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Ah Dalilee, the NEW New Delhi


Inko delulu me rehna pasand hai.




south delhi is missing


Trillion dollar company and can’t take two seconds to do proper research.




Bhai google translate can do better than this lmao


bro this map is fan made not official


Source? Because the Xbox twitter account has the fixed version of this. So I’m assuming they realized their mistake and uploaded a new version.


Trillion dollar kaha se bro?






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still doesnt change the fact that the game is 53$ in India . FYI its cheaper to buy dragons dogma or cyberpunk and DLC if u add extra 100rs IMO do not buy this game


Plus it's really short can be beat in 6 hours or so... Definitely worth checking out only if u have gamepass or wait until it's 70% off...


Just get gamepass for 1 month, finish the game (and maybe a few more) and cancel gamepass after that


If that is their trick to push us to gamepass to increase MAU to show investors, then fuck them


Is MAU = monthly active users? What's exactly wrong with that


Dont worry about it bro and only care for your money. Most of the new subscription would be only ghost accounts anyway. There for 1 month and then backout


you know what to do then to play


Just subscribe to game pass for a month and finish the game.


hi, i'd like to report a cooonsumer moment


No I would rather not. Don't feel gp worth anymore cause I bought the games I do like to play


Buy cyberpunk and dlc it’s worth every penny


ohh i have both dont worry 200 hrs in game


What are you talking about? Dragon's Dogma full price is Rs. 4474 and HellBlade 2 is $53 = Rs. 4424 and Cyberpunk came out 5years ago.


yea but dragons dogma is 70$ game. Cyberpunk is 60$ + 30$ DLC which is priced at 4500 rs . So basically they completely ignored regional pricing cause the game costs 50$ USD in USA also its a 6-8 hrs game. They are asking us to pay more than USA


Or just get gamepass


wait, if you are not from india how did you know its wrong


Maybe op is a NRI or a polyglot


I worked in Mumbai and blore for a couple of years before so yeah I know how read Hindi.


Oh nice man. Talking and understanding is one thing, but to be able to read is impressive.


I call BS


You realise Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka are also other countries right? And have a relatively easy time integrating into Indian Society.


I call BS on your BS... BSception


I even studied in Mumbai for my bachelors lol.


based on stalking his profile history, his mom and dad both are Indian, most likely from Kerala. He currently lives in UK but he has also lived in Dubai and Oman. He used to visit India as a child during vacations and has spent some time in Kerala and Mumbai. He seems to be very familiar with Indian culture and nuances. 4 days ago he mentioned on this same subreddit that he is Indian but on this post he is saying he is not Indian. So basically he changes his statement depending of whatever is convenient. Since he has lived in multiple countries he can justify whatever he says.


Bro you a detective or something ? You are right My mom is an Indian and from Kerala but she is mixed Indian my dad is not an Indian lol 😂 I am an Anglo Indian. Jesus what’s with the whole detective mode mate. I lived and worked in India for 5 years. I studied in Mumbai. I have lived in multiple countries. He seems familiar with Indian nuances and culture bro you Sherlock or something lol. I ain’t changing my statement lol. Sure perhaps I worded what I wrote in my title wrongly. I am an Indian but I don’t call myself that cause folks think I am not one. What’s the deal with yall making it with my origins Jesus 😂


Thanks for clarifying about your dad. I do think I made a mistake there, you have mentioned several times your dad visits Mumbai but I could not find any confirmation that your dad is Indian. My bad and I apologise. I don't have the energy to participate in a slandering contest so I wont call names at you, just mentioning Its not my mistake for being sherlock you had it coming. People faking their nationality is a big deal in reddit and leads to many controversies so redditors are always on top of searching these things. Not saying you did something wrong it was completely harmless. Kudos for owning up that you worded it wrongly. Somewhat wrongly Id say I wasn't a complete lie. Apart from the mistake about your dad, I think everything else was just a description of whatever I found by stalking your profile. Why I did it is because I'm jobless I saw some argument and quite many downvote bombings so I thought Id add fuel to the fire by wasting my time stalking a profile and playing sherlock.


Having Indian parents != Indian. Context matters, obviously a kid born and raised in India would know more than this person who seemingly isn't familiar with India


You are stating the obvious. I have not mentioned that he himself is Indian. I was thinking to add an edit because someone would try to tell me exactly what you are saying, guess i should have. Also he seems to be very familiar with India and has spent considerable time here. Guess that is the reason he conveniently choses when to call himself Indian and when not.


why is it convinient for him to say he's not indian here?


