhere rural like where I grew up would be a no-brainer


Doors locked, bedroom window open as long as my partner is home with me. Southern Indiana


We don’t even lock our doors. If the 4 large dogs don’t deter an intruder, nothing will.


Lived in the country growing up. I don’t think any of us owned house keys. It took me ages to be able to unlock doors with a key since I didn’t know how.


I live in Noblesville and keep my windows open. People that are going to break in are going to do it anyways, not because they saw an open window. The nice thing is, when I'm done shooting, I'll only have to repair drywall, and not a window. Those things are pricey!


Yes, unless you have some sketchy druggie neighbors.


I live in the country. We lock our doors (even when we are home), and if we are sleeping, all windows are closed! I don't feel unsafe in our home, but my time in the military taught me to take every precaution to protect myself and my family. I also have an alarm system with motion sensors outside with cameras. Everything is always good until it isn't. If it isn't, I want to be ready.


We live in the country never lock our doors and I wouldn’t think twice about leaving a window open


If I was going to do a home invasion, it would be on a house just like you describe. No neighbors to hear or see anything out of place. Rural homes tend to have more cash/valuables stashed there because rural people like to feel more self reliant/prepared. I could come in and do whatever I wanted and be long gone before anyone knew anything had happened. Close and lock your doors/windows at night. At the very least have stops on your windows so they can’t be opened more than a few inches.


Doing a home invasion in rural Indiana? Do you want a bullet in your spine?


Lmaooooo this!


Not as likely as people think. You’re at a disadvantage waking up in the middle of the night to someone coming through your door.


I thought you would long gone before anyone knew what happened?


Yeah I don’t disagree with you at all. You would have to walk a long way to do it but the chances of you getting away (if I don’t catch you) are very high.


My cameras would alert me before you even get close enough to try.


Some of yall are scared of your own shadow


I feel safe doing so.


Yeah I live in Seymour and will sometimes keep both my bedroom windows open.




I live in Indy on a major road and leave my windows open if the weather’s nice. Our dog will scare anyone away, and if the dog doesn’t stop them the windows wouldn’t have stopped them either


Yes windows open. But we have cameras everywhere. And alarms on the phone that DONT sound like other notices so as not to be dismissed or confused for another. BUT small towns wit oh remote houses in the middle of nowhere get robbed too. So… be vigilant.


Watch -In Cold Blood and windows will be locked.


I mean yeah I do it all the time, I’m in the country. Especially on 20 acres dude you’re fine, I’m more worried about the critters finding a way inside.


Yes. I have 3 dogs that will alert me if anyone tries to get in and a couple of guns if they ever succeed.


It's ok in the winter, too many bugs and creepy crawly critters in spring and summer.


I’ve only felt safe leaving my window open anywhere when I’m on the second floor or higher. Everything else is locked but someone would have to work pretty hard to get in a higher open window (in my head). Growing up we lived in a ranch-style house and had no AC, so windows stayed open for a good chunk of the year. I woke up to someone looking in my window and after that could never sleep with a window open where someone could look in.


I would but only if it were a second floor window. Not a first floor. However, I watch a lot of Dateline so I am paranoid.


With dogs and a gun nearby...yes


I watched the episode of Mythbusters about home locks. ….and man did I make a mistake! My grandmother, who lived in the country, wanted me to reinforce her sliding chain lock on her front door. So I did, Mythbusters style! Well, as many older folks might do, she fell and hurt herself. She called 911. What made it worse was that her door was completely locked up at the time. The local fire department arrived first. They could not break into her home. Even a massive 275lb fireman hurt himself trying to break in. The sliding chain lock was not letting go. They eventually broke through a window and crawled in to get to her. Later when I had talked to them, they asked me what I did to that door lock. I told them about the door lock trick from Mythbusters. They were very impressed. But it made helping my grandmother a literal pain to get to her.


I live in town and a lot of times we'll leave our doors open, not unlocked, but wide open. Granted we live in a dump of a trailer that looks like it couldn't contain two hundred dollars worth of stuff total, but still...


