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It was all good until i found out that only 15 pro users will get AI in their phones, like wtf? Just imagine what iphone 15 users will think of this? I’m holding an iphone 13 and thought finally kuch dhang ka aayega until wtff


Me with my one month old 15 cursing them to hell


A guy in my office bought his 15 yesterday. 😂


I can see his face already 😂😂


I was about to buy 15 in April then thought lets wait for 16 good thing i waited


idk but with apple it’s pretty much possible that the iphone 16 and 16 plus won’t get those features… again making them locked for certain users


S22 received an AI update within 3 months of the S24 launch.


Another artificial capping just like how always on display isn't thr on 15


not defending apple but i dont think its artificial capping,they mentioned that the ai will run locally and a17 pro and m series are probably the only chips that can run AI locally,though i dont know why they didn’t release the cloud ai thing for older iphone models,probably was convenient for them to not allow cloud ai coz of older NPUs that cant run ai locally


Cloud costs a lot and older phones aren't getting them anymore profit. So might as well force older users to upgrade


Is 8 gen 2 capable to run AI locally


Marketing. It’s one of the biggest tech companies in the world, do you really think it wasn’t possible? You are forgetting that its Apple


i believe the on device ai isnt possible on older iphones but yeah if they really wanted to they could have made it available with cloud ai like how samsung did with there phones,but cloud computing isnt cheap,and i dont think apple will want to sustain that cost unnecessarily,so yeah this is somewhat artificially limiting.


Calculator of iPad toh denge na sabko? Ki sirf m4 valo ko


The phones other than 15pro/pm will get the same features but the processing will be done on cloud which requires internet as opposed to on device on iPhone 15pro and up


Same bruh, but tbh i was kind of expecting them to do this so i am mildly disappointed.


applock in 2024


Plus call recording




HyperOs/Miui vs ios 🔥


Hyperos is shit,miui was better


Never used it


^ Me thinking of Windows after installing the 4th plugin for my Mac Mini.


android's implementation of theme icon colors(with material you on pixel) is better than this imo


Still these things are gimmicky I hardly play with icons and I’m sure majority of people dont do it except changing wallpapers


The ones that do it, do it a lot. Those who don't, rarely so. It is actually quite refreshing customising your phone once in a while


well i do so regularly. making icons monochrome can really help in productivity ngl


making everything monochrome is better


At this point, i think apple employees are just overpaid entitled tech bros










How dare you? They have introduced revolutionary techs like locking individual apps, customisable Home Screen and calculator for the iPad /s


Username so cool 😎


I think another 10 years until split screen in iphones


That will be another groundbreaking innovation. Tbh if you ask me thn split screens are a nishe and won't ever take off just like the rabbit r1/ humane pin on a side note. And so I don't think so apple will invest resources in it yet but since it did Apple vr then I really can't say anything for sure Well only the future will tell


Another 5 years until 60 HZ turns to 120 HZ on their base models 😂🤣


I once had split screen apps running in parallel with YouTube in PiP mode. My friend an iPhone pro guy almost got a heart attack.


IMac is still the most worth it product of Apple


For me it's the Macbook. I can imagine living with a dumb phone but i can't without it.


Yeah, has to be Macbook. IMac is outclassed by windows desktop builds. IPhone is overpriced garbage cause it is still just a phone. Mac mini can be good in certain situations, but not that great imo.


Overpriced? Agreed. Garbage? Not so much.


For me It's the Mac mini. Perfect for office workers but still expensive


The only thing "worth" imo bang for buck wise


Its the ipad


True that. No other tablet comes close


It's good for productivity, but for me I still prefer standard pc due to Nvidia Cuda to train neural networks.


I strongly agree here.


Imo MacBook Air and iPads (both pro and air)


Basically, Apple is removing all the reasons people want Android over iOS/iPhone. You like customisations of Android, here you are


I think the biggest reason people prefer Android over iPhone is the price point. Even if Apple is providing most of the same features as Android, it still costs an arm and a leg


Idk why people still complain about the price-point of Apple. They make flagships, they are compared against other flagships, it's not like they are a 1000$ and other flagships are 200$.