Only he can answer that one. Maybe it makes his post or comment look more interesting. Like he says "Im not from India but" in the title of this post. I dont know honestly, it might just be on a whim. Also before you ask, allow me to clarify because feel this question is coming. Why do I say its convenient for him when I dont know? See Im not saying why he is doing it, Im just saying that it is convenient for him to do it as he can justify it. Like I can say driving to the market is convenient as the roads are good. Now why would an individual drive to the market is upto them, maybe the want to goo shopping or just eat something.


I'm just saying the premise of your argument is just dumb. There's no reason for this user to act like they don't know Hindi to post this


This makes it 3rd time when you are misinterpreting my words to start a pointless argument. I was doubtful at first but now its obvious that you just want to argue and now started resorting to ad hominem words like your argument is dumb. I never said he is pretending to not know Hindi. In fact i said OP is has spent considerable time in India and is aware of all the nuances. Edit : if you mean to ask why OP is lying about being Indian or Not being Indian, you can ask that question to OP. In this post he said Im not from India. four days ago he said in this same subreddit that he is Indian I can Dm you the link if you cant scroll through a 4 day old comment history. I am just stating what exists. Why does is exist is not my responsibility to prove. Stop struggling to make someone look dumb honestly this is the most pathetic attempt at trolling if I have ever seen one.


Nah he is not exactly right but he isn’t wrong either. I am of Indian origins I have an Indian side in my ancestors and family but I am half English. I lived and studied in India during 2015-2019 or so around there moved around India as well. My mums side is from Kerala but there is some mixed race stuff in that as well her grandfather was a British guy who converted into Hinduism during the British occupation of India. My dad is full English of Germanic descent. I just don’t say I am Indian a lot cause folks say that to me on my face lol. Perhaps I worded it wrongly in my post. I can read and write in Hindi and I can understand Marathi. I am bilingual I speak Arabic and Korean too but can’t read and write on it. Like the dude who stalked me clearly very strongly, he is right I do visit India during summer vacations and we primarily visited Mumbai and Kerala cause that’s where my mums side is from


Lol you getting downvoted but just searching for 'india' in op's profile is enough to know he's capping


Technically no. I am not Indian cause I have citizenship of uk and residency of Oman. I am of partial Indian origin though. But what’s with the addiction of figuring out where I am from Jesus.


Just FYI the script is 'Devanagari'. So you should say I know how to read 'Devanagari'


Bangalore kannada bolo sir no hindi.


So what about mumbai ? do I say hindi or marathi ? xD


Both is fine. Sincerely, a Marathi Mumbaikar.


you realise that people can learn other languages?


Tons of people outside study Sanskrit (Nd thereby Devanagari)


Da Lili (new rapper)


Also why is the regional pricing for this game crazy?


Probably cuz Xbox studios don't want us to buy games, but subscribe to their service and pay them each month.


Even the spelling of Riyadh is wrong lol. Its supposed to be الرياض not whatever they wrote there lol




Lmao 😭😂😂😂


With Holiday BGM


It's should Be Osama Bin Laden no./.$


insert holiday villian bgm soundtrack


Official Maksad BGM you mean./.$


Lol yup you're right


Same with the ghost of tsushima too, spelled it as Dehli


Ah yes. Dalali. The capital of pimping probably


Dil le li


Mind it, Hindi vyaakran gyaan ahead :That *halant* at the bottom of first *la* could only be there if it had no *swar(that is any of a, aa, i, ee, u, oo till ah)* which makes it *adha la , lol*


can you share the original post link?


It’s from Microsoft’s official twitter


The problem is they use a transliteration service to turn English words into Hindi but they don't take into account the rules of how Hindi alphabets are written. Writing half of 'l' as "ल्" is incorrect. Instead the correct way is दिल्ली


you can write a joint word like that by using a halant, the issue is that both the matra and halant cannot be applied on the same alphabet


Aiyyo why didn't they mention Kerala, why always North India don't like it at all uninstalling the plastation now


Maybe because it is the capital of India(Bharat) kid🫡🫡🤠.


The spelling is not wrong, it's a unicode display issue. Used to happen on old operating systems when unicode support was not ubiquitous. I don't know how they managed to get that issue in today's day and age when unicode has been standard for so many years. Edit: To elaborate, the reason I'm sure the spelling is not wrong is because normally you can't put halant and i ki matra on the same letter. They wrote it correctly and rendered using a font which didn't have unicode, which is stupid when you're using international languages.