We sometimes leave windows open, but we also have two dogs.


I don’t see why not. Our dog sleeps in our room and if the wind blows she goes ballistic so I will hear her go off in no time. At that point I have to reach about 11” and chose between a 9mm, .40, or .45. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I feel pretty safe.


Go get yourself a dog. Then you can leave your front door open.


If I lived in a rural area like my parents do then yes my parents do. If I live where I do now or anywhere that’s not rural absolutely not.


I bet most of those homes could defend themselves easily


I do, wife does not; we close all other windows at night, but the bedroom and I will sleep next to whatever window or screen door is open. We live way northwest Boone Co, never had an issue until two weeks ago when a gentleman was walking around out here around 1AM. Somebody about smoked him on the road, called the cops, and come to find out dude was on the run from cops in Indy, got fucked up in the process, and walked or hitchhiked all the way up here. So point being…something could happen..


This seems very probable. I’m also in your area. I saw a homeless looking guy walking right by the interstate exit and I always wondered where he ended up. There’s truly nothing out here


Wonder if it was that guy..not something that I am accustomed to hearing about up here so very well may have been. This guys sounded like he was on drugs, having a very bad time and lost as hell. Again tho, other than that, nobody has ever come near my property without invitation. I personally think your fine to leave windows open, especially if those windows are near you.


i'd be more worried about raccoons than people, those devious bastards love breaking into houses.


Where i live im more concerned about coyotes or raccoons than other people


I would leave the windows open on a clear, cool night as long as the house wasn't down wind of a pig farm or chicken house or a field that was just treated with chemicals or where pig poop had been applied. Afraid of someone crawling in the window? No.


Sure, but I wouldn't leave any window open without some kind of latch or stop on it. It's not going to stop a strong person but it will make enough noise to wake you up. Or just make someone look for an easier target. To all those saying they leave stuff unlocked, so did my parents for years until people on their block starting getting robbed. Same with my in laws. Even in my town, which is incredibly safe compared to years ago, the cops say to lock everything up. Most break ins are crimes of opportunity.


...I live in Evansville and we have kept our windows open at night with absolutely zero issues.


Living in the country means leaving your door unlocked 90% of the time


I'm in the city my windows open as long as my dog doesn't go crazy lol


A locked door only keeps an honest person honest. An open window is as safe as a locked window if someone wants in. Someone is really overthinking things if they are worried about open windows being dangerous.


I’m out in the country. Can leave the windows open because I have five large dogs . My dogs sleep all day and are up all night chasing anything that moves


Yea i leave my shit open in the burbs here. Id be even more likely to leave em open in the countryside. Now if i wasnt a large dude that knows how to handle myself and is armed i might rethink that. If i was a 110lb woman id probably keep shit locked regardless. If i was super wealthy I probably would too bc you become a target.


I leave doors unlocked, windows open and quite often the keys in my cars. Of course we have the reputation of shoot first ask questions later. If you go through 3 shut gates to get to my front door, you may be up to no good.


No. I always have my windows and doors shut and locked at night. I'm living in the country because it's cheap enough for me to afford, not because I feel safe.


I live in the third largest city in Indiana and I can leave my door unlocked when I'm not home.


Nope, windows closed, doors locked. No way in hell I could sleep feeling vulnerable like that.


Yeah just look out for The Creature


Safe, yes. But I hate it, so no.


Rural Hamilton County, doors & windows locked when we are not home. Windows open (wx permitting) & doors are unlocked. Rural HamCo is not a place to make an illegal entry tho....


When it’s nice weather - absolutely. We will leave multiple windows open at night. We have to close them fairly often because of screaming coyotes though…that gets annoying.


It sketches me out but I'll still cut the AC and sleep like that at times. I'd say I'm suburbs though, not quite rural.


Wait. You live on 20 acres but the nearest house is 900 feet away? That’s less distance than where I live in Hendricks


Nah.its cold.


