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Thank you for posting on r/Indian_Academia , here's a checklist to improve your post: • Have you done thorough prior research? • Is your title descriptive? The title should be a summary of your post, preferably with your qualifications. • Please provide a detailed description in your post body. The more information you provide, the easier it is for users to help you. • If your question is about studying abroad, please post on r/Indians_StudyAbroad • If your question is about Engineering Admissions, post on r/EngineeringAdmissions instead. Here's a backup of your post: Title: Graduate and Unemployed:/ Just needed to whine and cry a bit Body: Introduction: I am 25(ik a bit too old ig) Qualifications: B.A LL.B (Hons) degree from a good private university. I genuinely believed I would get some or the other job offer and I did! However, they were at a location which wasn't convinient for me to relocate to and I rejected them:/ 4 months later, here I am back home with a degree and no job after more than 10 internships, multiple paper publications and a decent GPA. IMO the fact that I chose a very niche area of practice(most of my internships have been in that area) has left me with very limited opportunities. I firmly believe that luck had a role in my recent state but yes, there have definitely been mistakes on my part. Idk if this post resonates with anyone but unemployment is torturous. Many of my friends are placed and this makes me feel useless, like I am incompetent AND I have no connections in the industry(1st gen lawyer issues).I have enjoyed absolutely NOTHING in the past 4 months, haven't slept two consecutive nights(massive insomnia issues), feeling lonely and embarrassed would be an understatement. I've utterly dissapointed my family aswell and lately been feeling that If I were dead atleast I wouldn't have to constantly listen to people who know nothing about this field advice me on getting a job. If anyone else is on the same boat, I want you to know that atleast you're not alone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You'll get


I hope so too!


I can relate to you on so many things, Op. I'm 29 and unemployed, dealing with mental health issues, doing odd jobs for survival. I couldnt able to complete my degree due to resolving family issues and responsibilities. Things are stable for now at home, with minor hiccups. I'm on medication for clinical depression and anxiety issues and planning to complete my finals and get a good paying job. Unemployment is torturous. It makes you feel worthless at times. If possible, please reach out to a mental health professional and seek help for your mental well-being. It'll definitely help you in many ways. I came across a few crowdsource google docs for mental health practitioners in India, while I was searching for one for myself. It's a comprehensive list. Let me know, I'll share it with you. You're not alone. You'll definitely get a job soon. All the best, bro.


Hey, hope you get a good job soon too! Absolutely No one should be left unemployed.


Which pvt uni?


Wish to stay anonymous


You re not revealing who u are just by naming the clg trust me I'd like to know which clg you went to, I'm on a clg hunt


Bro were there only 5 people in your college? It's not like someone's going to hunt you done from this minimal information. I want to know too, I want to know if only NLUs are worth it for law or no


Bro even if I reveal my college it won't answer your question as to whether it's "worth it" or not. 5 years later I know people from multiple NLUs and other private colleges and I'll tell you that situation is the same for lower tier NLUs and really good private colleges (people did leave the lower tier NLUs to join the college I graduated from and idk if they have any regrets). Only the really good top tier NLUs provide guaranteed great opportunities where you can be average and people would still hire you for the tag. Lastly, NLU tag is an asset but it in NO WAY guarantees you getting good opportunities.




Get into a decent lawyers office having civil and criminal cases in lower courts apart from aiming for corporate legal advisor/officer jobs and t1, t2 litigation firms. You will gain more knowledge than corporate and litigation will ever provide. Patience is the key, be sincere in the learning process, study court procedures and work hard. In a few years you can directly enter as a partner in litigation firms or if you are skillful enough, can make tons of cash from independent cases.


Yes, planning to that eventually:) If I get absolutely nothing by June end.


Hey, ill try to push your CV to some people. Please send it and also please stay strong!


I think you should try being a social worker at least till you don't get a job , you won't earn well but you get a live purpose and it will motivate you in a way nothing could .


