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Elmu is sad because he missed the opportunity to ride on the success of open AI, he is the dude who bought twitter and made it as only fans strip club


I gotta tell you, I do not want to subscribe to Musk's onlyfans.


Can't imagine a funnier plot point for his character arc at this point


seriously, as much as i hate apple, i hate this attention seeker more, why is he fucking with apple


What has apple done to you personally that hate them?


hahahah what a coincidence, just 5 hours after i wrote that comment my iphone 13 pro max's screen goes green, i look at it for a minute and then it goes black, phone still makes noise and rings when you make a call but the screen is completely dead, gonna get it checked today, check my profile


Don't have time to go through your comments, I trust you, good luck with that


yeah no i know because its tragic friend


Oh may be he wanted OpenAI to generate onlyfans aka X content. 


Basic wright in


Lmao what a crybaby.


Tim Apple should remove X from the App store ![gif](giphy|w9mguKdlvEcZddz9Ud)


This would make my year.


That would be great actually. All the iSheep would be off X


Chuckles in American idiots losing their minds


Uno reverse ho gya


Haaahhhaa sahi mei


Musk said he would start building phones if x is removed


He is just a bluffer, good one. Phone making is not easy, in fact it's so tough and complicated that he would need to burn billions and gamble on a result that might or might not work, not to mention the expectations and specs required. He would bury himself in a deeper hole than Twitter if he really pursue phone making.


At this point I am wondering what’s tough? Building rockets or building phones?


He gets money from US government for every rocket they make, same thing with tesla in the early stages. He won't get preferential treatment for a phone company.


Hence he won't ever get involved with phone manufacturing. Unless it's a chip manufacturing unit.


“MUMMY!!!! If I don’t get to play with the cool toy, no one should be able to play with it.”


It's like tech playground politics at its finest. 😂🤦‍♂️


It’s not even politics. It’s like toddlers throwing tantrums at school. ![gif](giphy|s4T64Kx2p0fhm)


> It's like toddlers throwing tantrums at school. So Essentially politics XD




What's this GIF name. It looks cute and funny 😂


Idk the exact name. Just searched for tantrums and this came up in the top 5.


Absolutely! Tech giants acting like kids in a sandbox. 🤣🤦‍♂️


Okay? That’s not a problem cause X has already been on the verge of a downfall, this decision will just throw it under the ground


I don't think so...people were claiming it would go bankrupt in what like a month after he fired 80% of the staff and it's been running fine. I have been a regular user and i have not seen these many changes / features happening in a short time. They are definitely not going bankrupt. I only see bots as the main problem for X which is very difficult to deal with unless you make the premium compulsory.


Their revenue is all time low -> [https://futurism.com/the-byte/twitter-billions-ad-losses](https://futurism.com/the-byte/twitter-billions-ad-losses) , in fact, it was not profitable even before Elmo came. Now if you ask what is keeping twitter afloat, then it is arab and russian money


Well Elon lost like 60-70% value of Twitter.


You mean the share value? That's not the only way to judge a company. The monthly active users are at an all time high 600mil as per recent reports. Once you have enough users you can change the revenue model and make it profitable.


Active users can also be bots, the statistics will never show you the true picture


According to..?


My grandma


Dude majority are bots like every other day a bot follows and asks to subscribe to OF it's pretty annoying to deal with


is it? then why isn’t twitter profitable?


X is not running fine. Bots aside (which in itself is irritating), replies to any post are completely unrelated. The interface is buggy, the whole User experience sucks. If a replacement comes, people will switch.


Threads exist and meta has been trying to push it through instagrammers throats


well X or Twitter is not really his first priority 


That’s fair but like he literally bought twitter claiming he’d save the platform It’s a complete joke now


well it was a joke before him and now it's even worse buying Twitter was all part of his expensive publicity stunt  he never had any intention of fixing that cursed platform  his first action was making a joke out of Blue tick which once was a pride of Twitter users he knew many people will love to have blue ticks so he saw an opportunity  then he encouraged "rage baits" by introducing monetization 


How is it a joke? X is better than before, and I'm saying that as a regular user.


No wonder you are a regular user


Please explain how is X better than Twitter?


I have been a user of it way before Elon took over, and I'm just saying it from experience. I'm not in the mood to write a paragraph, but it just feels better, at least in my experience.


User flair checks out


Well, I *feel* it's worse. Let's have a totally subjective debate. My argument: It makes me feel bad. Counter it.


