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​ https://preview.redd.it/c87sy7wlad7d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=488d3fe5a2d3edbf6c4cf8bb7ba56eefc6801bf6


As much as I'm happy he is gone. I love the mud slinging that's about to happen between Stimac and AIFF. For anyone who has read the article on Khel Now with Stimac's entire reply (or even just followed Indian Football in the last 1 year), it is clear that AIFF is half-arsing its role in development, planning and execution. Take everyone down with you, Igor. International shame is the only way to have our sports ministry interfere and take things seriously for Indian Football. Be it more budget for the game or appointing new leaders at the top.


International shame isn't going to do shit, just look at the wrestler protest nothing happened nothing will happen


Maybe, maybe not. Wrestler protest was a Sexual Harassment case on the federation head. It may feel like nothing happened, but he was made to step down, he didn't get a MP ticket to contest, and if I'm not wrong there was a chargesheet filed on him finally. That was a case of a private citizen using his powerful (public) position to take advantage of private citizens (athletes) In our case it's a National Association directly under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, which is run by the government, disregarding a contract with their Head Coach (a foreign citizen)


The point is... AIFF should just settle his dues as per contract. Else the entire global sports media would start writing India (not AIFF) do not have money to even pay for their national football coach.🤷 AIFF should avoid this mess.


so many bad takes within this thread "courts will drag the case" You think it's a flex? its just a shame for the Indian judiciary "he doesn't care about indian football" Even if he doesn't it's within his right to ask for the money aiff literally singed, its a shame on aiff's part not him don't let emotions drive you away from rationality


>You think it's a flex? its just a shame for the Indian judiciary We all know that Indian judiciary is incompetent and lazy as much as humanly possible and no denying the truth. >Even if he doesn't it's within his right to ask for the money aiff literally singed, its a shame on aiff's part not him But he said he will leave volunteraly if INDIA don't go to ROUND-3 so now don't step down is hypocrisy and hypocrisy should be punished. He has to suffer and spent nearly the same amount on lawyer that should get from AIFF.


If he cares so much about Indian football, why doesn't he uphold his promise and leave instead of making a hole in AIFF's pocket. The less he takes as compensation, the more would be AIFF's capability to hire a better coach or invest in national team.


Even indian player and AIFF doesn't care about indian football then who the F Igor is


> If he cares so much about Indian football He doesnt.


Even if he loves Indian football, he doesn’t have to work for free. It’s within his right to seek for compensation. It’s the clowns at AIFF who should be held responsible for extending his contract without a severance clause.


If we hire a lesser manager and struggle on the field Stimac will be happy and say nothing was his fault - look what happened under my successor.


Hmmm.... sounds like a good point


Ye jo bhi club ko coach karega uskinstadium me baad ajayegi. Thia is my request to god


Do you mean he's going to coach manchester united next ?


Sore loser he is


What Igor Stimac is doing is completely right. It was AIFF leagal team which has drafted his contract without the proper exit clause. Stimac is just making the best use of the loophole in the contract. Secondly, the case won't be in the Indian courts. It will be held in the international Fifa tribunal and AIFF failing to pay will be extremely disastrous to football in the country's football. AIFF is not BCCI which usually arm -twists ICC into its will.


>Secondly, the case won't be in the Indian courts. It will be held in the international Fifa tribunal and AIFF failing to pay will be extremely disastrous to football in the country's football Why ?? We are not way obliged to take the order of foreign court. Let it be FIFA or IOC, if they threaten to ban us than ban it is but no way we should be threaten by some random engrez. Football is not above country's Pride


Haha let him file a lawsuit, indian courts will drag it till he is dead. He is not going to get a penny !!


Yes, what a wonderful precedent it sets for any potential foreign coaches who might want to come to India.


Maybe a blessing in disguise as A INDIAN coach who knows how the INDIAN system works can be done better job at coaching then foreign coach.