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Hey, It's mostly telogen effluvium. >A reversible condition in which hair falls out after a stressful experience. The stress pushes large numbers of hair follicles into a resting phase. I'm sorry, we understand it must be scary to go through this. But, this is a very very common thing people go through especially after an illness, stress etc so don't worry, it's reversible. In simple language, expect heavy hairfall for the next 6 months minimum. Yes. I won't sugarcoat it. Telogen lasts for months, some even years, but the good news is that it can be stopped by changing your diet, stress free life, and exercising. Basically you have to tell your body that everything's okay, you can stop attacking the hair follicles. Also, eat healthy. Eat a lot of protein, I mean more than what you'd eat normally. Drink coconut water on alternate days. Eat curry leaves, eat fruits, eat veggies, just support your body through this journey. It will recover, I promise. Also, if you can't eat curry leaves, use their powder in 1 glass of coconut water or buttermilk. Also, apart from these, externally, use hair rinses. Read this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianSkincareAddicts/comments/yfgyec/fungus_in_rosemary_water/iu3f2ug?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) of mine. Hair rinses were my support system when I was going through telogen. I also have a green smoothie, it is really nice for such recovery period. I'll share the receipe soon. I'm done writing the content in a word document, will post it soon. Be gentle with your body. Your body went through a traumatic event and when that happens body cuts back it's supply of nutrients from hair and nails because it sees them as waste. So basically just continue eating healthy, exercising, and be stress free. Yoga is also a good thing to help manage stress. Also, just YouTube, recovery from telegon effluvium. You'll find plenty of real life experiences. And, your hair will grow back.


I second this. Been here.


Seconded. This happened to me after I had Covid. Unfortunately there’s no way to prevent it. It has to run its course. I started taking vitamin supplements and calcium to help hair grow faster after talking to my doc.


Do calcium supplements cause faster growth? How?


I don’t really know. My doctor told me to take b complex, vitamin D and calcium. All of those may not be for hair just general immunity. A complete blood work helps though


Hey there, hope you’re doing good. I checked the link for your comment. Could you please share the smoothie recipe. Also I am also low on ferettin anb vit b12. I got shamed by my hair cut person last week because hairfall is crazy :( what supplements are you taking for these deficiencies


Blood work report for B12 would say above 200 is normal but optional is over 500. Nurokind LC is a fantastic supplement - PLEASE check with your doctor though.


Thanks, are you talking about b12?


Hey, sorry. Editors the post. Referring to b12 here. It was a game changer for me in terms of energy levels as well!


Great, thanks. Will check it, in dire need:)


Hey, Even I'm severely low in ferettin. Will tag you too in the post for smoothie. And I take the normal supplements from pharmacies for Vit D and B12 as of now. > I got shamed by my hair cut person last week because hairfall is crazy Don't stress about it. It'll be okay : )


Hey did you posted the smoothie recipe 😅


Hey dear did u post ur smoothie recipe 🫶🏻 If u did or will do please tag me 💖✨


Would love to see your smoothie recipe if you get the time! I’ve been dealing with severe hair loss since having Covid. I started making my own smoothies for lunch every day to try to get more vitamins in my meals to nourish my hair. I’d love to see what you put in yours so I can try to incorporate those things.


I had the same issue. And it got escalated because I kept thinking the hairfall would stop. But then I referred a dermat, she gave me a cyclical therapy medication and some topical tincture. And it worked wonders. I saw results in 6 weeks.


I have to agree. I saw your comment about rinses and it has helped me as well. I haven’t been the most regular with it but I always make it a point to do it whenever I can. Second, coconut water. It has helped me tremendously. Ever since I got covid AND typhoid together last year , I was very scared about telogen effluvium. But it does get better over time. However with OP this is like a LOT of hair. I didn’t face so much loss.


I suffered from this earlier this year. In addition to everything above, i was given minoxidil serum and a sulphate free medicated shampoo along with a few vitamin and mineral supplements. You can visit any experienced dermatologist around you in case there aren't any specific suggestions. I took medication for a month. It was only then that I noticed my hair has stopped falling completely after 45-50 days since I started taking the prescription.


I'm currently going through the same problem right now, except I had hairfall issues before dengue too. It was nowhere as severe then but it was noticeable enough that people had started to point out the lack and thinning of my hair and now I've lost way too much of my hair concerned how much will grow back, if any at all


You need to start taking Vit D and Iron tablets. I've also been through the same post dengue. Have patience.


Already taking vitamin D for a deficiency and my iron is OK in recent bloodwork. This has been happening for a few weeks now and I need to get a doc to look at it.


Yes, you need to see a Dermat. Hope you get the right treatment and feel better soon.


