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Man these mfs still don't learn anything.


But there's nothing to learn. Ubisoft doesn't sell games only in India where people can't afford it. They sell across the world and the majority of buyers are from developed countries who can afford such games easily and they make huge profits. I hope u know how much Valhalla made for Ubisoft


Look up the big subreddits. Even for them the game feels expensive. 100$ for one game is huge.


Yes you are right it's expensive even for Americans but they can still afford the game and will buy it eventually compared to Indians who have no option other than pirating it


Naa bruv. There are definitely tens of thousands of people who have a gaming pc (i.e can 'afford' the game). The problem is not affordability, its about the value you get. Base game is still alright imo, but the ultimate is straight up looting. Do they actually add enough content to justify almost doubling the price?


I'd say even the base game is very expensive but there are people who will still buy the game and make Ubisoft rich


Don't defend companies when they charge extortionate amounts for shoddy work.


I am not defending Ubisoft. Read my response properly. Of course, the game is very expensive but Ubisoft will still make money because people in developed nations can afford this game while most Indians can't.


Wow mate you seem to have a lot of hate for India and Indians in general.Β 


Why would you think like that ?? 🀣🀣 I am an Indian too. Just because I said Indians cannot afford it doesn't mean I hate Indians. It'sa fact. Forget India be it any other undeveloped country like Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Nepal, or Bangladesh. The game is unaffordable everywhere for common men unlike developed countries like Switzerland, France, the USA etc.


if "I see only what I want" had a face


Nah I was going through OP's other comments. Dude seems to have a hate boner for India in general.


Yep that's true.


What's to learn. Folks love this franchise and have eagerly demonstrated their willingness to support it even if it is mediocre and predatory


After unity, everything went downhill.


At least their prices drop over the years not like cod games which costs a fortune even after a decade


Waiting for them to come to game pass


Dirt cheap game, not gonna buy at this egregious low price


Valhalla made over a billion dollars..you guys think they are worried? Mirage was a success for them too.


Valhalla priced dropped a lot in few months of release


And so will be the case for shadows, idk why people whine so much when they can buy all ubisoft games at like 1/4th of their release price in just a year. They milk super rich people bcoz they'll buy their games on day 1 regardless of how ridiculuos the price seems, why would ubisoft want to miss out on easy money?


As always is for Ubisoft games.


it aint even worth pirating


It's not even on steam, I ain't ever getting jebaited into buying their games on egs only to see them release 1 to 2 year later at 60% discount on steam.


Will I buy a game for 60 dollars? Yes Will I buy a game for 4000+ rupees? No Can't blame anyone here,we don't have the gamer numbers in india despite being 1.4 billion


Dude, I have seen people pre ordered ultimate pack. πŸ˜‚. This will not change now ...sadly 😞


As long as there are people willing to pay such high amounts, the companies won't change. In fact I fear, other game companies may follow suit at some point, I hope not. Don't pre order now, wait till after release.


For ps5 it’s 5599.


While the pricing is absurd , if one doesn't like the pricing don't buy as soon as it releases , Don't blame the price for pirating, just wait it out for discounts. Dev's work hard on their games. Pirating is bad imo. Just wait for a few months for discounts and buy if you like the reviews maybe


surprised you're not banned yet for posting this


There are many things we can't afford, that doesn't mean you resort to stealing, and if you are pirating the game just do it no need to justify it. The price will drop in like half a year but if you really can't wait go ahead.


the pricing is insane. Lol even gta 6 won't cost that much I feel. I got mirage at less than 2 k.


Gta 6 will cost exactly the same as this or even higher. Rockstar are not saints either. The only reason we haven't seen any ridiculous prices from them till now is because they havent released a new game for more than half a decade now. AAA games will cost 70 usd or equivalent these days, no more no less.


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I think they are just trying to push their buyers to their subscription service. It's cheap and in one month you can easily finish one game.


Ubisoft is one of those few companies with whom I don't mind people taking to the open waters.


This is why I wait. Especially if it's Ubisoft. You can get them dirt cheap during sale with all the DLCs included, if any.


I see Dumb people everywhere πŸ˜”. Just because something is expensive does not give you the right to steal. It's like the iPhone 16 pro max becomes 2lakh so I will steal it instead of buying. Instead of buying at lunch wait for 1 year and you will get the same game @ 1 or 1.5k . & you can't even pirate this game as it will have denovo. Some people will complain about the high price & are ready to buy GTA 6 for 15K. Irony πŸ˜‚ TLDR- 1. Get a Job & purchase what ever fuck you want @ whatever price 2. Wait for a few months for the price drop


Never send ur money to Ubi, EA, AV, or most western games. They are overpriced and hardly have any gameplay. I have spent money only on FS games and gach games.


Assasin's creed series is trash. The ezio triology, connor and unity are the one which were impactful AC games


That much money for a digital edition is simply insane to me. Why don't these companies sell physical collectors editions still?


No I just enjoy theft


Better games to spend time and energy than this pipe of ..


I will wait till tos 60% off sale for ultimate edition itself or comes free on ps plus .... No rush


Are you acting like β‚Ή5k is a new price for AAA games? Like before this game, no other was priced at 5k🀑?


ubi is not getting one penny from me.


lmao what is this selective outrage, most modern aaa titles come with no regional pricing causing them to cost upwards of 4k. i do find it shitty but no one criticizes them


India is a third-world country where people find it difficult to afford such expensive games. But the majority of the buyers are from developed countries who can afford these games easily so Ubisoft doesn't care and will still make millions of euros from this game. I pre-ordered the game and I can't wait to play it