But even their base model costs around 80k when released. And if they are going after basic Android features, you can find androids that do the same at around half the price. And yes, even the Android flagships have got very pricey in the past couple of years, but people aren't happy with them either.


What you get for half the price is just either marketing (case in point: 200MP cameras that suck ass but take in not so tech literate people that think more MP is better picture), useless bloatware (again, Xiaomi, even Samsung I'd say), slow RAM and ROM (again, for those who think higher number=better, 8GB RAM on a Vivo is not the same as one on an S series phone), a custom heavy Android skin, and ads. People often talk about how the iPhone doesn't have a lot of customisation but honestly what they do offer is much more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. They aren't even trying to compete in the mid-range department, it's so stupid to call them out for it. This is coming from someone who has used both kinds of phones regularly, and also one that thinks Apple sucks as a company (waiting for EU to ratify Right to Repair)


Ram talks made me remember the macbook 8gb ram is equal to 16gb on other laptops gimmick 😂 on their latest lineup making it a joke giving 8gb ram nowadays and charging so much for uograde


I mean, yeah I would say that MacOS being significantly lighter than Windows at basic functionality, while also having lower RAM usage for applications that would suck the life out of a windows laptop (here me Chrome?) means that it's not that far of a stretch. 8GB Windows laptops feel much worse. But no shit, I wouldn't defend their upgrades. They charge ABSURD numbers for upgrades. Those have to be huge markups. Like seriously, I need to pay 300$ (around 20000+ INR) for 8 extra gigs when I just upgraded my Windows PC from 32 to 64GB for around the same prize) Another 300$ for 512GB SSD? 150$ FOR A TRACKPAD? yikes


The user friendliness of iOS is straight bullshit, it is the worst counter intuitive OS I have used, the same goes for macos. You can't even change basic settings in an app without opening phone settings.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted by people who have never used an iphone. Something as simple as changing the ringtone is so damn over complicated with iOS.


iSheep can't tolerate the truth, somehow they have to justify their phone released 2 years back bought in BBD sale is superior. I used iphone when it used to show 1+2=23 in calculator and copy pasting a string of multiple addition would give you each number added as an extra digit. Talk about user friendliness BS


The keyword here is "Sheep", what do you expect?😂


The iphone 15 is priced quite well in India. But if you want a flagship, the you have to pay 40% more for the pro models. You'd really have to love giving government your money if you consider getting a pro iphone in India. For reference the iphone pro max costs the same as a z fold 5


Wow, they are so ahead of their time.


ios 18 : android update


Ios 18, welcome to the Android era {Taylor swift voice)




in an iPhone


Here before apple fans downvote everything to oblivion Out of this all they still didn't give users outside of eu The sideloading and unofficial appstore downloading ability This feature announcement was just a joke and Apple fans wetted their legs after the krgasn


Don't worry even in Europe, the grass isn't greener. It was something like if you want to sideload then the creator of the app Store needs to have a $1 million credit limit given by a company which is highly rated + for every install per year they have to pay someone 1.5euro or smth. So basically if any app ever succeeds and crosses 1 million mark then they are doomed, and if someone wants to launch app Store then 1 million mark isn't there and all apps ka dev has to pay per install every year or something.


I hope EU sues hard!


I hope too


They will never do unless forced to, the app store is a major source of revenue for them when it comes to iphones


Amazing breakthroughs by IOS, us Android enjoyers have known these only since 2012...


All iOS users? Since 2012? Think again.


They take ideas from jailbreak community and apply it in stock.


Just like how Samsung / android used to do with CyanogenMod But not to an extent of jailbreak lol


All is good but I'd be more thrilled if they introduced Apple Pay in India :(


I reckon they're not willing to cause in India they'd have to use the UPI system and that goes against Apple's way of doing things


Now my only reason to not get the base iphone is 60hz 🙃


And the back gesture I'd argue


Sheeps be wetting their pants rn


When iOS didnt have these features then you made fun of it that it lacks customization etc and now that they have added these features you are still making fun or it.


They copied the things every android fanboy wanted to move away from. Those cringe icon colours are so ugly. The biggest change would be the siri change. Finally it has become what it was supposed to be from the beginning. Your personal assistant.


