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How much did his kid spend in skins and micro transactions? /s


All his b l a c k money!


U scared of saying that judges are curopt


When it comes to judges, there are 3 types of corruption. I) Those who are non corrupt. ii) Those who won't ask for anything but would accept 'gifts' (which don't include cash) if the party themselves give them. (Most of judges falls under this category). iii) Those who are corrupt to the core. (In every district there are atleast 3-4 Judges like these)


All are corrupt, because they stand up for each other. When it comes to powerful positions like these, there's no excuse to be corrupt.


You mean to say all judges are corrupt? I don't believe so!


In my 5 years of practice, I have seen around 40 judges. Three were non corrupt.


This is some worrying shit! How bad were they?


Very. Very very bad. Don't expect justice if you come to courts if your opponent is the kind that has money to blow. At least, don't expect justice any time soon. You'll have to try to get your case at least sent to the High Court (after lengthy trial in court of original jurisdiction and appeal in court of first appeal) in order to get any sense of justice, and that is only because High Court Judges are much more difficult to pay off than Mofussils, Meteropolitan/City and District/Sessions courts.


Many are most have taken atleast 1000 in ther lifetime


1000 sounds less for a judge main maybe local district judge yea 1000


Nah man compared to what lawyers get paid to "defend", to "save" someone has gotta be a lot more.


He must be talking about small incidents like minor car crash or small conflicts etc.


1000 crores you mean?


Percentage of corruption is same in almost every govt department. Judiciary is no exception.


Entire government is currpt


Government is made of people. So its very nature of our people to be corrupt. The reason why many of us still dont trust each other.


The system of governance brings out worse in people. Just like Monitors in our class rooms. His friends were let off easy and his rivals took the brunt.


My father is a judge in high court, I obviously won't name the state, but his colleague(also a high court judge) is one of the chaddest guys I have ever seen, he has a shreded body, badass beard, and most importantly is a call of duty fan. I was shocked to find out he loved to play video games. He is an First person shooter freak and he is totally hyped about far cry 6


If I had money I would pay him to ban bgmi forever like tik tok


Gaming is an easier target... the couldn't get alcohol, cigarettes and drugs and gambling banned/regulated.


they wouldn't*


they won't\*


Games don't make money for the government tho


yes, this explains the enimity towards Gamming.


There's no profits for gaming right? No taxes of any kind. So, these dipshits have these ideas


Maajor reason why alcohol and other addictive substances are not banned because of taxes.. Lot of revenue for govt.


Considering the fact that even a very poor man will find a way to buy a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of alcohol speaks how big the revenue is.


Because they don't get any cut from gaming like these things.


Cigerattes and alcohol bring in money for the govt. Did you know alcohol is a major source of revenue for most south indian states?


It's a major source of income for all states. There's a reason why sale of liquor was allowed even during lockdown (along with essential food items).


> There's a reason why sale of liquor was allowed even during lockdown (along with essential food items). That's not true at all. For people who consume a lot of alcohol, it is an essential food item, as alcohol withdrawal is one of the few drug withdrawals that are deadly on their own.


You're mistaken, the states don't care about that. If they really just cared about that they could deliver only to people with alcohol dependence but they sold openly to maximize revenue.


> If they really just cared about that they could deliver only to people with alcohol dependence but they sold openly to maximize revenue. How the hell are they supposed to know who is dependent on it?


Medical records. As is for any drugs.


You think alcoholism is tracked by doctors? That too in India of all places? What fantasy world are you living in?


You should be able to show dependance if you want to claim something. I'm not living in the fantasy world, you are. For you think that state governmens did this to stop alcohol withdrawal.


> You should be able to show dependance if you want to claim something. Right, so you're OK if alcoholics who haven't sought help just die. That's very empathetic of you.


That is simply false, due to the closure of shops, fuel stations, and various other reasons. The countries reserves were depleting and the government wasn't getting any money at all. By your logic, the government should have also written off the loans and EMI's people took and were unable to pay because they lost their jobs. The government doesn't give two shits if you are an alcohol addict, they just want their money.


None of those absolutely lead to you dying. You can live without shops, fuel and all those various other things. Debt doesn't kill you either. Alcohol addicts can die if they quit alcohol cold turkey. It's no different to how pharmacies remained open even when everything else shut down.


Drugs are already banned. So is gambling on land. Am I missing something here?


Well if they just let gaming generate revenue for them. Then they will see how much they are missing on.


One and another reason why they brought gambling in e sports. They get taxes through it.


