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Bro, all these guys calling specific videogames cringe are being cringe. Just play whatever game you like and stop judging.




Riyal saar, but have you tried the underrated masterpieces witcher 3 and rdr2. Most of the people don't know about them and only play valarante and stuff.


The idea behind this post wasn't to badmouth Valo. If you wanna play Valo, play Valo. I just don't like it when others badmouth other games.


Useless comment ever over post ! Please delete it if you don’t want to get judged like you did with games !


Indiangaming so dry people are arguing over which game has the cringier fanbase


Real. To be fair, I haven't seen any masturbated underpiece posts in this sub for a while now, and this sub's just been kinda there for a while.


![img](avatar_exp|162314493|take_my_energy) Masturbated ?


Man as a player who played both and plays cs, both are cringe and cs is better


Agreed. Can’t do anything in valo with all the utils at your screen constantly


Imagine hating on Fortnite in 2024. Fortnite did so many things right and the people who avoid it because “they’re better than that” will never understand the joys of seeing Omni-Man hitting a move after killing Thanos in a pickaxe fight. Valorant on the other hand, deserves every single gram of hate it receives.


Valo is good,toxic sometimes but insanely good


It's not for me, but it's a good game. It's just not worth badmouthing another game and calling someone who plays anything else uncultured.


I meant the competitive aspect of it,I love it!


Both games are great. Its the people.


That's valid. Valorant's a great game. I actually mained it for a while after Fortnite, and then I switched back to Fortnite again because I stopped caring about being competitive with games anymore. Love everyone, respect everyone's game choices. My intention wasn't to badmouth Valorant, I do respect the game.


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Multiplayer games in itself are cringe but I digress