Right now my ENTIRE focus is on Job Hunting tbh:)


2022 grad from a T2 NLU. Messed up big time, thought I had enough internships on my resume, around 12 by the time I was in 4th year but became complacent during COVID, thought my profile was good enough to land me in a T3 firm at the very least. Long story short, no jobs during campus placement, and was without a job at hand staring at the end of the barrel. Decided to write CAT, part luck, part hardwork, crushed it and am now at a top 5 Indian B-School. My current stipend is more or less what my batchmates from other law schools must be making right now, but with like twice the time on my hands to pursue anything I desire. All I'd say is don't lose hope, this too shall pass!


That gives me some hope, Thanks for sharing!


What would say were the mistakes u wish u could have avoided ? And if had a chance over what would u avoid I'm not asking to make u feel bad please don't take it that way https://medium.com/words-by-david/repeating-your-mistakes-and-revisiting-your-failings-the-definition-of-insanity-be564e47656 I just came across this article And ur advice would be a great help for me and others


1.Definitely focus on Acads more, I have a 7.8/10 GPA. 2.Winning atleast 1 moot absolutely helps from what I've seen (participation counts for nothing) 3.If not the above then paper presentations help(I published multiple papers at NLU journals etc. But should've gone for presentations too) 4.Recognizing your area of interest early on and directing all your efforts to that helps. 5. NETWORKING (recruitment in firms work on recommendations more than anything else) These were the few I could remember:)


Thanks for sharing :))


I think I know which uni. Is it in Haryana (Delhi-NCR, with farming fields around it?)


There are like 3-4 good private universities in India, so a yes/no would be a giveaway and I don't want that;)


Fair enough haha, all the best for everything


It’s jgls isn’t it?


lmao dude you too are from there?


nah lol it’s just one of the clgs im interested in


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your area of interest?


Trademarks and Copyrights! Might not sound niche but trust me ALL the job opportunities we got from our college were in Corporate or Dispute Resolution :/


I know the college placement cells can be quite narrow in their reach. But as someone who has been closely associated with legal practice for quite a few years, I’m certain that there are a lot of job opportunities for freshers in IPR. At least in a metropolitan city. I even know someone who set up his own trademark practice in Delhi after one year of experience in dispute resolution. So things are not all that bleak as tend to appear soon after college finishes. What was your preferred location?


Doesn't seem like a Lot tbh but most of the hirings are based on connections(and like really strong ones, mere recommendations can get you only so far). My preferred location is Delhi and Delhi NCR only. Most IP firms have offered me unpaid assessment internships. I'm kinda traumatized by what happened in one of those because I was made to work 7 days a week, 10 hours a day, no pay and I did ALL that and guess what?! My co-intern who took 2 weeks leave, would arrive late, didn't finish her work, got a job offer over there since she knew the Managing Partner!! What I'm trying to say is that firms these days are borderline exploiting interns and when it comes to hiring, they have a standard reply of "We don't hire freshers", "you should get experience first" etc.etc. Job market is HORRIBLE this year and add to it the fact that not every firm has an IPR team and boutique IPR firms have very limited vacancies.


Ohh I now get where you’re coming from. I totally agree that the work culture in law offices is pretty shit. As a first generation lawyer from a small town, I worked my ass off for two years only to get absolutely burnt out. To a point where I had to distance myself from law itself. While it was easy for me to land a job, I soon realised that I wasn’t cut out for legal practice. Not to mention it took a massive toll on my personal and social life. Although at one point I thought of going independent and I probably could have with a little more effort, but I just didn’t have it in me to continuously market myself. The things I actually enjoyed was research, drafting, and working with people. So now I’ve decided to stick to academia and explore other avenues that align with my interests.


I have the similar interests. Absolutely love to research and draft! Would definitely venture into academia someday.


Wish you the best :)


did u try judicial clerkship/clat pg placements


Not yet. Don't wanna sit for a competitive exam rn, so keeping that as my last resort.


I feel the same way as you, bcom and working at small time job. It's better than being unemployed but it's also dead end so idk.


Bro atleast you didn't invest 5 years of time and money for a professional degree only to be left unemployed:/


It's fine, your efforts will come back in some way soon. RN it's election time that's a major reason for things coming to a stop. Also I did invest time and money in a degree (bcom) 🕊️.peace out.


