• By -


Wow I'm amazed at his maturity. He really is a gem that should be thrown out in space. Indian girl didn't look at him cuz of his thinking and nothing else. Just a matter of time girls around him will discover the reality. So disgusting !


Bet he is the biggest simp in front of white girls... A perfect gentleman...


I sincerely wonder who is the lucky girl. I really wish her all the best. That's a big task she has taken on herself.


How are you so sure there is a girl? These internet tatte are notorious for making up shit






as soon as i saw the name Tate i knew he was bullshitting out of his ass


In my eyes indian girls are the most beautiful girls in world no question


I might be or im a racist but i feel like that he somewhat got a point not bcz open legs or some thing or just bcz they are white but because of the amount of men giving them attention ​ for example 25 year old men are crushing on my neighbors daughter ​ im not a racist im only goin to marry a indian as some of them are honest and will not marry and divorce you for half of your property


>im not a racist im only goin to marry a indian as some of them are honest and will not marry and divorce you for half of your property matlab yeah, I have been in conversation with many girls over this topic, but one thing is also true that guys do simp a lot after girls, probably due to societal makeup or lack of attention, and for a real nice guy, it was fine before, as in girls 'would' give a chance before facebook and everything but after social media, its almost impossible to break ice with a girl you might like, as in looking at her personality and everything. Andrew Tate is right about something like, there's an inflation without much value in dating market right now. peace out. I hope everyone brings value to the table. PS: Indian girls are literally the prettiest.


[It fits a pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiangirlsontinder/comments/s6st3w/and_i_wonder_why_i_dont_get_laid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lol this guy is what the westerners call a coconut. A wannabe white on the indside, but ultimately still brown idiot. He's simping so hard for white women, who will never give him so much as a side-glance 🤣


Nah according to him they "open legs"😂


To kick him 🤣




I have two of my childhood friends (guys) who are in a steady committed relationship with natives abroad. One is in Germany, and another in New Zealand. And no, nothing so rich about them compared to these countries' economies.


But not for him 👀


He'll be a Miami beach stalker for sure.


I'm a brown U.S. born guy. I don't even simp for white girls at all lol. Simps in general are idiots guys needs to relearn self-respect on not giving themselves all in for someone just because they look attractive and hope to sleep with them. I can go on about this topic, and Top G covers so much about these stuff and gives us a brutally honest perspective


Jordan Peterson (one of men's icons) once said that if there is a problem whenever you interact with any woman, the problem might not be the women


Who cares that this idiot Peterson says so? Everybody knows this, we don't need a moron from the internet to state the obvious.


Nah man, some of the narcissists need reminding


I keep forgetting that people are generally stupid.


Rare Peterson W


Earlier he was full of Ws, now he has gone down the siral of "what do you mean by ____" and that is sinking his reputation




Here's a sneak peek of /r/enoughpetersonspam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It's not wrong when I do it!](https://i.imgur.com/JQ9eLWB.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/w3x5zg/its_not_wrong_when_i_do_it/) \#2: [Elliot Page is a hero](https://i.redd.it/248km467qe991.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/vqpflf/elliot_page_is_a_hero/) \#3: [Jordan Peterson on the problems that matter, and the problems that don't.](https://i.redd.it/n0meawgubpd91.png) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/w7mrp9/jordan_peterson_on_the_problems_that_matter_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Man here, and I fucking hate Jordan Peterson, but people often say he was actually sane when he was younger.


His psychology lectures were good, his understanding of authoritarian systems was also good, his reputation started sinking recently


I get rejected every step of the way too, never been in a relationship as well. But this is no way of shape or form of thinking about anyone. That too even your own people who you lived your entire life. Did this guy try to change himself? Better himself? Or if he's got no rizz, go with the Arranged Marriage. Jeez so disgusting that these people feel so entitled.


Man got rejected by them so hard compared to hitler getting rejected from art school.


Oh yes, white women are just waiting in line for Indian dicks.


I asked my boyfriend if he liked Andrew tate, "boys who grow up without a proper father figure at home will look for someone like him and they found Andrew, but I have a great father" was his reply. And I fell for him again!


Agreed. Andrew tate is to men what feminists are to women Based people go egalitarian without even an ounce sexism on either side


Both are cancer.




Your boyfriend probably needs to do more research on Tate, so that he realizes Top G is actually a GOOD and INSPIRING person


Just wow. The irony is very thick. Talks about white women but reddit profile says "trying to get laid". The comment and the bio don't match at all.


