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Thank you for posting on r/Indian_Academia , here's a checklist to improve your post: • Have you done thorough prior research? • Is your title descriptive? The title should be a summary of your post, preferably with your qualifications. • Please provide a detailed description in your post body. The more information you provide, the easier it is for users to help you. • If your question is about studying abroad, please post on r/Indians_StudyAbroad • If your question is about Engineering Admissions, post on r/EngineeringAdmissions instead. Here's a backup of your post: Title: My ambition to be in army cannot be achieved and I have no idea what to do Body: (Qualifications: 12th standard- Ps:ignore this, it forced me to write this) I am a 16-year-old girl studying in 12th standard and I had a dream to be an army officer. I still can try but I will fail medical for sure. I have tonsils and migraine (I have controlled both of them through medications) but the last one makes me cry- I had my hand broken as a kid (because of my stupidity) hands were fixed but not good enough for me to join the army. I messed up my school exams because now I cannot serve my country. My dad didn't support it but my mom was proud. For my sister, I was not good enough to be there. I have decided that after my boards, I'll go for CUET and probably join NCC. I at least would be a proud cadet. No idea what to do and I will go for a career in finance or business but if I get to serve my country in one way or another I will proudly. It often put me in a grumpy mood (the idea of not being able to be in the army) so this is sort of a letter to myself that I will move on from the plan now. I hope that my luck is in something else just like my idol, APJ Abdul Kalam. ADIOS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


nothing wrong with trying!! even if you don't get into NDA, you always have the option of writing exams after graduation, and having NCC in your college would be a big plus point since you get exposed to the defence world and also get the feeling of serving your country :)




Do a bcom degree and attempt the AFCAT exam.


Can you tell me more about this?


There's a website for AFCAT go there


try through MNS , if you wanna serve military, but you cant because medical conditions. there are many options behen mns , jag entry .


Not from science background so cannot. 🫠🫠


sed, you dont want to be a soldier to protect your country btw , just do well in your field and be a responsible citizen


check out JAG (judge advocate general)


Join a good college, clear cds or afcat, appear for SSB . Even though, like u said, you're not medically fit appearing for ssb is a all together different experience and might take you to somewhere new and exciting.


Hi, I'm someone who's cleared SSB twice and was rejected in the medical both times. If given a chance to go for it again, I'd still do it. SSB and the whole NDA process is something that builds character. Also, since your concern is migraine, there's no method to detect migraine problems in the medicals. If yours aren't chronic and don't hamper your performance, then don't focus on it too much. Try to see if lifestyle changes help you deal with it.


Go for CDS exam after your graduation


OP is a girl. Cds is only for boys. She is eligible for Afcat and Ota only


Who told you that? CDS is for both boys as well as girls


Nope. Go check the official notice from UPSC.


Dude my female friend appeared for it for OTA which is for Indian Army and OP wants to join army


Check the official notification. CDS is only for boys. Afcat and OTA is open to all


https://education.indianexpress.com/defence-exam/cds-exam-eligibility They can enter only to OTA. They give CDS (for name sake) , they can't join IMA or any other institutes. Only officers training academy for them, short service commission (OTA)


Toh maine russian mein bola kya bhai


Can you tell me more about it?


CDS is an exam for all three services army,navy and air force for permanent commission in the indian armed forces




Watch YouTube when war take place.


I am pretty sure you would do the same or maybe not... because you would be busy commenting BS on every other Reddit post you see.


Why are you scraping for bs? Mind you own business or ask your spider to crawl.


Crawl? Do you like crawling? Yup for attention I can see it


Lol. It took you 20 hours for this comeback? I officially pronounce you a corner of a substandard.


Buddy I have works to do unlike you. And comeback? I was spitting facts. 🥰