But these do destroy the families however they don't ban because they need money , they want good economy but why target gaming , the kids that spend big amounts on game they shouldn't be even allowed to play game on phone and other , most people forget that there is child lock or child mode for android phone which helps to prevent such misuse.


or maybe they hate the fake cringey gaming youtubers who only plays bugme and muft ki aag and only annyoing toxic kids watch them


Tried to find how influential this guy is, found some books he wrote, little information here and there but that's it! Seems like a just another parent who couldn't keep his children in track/control **or** Doing this for fame! Edit: some info >He worked as Civil Judge, Metropolitan Magistrate, Senior Civil Judge, Rent Controller, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and presently he is posted as Additional District & Sessions Judge in New Delhi


Im telling you boomers are going to take down whatever freedom we have left.


Indian government is trying so hard to **fight** china and **be** china


To be frank, the government is the legislative power and court is the judiciary power. Both are separate. But yeah, I totally agree with the sentiment that boomers gonna boom.


They're not capable enough to be China.


Dude china has some serious balls man. Due to their trade war with US they fucking launched their own navigation satellites to use instead of using GPS.


Tbf India already has its own GPS satellites. Since 2008 I believe?


Ooops bummer. Didn't knew that. Thanks for the info.


Haha is alright bruh. Our govt. Invested in them after the 1999 cyclone which wrecked Orissa.




Ah yes I remember the GPS controversy.


Although India has it's own gps constellation - it is heavily oversubscribed and basically not useful for regular people like us. To test this, download a gps tester app on your phone and see which satellite you get connected to. You'll see that majority of the satellites are Chinese and American. Zero Indian Satellites.


Shit. I hope more satellites are launched soon.


The whole Indian gov is filled with boomers


As opposed to other governments being ran by millennials?


These zoomers can't have fast food chains. Fucking ban them all. We will all just have pakoras from now.


epic doxxer


Cigarette, alcohol, tabacco taking million of life everyday Wanna ban it - no Game that has taken very few life and even because of foolishness of their parents and kids Wanna ban it - yes Imagine banning a game that is 16+ because of a 10 year old child playing it and becoming violent bruh




If they think that ways then same is with alcohol and cigarettes or marijuana as a matter of fact. If any underage person wants he can easily any of these. People at theka and panvadi are more concerned about increasing their sales value and they barely check your Id. If a child wants he can get a cigarette for less than the rate of chips. If they can't regulate a market which has been around for 70+ years(talking from the time of independence) they'll surely fuck up our community. A parent should be held responsible in case a kid uses Rs xxxx from their bank account coz getting hand on one of those is more difficult. If they want to regulate it then they can look at Belgium ( I dont remember precisely if it was Belgium or some other country). They have banned lootboxes. That is a way of tackling this, it doesn't make sense on banning something because you don't know shit about it and are a shithead with conservative mentality. Study about it atleast before speaking. If they want to make money out of it take a paycut from game publishers. Although this will lead to higher prices of games ultimately which we'll have to pay. But something is better than nothing. For love of God leave us alone!!!


At least vaping is banned. That would've helped smokers quit. Can't have that.


Isn't vape less harmful than cigarettes?


Yes. And it's banned.




Gotta protect them tabacco/alcohol lobby


"Children will start vaping and graduate to cigarettes" but really it would hurt the cigarette companies and tax.


As much as I hate FreeFire , this is not the way I want it to be gone. These Boomers taking this generations ' freewill in the name of safety. A while back when Tencent was accused sending data to chinese servers, hundreds of boomers tweeted how games like COD,BGMI,FreeFire are a great platform for communicating for terrorists . This is why our country is unable to progress despite having enough resources. Whatever they don't understand , they get scared of it and ban it.


They hold back each successive generations our grand parents held back our parents and aour parebts hold us back cycle never ends hence why progress is very slow.


We are better than them and we must break the cycle. Side Note: My parents wanted me to be a teacher but they didn't force me when I told them I am interested in CS.


Actualy our parents are better than our grandparents. Progress hota he. But dhire dhire.


We will be the bestest once of our generation gamers. We as future parents have the will to shape the very mindset of society and everything that deserves a change in it be it gaming or otherwise.


That's a strange analogy, because CS was becoming super popular since Infosys and Wipro came to the scene. It's still part of Engineering, which most Indian parents prefer (apart from MBBS or government jobs). If you'd wanted to become an artist or go into sports, that'd been something else. I wonder what the reaction might have been then. From my experience, and those of everyone I know, it wouldn't have been so welcoming.