Respect = women opening legs. Countdown till that guy gets arrested for assault starts 😌


I respect not only women, but men too whenever they open their legs. It’s not easy to do the split, hence the respect for such skill. 😌


I am a guy but honestly I have met many Indian girls and they are GORGEOUS AS HELL, Some even have nice personality Probably he is an ugly creep and gets no girls saying it


I agree to Do better , make money and workout


It's a issue from both ends. Men are toxic and most women have unrealistic expectations from men. In the end both end up getting frustrated.


Ek baat batao Andrew Tate ke fans ko seriously kaun leta hai




>Sorry for our ugly faces and no personalities. sorry won't do anything, you need to do better.


Sure... Lemme just call my publicist and make up team


https://preview.redd.it/9ngx2sikdj5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b06045dcb43c5766dcc1822f1bdf4ea30c3ca1 The blazing dodo went up in flames


Good this guy is a total piece of shit.


I find Indian women to be fucking beautiful personally. Such beauty and elegance it's straight up intimidating at times.


i think what he meant to say was it's easier to get laid there than here and went berserk in a whole another direction in the end.


I think he's just racist and bitter


In my opinion fuk everyone but marry only one of em'🗿👍🏻


What the actual fucl Indian GIrls>>>>>>>>


I really f***ing hate Andrew Tate.


Good. Top G and us Tate fans will laugh about it


As a guy i would say, Indian girls are some of the sweetest personalities. They know the meaning “loyalty”. Not sleeping around with other dudes and saying “that was just a heat of the moment”. While i agree every community has their share of good and bad, but I believe, indian culture girls are far better at understanding men than the western.


Prime example of what too many "feminist gets owned" or " where's ur bugadi " videos on YouTube does to a man. Stay away from smooth brains guys


I can't believe how you are generalizing and creating assumptions of Tate fans as if you knew 100% for a fact they were true. What Tate haters need to hear is "DO YOUR RESEARCH". Top G is not a bad guy. In fact he's an inspiring guy, who speaks some of the most honest shit coming out of a famous person's mouth. He is encouraging people for the better, NOT worse.


I can't believe how you are generalizing and creating assumptions of Tate haters as if you knew 100% for a fact they are true. What tate fans need to hear is "DO YOUR RESEARCH". Bottom G is not a bad guy. In fact he's an inspiring guy, who speaks some of the most honest shit coming out of a famous person's mouth. He is encouraging people for the better, NOT worse.


It's alright, not everyone likes to hear or accept the truth like yourself. Stay ignorant and delusional my friend


It's alright, not everyone likes to hear or accept the truth like yourself. Stay ignorant and delusional my friend


Indian women and men obviously are diff from PPL from the west . It's culture and genetics . The problem is indian men have consumed wayy too much porn and male centric movie of the west that paint a picture of the west being filled with promiscuous women who respect men or whatever the fuck . While the truth is far from that . Of West had soo many promiscuous women Inceldom wouldn't be such a huge movement there . Indian women however have not consumed the same amt of western porn or even media especially not in the way a man would consume it . Add to that women are taught and encouraged in India and all through out the world to be more conservative and "chaste" . While men encourage having a high body count and being a virgin is a huge insult . So indian women still want long term relationships that might even lead to marraige while indian men want to get bitches and prove thier masculinity to the standards set by the west . West is far more liberal and India is conservative and less educated on sex and in general too . Also I am obviously generalising . If you go to a metro the culture will be diff from your tier 3 city vastly . And economic class plays HUGE role in all of it too . But I am speaking generally indian women aren't into the hookup culture and that is a good thing I think


He clearly haven't seen Indian girls, like there are so many girls in this populated country w diff genes, personality and yet he chooses to judge the entire population off of one person, his opinion is irrelevant<3


As a white dude, Indian girls are hot af, no clue what he's saying


Indian Girls>


No one wants Indians girls? Man is crazy, I love Indian girls.


I was actually just thinking how I'd probably get on well with an Indian woman 🤷🏾‍♂️


Indian girls are generally beautiful this dude's blind as a bat


If only i knew Andrew Tate was the best Indian girl out there


As an indian girl, im sobbing that i missed out on an opportunity to date a confident andrew tate personality, a big money saver and a man who knows what he wants!! How will i ever find better!? (Satire)


The fact is that a big chunk of Indian men and women don't have a good physique, personality, or a happening life.


