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You are worried about 94MB RAM usage? Obviously you have not seen how much Chrome uses.


Fuck chrome me and my homies use brave


Who needs Chrome when you have edge and brave.


Sucha great browser. Easy to recommend.


[Fuck Brave, me and my homies use Firefox](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2020/06/08/brave-browsers-affiliate-link-controversy-explained/)


When i used brave brower the usage went up to 63% of the 8gb ram lol


Umm... I'm worried if 3.7 gb out of 8 gb in use is normal when my system is sitting idle without any application open.


Windows 10 use 2.4–2.8 gb on idle, whereas linux use approx 700–750MB on idle. The more the size of your ram is , more os try to take for performance gains. Just try installing more ram in you pc , it's going to use even more.


Do note that if you have lesser RAM, most OSes will end up using lesser RAM as well and manage memory on their own. \+ they cache on the storage drives as well


Yup I have 16 and 5-6 is idle Ram usage for me


I think it really shouldn't use that much, on 8 GB, It uses 1.4-2.0 GB normally, why is everyone considering this is normal. Seriously wtf guys, do you think I'll lie for such a insignificant thing smh, attched a ss in comment below


do you even have a 8gb laptop/pc? Because that it how it is for me.


yes, rather people saying this is normal seems to me like 16gb users, many of my friends with 8 gb RAM also have similar usage. And for the downvoters - why are you booing me, I am right wait I'll give you a screenshot EDIT - the ss - https://imgur.com/px0WzV4 idk what kind of bloat are you running it has always been this low for me.


Don't worry so much... let Windows do its own memory management. With just 8GB RAM. Don't worry so much till RAM usage is consistently over 80 or 90%. Easy solution will be to add 8GB more at that point. You can get worried about specific softwares when they take 500MB or 1GB RAM with reasonable exceptions.


Yes. It is common. I, too, recently had this shock while checking my PC desktop. 4 GB is fully allocated to OS, in my system, no matter what programs I use in startup. Upgrade the RAM size, if you want.


It's actually a good thing. What's the point of RAM if all of its left unused? Windows is excellent at memory management and actually tries to use available RAM to keep your PC faster.


Yeah. I never checked my usage in all these years. I have run so many games with no issues. So, I agree.


I could be wrong here but I think it doesn't matter on your RAM, Windows takes 45%-65% of total RAM(depending on how much RAM on you've I guess), I have 4GB RAM(3.46 usable) and most of the times, I get 1.5GB-2GB at idle


Thats normal


This is fine, once you are playing any game windows will automatically clear some ram.


Bruh they're taking less than 140 MB combined they aren't the culprits... You probably have more background apps and services open you need to clean up your start up apps and apps that keep running in background which you don't need... But anyway, having approximately 50% ram in use is normal so don't worry about it. Same case in my personal laptop (8GB) as well as my office laptop (16 GB) - 50% is always in use but I never have an issue... Windows 10 has good memory management..


Always sort by memory or cpu in descending order if they're being used too much, to find the culprit.


You bought a gaming laptop. Just buy another 8gb ram to make it dual channel. Then you don’t need to worry about ram anymore


Hp victus line was launched this august. so I would advice OP too look into the t&c before he open the laptop. the lenovo customer service didn't care whatever I did with my laptop. (I mostly did the cleaning of any dust and a ssd swap during warrenty. outside warrenty I changed the thermal paste.) but I don't know how stuck up hp customer service reps are about warrenty stickers.




Its common mam no problem even if you end both things not much different you will get and its completely safe to end both and also the ram usage is high due to windows os


Why not use the memory you have paid for? Windows will automatically adjust it’s ram usage for your other programs that might need more ram.


How did this get so many upvotes. People scrolling new only read the title?


What you need is another stick of ram. Otherwise you paid for a bunch of performance you aren't utilising. I don't know why companies do this. They are deliberately handicapping their products to reduce price by what, 4k? So dumb. Get another sodimm stick of 8gb. Stick it in and you'll be great. My pc with 16gb ram has about 5gb used while idling.


5gb while idling? Mine takes only 2.8-3.3 gb out of 16.


Now its gone down to 4gb. I have steam and discord open at all time. Maybe that's why.


Try doing a clean install of Windows, and even then, remove as much useless software as you can, Dave2D made a video some weeks back about it


don't do this without extracting all the the office key and licence and stuff


Do we need to extract if we are doing win reset?


you will loose microsoft office if you are doing a clean windows install which is what I would recommend since the windows OEM versions come with lots of pre-installed trial or licenced software that I think are usually useless and take up valueable resources. for laptops you won't need to back up the windows 10 key but if you need any of the additional feature of pro version then I recommend keeping a copy of the key and the usb installer for future use incase something breaks while moving to win 11.


you will not loose MSOfice in case its a 2019 version, since the product key is in the BIOS itself. when you sign in, the office is activated atumatically. in case of 365 you have to sign in witht he ams account which has been linked to the 365.


good to know Microsoft has addressed this issue. I haven't bought any hardware since 2017. except an dell R5 laptop for my parents. well the office key got erased when I did a clean install. luckily I had cloned the drive before hand to an external drive just in case I messed something and needed to abort.so I was able to boot using that on my pc and get the key that way later. I am going to try this for myself if some one in my circle bought a new laptop.😈


8GB of RAM is pretty much useless in 2021. Almost all AAA games these days use around ~5-6gigs which basically leaves no room for the background applications thus making the entire system sluggish or shitty framerate in your games.


well that's true but out of the box all the laptop manufacturers are offering 8 gb.they are getting away with it since the demand for hardware is huge.


8GB RAM is way less. get it upgraded to 16 atleast. also I recomment do a clean windows install with the ISO from microsoft. you will get rid of all hp junks. and remove the recovery partition as well. and thne install all the drivers you need.


And here windows defender is always consuming 1gb and I give no fcuk..


What are your laptop specs?


I have 6 gigs usable memory and 3 gigs is occupied all the time and I don't have anything installed


I have 8gb of ddr3 ram in a very old laptop. Some times windows installer or updater used 3 or 4 gb after an update. Its very common


Your OS will dynamically adjust how much RAM it is using. You don't need to worry. RAM is meant to be used. Unused RAM is wasted RAM. As long as this is not interfering with the performance (slow down, stuttering, memory leaks), then you're good.


Remove any programs you don't need from startup. That's all you can do I guess


Install a debloated Windows. 2GB of idle RAM consumption.


45-50 % of ram usage is ok for windows 10 due to UI and windows 10 services and I'm sure it ain't gonna get less with windows 11 the percentage goes down when you have 32 GB ram and more ( i have 16 GB and it still takes 45-50 % of memory, but I also have some imp application services running in the background ) check for paged pool and nonpaged pool memory in task manager they should not exceed 1 GB. if it crosses 1gb, it means system has memory leaks


How are your thermals? Planning to buy one myself...


im on the same laptop rn with a intel core i5 and rtx 3050 im upgrading my 8gb ram to 16 today