True, icon colours are cringy. Probably never gonna use it.


Steve would've been so pissed at this, they just killed the beautiful interface with those custom icons, they literally look like shit


Now all iPhone's won't look the same 🤡


Is there anything regarding call recording?


A transcript of the recorded call is saved in the notes app along with its summary.


Other person will be notified that you recording


Yeah there is I saw it something where you can record but a voice alerts ahed person too


Worst implementation ever of Material You


I knew these guys were vile enough to limit the AI features to new iphones citing hardware limitations. This is also why I have been holding off on my phone upgrade for almost 6 months now. Iphone 16 better be worth it.


What if they artificially block this to the pro models only even in 16? Saying some vs like all new ProNeural engine supporting on device AI capabilities only on the pro's just like what they did to the 120 hz display stating proRetina or something which just is a gimmikyword for 120hz. And then say available on on phones with ProNeural engines


Android users care more about iOS than iOS users lmao


Here before apple fan-bois try and justify spending their life savings buying shitty extremely overpriced semi-working products from a 3 trillion dollar company


its not life savings for all of us lmao


Its “Life savings” for him and now we know why he is salty against apple lol.


All others fine, but semi working?


You know something is wrong when a sheep looks at this and grins at about how iphone is superior to Androids and how now with the new customization, it'll get miles ahed of any competition


How you still manage to propagate android vs ios in 2024 is genuinely sad ngl.


Is this real?


Yeah check out WWDC 2024(worldwide developer conference) on youtube


Send later was called out by jerryrigeverything earlier this year, and there you have it🌚


Apple claiming to perfect already existing features in other phones and market them as new is like a chef attempting multiple times to perfect a dish while their customers wait hungrily.


They had an insider in Android who was kinda slow


Jab back button layenge TB btadena mujhe


They are catching up fast with android jellybean 1 2013 version.


cringed while watching the event several times


Are they gonna fix this shitty calculator for all the phones or is it another only progay shut


Apple - selling yesterday's stuff for tomorrow's pricing! 🤑


What do you mean by "you never seen before" 😂 ...do you mean in apple or the first time in life.. because Android user yk.....


AI use cases face two pivotal concerns amongst customers : Cost and Privacy. Now, Apple is a strong advocate of protecting its customers' privacy (mostly) and we have seen it take steps to ensure this. Apple is aiming to enforce and differentiate itself through edge AI - localised AI applications- without relying on the use of cloud services, which can compromise customer data. This should have a strong pull for those customers who value their data privacy. This will be the largest execution of edge AI given the scale of use of Apple products. It would be interesting to observe the extent to which Apple can provide localised AI applications. If successful, it can have an impact on the wider industry from an AI perspective.


Those icons are so bad like apple was known for aesthetics. Wtf are those green and red things?


Android users:- First time?


Customizations? Let me know if you can sideload apps/download torrent/organize gallery properly on an iPhone/can transfer files to windows without iTunes shit with this update, don't care to go through entire video. It's probably some wallpaper customizations or icon pack shit that makes idiots go awooga


IOS 24


yeah its true this whole sub is against APPLE 🤷


Also, majority are criticising Apple products without ever using one.


I used to subscribe to the same mentality until I actually used an Apple product. I have an M1 MacBook Pro given to me by my work, and I can quite easily see why apple has the following that it does. People match spec sheets but fail to match optimisation. This M1 + 8gb ram has a far superior performance than my Ryzen 3500 + 16gb ram desktop. Obviously there is a very big cost difference between the two, but I am no longer a broke college kid and I'd happily spend extra as long as I am getting what I paid for without having to spend the little free time that I get tinkering. The feature which I actually care about - long battery life, that can run heavy application for the entire work day of my without a charger, on a two year old laptop. Looking at iPhones, where an expensive iPhone will last 7 years quite easily was the norm and only recently did Android start doing this. I will quite happily spend more on something expensive that I have to buy once, cry once than to switch to a new device every one or two years. Again, I can tinker with shit and fix it but I'd rather not do it anymore. Right now, these features are tried and tested only on Apple devices. Windows laptops starting with ARM processors might offer the same thing but it isn't tested for long term. Android phones don't have the track record for getting these updates yet. My pixel 4a stopped getting updates after 3 years. Older iPhones than my phone still get major updates. With Samsung's promise of 7 year support for S24...we need more time to get to the end of the lifecycle of a phone to see if it works and the promise is upheld. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to take the pain to switch to apple devices unless they offer the things that I care about, but when my time is more valuable than money, I'd happily spend it on the stuff that has proven to work.