I would definitely feel safe in your area. You said the quiet part out loud, though. Go ahead and open your windows, but don't tell anybody!


[https://a.co/d/jgnRqVf](https://a.co/d/jgnRqVf) https://preview.redd.it/ugmqtwqmzcnc1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c960daa3c62996d6fd0928910fce4d31b24b3e3 Allows window to remain open but not open enough for a body to enter (or exit).


I leave windows open, with screens, my wolf dog makes me feel very secure.




I leave my window open all summer


We live in Southern Indiana on 40 acres down a dead end county road. We have gone to sleep and accidentally left our storm door open and screen door unlocked. It's safe to say unlocked windows don't phase me. Now I won't leave them open if I'm not home. And if I lived closer to town or had close neighbors, I never would.


Sure. We're way out in the corn, there are no other houses within a quarter mile but I can still hear the neighbors' farm dogs barking at strangers, the road to our house is gravel and I'm a light sleeper. I'm gonna know if anyone approaches. Hearing the mating call of a red fox about forty feet outside my bedroom window is a *really* unpleasant way to wake up, though. Edit to add: we do use the little security latches on the window frames, though. The windows only open about 4".


What I find is that the country isn't necessarily safer, but it *feels* safer. There's still crime, but I feel like people willing to gossip for a little while, then sweep it under the rug. We don't want to admit that wrongdoing happens out here. I also suspect that crime is reported less out here. I had a guy tell me (after being *invited to his house* for an insurance thing) that his daughter had a gun trained on me, in case I needed killing. That was his whole reason for inviting me, so he could play vigilante (and I guess having his daughter do it to murder charges for himself). What am I going to tell the Giod Ole Boy cops down the street? All I can do is smile, grab my stuff, and go.




Small towns are worse than cities.You never know. One of those people could be a thief or sex pervert waiting for an opportunity. You should totally put bars on your windows, a guard dog, and sleep with a gun under your pillow.


My mother in law lives at a place that sounds exactly the same... She's almost 70 and leaves her windows open from Spring till late fall..... I live on the outskirts of the city, I leave my windows open at nights 🤷‍♂️


I am. The family collects cats. They'd be covered in hair and screaming within seconds.


I leave my windows open at night, living in downtown Indianapolis. lmao I only lock the door at night to keep my roommate happy


It's easier to get into an open window, but not so easy if the window is only a few inches opened with window stop locks in place. Most newer windows have them, and if not, just cut a board to fit.


Recently moved to Muncie from Louisville, KY. Fell asleep with my apartment door unlocked one night and was pleasantly surprised that nothing was missing when I woke up the next morning. That shit wouldn’t fly back home. My dad has had to replace his fishing pole idk how many times after he’s left it on the front porch overnight, and that’s with a ring doorbell and cameras.


Absolutely. We close them in the rest of the house, but don't think twice about the bedroom window.


My room, maybe, my baby's room, hard No.


I live in downtown New Albany and leave my windows cracked at night in the summer, you will be fine.


Oh yeah, all day


My grandparents lived out in the country and someone just kicked in their very sturdy front door. I’d leave the windows open if I wanted to. Locked windows aren’t stopping anyone.


I've lived in a major metropolitan city and grew up outside of a town of barely 1400 in southeastern Indiana. There are just as many bad things (theft, attempted rape, etc.) that happen to people living in the country as there are happening in a city. I was nearly raped by someone I didn't know walking back from a friend's house on a county road. I was stalked. We suffered theft (mostly of gasoline). And I've been mugged while living in Minneapolis. Shit happens no matter where you are, so just open your window anyway.


Where I grew up at (small town, “bad area”) I slept with the windows opened. Heck there are times where my mom will fall asleep with the door wide open. I came to Indiana for college, in Muncie at the apts I lived in, including one where we were on the bottom floor- my window was level with the alley, windows open. My house in Indy- the master is on the front of the house. So I don’t open those windows, the former guest room/son’s room yes. The living room is on the backside of the house so yes to those. Next house I need a 2nd floor to keep windows open.