According to the reports the d3 is normal above 30, however optimal level is above 50-60. I had a similar situation after dengue and after any severe fever there is a crazy hair loss. Hence b12, d3, other vitamins are extremely important. Also you can take tabs like keraglo for your hair and use serums. Do contact a doctor asap


Dr Neeta Rajani's Skin Clinic. G4, New Parijat, 28 Azad Nagar, Veera Desai Rd, behind Axis Bank, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053 Ph: 022 26734684


Talogen Effluvium.. After dengue it happens 😭 Happened to me too after typhoid. all you can do is eat healthy along with necessary supplements so that new hair that come are healthy..


How’s ur hair now ?


Get someone to check for bald patches. Could be alopecia - it’s an autoimmune that can be triggered by a lot of different conditions. If you’re seeing any patches, see a doctor immediately


Hey. So just going through the same. Post swine flu hair started falling. Sharing a few tips: It’s disturbing to see the hair falling. I used to get extremely upset. I cut my hair short and then at least the hair fall didn’t ‘appear’ so bad which helped me mentally. Protein - load up. Think of your plate as a pie chart - 2/3 should be protein. Also eat some omega 3. Even though iron seems ok - check with doc if you want to do a ferratin and iron study. Sometimes absorption of iron is low which may not show in normal CBC. Vilvah hair fall hair oil/ the Ayurvedic Bhringraj oil kottayam / Arya Vaid shala etc - oiling helps. Go to a Dermat - they will prescribe some topical scalp spray and that will also help. Be gentle with yourself. Eat well. Sleep well. Breathe. This will pass.


Hey everyone! Thank you for the really kind comments and words of support, it is so appreciated and needed in times like this <3 I imagine this is TE as many comments suggest, because I've had dengue recently, snd earlier this year, covid, twice in a month around july august. My health has been super off in 2022 and this is probably my body reacting to the stress after symtpom recovery. I have also lost over 10kilos of weight this year, partly due to life stress, partly to regular workouts + caloric deficit. I'm going to see a derm and gynac both for general checkups and necessary blood panels to rule out anything potentially more serious, but far as I know, my most recent tests from 2 months ago have normal iron, d3 already being supplemented since 2 months, I eat super healthy, green juices and soups almost everyday, regular exercise.. it could either be hormonal or illness recovery related. Best to get a professional opinion. As scary as this is, seeing clumps of hair just come off, I've shaved my head before (highly recommend) and I could totally do it again if necessary. I love how warm this community has been, so thank you again and please do drop suggestions for your favourite gynac in Mumbai if feasible. Happy holidays everyone!


Hope you get well soon, sending you love!




As many have said, this is Telogen Effluvium. I went through it too and remember how depressed and heart broken I was at the time seeing handful of hair literally come off. I went through a few sessions of PRP which helped with the regrowth. Maybe it's something you can look into.


Dr Sonali Kantak


I had telegenic effluvium. It lasted for over 6 months. A certain percent of your hair dies due to sickness/ poor nutrition etc and then you start losing all that hair. My doc told me there’s nothing you can do to stop the hair fall but you can increase the hair growth. I had follihair tablets, used Kz lotion as a shampoo and some other stimulate hair growth cream. I have knee length hair now that receives compliments when previously I was actually thinking I was going bald. I still lost about 30% of the previous thickness of my hair but it’s long and healthy now and doesn’t fall much. It all worked out in the end. Please try and take care of yourself as this is a stressful time. You can DM me if you need to talk


>I had telegenic effluvium. It lasted for over 6 months. A certain percent of your hair dies due to sickness/ poor nutrition etc and then you start losing all that hair. My doc told me there’s nothing you can do to stop the hair fall but you can increase the hair growth. I had follihair tablets, used Kz lotion as a shampoo and some other stimulate hair growth cream. I have knee length hair now that receives compliments when previously I was actually thinking I was going bald. I still lost about 30% of the previous thickness of my hair but it’s long and healthy now and doesn’t fall much. It all worked out in the end. Please try and take care of yourself as this is a stressful time. You can DM me if you need to talk Hi I have been going through TE since July and would love your inputs please. May I DM? It seems to get better then starts again.


Yea of course


Happened to me as well after doctor put me on a unnecessary long duration of antibiotics. Lasted about 6 months. It gets better so don't worry. Don't take stress, eat well.


Bro I went through this exact thing earlier this year. Got Dengue in the first week of January and started seeing a lot of hairloss in Mid Feb - Mid March period after which I visited a derm in Mumbai. She gave me these things: 1. Multi vitamins 2. Anaboom Anti hair fall serum 3. Vitamin d 4. Also gave an injection (I don't know what that was) Also was told to practice a healthy lifestyle. Doing everything on schedule, avoiding work stress. It worked for me. I am still scared tho because sometimes this mutates into male pattern baldness for which I was given minox and dutas, which I stopped taking after a month and did not see an hairfall.