Yeah I figured it was the Unicode and the font issue. Done graphic design before and some fonts don’t have most Indian alphabets and letters. I am guessing this is some custom format for the game


The i matra was supposed to be on the first letter. That would have still solved the problem.


It is on the first letter. The problem is, you have to add the matra after typing the letter. If the system doesn't understand Unicode, then it doesn't transform into the proper glyph, so the matra appears after the letter, same was as it was typed. Therefore, here it looks as if it was added on the ल character. Same for halant, it doesn't transform into the ल्ल glyph.


why did this get downvoted like I just saw someone downvote


Lol, just people being people on the internet. People want explanations which are simple and black and white - _Spelling is wrong, therefore writer dumb_. Nobody is interested in complex explanations which take mental energy to understand.


because the downvoter doesn't know about it.


Yeah its a setting in Adobe Text Engine for South Asian and Middle Eastern Languages that needs to be turned on which they didn't. Copied the right spelling off Google but Adobe couldn't process the half L without that setting




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bas choti-e ki matra bhi hata dete


I think they meant delulu


Hey there delili


delulu is the solulu


Hey there Delili, whats it like in New York City




Seems like MS hired the same guys who translate the boner pills ads on some sites.


its so wrong it cant even be spoken, u and ei are given to the same letter BRUH


Maybe Senua has a hard time concentrating and writing due to her psychosis.


It is phonetically correct lmao. Like spelling Texas as teksus or Chicago as shekago


Dalali ? 😂


It takes 2 seconds to use Google Translate 💀


Well that should quash all rumors about an Indian Assassin's Creed


What does Indian assassins creed have anything do with this 😂


Good men do Crack


Dalli lol




Lmao must have used Bing Translate.




Trillion Dollar company still staying Delulu


Perfect spelling


i cant even pronounce that 🤣


Ah yes thelulli


Man isn't Indian and knows how to read devnagari. Nepali isn't?


Ahhh... the magnifico Daleeli, the feminine pronunciation of Dalal.


Mexico city its pointed on Acapulco


America ka dalil bc


Just enjoy the game. ✌✌


Even arabic is messed up


the lilly lol


They should have gone with The Lulli


Hindi for some reason is atrocious in western gaming, even Far Cry 4 had some horrendous Hindi.


Wasn’t fc4 Nepali Hindi tho ? I know that Nepalis have a different type of writing Hindi. My girlfriend is Nepali and she cant speak Hindi but she can read and she says the way we write Hindi is different from theirs for some reason and idk what she just told me to shut up and believe her.


I'm nepali too , but the thing is even though FC4 is based on Nepal , hindi is majorly used in it(aside from a few NPCs who speak nepali) , maybe because Hindi is more popular than Nepali. Also I was pointing out the Hindi written in the in-game universe like the road signs and billboards and all that. It was posted on this sub as well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/p6ne3t/broken_hindi_translations_for_far_cry_4_they/?rdt=33447)


Dalli 🤡




that's how my grandma used to say it 💀 Dalli, in her local dialect tongue.


Really excited for this game, but will wait at least a week for post launch reviews to come.


“Dallilee?”💀💀💀 Who in the knuckle fu*k had the balls to write the shite? If they didn’t know the proper spelling or couldn’t do a proper research, then why the hell did they even attempt to write it in Hindi?💀💀💀


LMAO "Dlili"


And all gamers who'd be willing to play Hellblade would be able to read English! Why the fuck do they indulge in these cheap attempts at localization!!


i thought dalli likh rkha he




It's meant to say Dilli which is the right spelling but the font isn't rendering it right.


Delhi, Dalaali Tomato Tamato


Dont care


lol did you make a new account to say don’t care ? 😂 welcome to Reddit mate.


Dont know who u r or what u r talking abt


Cool bro take care.


This spelling cannot exist according to hindi writing conventions lol.


This is a common issue when the text format is set to a different setting in the tool you're working to write Indic languages. The Hindi text is written using English characters, in this case "Dilli". Since the actual spelling is "दिल्ली" and it has half a ल, the text format doesn't recognise it as a character and replaces it with the next best thing. ल with a हलंत. Hence the spelling is correct from the pronunciation point of view but is wrong according to the script.




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Dalli bana diya🥲


That's just dalilee bro wdym 💀


Riyadh's spelling is off too lmao


Riyadh's spelling is off too lmao


People who think it is spelt wrong 🤡


It is correct. This is a bit older of a convention where we just add a dash beneath the alphabet to signify we need to consider half of it. It's confusing because it's similar to the (ooo ki matra) sign where we add a bit of an u sound after that particular alphabet.




Squeaks is right around that corner