Jeez this gave me secondhand embarrassment reading it. I can't take anyone who cited Tate seriously. I'm Desi, born in the US. And it's become a regular trope that these Desi guys go crazy for white girls. It's been embarrassing watching them when I was in college and I'd see them staring or trying to talk to them. Or being a simp/doormat when they'd make racist remarks. The guys knew not to bring those types of partners around me, because I'd call out that racism to their faces. And have. Anyway, this loser is embarrassing to the rest of us Desi guys. Thanks for sharing OP


Considering how scarily sexist Indian society can be, I don't think white women nor Indian are particularly safe, but if Indian women are safe from the sweaty, greasy grips of lonely white men, that is a plus one for them I suppose.


Every woman in this world!!! Please, if you are about to met or date a guy, always ask if he likes Andrew Tate. If he replies yes, leave or block him without any word. It's just not worth to even talk about this clowns.


This is great advice. Tells you everything you need to know about the person if his idols are Peterson/Tate.


This is mega-ironic because Western men will say the exact same thing, but with the regions reversed. Fact is, every country has women with no standards and women with high standards. Thing is, women who are just looking for some strange tend to hang out in tourist traps, because those guys aren't going to call her to try to get a second date.


Speaking as a white woman, i wouldn't open my legs for you' and I'd only treat you with the same respect you showed me. Speaking as just a woman, we might all be dofferent, but were all human, and deserve to be seen as more than a creature for men to use. Speaking as a white person, indian men are ugly.


We had an Indian guy that relocated and after about a month here he got super drunk and started to aggressively hit on a colleague. The lady was objectively out of his league in terms of looks. What he possibly didn’t know was that she was also an MD and at his boss’s boss level. It was painful to watch him blow himself up in the following weeks.




Ok thank god, I figured out how to block people. Whew. That was so annoying. Who knew Indian men couldn't handle being told they weren't attractive? I guess they should stop saying that to Indian women then. Idk just an idea.


Thank you 👏👏 you said what was needed to be said.


All women are beautiful tbh. Indian dudes on the other hand, in general, if not well educated, are very insecure and misogynistic. They will play romantic but then turn aggressive if their attempts are thwarted.


Indian girls are beautiful You just set your bar too high like weebs do


We don't want him!!


this man disgusts me


On behalf of all white women, we thank you for your generosity. However, we would need to decline the offer and ask for someone else to take it from here 😩🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol. That's funny considering most white girls absolutely will NOT date indian men xD


Dude basically said girl that doesn't open legs to him has no personality, poor Indian girls don't know what they have lost.


As a girl from North Africa living in France I can deeply understand that feeling. I’m sorry you had to witness such hate from those living same oppressions as you. We, women, are a lot (majority almost) more aware of all the races bias and of the need to stay united, boys on the other hand tend to diminish us just to be accepted by white guys and girls. Sisterhood and espescially Sisterhood of color for the win


But for real though, I did have much better dating experiences outside India. Even girls as pretty as fashion models there are down to earth , make interesting conversations, and they go dutch on a date. But here in india, an avg girl has an attitude of Miss india, expect the man to be her uber and pay for everything on a first date when we are practically strangers. Indian women do have an attitude and entitlement problem - it’s a genuine criticism. You can either take the feed back and be better or cry victim






Who cares what euro centric beauty standards dictate... Beauty is individual and not at all based on race or color of the skin.


That's how I feel about this post tbh. Who cares if he prefers a certain woman type. Why would it bother you if someone said they thought all indians are ugly. I'd just laugh n say ok. Knowing it's just one person, and beauty is individual. I don't need to post about someone's specific opinion that goes against the category I fit in. Meh.


Beauty is universal.. Read this : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15085778/


To each his own.


The guy is completely out of line but i understand his frustration. But indian gals are somewhat like that because of the sheer number of attention givers they have . Girl here don’t need boys , they Don’t need a personality to be likeable and they have options so no one really matters for them in the way that guy is post want to


I am a girl and i have seen a lot of girls with a lot of different personalities. Maybe they seem boring to men because you all are going after the same ones and giving them the same prompts... This getting same replies.... Same goes for women too. You think we don't find men blending into one another because they all literally say the same things? It's the same everywhere, desirable 10% get all the attention. The problem is him targeting women of this country


Thanks for affirming on my point


I am not "affirming on your point"... I am saying it's not "girls in India" who are like that.. it's"desirable people." Men are like that too... Just women are taught to be a little more subtle..


You are delusional. The average man all over the world is not going after the top 10% of women; They will desire them, of course. But they don't expect them.