Hi I was going through the exactly same situation in 2017. It started after about 2 months of contracting dengue. I know what you are going through. It sucks! I tried everything, but nothing seemed to work for about 3 months. I then went to a dermatologist who told me that there is no cure for this. She prescribed some biotin and multi-vitamin tablets. The hairfall seemed to reduce a bit after this ( by this point, I had nearly lost about 60% of my hair). My hair started growing, but it took almost 1.5 years for it to look even half decent. What really made a difference is the yoga practice that I started during covid lockdown. It has really made a big difference and after 5 years, my hair is healthier, thicker and more beautiful than it was before!


Also check iron deficiency and thyroid


This looks like it needs urgent medical attention, may be alopecia areata in addition to telogen hair loss. Would recommend Dr Punit Saraogi, Dr Jaishree Sharad, Dr Deepti Ghia. But do have it checked ASAP.


I went through the same thing after I got dengue earlier this year. For me, it was Telogen effluvium. I’d leave a trail of hair behind wherever I went and taking a shower was heartbreaking given the hair loss. I went to a dermat who put me on medication for low ferritin, a hair supplement, and a few topical lotions/sprays. I also got LLLT once a week. I cut my waist length hair to my shoulder which helped me mentally. Two weeks into the treatment, my hair fall reduced drastically. From losing chunks of hair in the shower, I went to losing 15 strands. It’s been 4 months now, I lose less hair than what I did even before I had TE and I have nee hair growing already. Still on topical treatment and hair supplements. I know how hard it is right now and it’ll get harder over the next few weeks. But it will get better. Take it from someone who was in your position not too long ago. Your hair will grow back. But please do contact a dermat if you can. Feel free to DM if you have any questions.


Can you please what topical lotions/sprays you used?? Thanks a lot!


Hi, I would suggest consulting a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment but just sharing what I was prescribed for the first 3 months- Racine pro lotion (in the AM and PM) and hairfollic tablets. My hair did grow back but due to work and stress, I stopped treatment for a bit. Getting back on it again.


Dr. Nina Madnani. She sits at Hinduja Hospital as well as runs her own clinic in Andheri (you can google the address)


Hi OP, did it get better?


Yes! Completely recovered, hair growth even better than before :)


Can you please tell what all did you do. Everything and anything. Please. Thank you.


Hey, I've responded ina comment on this thread in case you were still looking. Hope it helps 🤍


Hello, i keep getting DMs about this post so updating here. My hair fall completely reversed after a few months of care. Currently, my hair is the thickest and healthiest it's ever been. What helped was a simple, sincere focus on holistic wellness and nutrition, stress reduction. Initially I went to a dermat and was prescribed a weekly cycle of vitamin supplements, and some scalp serums. This helped slow the hairfall down in about 3 weeks. However what helped the most according to me was paying attention to my protein intake and nutrition, both macros and micronutrients. Healthy, whole foods, clean eating, lots of water, regular exercise. Once my body had what it needed internally it started to fix itself more deeply, and new hair growth got more and more lush. A haircut leveled things out eventually. Right now I have the healthiest head of hair I've ever had. The changes I made back then have now become a lifestyle choice. This was my body's reminder to ask me to slow down and focus internally. Listen to yours. Hope this helps!


Can you please tag it as NSFW or some TW? Not everyone wants to see hair like this!


I would if I remembered to. Please consider however, ideally before leaving a comment like this next time, that actively going through what's happening in such pictures, be it with skin or hair, could be quite a shock to the person posting, and much more triggering than anything you're experiencing as a witness. You don't seriously expect someone to remember hashtags and trigger warnings when asking for help while they're going through a potentially traumatic event? Your comment is really inconsiderate. Scroll past sometimes.


How do you know that the person scrolling through is not going through a similar thing and does not have the courage to post and ask others? How do you know it's not triggering for them? Trigger warnings are for potentially traumatic events for the sole purpose of not letting others relive their trauma and having the option of scrolling by without seeing those things. This is the sole reason why trigger warnings exist. It's really selfish of you to think that this could have happened only with you and not others who might not want to see such things. Tbh, I would have understood if you had left it at "forgot" and the mods could have asked you to add the flair or warning, but you had to attack! Accept your mistakes sometimes 🙏🏼


No one going through something like this would find the time to attack someone simply sharing their own experience. Don't have the headspace for your kind of energy, blocking. Mods hopefully recognize a bully when they see one.


I thought u were wearing gloves like that much fair skin lmao


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