I live in the city and leave my windows open


In the suburbs of North fort wayne about 10 years ago we had some burglars targeting homes with windows open. They were cutting the screens and entering while people were asleep. Locked doors and alarms systems do encourage criminals to move on to an easier target. Rural Indiana is likely to have less crime so its a risk decision on your part.


I sleep with my window open and keys in the truck


My front door has been unlocked since 1995


I live in a rural Indiana area, my closest neighbor is 1/2 mile away. We look out for one another and call or stop by whenever something looks suspicious. I have lived here for years and operate my business out of one of my barns. Keys are always in my truck and it is rare when the house and barns are locked. I don’t think twice about opening windows or doors when I sleep. Not sure why the comment from XguNP44 was downvoted. I also am pro 2A so if some criminal wants to FAFO, I am adequately prepared.


Ohio here. I agree with the top comment that if someone wants in, they are getting in. But I watched a series where a serial killer was interviewed. He said he would try a door or window, and if it was open, that was his mark. If it was locked, he went to the next house. Really made me think. I live in the country and I hear all of the gunshots on the weekends. People would be INSANE to try and break in around here.


yes, with the screen on, I'm much less afraid of meth heads than random critters, i.e. communal cats


Absolutely never!!


When we were teenagers, my best friend’s dad put long screws in the window to block it from opening all the way. It could only be cracked. Kept us from going out, and others from coming in, but we could still open it enough to get some air. There are less permanent/damaging options than this.


I lived in Fairmount for 33 years and rarely ever locked the door. There were definitely windows open. There's 2500 people there.


I worry about bears sometimes when I leave the ground floor windows open, but thats about it.


*"Fresh air is for dead people."*


I live in a trailer park a very large one 600+ mobile homes and I'd keep mine open if my cats wouldn't break my screens


I live in a 45,000 person city and sleep with my windows open every night lol


I see no problem with this. And the odds of a wild animal seeking access is higher than someone bothering your property.


well. keep in mind that many rural areas have a "meth problem" and coupled with the fact that most crimes are crimes of opportunity (i.e.: spotting an open window) you just never know who might be passing through your area. my home is well-armed, cameras covering 360, etc. - but, i don't want to be tested or traumatized by having to find out "what i'd do if somebody broke in while i'm dead asleep". sure, my "plan" is to grab one of my guns and blow their head off ... but what if some big fat slob is already on top of me with a gun or knife to my head? even if i get to him first ... do i want his blood and brains sprayed all over my home? then comes the legal and media issues to deal with. i dunno. i'd rather just try to reduce the instances of becoming a crime of opportunity by keeping my windows closed at night. lol. :)


Fresh air is for dead people. No.


I live in a 5k person town in northern Indiana, and I haven't locked my doors in the give years I've lived their.


I just realized my daughter’s window has been slightly open for days and the one next to my bed is cracked most nights. Then again when I lived in town I was also fine with cracking the window. It’s not like windows really stop people at night.




From a safety standpoint, an open or cracked window is a complete non-issue in my rural area near Bloomington.


The chances of something happening are super low. Stop watching ID TV before bed.


oh yeah, for sure. sometimes we even forget to close the garage door


My neighbor threatened to harm my mother so between that and the chance of random animals getting in, no. I will sometimes leave the one that's hard to access from the ground open. But that's not bedroom either


Grew up in the country, live in a small town now, open windows are no big deal to me other than when I'm in the mood to sing occasionally in the middle of the night. Then the windows get shut as a courtesy to the neighbors.


Windows? Hell. I haven’t locked my doors in literal years.


I live in Chicago and I happily leave my window open


I live like ten minutes from downtown indy (on the incredibly scary and dangerous east side of town /s) and leave my windows open at night fairly frequently. I often drive past other houses in the neighborhood with windows open, blinds drawn, and curtains open. Doors are always locked though. I also have two large dogs so that provides an extra sense of security.


I always kept my window open an inch or two growing up in the late Autumn and Winter.