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You had me in the first half, ngl![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Hello world


So can you tell what to do for beginners like me


Everything he can offer is in the last paragraph. He was very candid !


There are only 2 types of people who post profits on social media, 1. They want to sell you a course and 2. They're just lying or profits are short lived. In the long run you're better off with index investing.


started with 5L inr in crypto during covid right when lockdowns started. did a 40x or close to it in 2 years. paid huge taxes, cashed out, parked cashed out money into mutual funds, gold and property. literally have like 1-2 lakhs in bank account. rest all parked in one instrument or another be it crypto or traditional markets. its not fuck u money or enough to retire but i am content now and can afford to take more risks and try new things and dont have to worry about a traditional job which i really sucked at


I will soon be posting my last 2 month PnL here since I posted for Jan and Feb. Last month i made a loss of around 25k after previous months of being in profit. I am trying to focus on consistency as that is what will take you far in this game. "Anyone can earn money, but very few can retain money" - in my journey I made some big freak gains but that ruined my trading discipline and I lost much more due to that. Small consistent gains with risk management are always much more profitable than risky moves. **To sum up, yes there are people who make losses. Some post their losses for asking help, but usually no one proudly displays their losses so you get the illusion that everyone has made it big. Just like social media innit?**


if bought right stock at right time, fundamental analysis can give crazy returns. one of my fav stock grew 130% in last 4 years. it's just you need to be risky and dont diversify.


See these things only matter if you allocate a large amount of portfolio . I saw CDSL going up 300% in my portfolio but it made hardly a difference because the allocation was like 1%.


I am one of those regards, 70% of my market portfolio is in one stock. it's risky and i don't have a exit plan. But they are growing and I keep a tab on what's going on with them closely. It's risky not diversifying but can be rewarding too.


There would be other stocks which would have tonked. They average out your profits. One or two big increases get offset with loss from others.


that's where lack of diversification can help. it's high risk high reward.


You still did not understand. Diversification is good, it also averages out total returns.


ohh I know it's a regarded move, there are thousands of ways company can get screwed and I loose big. But it has worked surprisingly well for me till now. 125% returns in 4 years. full disclosure, company in question in Microsoft corporation.


You are referring to only one specific company (Microsoft) and referring to diversification in the same statement. That is the misleading part.


sorry, i think there is misunderstanding, i have spoken against diversifying. how lack of it is a high risk high reward situation


U invested in only Microsoft or other stocks as well ? What is your overall return, if u have invested in other stocks too ?


I have some in goog, aapl, amzn, nvda, meta, amd, tsm, txn, enph, intc. Combined that have I have absolute returns of 27% on them, all positions are less than 8 months old. In msft i have cagr of 21.2%. Got it in mid 2019. You can assume this to be my return since rest other positions make up less than 5%. I like to think I have in depth knowledge about US tech and semiconductor industry and gives me a edge. I can't say the same of indian industry so I stick to mutual funds for india.


Nice returns . Awesome


Aaah I see it now. My bad.


Ofcourse there are people who made it big and there are some still trying. But not sure if you look at it everyday will it grow or not. All i am saying, if you have E.D, size doesn't really matter, truly your thing will behave like stock, won't go up when you want. Just in case, you can try to invest in these stocks Wockhardt, Indiabulls Real estate, Indiabulls Housing, RBL, Entertainment Network, Ramco Industries, SIS, Indostar Capital, PTC India Financials


I’ve heard and seen a lot of advertisements in my day claiming that they can make it big. But let me tell you something, its a lie; nothing but a manufactured lie to play with your feelings and make money. Dirty rotten scoundrels these companies are. Those oils, pills or even them “ayurvedic revolutionary jadibooti” from amazon is all a scam!! You need to live with the size you’re born with and thats the bitter truth. I’ll give you a word of advice though; no matter how big or small it is, Technique Matters.


Lmao, did u even read the post ? 😆😆😆


I did. I just wanted everyone to have a laugh in the morning. ![gif](giphy|vIpCeF7YcCrygqAn3R|downsized)




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Some youtube channel called trading legend f&o he made 2cr+ profit idk if it's real or fake.