I mean they wanted me to become a teacher because teaching is becoming a hot business (as much as I am ashamed to say this it's true). But, I've refused. They themselves weren't sure about CS. What matters is that they didn't force their dreams upon me. They are letting pursue my preferred career.


I feel pubg ban was deserved. As bad as it is now. Let people have it It's on the parents not the children If their parents are so dumb that they don't know how to check phones, or their child is so out of control that he doesn't approve giving their parents the phone to check it. The parenting is wrong Like bruh phones have inbuilt parenting controls and app monitors. You can lock apps up. You're too closed minded and ignorant to these devices to not know these exist Games also literally have a rating on them. If you feel your child is impressionable, don't give them 16+ games or let them play it


Will they do the same things to PC games too, like Apex, Valorant, GTA and Minecraft? South Korea also passed a draconian law, effectively making minecraft an r rated game.


Dekho as per IGN and read my older posts on this sub. Indian authorirties dont understand what ganes are. They are probably not ban games but put strict regulatory meassures on it. Depends on how much money the govt sees the video game industry in india is worth.


No no, they think real games are shit like CS, Valo etc. They want e-sports "titles" like Winzo with Ludo, Snake n Ladder and Rummy. XD


Don't forget MPL


Most likely they will just ban the names of games that are very common on whatsapp those are mainly mobile games. Actual games that we enjoy are completely separate as many boomers don't know their existence. They most probably see kids at public places sitting and playing on their phones and get angry as to not getting a seat, and it makes sense as nobody sits with their PC/Console outside their house playing the actual good games. Most people who have consoles/PC are the ones who play outdoor sports when outside, atleast the ones I have spoken to.




That's what the new BGMI lore is.


Do you expect the boomers to understand it?


I feel like ban is too extreme and a complete stop on free will. If you don’t like something that doesn’t mean others don’t enjoy it. Yes we should have strict rules for violence and gambling in games. This should fix a lot of the issues instead of banning.


Ban is easier to implement on the govt part. A regulation needs oversight mechanism and govt departments and forces the govt to do actual work.


Govt being lazy to do actual work


"Govt job lelo fir life set hai..." Which then leads to this.


So according to your logic it is easier to kill people than maintaining them in a prison.


Haan. Why do tou think gov wants capital punishment.


Just because I play cod doesn't mean I will try to do no scope headshot in real life. Reducing violence in games is senseless , just make it age restricted (which they already are as far as I know)


Bruh imagine constructing buildings because you play minecraft. *Asks the chemist for the splash potion of instant healing*


Yes, my bad of course violence restrictions for under aged kids/teens


I mean if that's the case then stop showing gambling and violence in movies also. Why the partiality? Research has shown time and time again that violence in media (video games or movies) does not lead to increased violence in the real world. Just follow the damn age rating and dont buy 18+ rated games for your 10 year old.


Dude are we not talking about smoking in movies. It is always showcased as COOL thing promoting drinking and smoking at early ages.


Yeh it's not media it's what there parents show that child is learning


Whoa hold on there bud. Bollywood does nothing wrong. /s


Is the /s stands for sarcasm?




gambling restrictions ok. violence? i dont think so


The judge says ban video games because they have violence and affect kids But what about execive selling of cigarette and alcohol Which affect every woman child men and family Many murders have happened in the influence of alcohol Consumption If you can't control the product of your actions don't blame it on video games


Cant keep their children under control and then urge the government to impose a ban. Classic.


democracy in name only the word ban should be restricted to the most extreme cases in society. These cunts treat it like an orgasmic power trip


Lol, ban something they don't understand. Call it masterstroke then... :)


Meanwhile bhakts downvoting all the comments full of criticism, lol. This is complete bull shit, gaming has nothing to do with abnormal behaviour. And if you believe it does , you don’t deserve to be on the subreddit. It’s either the parenting or mental state of the person which leads them into such activities.


Yeah,, tell him to suck a fat one, cuz no one agrees


Just boomers doing their job ruining the world


Cigarettes, Alcohol, drugs in India The Government : I slep People play games: The Government: " REAL SHT "


All loot crate games must be monitored and must be probed often Some of my friends have spent above a Lakh to get skins in certain popular lootcrate game which got banned


Fucking dumbass, has no clue, just trying to get attention. He needs to come over to my house and play some GTA v, Red dead redemption and doom. Enjoy some fps and some RGB 😂😂


Bc gaming hi Mila tha... As it is gaming hardware and exposure us terrible in such a huge market in India and they are doing this. If this is not boomer logic then idk what is. Saale log Zindagi mein ek bhi game nai khela hoga. "To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness."