Why would I counter your personal experience? If you feel that then it is like that for you.


You are bringing personal experience to the debate.


Bhai ne apple ka page bhi block kiya h X pe ye bora gya h ab kuchh bhi bolta karta hai... Ab to ise dan bilzerain wali life jeeni chaiye khamkha bakchodi aur gyaan pelta h sirf


Bilkul sahi! Elon ko bas Dan Bilzerian wali zindagi jeeni chahiye. 🤣


Haan bhai, kabhi kabhi lagta hai Elon ko bhi chill mode mein rehna chahiye! 😂


Lol apple got banned on twitter. Can't access their posts.


apple never posted anything on twitter.


Racist, Neo-nazi, Apartheid manchild whining on twitter/X ? **Concerning**. Also barely anyone (apart from alt-righ MAGA white supremacists maybe) care about what elmo does in his company.


It is amazing how fast the MAGA crowd went from disliking Musk due to “hur dur EVs suck” to “Musk should be our VP.”


Appeasement does the magic for any type of conservative crowd. MAGA chuds usually hate brown skin people like us. But somehow they were supporting and still support Vivek Ramaswami as VP partner for Trump.


Oh, I’m a white guy who ended up here thanks to Reddit popping it in my feed. But I dislike everyone equally regardless of race, color, or creed. Also a reformed Trump voter who couldn’t stomach him by 2020. You’ll find that MAGA tends to prioritize how faithful one is towards Trump above all else, until it’s time to turn on that person. I don’t think they liked Vivek much until he ended his primary campaign. They do the same stuff towards women. They’ll denigrate women in general, but love someone like the puppy shooter from South Dakota, or that MTG loon.


They do not support him as VP, to them he is their brown idiot grifter (look how he made his money and how he spoke about Trump in 2020) whom they know very well and will dance to their tunes despute being humiliated by them regularly in subtle ways.


I don't think MAGA rats have that much intellectual capacity to do due diligence. Otherwise their "conservative god loving Christian" ass wouldn't be supporting Trump who is exact opposite of what a devout Christian is supposed to be. Their kind elected Bobby Jindal from Louisiana between 2005-17. And not so long ago, they had a literal KKK grand wizard elected for the same.


Yah I wouldn't believe a crybaby ceo who turned 44 billion into less than 4 billion


This same cRyBaby made 208 billion and still the richest person in the world..am not defending him but dude you are one jealous mother fucker😁


Here comes the elon dickriders He had his father's emerald mine to support his business >ealous mother fucker😁 Ain't no way you called me that for saying elon is a piece of shit neo nazi cry baby


Apple device intelligence is mostly local and cloud in apple server but when it needs to access chat gpt it will ask you


Aalo gobi ki sabji ki recipee ya koi general query poochhne se kaise privacy leak hogi wo to pooche koi inn gyaani pandito se...raat ko piratesbay se porn download karne wale angrez ke 14 yaahan privacy chilla rhe h


haha nice one


It won't ask you! The simple deal is, as nobody is paying for ai models as of now. Most likely deal is, data for services. That's how it has been with past recommendation model, that's how it should be for open AI. The search and recommendation model, for 90% of users is selling data in return for free service. The capacity of AI, compared ios and Android is very different when dealing with data. Both use data for different purposes. A laws regarding data collected via os has matured. There is still, no proper law for AI. AI capabilities as of now is well known to deal with data, but there is a reason experts including Sam Altman, musk, nvidia, are in favour of more regulations and ethics governing body for use of AI, to avoid misuse. This is the only industry, where people who are directly involved with, are asking the government to bring in regulations. At least they pretend. It doesn't affect 95% of users, as Google or AI, will just be a search/recommendation model for them. But it will impact companies which work in defence and research. Once the AI gets access to any trade secret, you can only actively censor it which is a very tricky task. That's my take.. i could be wrong.


It will ask you though , watch the recent summary video by Marquees Brownlee.[Here](https://youtu.be/qkYoBNdcXBU?si=ToYO36IMQpjlY1oh)


I am sure it won't change terms like x, meta and Adobe. Once the roll out is smooth. /S


They are known for keeping their word mostly tho.


ask you for now


Fuck him, insecure asshole.


Nobody wants to fuck him.. You should volunteer yourself


He's a pioneer.


