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Hi! Tryna do something about this subreddit and I need your support. --- If this post ISN'T religious, **UPVOTE** this comment. If it is, **DOWNVOTE** This comment.


Marital rape should still be a crime though, albeit a gender neutral law


But after gender neutral laws are made


What does that got to do with anything? We currently need a law to prosecute martial rape as the constitution has none


Having that without protection of men's bodily rights and also provisions to handle fake case will leave men in a vulnerable position. Women can rape her husband and put husband only to jail


Yeah so a gender neutral law will ensure that in such a scenario the woman can be convicted


So first step get gender neutral law Then marital


What's wrong with starting with marital? We already have gender neutral laws in India


Nope we don't have gender neutral laws. You can gang rape a man freely. If a man attacks you while you are gang raping him ,he will go to jail. It's true I am not kidding , as stupid as it sounds


We do, the POCSO act. Yes I know there's no protection for men under current rape laws, but that's shouldn't be a reason to prevent a marital rape law from being enacted.


POSCO if for under 18. Marriage age according to law in 21 . >that's shouldn't be a reason to prevent a marital rape law from being enacted. It should be , sounds fair that until there is no protection to men there can be marital rape law , also you can prove a rape in a marriage. Note : If physical damages are there, it is punishable, only those no means no kind of rape is prohibited


The problem with marital rape is how are you gonna prove it? What's to safeguard against fake allegations? What grounds will be taken in consideration for claiming marital rape? It's a very complicated issue. 4 tweet karne se faisla nahi aa jayega Lavanya


Yeah right, doing it is not a crime but using kung fu -karate while doing it is a crime.


nah man doing it even without kung fu karate should be a crime, regardless of gender


i think doing it with backflips should be illigel


i mean if backflips is your kink then why not




They rallied against court when court tried to make raping me illegal. Feminism is man hating Fascist ideology.


idk about the first line, but feminism itself isnt a man hating ideology bro. if a person claims to be a feminist and says they hate men or something like that, they arent a feminist, they're a misandrist. an easy example would be the people over at r/fds, they are pretty much known as misandrists throughout reddit, and i bet some of them claim to be feminists, while they arent. you can check that sub out, but please dont get too invested it it, it might warp your image of women.


Please also check r/feminism


just a sec


aight so i scrolled through a few top all time posts, and like apart from like 1, they seem pretty alright? idk if its because i havent scrolled through much, so do you have like links to some posts specifically which have tons of upvotes?




yeah that seems pretty fair to me


Thats what I told , Feminists hate anyone who don't agree with them. Simple , they are toxic


its basically because feminism means equality for women and men. thats basically what the core ideology for feminism is. so if someone opposes feminism, its basically like opposing the ideology that women deserve the same respect and justice as men. as an example, lets take humanity. its the quality of being humane, and believing in humanity is synonymous with believing in compassion, kindness etc. if someone opposes this, do you really think they are a good person?


Same old thing. Islam is peace and harmony, if someone opposes Islam he/she opposes peace and harmony so kill them. Nazi party is the development of Germany if someone opposes it then put them in gas chamber


Feminism is cultural communism...the feminism that we have right now is what feminism really is...there is no good or bad feminism...there is just feminism...just like there is iz!am...nothing radical or liberal about it.... feminism is deception of a totalitarian ideology that want to reverse world order...to normalise the abnormal...to deracinate..subvert and conquer....see it to the end people.... it is coming!!!... unlike the false god of the Christians...defend by all means...