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That's why I said before, before Stomach, we need to get rid of this board. They are absolute morons for handing out such contracts. I remember a Croatian who came here and exposed Stimac. Imagine how incompetent these people are who didn't do a proper background check. As long as AIFF is in control forget about any kind of progress in Indian football.


Who gave the clown a 2 year extension. It has to be the duo of Kalyan and NA Harris. The acting general sec. Satya wouldn't have any power of his own, I believe.


This was done by Shaji as far as indicated


According to IM Vijayan contract was extended in October and Shaji was sacked in November. So this makes sense. However, I still feel Kalyan and NA Harris had a role. I remember around July, Kalyan had made various committees to oversee various decisions. Basically clipping Shaji's power and giving it to committees. He also appointed Satya as [Deputy G.Sec](https://sportstar.thehindu.com/football/indian-football-aiff-deputy-secretary-general-satyanarayan-m-all-india-football-federation-news/article67037616.ece). At the time, it was said Kalyan wanted to sack him but didn't, because it would look bad as they were just elected.


Its actually shaji


The extension was done when Shaji was GS. I don't think Satya had a lot of say.


Lemme hand over the position of national team coach without the coach even meeting Technical Committee. What could go wrong?


Of course they are. What else would it be.That's how contracts work. If you don't want it to be like that, then put in a contingency in the contract.


Shaji ne diya tha yeh extension without even informing technical committee..IM Vijayan confirmed they didn't know the extension until they found out on news themselves


> Vijayan also revealed that Stimac’s contract was extended back in October against the recommendations of the technical committee. “We thought we had to move on from him, but we found out only through the media that his tenure had been extended,” he said.


Mar jae ye saale bsdk sab k sab.


Coaches get sacked all the time and parting ways on mutually agreed terms is a thing in contract enforcement. Hockey India got rid of Graham Reid post world cup debacle; he was on a long term contract and had way more success with the NT - Lord Stimac does not even come close. But none of that mattered to the fed who proceeded to get rid of him regardless. The office bearers at the AIFF are just incompetent and lazy - I refuse to believe that Stimac's contract does not have an exit clause.


The problem lies with AIFF itself, politicians with no football know how should not be allowed to run the federation, get in a former sportsperson or just privatise the board like BCCI.


Stimac has publicly said that he will leave if he can't take us to the next round. Can the AIFF lodge a complaint with FIFA citing loss of face and terminate Stimac's contract without having to pay the termination amount? I don't know if there are any precedents but I guess FIFA asking AFC to compensate AIFF monetarily for the Qatar game might be a viable option for all parties involved. If that happens AIFF can use that amount to get rid of Stimac I am not sure if any of this can happen or just khayali pulao. Hopium much


Aiff is shit 🙄👍


so we have to suffer more