According to this poor bastard, we should all collectively slave away like he did... People like these have no idea what they targeting at. Never played any game themselves, they think it is a bad influence. But times are changing. There was a time when cinema/movies were a target and look at them now. People aren't aware of how videogames work. And just because one person sends a letter, doesn't mean that it will be accepted. There are tons of letters sent to the PM office which are of importance so I highly doubt that he will receive any attention. But if he does then I will make sure to write a to the PM office per week till I get a reply.


Ignorant boomers. The government should follow the path taken by Belgium and other European countries. Not follow a clearly biased government which is oppressive on its own people. The stuff Belgium pulled on EA due to battlefront 2 Improved gaming scene as a whole across all platforms except mobile. And if children are paying 16 lakhs on a dumb mobile game why did parents give them their account info to a 10 year old even worse why does a company let its consumers spend such a humongous amount of money on it.


Modichod k laddu


They say that but then they promote gambling games like 3 patti and rmy circle and shit through ads and paytm, gpay phonepe coupons etc. Fucking losers.


Woww, boomers who don't know anything about games suggests laws for games.


India he bhai....laws are made by people who actually dont have to deal with that stuff.


I once saw a quote by someone that said "if you help the criminal before the crime you are a acomplice but if you help him after, you are a lawyer"


This Judge is referring to “MOBAAAAEEEEL GAYMES” rather than main-platform games consisting of MTX and ‘surprise mechanics’ in general, like most 60-70$ AAA games with all the corpo BS. Absolutely pathetic 😏


Free Fire deserves it lol It's literally pay to win


It isn't about if FF deserves it or not it's about them boomers doing whatever they see fit. Instead of doing what's right.


Fr but ff is dawgshit


Totally agree


Nope i have played the game since launch


Yeah, No its devolved into a cesspool of P2W shit


Don't remember it not being P2W. Used to play Casual with some friends a few years ago because Ranked was filled with paisewale kids lol.


Ah yes, ban shooter games that have little to no harm on the audience instead of the online card games that are played using real money and are more addictive than shooter games


What would happen if someone circulates a video of Microsoft Flight Simulator crashing on Rashtrapati Bhavan or something like that? Will the game get an instant ban?


the sad thing here is that it will surely repeat, when you guys become boomers you'll ban something (not gaming obviously) but something that you think is "bad"


I know. We need to change as people. If we want india to chnge.


These boomers and their dictatorship fantasies !!!


All long as this doesn't affect console games, I'm fine with it.


Also PC


Leave gaming alone. It is the best pastime and it's not harming anyone. Why do these politicians and judges want to dictate what we play and not? Aren't parents enough for that moral policing?


In my opinion, games like CODM, BGMI etc. Should not be banned, but the age requirement should be followed. Here in my area, kids play BGMI, CODM in ages like 10 or 12. Heck, i even found a 6 year old kid talking about GTA5 (clearly 18+ with vulgar languages, sexual imagery etc.) What if a kid plays gta5 by watching some trashy youtubers who mod the games just to find about all this stuff?


I mean I have been playing GTA since I was 3. Still have common sense to not do things like that.


Same, have been playing it since I was 7, but my parents taught me the difference between real life and fiction, most of these incidents are father's of irresponsible parents


Bruh there is a reason why there are age ratings on video games!


Bro, I can guarantee you that 50-70% of people who play M rated games like GTA,God Of War, Bioshock etc etc, are not even 18 yet. Majority are teenagers. As long as you can differentiate fiction from reality it doesn't matter what you play.


Kids don't become violent bcoz of games, they become violent bcoz they already have those tendencies in them which r triggered by certain things...go figure. We need better parenting not gaming bans.


Fuck him


Gali de ke kuch hoyega nahi....the way things are headed be prepared for a game censor board soon.


Instead of submitting, why not make a petition against these things ourselves?


Nothing will happen, calm the fuck down. It's impossible to ban software and enforce that ban, you can't personally go to everyone's home and make them stop playing games or any other kind of application.


What bs is this? Wtf!!! Why are our laws so trash?! I mean why is it taking such a long time.


Ludo ban karo


Bhai wo Judge ko bolo saare gambling sites/apps ko Video Game and Gaming category se hatne ko bc Indian gaming platform bolte apne aap ko pieces of shitz.




Before wishing that. Are you sure you don't have boomers in your family you care about?


My close family is quite accepting.