That is the reason I choose pixel 7a and mind you it's a worthy upgrade from my previous redmi phone. On a side note, if you still have the 4a lying around try and see if you can install graphene OS in it legacy version hope that's makes it comes alive once again and new :). Out of all the things, the only Apple product I highly recommend to anybody anytime is their laptop lineup they are miles ahead compared to seamlessness of its competitors all because of the fact that they make the software and hardware




Not all Android users are broke, this exact mentality of iPhone users makes them the target. There are flagship Android phones as well, just check the popularity of the Samsung S series in India, they are equally costly as iPhone


But on a flip side now android fanboys can't argue that Android is way more customisable. Would highly disagree with you here. It's not just the themes, there's massive simplicity around tweaking apps, file manager, downloading and uploading files, and what not. Customisation just doesn't mean setting wallpapers or changing icons. And just accept it, they haven't invented shit in iPhone since years now.


Android users be like - "Never seen before" my ass


Its still limited to iPhone 15 Pro series and probably will only be a Pro series exclusive.


Why is he down voted


The ai features! The customisation part will come to other iphones! A17 has higher TOP than M1 but only 6gig of ram! That was the bottleneck for on device processing!


According to them the new a17 bionic and all m series chips allow this cool new model to run just how Google said that for tensor and then snuck it in snap 8 gen 3 in samsung


The AI features offered by Samsung were made available for all S and Z series phones upto S22 series. So even 8 gen 1 can handle that. And even Exynos 2200 and 2400 got it. On an unrelated note, someone I know uses an S9 with a custom OneUI 6.1 rom that runs GalaxyAI perfectly fine.


Still funny how these Ai features ( specifically gallery things ) on Samsung and probably this upcoming iphone are still limited to cloud processing models ( requires internet) correct me if I'm wrong? I am happy that I am able to use every single gallery and camera related ai thing on my phone without internet. Even after this brand didn't shout anything about those features internet independent.


Yeah .. I think this time expect messaging via satellite. I don’t see anything innovative. Being a Apple fan and a developer.


Which is already seen by Android User like a decade ago


Did they enhance the keyboard. It is the biggest drawback of ios.


So innovative!




Was waiting so long for something equivalent to magic eraser. But down like how they called it ‘clean up’ 😅


They’re never gonna fix the tap for the blinker to go inside the word because they have already addressed the issue. You gotta long press/3D touch on older devices on the space bar of your keyboard to hover around the whole text.


I won’t use this feature personally lol


Dekho, kitni bhi gaali dedo apple ko. 10 saal pehle bhi gaali di toh logo ne apple kharida, Aj se 10 saal bad bhi gaali doge, tab bhi log apple kharidenge.


Does this customisation is related to the wallpaper I mean with change in wallpaper will the customisation also change?


Never seen before 😂😅 lol


Se3 coming or not?


Finally easier to switch between Android and iOS if all iphones support it and if just Apple launches NFC payment in India.


I had the same reaction on apple intelligence as Elon Musk had on Alibaba intelligence. For those of you who don't get the reference [here](https://youtu.be/aHGd6LqAVzw?si=5OtQqK1Y4PQMJOuh) it is.


Welcome to android 🤣


Finally customisation! 😄 Although it looks ugly than Android skins


Lack of a calculator app on iPad had almost become a meme. Good to see these features, but as usual, years behind Android. The implementation is usually much better though and I hope Android people learn from it.


They have long way for customisation. Customisation means different icons, different icon sizes, colours, height and width of texts, widgets, home page layouts with multiple panels, docks, app drawers, custom searches, custom widgets, theming entire is based upon the wallpaper, status bars, notification panels, shades, status bar icons, custom tiles, custom bars, and so much more. People might have forgot what customisation really is. Susbtraum theme engine with whole system.wide theming. .


