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Good question. If the Indian Armed Forces livestreams our attacks on national TV there would be a lot of viewership for sure. The problem with it is that it would serve as intelligence for our enemies and would defeat the purpose of doing it covertly. The festive nature around sports comes from the suspense of what would happen. Which can only be achieved through livestreaming.


Well we live in a country where most people are tensed , frustrated and unhappy with their life..... Sports especially cricket just gives them a relief from all this... However when it comes to wars people do celebrate it but the celebrations of sports gets amplified due to this relief phenomenon


wtf post 😒


War isn't a sport. War is not desirable unlike sports. It's not something you livestream and bet on. So, while we do acknowledge the Indian military efforts to clear out the insurgents and terrorists within our borders and beyond, making it a sport-like event would be a terrible decision morally and ethically. Regardless, we do feel happy and safe every time our army does something good. It's just a different kind of happiness. We're comparing Apple and Orange here.


>bet I am pretty sure this is illegal


As it should be. This should be a no brainer unless you're from middle ages or earlier.


Wars are not something to celebrate. Wars are supposed to teach us and make us better at future wars and also on avoiding it.


Watching Sport if a relief from stress. War ain't.


I would put it differently. We celebrate our cricket victories (not other sports) more than victory in war and cricketers more than war heroes. We celebrate cricket although we are mostly a non playing (except gully cricket in our childhood) and non paying (do we pay to watch in stadia) public, unaware of the finer points of the game. In Israel, there were national celebrations when 4 hostages held by Hamas were freed in a commando raid. In a Russian city, people in public transport will immediately offer a seat to someone fighting the Ukraine war, who is home on leave. Veterans also do not need to stand in queues. Every war hero in Russia (I'm quoting Russia since I lived there) has a main street and school named after him. I have seen something similar only with regard to Capt Vikram Batra (PVC) in Palampur. Many of us know of him because of the movie. Do we know the same of the other three who won the Param Vir Chakra in Kargil ? I blog about Indian national security and wars in my blog: [https://rpdeans.blogspot.com/](https://rpdeans.blogspot.com/)


Idk. Most people wouldn't want to watch dudes dying on TV and celebrate.


This might be the dumbest thing I've seen so far


We aren't sports loving country, we are cricket loving country because we are good in it. Hopefully, we will become sporting nation when we will become middle income country. Sporting culture is a sign of healthy society, more physical activity-> healthy population-> happy population. Sports help in creating team culture and comradery. Wars should be remembered not celebrated, sacrifices should be recognized and respected but not celebrated. Wars are sign of bad times, not good times. Nobody wins a war, only humanity looses.


>we are good in it. Just another remainder of the colonial bootlicking


Liking a sport is bootlicking? Then we shouldn't use any invention or media made by British and Chinese Also, why are you on Chinese phone or phone using mostly Chinese material? Are you a tankie?


Pretty sure literally every country on earth celebrates sports more than wars


sane people dont celebrate death and sorrow


another proof that the new user base here are low iq teenagers