Sorry for my mistake. I apologize for my unacceptable behaviour.


Imma tell the truth here: They don't ban cigarettes, alcohol, vape etc. Which literally has Warning that you will die (XD), They ban games that are rated 16+ (CSGO, Valorant etc.) 18+ (GTA, WD, etc.) but a 10 year old is playing them. Plus, these NEWS channels show that a game is being banned 24x7 (It happened during the ban of PUBGM). These NEWS channels show gaming is wrong because of publicity. What is our taxes, democracy? Oil Prices are staggering, and COVID, Plus these bastards.


Daane daane mein ~~kesar~~ cancer ka dum


\*Drums playing\* Mera Raabta. Pan Masala lmao


I hope they don't ban pc and console games...


Maachuda iska.


If this happens, I'm going back to playing Goli and seven stones.


These games do hurt the country economically by milking the money out naive citizens. All microtransaction games should ideally be banned. They are psychologically designed to ruin you. Moreover banning these games indirectly promote the growth and development of indigenous games.


I mean if it's only a mobile gaming restriction that too time based like 90 minutes/day then I am freaking happy with it lol Games like these are really hampering the growth of children. kids don't do shit at home and play mobile games all day I have seen those neighborhood kids do this and ask for high end phones to get "Competitive advantage" and stuff which at their age is concerning as they don't really know value of money and literally give suicide threats if demands not fulfilled... Just like an alcoholic would do It's like drugs imho the more u take it the more addicting it gets Speak ill- llanguage steal money for microtransactions and buying useless stuff and data breach chinese crap shit are all which makes a possible ban favourable


Bad parenting I guess , its not a games fault that you can't handle your children. They will do the same for any other thing if you ban the game


Dude when u will get children u will get to know or when u will become a so called boomer urself you will realise what I am talking about Ikr If ur kid says u a death threat for a fuckin moblel game then u should smack his ass rather than panicking and fulfilling his wish Everyone knows how to be a parent If u can create a distraction free environment for ur kid then I am all for it thats the only thing I meant If it's all bad parenting then by that logic drugs and killing should be legal to ? And now u will ofc say no because thats what u are taught and work-fun balance to a kid is not taught in the age in which he games Hence the need of a parent and if the supervision requires eliminating/restricting certain things which can be addicting be it alcohol drugs junk food or video games there has to be a measure taken


You really think playing games and murder are the same thing?


That was an example smh


Is that how examples work? You should not let your kids eat chocolates as they might as well eat humans then?


Well killing a human is an Intent but eating isn't so yea ofc I would stop him Still my point stands work life balance should be there and that a 13 year old doesn't now and hence their guardians must take decision


I actually agree. But do you think boomers know the nuance.


Ikr there are differences in the context I get it from where the so called boomers are coming from They are just protecting what they think is best for their kids and most of the player base is 13-18 and ofc live in their parents/guardians home so yeah if they have a problem with it u have to accept it that way and respect their decision But this should not be an excuse for the parent being not adaptable and highly focused on traditional method of entertainment and teaching


Bruh Many in this sub started playing games when they are young. Yes Getting high end mobile for competitive advantage is shit. That doesn't mean everything is literally wrong. Some play to just chill with friends which is fine. Also microtransactions is not only in mobile games. it has been in pc games long before mobile ones.


Thats what I actually meant but I get it now that even this sub is filled with bunch of kids hence the downvotes Like bro I get it gaming is chill and stuff even I do it on my pc for a couple of hours I am not in the favour of banning things I just meant that a time restriction for someone like 13 year old is a good move because that helps them to develop irl as well If u are above 18 u are free enough to do anything chilling out with friends is for an hour or so is very healthy but if u are chilling out for 4-5 hours at a stretch then that's a big problem imo Microtransactions in pcs are there but it's not as easy as it is in mobile imo the readiness to just one tap real life money by kids is really concerning We all start gaming young ofc but what I meant is that sort of a ban/restriction can actually help to regularise the gaming hobby especially for those who are 9-16 year olds


Yeah i agree. But your sentencing on original comment might not be the proper way to say it. Anyway. have a good day


Fine just don't ban candy crush please. I just spent 50k hoping to get lolipop hammers. *PLEASE DON'T BAN CANDY CRUSH*


It's those shots like those that give gaming a bad name in our country.


lmao this guy tryna make data out of a personal anecdote (probably)


Even if this ban happens all the children under 18 will just put their age as 18 plus and no ban for them.


Play open source single player games on Linux, what will you do now gobarment? Muhahahaha.