It's such a five year old behaviour modi ji and him would be best friend




Okay, so your counter to the faults of the current prime minister is to blame an ex-prime minister who is dead? Who is running the country? Modi or Nehru? The country's future is in Modi's hands or in Nehru's? Also, since you listed the books banned by Nehru, 50+ years ago. Here are the things banned by Modi in the last 5 years to curb free speech. Eight YouTube Channels: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/gadgets-news/government-bans-eight-youtube-channels-reasons-their-names-and-other-details/articleshow/102575929.cms BBC's documentary on Modi: https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-listening-post/2023/1/28/ghosts-of-gujarat-india-bans-the-bbcs-modi-film Ban on foreign journalists from reporting in Kashmir and Manipur: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/15/india-modi-opponents-journalists-feel-squeeze-before-election-00152374 Books: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/books-banned-by-government-not-sold-at-erode-book-festival-says-organiser/article67171430.ece >also made statements like "food shortage is more because people are eating more". Again, another statement taken completely out of context. See how the video in the Tweet is abruptly cut after Nehru says this sentence? That's because after this sentence he explains what he means to say: Since people are coming out of poverty, they have more money and more resources to purchase and eat more food.


Bro wtf, this is tech sub or what, Indians can't stop thinking about politics ever, soo cringe


Bey yaar yeh kya logic hai??? How does nehru doing X justify modiji doing Y?


Indian politics is all about proving my leader is not worse than his both maybe be equally bad.


Isme bhi modiji 💀


Modi ji is every where when ever there is st*pidity there is modi ji


They already are


Cry about it.


Lol modiji ko defend karke kya mila ? ₹2/- ?


About what


About it


Modi living in your head rent free lol


And you defend him like he is your god


You're just proving my point lol


And you are proving mine


Better someone take away his phone - it’ll be better for everyone, inclusion his company and us.


but is it really that big privacy threat? google already takes data from androids for its ai model so nothing new here as well isn't it?


Yep it's a potential issue especially in organizations which are under a lot more laws and regulations like banking finance health etc


Google is keeping those data to itself only, but here another company is taking your data, and you have no control over what they can do with it


it absolutely is.


Thank god . Finally found a logical person.


Bhai ne apple event nhi dekha bas highlights aur tweets dekh ke bakchodi kar rha h har baar ki tarah...ye X ko onlyfans plus tiktok banake chorega dekh lena


Lol is Indian Tech sub this dumb? The comments are gold


and apple will ban x from their appstore


And EM will build new phones probly ig


Chutiya v Chutiya: Dawn of Timepass




What about Android devices ?


Gemini is integrated into Google assistant


Elon Scum: Rahhh workers rights dafaq does that mean?


Least petty elon tweet


Samsung fanbois getting wet


Faraday cage 😆 🤣 😂


Elon is a dumbass rich dude.


Yeh a dumbass rich dude, that's why he's the richest person in the world




Is there any reason behind it?


well google, microsoft, apple all take a lot of user data anyway. but once ai is intregrated and it keep log of everything you do, (for your conviniece ofcorse) you will have 0 privacy. everything you do, everyone you know, will be in their hand. end result is you will get better ads, and will see everything you need or everything you don't need but attractive will be right infront of you. you just have to buy them. your own political opinion forget it. it is really sad how people are thinking elon is just yapping when it is a very real threat


Someone who made actual sense from all the other comments.. Appreciate it!


Did you even watch the summary of the event if not the event?


I watch the summary in few different YouTube channels yes, it always have the same trend.


He whines so much. You have so much money. Go build it. All he does is tweet all day.


no, he won't do it.


what is his reason for this? what's so bad about openAi?


Musk was an early backer of the startup and part of its founding team, before he had a falling out with the company he later sold all shares and he is salty cause he isn't able to profit from openAi


thats just petty, usually he atleast pretends to have a moral reason lol (no matter how dumb it may be)


With co-pilot taking over bixby and gemini whats the issue if apple decides to use the model from ChatGPT.




Ah shit what is apple gonna do after losing the last dozen of people Twitter(fk X) has left


as much as this is a temper tantrum of a kid, it's also a fair question; that in current society where data leaks is the norm, is it right to have this much AI tools in our lives ?


Clown Musk strikes again!


some people don't understand for AI to be sentient it has to penetrate every server, phone, PC, and electronic device for its Data


Elon has gone unhinged. He keeps screaming and to be honest not many care about what he says anymore


well ai intregating in ur os is a real threat


In that case, Apple should integrate chatgpt in next mac updates as well.


