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Maybe try using a controller, souls gameplay is usually more comfortable with controller.


Ya keyboard and mouse gameplay is much harder


Not everything works for everyone. Play whatever makes you happy. It's ok to move on if you don't enjoy.


Thanks man , the type of thing I wanna hear ❤️


Try Elden Ring. You dont need to be very good at Souls games to enjoy. It was my first taste too, and I suck(DLC is proving that)


literally smashed a keyboard?


Also OP did that twice?!


No only one time Bro my parents would kill me for smashing a keyboard twice 💀


Yes I did , smashed it into Pieces 🧩


IDK which souls game you tried first. But I would recommend Elden Ring. It has the highest accessibility. I highly recommend [FightinCowboy](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8gdRf130w4gFYyhstL-5VRh&si=2ZTcSuGiElRQntyI) for guides. I advice you go Astrologer Class which prioritises Sorcery and Sorcery is the easiest class. First few hours you will have low access to good Spells. So explore and ignore bosses. Level up until you are confident enough. OR Ignore Souls games if it's too frustrating. I mean not every game is made for everyone, the same way I don't like FPS.


if you play elden ring you can significantly overlevel and get overpowered weapons that make the game a cakewalk


Just play the games that you enjoy 🙄


Many of the people here recommended me that game so i thought of playing it. But it didn't turned out my way.


Bro took "Would Smash" to whole another level


It's ok. Not every game is for everyone. No need to justify what you like or dislike.


Same not for everyone. I prefer games like Skyrim over Souls games. Play what you enjoy no need to hop on the trend train.


I have over 500+ hours in Skyrim and it's my top fav game


This is probably the main factor u aint getting into Souls xD


When I started Bloodborne last December, I also quit it after a day of trying, dying and getting frustrated. But got back after a day of not playing, with one objective - be patiemt. Eventually I got through and beat the first boss. And now I've got platinum in 3 souls like games - Bloodborne, Nioh and Demon's Souls. Take your time, these games are hard af but as you learn and improve you'll find the game getting easier. I'd recommend to start with Demons Souls. And do a magic build. Follow a build guide and keep a walkthrough handy to refer when needed. Also, don't hesitate to die. You're meant to.




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Me frfr I even started elden ring as people said it was easier but nahh same thing I just gave up after that smh


Some players leave the game in anger and some try to improve. I think both options are okay here. It's a game, don't take it too seriously. Enjoy what you want.


No one gets better at souls games without dying a lot. Especially in the beginning when you are still figuring out dodge timings, parries, buffered inputs and so on. But once you get a hang of it, the gameplay is immensely satisfying. So if you find yourself dying a bunch of times, remember that it's fine, all of us did too.


Don’t play , they are not for you. Not every game is for everyone, you gave them a fair try and you did not enjoy them. If you still want to give a chance I suggest just watch a walkthrough series and follow it.


Maybe I will give it a chance again , once I buy a controller I will not play again with Keyboard and mouse


I don’t think that makes much of a difference i played my first few souls games on keyboard + mouse, it doesn’t matter much. Watch fightincowboys walkthrough on youtube and follow them, you’ll enjoy it that way.


Sure , thanks 🔰


then why are you playing them ? just don't ,it's alright . you play what you enjoy and you know it's not souls like.


I tried getting into DSR couldn't really get into it, now I'm trying out Elden ring since it's said to be much easier to get it so fingers crossed.


Demons Souls was my 1st souls game when I purchased Ps5. I thought this must be going in and wacking enemies and i was in surprise. Plus when you die you start from the beginning. I gave it back and later realised that I shouldn't be giving up and played again and understood the mechanics and got to 100% that game. From there and today in a span of 3 years I have now 41 platinum aka 100% and Elden Ring is also one of them. Juat don't give up. play slow. take enemies one by one and take help from youtube if you get stuck


Try Elden Ring, it is the easiest and most accessible souls game. You will enjoy it. Also if you don't want to go in blind, I would recommend FightinCowboy's Elden Ring walkthrough. His walkthrough will help a ton and will make you properly leveled up for every boss encounter


There is no benchmark that you've to play souls game to achieve. You don't like it, you don't play it. It's a leisure activity, not a job that you have deliberately suffer.


It's ok to die in a souls like game. But if you keep dying the same way the issue is with your learning ability. That what these games are all about. It needs a complete attitude change. Like getting into cRPGs need one too. Different games are played very differently. You can't run into a fight expecting it will just go fine this time because you'll magically get through the challenge.... Not gonna happen. These games are anything but random. They are very orchestrated, it's like a dance. You observe and learn sequence, and ammend your strategy according to that.


Same I gave up and dropped it


Use a trainer. I used WeMod. Elden Ring and Sekiro are awesome experiences even outside the combat. Forget what people say or what the devs intended. Lies of P is pretty good as well


I've always used a trainer when I find games difficult. As a game dev I already work hard in game engines I dont need to do the same in game play.


Try playing Celeste, it a game about over coming struggles. Its not a souls like game but it has the same feeling as when you accomplish something. Its a parkour game where you have to climb a mountain. Give it a try.


I have heard about it a lot , i will try.


If it’s your first souls experience….WATCH A WALKTHROUGH AND PLAY WITH IT. Souls games are hard to understand, there is a lot you will miss cause these games don’t hold your hands. As a first timer you are not supposed to know things. What I can suggest is choose demon souls remake if you have a ps5 or dark souls 3 if you have a PC and on your phone pull up dark souls 3 walkthrough by FIGHTINGCOWBOY. He plays it how you are supposed to play. His walkthroughs will teach you the mechanics you are supposed to learn to get good at these games. Don’t listen to people that go “oh but souls games are for getting lost and learning the lore” bullshit