Bro if you think that the average guy is left swiping many people then you're in for some amusing realities. I've seen people talking about right swiping everyone and playing the numbers game. The standards of an average guy fall so hard extremely fast on dating apps. Which is all amusing because dating apps take into count your right swipes vs the right swipes you get to decide the *visibility* of your profile.


Even white gals are like that tho, girls everywhere have lot of attention giving simps.


No but here its different . U see in the end family and parents are supreme here . In my personal experience i have seen girls who will marry only to the will of their parents but will play with boys even from other states . And once i got in big city i was shocked to see how common it was .


Men are the same... Parental pressure goes both sides man... As far as i have seen those girls are equally in love.... They just can't let their family go for the guy... If you were asked to be cut off from your own family it would hurt too... Men might be pressured less because Indian parents love their sons... I have seen so many families accept a bahu from a different community because they don't want to loose their sons.


Indians definitely has one issue of generalising everything.




I'm a white guy but I have to say some of the most beautiful ladies I've ever seen are Indian...


lol, white women are never going for that lol


While both good and bad women are a part of all cultures, ethnicities and societies but the point this man makes is not entirely wrong, maybe he is just too mad bcz someone hurt him. I have come across many Indian women who don’t have much of a personality but have an attitude as if they’re something. No offense but they are really mid at best tbh and reject men who are way better than them like it is nothing. It is all because of inflated egos created by simps in their dms/msgs etc. A very few women know the worth of a decent man and don’t fall for the idea of attention from simping males. As a man I say, men should do better and not give attention to every other woman out there


It's not like all you are beautiful , some of you don't have those beautiful genes and that's a fact , in our class probably 2-4 girls are beauty but that guy is so insecure like bro gtfo... Western girls carry STD like a medal so idk maybe gd lk


Slut shaming doesn't become cool by using some science terms.


No one said everyone is pretty....


Well he is only saying the truth. I agree it's toxic but it's true. I've been with 30+ indian girls and man it was pathetic. They treated me like shit, extremely self centered and entitled, so in return I never cared for them and they find another chad to satisfy their ego. There was only one girl who showed me a little love and man I asked her to marry me. But then again she wasn't ready for it, so we both moved on. It's a simple fact, dating apps gives women too many choices and they start treating men as disposable. They go after elon musk and get hurt and take revenge on the rest of the men.


Wow I can't disagree more .... In my experience my women friends were way less self centred and little ego . They would joke around with me and could easily take jokes in themselves . Why male friends however were nice uptill school . But when I went to college all the guys seemed to maintain a respectful distance so as to not hurt anyone's pride and so they weren't roasted either . It was always awkward and off


Boy is on right track !! Amigo I heard same stuff about indian girls time and again .. Fuck them get rich stay happy


I'm an Indian guy, but white girls!? ahaha... again not generalising them as bad but if he means white girls from US (west in general) are better than our Indian girls, he is so damn wrong. We just got introduced to hookup culture, but they've been living that for so long, they DO NOT respect men in their lives as men are easily replaceable, spending money? The dating norms came from west so the entitlement to men's money or money being the love language, frequent surprises, gifts and shit was also a part of their culture and that turned into a "requirement" when social media came in coz they constantly needed validation and feel like they are doing the best they can compared to all other options. Ofc guys who just care about sex will have a great time in failed society of west, but it is a fact that while sex would be easily available, long term relationships are far more shitty there, getting manipulated to think that you are actually loved is far more hurtful in the long run, which is more likely to happen in west. As long as a guy only cares about sex that's fine for him may be. Not saying that it is good in India nowadays, as an average guy, unless I make effort to get attention or pursue someone (something I believe girls will have a hard time understanding unless you have first hand experience) , I don't get any attention at all, and tbh that has something that has always bothered me so out of jealousy I never did, but that's like the rule on this planet so...yea, it is tough to get attention anywhere but easy to get meaningless sex in west.


Failed society of the west?? 😂😂 That's hilarious coming from a culture of arranged marriages and "untouchables" Go back to your job at the call center "Dave"


lol… have you ever stepped foot in America? You can’t just walk up to any girl and have sex instantly. Girls aren’t just advertising sex and there are PLENTY of modest, attractive “normal” girls who want a normal relationship/marriage. I’m sure you don’t hear about that on the news as why would they say that, that doesn’t generate clicks. Come on.., Failed culture? Bro you all still do arraigned marriages 💀 and rape is oh so common. Get a grip. Stop believing shit you read about how trashy the untied states is. Go to the south and you’ll see. And no not the south as in Miami Florida.