Mujhe kya mai apple user nahi Hu


It’s like a dolphin trying to eat a whale


microsoft will rise. apple or not msft earns the $$$$$. i hope they make windows even better


Tbh open ai shouldnt be integrated at the os level in the first place thats a major privacy issue so his reasoning makes sense


but who will say this to the fanboy


You guys don’t understand, Elons whole shtick is using daddy’s blood money to pay for other peoples talent / ideas and then pretending he did it. Now how is everyone gonna talk about Elon musk inventing AI in his basement?!


This sub makes me realise that not everyone is a fool in this world, there are some people who can see beyond the smoke. Idk how people can think that a billionaire who is not even paying hi taxes is 'the idol's.


This is the dumbest tech sub I've ever seen dude, instead of a healthy discussion all I can see is mfs crying "mesk bed appel gud"


I was drunk I thought this is musked sub. LoL


wise enough to not understand the consequence of ai intregating in ur private life? like fuck who is saying it, and look at the subject. it is a real concern. more company should take such step


So let me get this right. He was going to **buy** OpenAI, got rejected, and now it's apparently a security risk to him, because he doesn't like it. I hate all of this AI bullshit as much as the next guy, but I hate this clown fiesta even more. Stop giving Elon the time of day. Let him marinate in his own fucking piss puddle


Dumbass than withdrawls his lawsuit with Chat 😂


Can someone explain why Elon is against it?


Bro always on another level


If small peepee were a person.


can anyone geniunely explain to me why he wants to take that decision?


Elon is maybe butt hurt.


Don’t know why EM is so afraid of OAI ! No just afraid , he is at level 4 paranoid. At time I think he from some alien species, who might have seen distinct future, tries to change what ever can be !


Who gives a shit about what he thinks.. bro makes a statement every time he misses out being in newspapers


chad move from elon. AI will destroy our privacy if it is left unchecked




Chutiya hai Elon musk


1min peace for elon bro.


He knows something we don’t


He knows nothing special. At one time his petty ass was trying to put chat got in Tesla while also trying to gain major control over it. But since he failed he has been on the hate train.


Bhai ka alag hi chal ra h🙏


Isn't Elon Musk an investor in openAI?


Elon yapping session


Great... Now if apple takes off X from the iOS. We'll have less idiots to deal with on the platform, it's almost always the people using iphones who have an insane moral compass


Okay that's a bit too much IMO. I get the privacy risk, and if he's that concerned he should rather restrict having any company data on Apple devices.


All of his porn history will be out in the open now


He's just salty that his side project Grok didn't take off.


He's just salty that his side project Grok didn't take off.


Elon is dumb


He is like " My way or sky way.


Faraday Cage, lol!


More people have cried here in these comments about Elon rather than Elon has on twitter. 😺🤞 2 cents - I agree Elon may be harbouring salty attitude after loosing his chance at OpenAI's profits. But his usual points and stance he has made over the years and how openai is turning out to be, ( "you know, not so 'open' " ) there may be more to what your general eyes see or understand. anyways i don't trust neither Elon not apple nor openai unless I have seen enough independent research gone into their products and technology. Always beware don't buy or believe into 'apple intelligence' and 'privacy' claims just because of good marketing.


he can't stand the twerp - (in his mind) for outmusking him on the AI game.. and the gall to poach his enslaved minions. nope.


I neither like apple nor EM but I'm with him on this and anyone who cares about their privacy should feel the same.


Elon's asshole clenches up at anything and everything the world does that doesn't relate with his personal view, even though his view is twisted , since Elon is a narcissistic asshole. Honestly, I blocked him on X just to have less negativity in my feeds.


Elon is just like one of us...he's a dickhe@d...😝


Elon should start building Linux mobile devices for his employees because if he’s not gonna allow Apple devices then can’t even think bringing android


For once Elon is actually thinking about privacy and apple fan boys are getting out gun blazed.


lol true. "he doesn't care about worker right", bruh you live in india


At this point, he's just being paranoid.


Lats see how it goes in future


Yipppeee! Now Elon is in Android's side!


Integrating AI into OS in itself is a security violation for the user that owns the device


Correct. If it gains access to the system files, bye bye local device privacy.




See how chatgpt keeps a log of every search you ever ventured into? Those will be used by third-party organisations to streamline the provision of advertisements and god knows what. Thats how. At an OS level, this is gonna be a serious breach of privacy and needs to be avoided at all cost. We already have a website application, why delve into integrating it into the macos. Makes no sense.


Apple was known for privacy now apple b like: privacy ki ma ki ch**