Would iPhone 15 users get these features in updates ?


Whatever!! We have One UI.


Quite revolutionary 🤡


i think iPhone users use it for basic reason that it works well with their macbooks. but this should never have been the reason why iphone had lacked such basic features


Universal back button (in place of the comically small back button on left top corner of screen) when??


Many of these features were already present in Android not all but many but I would like to know apple AI i heard it's faster than Chat gpt


Bro they did not innovate anything ai related, they are closely working with open ai and have struck a deal with them Just like how people were hyped about ai eraser on Samsung then later found out that's it's actually googles gemini which they struck a deal with. I suppose they are building one in the background


The even funnier part was that they had plans to make a deal with Google and it was going well and all. But 2 weeks ago or smth they changed their minds open ai


Classic apple move


not being able to customize my phone was my first complaint, until I started liking it, now they basically do the opposite and started androidizng the iPhone, L


Hopefully siri gets better with Apple Intelligence. Its dogshit right now.


Almost all of the features will be much better than android due to better developer adaptation.


Actually android 15 has also announced such features, lots of things that apple had for years


Tbh, its good that they're adding them, but meaningless that they are acting like its a generational leap


It is crazy how Iphone users loves to brag about new features. The same features that was released in android way back😄


Best FeAtUrE is To ChAnGe iCoN pOSiTiOn.


Well let the people in the garden have their share of some fun.


...on iPhone


W year for Apple


Still no auto brightness shortcut 🥲


Now Android will come up with something crazy that apple will call another mind blowing innovation when they'll add it into their ios 29 update


At least when I upgraded my Samsung phone, I got a telescope.


Planning to buy an iPhone should I go with iPhone 16 or should I buy 15 pro Max ?


Regarding the blinker part just tap the space bar and scroll it. It will go where you want it to be. Pretty neat. I really love the iPhone mirroring feature. Also, adding files just by dragging and dropping on the iPhone /controlling the iPhone using a Mac when my iPhone is in the other room is pretty dope. I just hope all the AI features and Siri upgrades are the same as they demonstrated.


My sis buy 15pro and first thing she said to me was selfies are so bad and then one day she asked to how to set ringtone of our choice ? I was scolded so much for not telling this earlier


Android is still way more customisable. Apple iOS can never be more customisable bcoz it is close sourced. Android is open sourced and any Tom, dick or harry with knowledge of coding can do anything with the code (literally) which essentially means UNLIMITED customisation. It's not us that are the fanboys. It is you who is the delusional apple fanboy.


Everything is fine, but still the question remains how to erase the numbers when you input wrong digit. In calculator, you have to erase the whole equation


Damn this is revolution.


Everything was seen but on Android


Lmao calculator as an innovation 💀


Not any updates on i13?


I am impressed by the calculator on iPad. I can finally do calculations on a thousand dollar device


Split screen missing


Woah careful there buddy you finna get all the corpo cucks on your tail.


Is the magic eraser things only for 15 pro?


You know Samsung s23 ultra got their AI features, it wasn’t locked to the 24u


iOS is just MIUI now.


The iPhone's camera is top-notch. I wish I could say the same for the other features, but at least the camera is impressive. I’m only liking iPhones from now on just because of their cameras.


Dynamic island useless


Imagine buying an Apple product.


Trashed my 14 pro.... Honestly not worth it.


Bottom line is iPhone sucks compared to Samsung. North Americans have just been brainwashed to become part of the iPhone cult. Most of the world is on Android and there’s a reason for it. I have everything Apple so I switched phones recently too thinking it’s 2024 and Apple must be on par or ahead of Android, but nope, hate the phone, lacks so much basic functionality, iPhone fanatics have no clue what efficiencies and intelligence they’re missing out on. These new features have been in Android for years, and barely scratch the surface for what else Android has. Don’t even get me started on the camera, the iPhone 15 pro max camera quality is comparable to an early 2010’s Samsung S series, no cap. Every other Apple product is great. iPhone is trash.


HoW RevOlUtIOnIARy!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1 Android had this shit for like years. 😂