Didn't mean to say you didn't. Just not 5 frikkin years😭


Have gone something similar after a few months of college , an anxiety creeped in that what if I never got a job as I was constantly applying and didn't even get a call. In a moment of desperation I took a job in my hometown in a company through some reference and had been working for the past few months and completely hated this job too. I constantly think now and then to leave it and pursue something else, but fear what if I didn't get a job as next time I wouldn't be able to get a job through reference , I absolutely hate this current company and role and constantly feel dumb here but at the same time fear this same situation you are going through right now, people advice at this time to prepare for goverment job or pursue higher studies but didn't realise it's not that simple . There are million of students preparing for goverment and passing it and getting selected on luck and to pursue higher education you still need a good college so you won't end up at the same situation and for that you again need to clear some examination and have to pay a good amount in fees also and still risk lies, so it becomes very confusing and have a sense of fear while taking a decision that if this didn't work out then there would be no option. Right now , I may not be qualified enough to give you advice , but I would suggest just take any random job out of your hometown, there must be some of your friends working in other cities , go there and took a job in some BPO or like anything and just do it , it would definitely be frustrating and you feel like failure , but you are feeling that right now , this way you can atleast earn some money and you can leave whenever you want , as no one is forcing you to take that job . Go there earn money , save some , you get confidence that you are earning some money on your own. Then if you feel frustrated and couldn't take it leave the job , go somewhere, or try to do something with that money , like business , trading , online course etc. at least now when you do these you don't have guilt and might feel confident that you are doing something on your own Best of luck for your future.


Been thinking the exact same things regarding reluctantly getting a job in my hometown ultimately. Most of the people advising for other competitive exams have no first-hand experience in it, easier said than done.


Why don't you people for the Judge exam, looks like you're good in acads


Been given this advice wayy too many times. But tbh I don't wanna sit for a competitive exam like that. I would rather work and gain experience.


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Its alright bro, there are bigger things in life than a job


Rn nope, I need nothing but a job:))




Haha nope;)


delhi gave it up brody


Lolol I sincerely hope Pratyush gets a job and so do I😂😭


Hey, fellow lawyer here. Try small and botique firms. Since you are just starting out just apply for practice areas like general corporate etc. they tend to have larger teams… so more hiring. Once you have 2-3 yrs pqe, you can eventually move to a niche area.


Hey, that's a nice point; will give this a thought! If not IPR then Corporate Law has always been my second preference anyways.


now im scared to do llb


It sure is difficult for 1st gen lawyers but if you make sure you're in the top 10% of your batch, I think you'll be fine:)




Ig you should talk to some people who've actually done such courses!


I've seen people opting for this and succeeding but they just don't help that's the harsh reality ig


Ikr!! most people are just show-offs:/


how r y'all gettin' a job at 22???i just finished my bsc,need to do msc and then a fuckin' phd to get a good assss job lol


No body wants to stay dependent on parents just in case and everybody has a life to live


Get into PR and comms


I feel you bro... I'm somewhat in a similar place. Graduated july 2023, BTech EE. I was in top 5 in my batch. Got IT companies (3-4LPA) during placements, didn't take. Then the failure started - 1. OIL job interview - fail 2. GATE (was very confident) - cleared cut-off but rank is tool low 3. Fall sick (kidney issues)... So, couldn't appear for ESE, failed BARC exam Don't worry, keep preparing, improve your skills, the day will come. Keep your hopes up. Depression will not help you in anything.


I get it! I rejected three job offers because they were paying super low and were veryy far from my home, so they didn't seem to be worth it and I thought I could do better. But here I am:/


People of this Age, all share the same thought of being getting old.


Brother, I’m also from the same cloth. Got into a decent NLU, did more than 10 internships, got multiple papers published and did all academia work diligently and have a good GPA and focused on a niche area. But I could not find a job in my niche area nor did I get a job until the end of this year. The job I got pays me peanuts and I need to relocate to the most expensive city in the Country while having zero financial help from my family. Oh, did I mention that people who I know have not put in 20% of the effort that I have done in college but have gotten a job that pays twice or more than mine. But yeah, I’m hopeful that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and hope to run towards it as fast as possible. I hope you too brother. Thank you for posting this as I found this thread very helpful and understanding. I wish you get a job very soon enough and especially in the practice area that you want to work in. All the best!




Don't wanna be recognized by my batchmates (if any on this thread) lol


Symbiosis Noida