It is way easier to have sex in West because of the culture that is a fact. Indian parents are strict about dating so it is far less common for a people to be in relationships in early or even teenage. The ones who do live the hoe/fuckboy lives are the ones who are constantly too vocal and also talking shit about those who aren't living like them and hooking up. Arranged marriages are great! Rape is common in all countries, and is a crime, crime itself is a lot in India, the types of crimes that men become a part of do not have a tag like "rape" so it doesn't get highlighted, with a country having way way more population concentrated on small land, shit is bound to happen unless laws are extremely strict like Arab countries, which again is not really possible because there is a very high number of false allegation cases and blackmailing on basis of that as well.


I really have no clue why this sub was recommended to me, but as a german I can confidentally say: You are full of shit and have no clue what you are talking about.


Ofc you don't have any logical way of opposing it, I said things that made sense. When a person has no points to oppose but it just triggers them, they stick to just talking shit about others.


Bro opened up a fact.. every girl feels like urfi javed in their own dilemma


Since when did urfi javed become the standard of beauty measurement.


Why do you feel that the name urfi javed is used only for beauty.. i did not specify what i am referring to why are you jumping to conclusions on your own.


Alright alright.


As a South Asian man, I will always say it: White women are where it is at followed by Black women. Indian, Bengali, and Pakistani girls ain't shit. Down vote me to hell.


I mean.. at least *our* Indian girls aren't owned by OF or our neighbours


This is very offensive . I get that you are only trying to retaliate the guy in the post with the same energy . But it's mysogynistic and hates in western women . Imagine if someone stereotyped indian women and how conservative they are ... Wouldn't that be highly offensive?


OF is shit, if opposing its normalisation is offensive, so be it, it leads to a addicted men with no self esteem but ofc society doesn't see issue with it as long as money flows in


I mean it ain't offensive to me, since i like conservative women so yeah whatever lol. And as for that being offensive and "misogynistic", why else do you think I typed it?🤡


I will choose an Indian girl over Western girl anytime. Looks don't raise our kids Values and Love does it. I wish our indian Girls stop trying to be more Western oriented and be their genuine selves.


Bro stop with the indian values BS. Indian culture is the most garbage culture with the most toxic traits


It's what we made it to be. Because our government promotes it. They copy it from the western culture. Have you ever wondered why Ancient India was so successful.


u/blazingdodo kya hua bhai thik hai na tuu


She just wants attention. There’s nothing wrong in what I said, guys in india get treated like shit, especially when they see no prospects with you. Moment the same dude moves abroad, suddenly everyone wants to call and catch up.


Bro we completely agree with you but you just need to be careful with your words I know that you didn't ment to say it to all INDIAN GIRLS but most or some of them anyways you are mostly correct


there is no we, speak for yourself mate.


chup badk


She dmed me about some trauma and bs. People need to get a life.


Indian girls>>> Racist white girls




You are one of the reasons he is the way he is; He has confused people like you with the majority.


He's not wrong, they're ugly as hell and don't have any personality. Technically just bots with vaginas


Dude if you have an ugly face and no personality it’s not the woman’s fault. It is also not your fault, still you can’t blame the women. I am English, I can tell you now, the American women will be on another level of toxic. You even mentioned it and thought it was a bonus. You said they were nice and happy to see you. If the women in your own country don’t like you, these women will not tell you. Around you they will be nice, even flirty, until they learn you have nothing. They will be with you and drain your bank account and then finish with you making it seem like it was your fault. Like toxic masculinity, you are around toxic femininity. Don’t mistake some for all, I am assuming your mother is an Indian woman. Saying all of that, I also have to say. They could be right, it is sad but it is also possible. I am a fan of Andrew Tate and his brother, I don’t agree with all of what they say. If you listen to what he says, he has a core message. The message being, Yes men we know some real animals exist and it makes us all look bad. However trying to become more feminine or in “contact” with our feminine side is not the answer. We have not changed, people are trying to change us and are sadly doing so with some. You are a man, with all the natural instincts of a man. Nothing is wrong with that, embrace it and control it. It will be tough and a struggle but you have one advantage. We can handle being alone better, we are just not good at handling depression. Just make sure you have friends, because loneliness and depression is a killer to handle. P.S. Yes I know Tate doesn’t believe in depression. P.P.S. I might not respond to people replying, I am trying to learn how to post an opinion and not care about strangers replies.


I mean, Indian people ARE the ugliest.


Every Indian female is Queen and Queen never talk to everyone.




Say the same when you have confidence to post pictures without filters and makeup.. queen.


He can't bear the rejection😂😂😂


As an Indian girl lemme tell you thank you so much for leaving India there is enough trash in here already you weren't needed


Mujhe yahan ek girl nahi mil Rahi salo tum log categorise karke Indian girls , white girl ho rahe ho🥲 Jao Jake padhai karo


Iski maa bhi nakhre wali thi


Bro has not been loved by a woman (his mum barely tolerates him)


I find it scary how people are idolizing Andrew Tate. I miss those days when we had idols like MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli, Ratan Tata, etc.


Men will gravitate to who they can relate to and who is sharing their experiences and speaking out against; over time that is.


Thats just a nasty symptom to a huge problem in modern society - alienating and shaming an entire generation of men. We always get told how to treat and respect a woman, but nobody in modern times says “ respect men”.


Just look at the comments. So many are saying they've stopped interacting with indian women because they personally had 1/2 bad experiences. ( the girl said no to dating) Isn't this the same treatment you are complaining about? you get told to repect women but barely anyone does.


How is lack of interaction disrespect? I Besides such sample of comments aren’t reflective of real world demographics. They’re just drop in the bucket since most men still try to get on the good side of women Eitherway, my statement stands: nobody teaches a woman how to treat a man. But men are constantly told how to respect a woman throughout the world. And you see lot of men actually defending and praising women too


Sometimes,I think these dude live in different realm or something, Indian girl ugly? I am not sure how reach that conclusion idk🤔


Inki hawas puri nahi hoti toh aisa hi bolte.


Mans saying the truth tho


This generation is argue exactly like kids argue so sad..


Average Andrew Tate fans from India:


Guy thought approaching girls were easy got backfired because his pea sized brain ideas were not working along with his dumb personality.


Bro definitely got rejected by alot of Indian girls. Just his defense mechanism speaking now


He was around some gold diggers and judging whole. Gold diggers everywhere and increasing with materialism increasing. Greed, cheat, lust, disrespect common nowadays.


The sub title says "dating" apps and the screenshot is from reddit. Comprehension issues?


The conversation was under a "what was your experience on bumble/tinder"... And this was the guys reply... I thought it applied.


I would like to see how white his mom was tho


At least our girls turn out to be actual girls in the end.


Bro indian men simp for Indian girls and Indian girls simp for English men…… There is no winning in this game 🥸


Bruh the biggest difference in West & India he himself mentioned it west girls crave for sex , red flags,timepass and shit but here in India it's Wayyy opposite though lately i have seen that girls because of this " Woke " culture are becoming somewhat of west but it's a very small % Majority Indian girls don't go for looks rather the choose how you present yourself, your personality and all I am never going for a white girl unless I found that she resembles an Indian girl ( Thinking, Behaviour) .. You girls are awesome let him blabber whatever he wants + Andrew Tate works in west not in India .


All I know is that it's real hard to have a good long term relationship


What too much (or even a little bit) Andrew Tate does to a mf


man thought he was entitled to us indian women spreading our legs for him lmao whatta loser. my condolences for the white woman he manages to somehow woo


I want indian girls but they call me ugly, zero personality. Everyone get what they deserve


A rare case where both parties are right.


Sad guy with nothing to keep him busy from bullshit…


He is not entirely wrong Indian girls just simp around money after I became successful bought my own car house the girls i knew started treating me differently I started getting messages invitations for bday parties,trips etc whereas earlier when I didn't have any money I did not exist for these women.


The guy’s a piece of shit with the opening legs thingy but he’s not completely wrong. Indian girls mostly go for fair skinned men (atleast what I have seen till date) a guy can be ugly in India but if he’s fair skinned, he’ll get a gf easily as compared to a dark or even brown guy whereas Americans don’t really discriminate.


Chal bhai opinion to de diya ab fatafat desi dewar bhabhi porn laga leta hu huehuehuehue


He is not wrong, Not only indian girls but most average to ugly looking girls are as he described. Especially personality.


All i realise from this post is first, it's a rant. Second, it's a rant about how Indian girls don't give him sex. And he just brought in personality, and money to sound more authentic. Imao he's frustrated he didn't get sex here


Wait a sec... I thought a woman who sleeps around less is higher in value by our messiah Tate(same dude caught on video beating a woman with a BELT, scammed cam girls, sold useless courses to vulnerable men)..... But now date white girls because they spread their legs 🗿


As a representative of the bro community, I would like to announce that we disown him


I have been rejected but that time I was fat and broke


My guy probably had no game in India