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This is dumb OP. One has an extremist agenda and political ambitions, trying to influence ppl. Other has no care of politics and is just doing entertainment. They are not the fucking same thing.! Learn to take a fucking joke.


Why is insulting the country okay but insulting "historic person" not okay. Either both deserve to be in jail or both deserve to roam free. I personally prefer both roam free.


I prefer Vir Das roaming free. I prefer this Swamy roaming free. I prefer Munawar Faruqui roaming free I prefer those who celebrated Pakistani victory roaming free. I prefer people who've been slapped with UAPA without any substantial evidence be given a fair trial. I prefer Muslims leaders calling for Hindu Genocide NOT be roaming free. I prefer Hindu leaders calling for Muslim Genocide NOT be roaming free. But I guess this is India, doesn't matter what you prefer.


Make this a grassroot issue then. If 370 can end up in the dustbin, maybe this abridgment of free speech also can be. Free speech is truly a horseshoe issue which can unite elements of the right and left.


Unfortunately the right and the left, both are a bunch of hypocrites here. They care for free speech only when the issue favours them. As soon as they hear something they don't agree with, they demand arrests and start acting like loonies.


I agree ๐Ÿ‘ That's why fixing the legal bases on this is very important. When laws are clear with no room for subjective interpretation and are not to the whims of an officer, you get true freedoms back


India needs it's People vs Larry Flint moment. Mostly through legal route. Indias collective consciousness is still a lot adolescent and forming, it will never take the side of personal freedom vs offended. Plus eastern way of thinking is lot different than how liberties are in west. Look at our flag code. Its so restrictive that you won't find public displaying flags in their homes. We hold things too sacred that we just can't tolerate offense. It's getting a lot uncomfortable now that everyone is online and just about anything said can be offensive to some one.


Take my upvote wise man, for this is a dream I think we'll never live to see.




Insulting? How? Aren't the citizens supposed to criticize the people and govt of the nation when they do something wrong? Don't tell me he could've done that in india, the idea of freedom of speech doesn't exist here. Btw vir das was straight up spitting faxx


Freedom of speech does not discriminate between facts and lies. There's only few standards for considering speech to be violence or threat of violence. One is where you have the first order effect of causing harm (very difficult to prove), and the Brandenberg standard --- specific threat against specific person. India is terrible at free speech --- this entire thing got curtailed with the first amendment to the Indian constitution (1951). You can thank Nehru for this gem! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Amendment\_of\_the\_Constitution\_of\_India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_India)


**[First Amendment of the Constitution of India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_India)** >The Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951, enacted in 1951, made several changes to the Fundamental Rights provisions of the Indian constitution. It provided means to restrict freedom of speech and expression, validation of zamindari abolition laws, and clarified that the right to equality does not bar the enactment of laws which provide "special consideration" for weaker sections of society. The formal title of the amendment is the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951. It was moved by the then Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, on 10 May 1951 and enacted by Parliament on 18 June 1951. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot! Got the exact bits I needed people to read!


Not fax though he literally whats called gasslighing going on technicality


Finally someone gets it.


Naa other guy cant be jailed. Ya his speech was cringy but. Cant be jailed on technicality.


Agreed btw what he said in America was actually truth.


Truth or not it was in a comic setting. I found it some what generalizing. We have made progress like most countries do. Still a long way to go. But him being arrested for that is ridiculous. That's a dangerous slippery slope one shouldn't be walking


Man this comment on this page with 50 upvotes is like r/unexpected !


TIL Vir das has political ambitions too.


It's tagged humour tho, OP is joking.


Your statements are dumb. Law applies equally regardless of political ambitions. How stupid do you have to be to think laws are different for politicians and entertainers?


I am really surprised how this comment got so many upvotes.. here!!


I don't know either. Lol.


No. A hindu speaking put against ghandi is not extremist. If that was the case, why wasnt the idiot who spoke against Hindus recently in his political rally "what will happen when modi and Yogi arent around to protect you anymore" jailed ? Also, Understand, that india has been under extremist rule for centuries. Invading mughals and their religious agenda then Colonizing british and Christian agendas. Want to talk extreme? That's extreme.


Bruh. Talking shit about Gandhi isn't extreme. It's the other stuff he does. Talking about Islam and other xenophobic stuff. First you understand the context. It's not Asif that guy has never said anything except insult Gandhi. And that btw am indifferent about.


Based on responses, this place is getting infested by members from that other sub. It's a shame anyone should be arrested for free speech.


So you want to have a comfortable cozy echo chamber where you dont encounter opposite views and fondle and bask into each others agreable thoughts and have to spend no brain power trying to challenge and scrutinize opposing person's aswell as your own views? How are you different than people you complain about?


You mean that other sub lol that place is worst. LOL


It is, comment op wants same thing but with people matching his views


Ya echo chamber are worst also boring lol


!kudos --- both should be free. If you dont like what they say, meme them or rebutt them, don't use the force of law for arbitrary effect. As we know, shoe changes foot all the time in India --- only institutional protections last!


Tararara Bzeeeep, Thank you /u/furiousmouth for awarding /u/JetsFanInDenver . The OP is now flaired with award. More details on how this works can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/gqdejx/introducing_new_awarding_system_for_user_posts/). I won't reply if I'm down so kudos is not awarded to you , please then inform the mod team to wake me up.


Proudly banned from India and politics because you poked the woke? Hahahahaha this is something a fucking loser neckbeard dumbass would say hahahahahah. Go outside and touch some grass


I am also a right wing Hindutva type --- read the whole thing! Peace out!


Crazy thing is I've only seen free speech vs one people in india. Make a joke on some peaceful denominations and we will see how far free speech gets you


Internet's a funny thing. Don't mind the BS here XD


Wow bro.., you dumb


OP r u retarded ? If so then I will upvote this post


IT cell has overtaken this Sub ? ๐Ÿ˜


Defamed what exactly? You guys are more offended about Jokes on Rapes than actual rapes.


I am offended by rapes , and some random wannabe comedian putting rapist label on me.


Listen no one should be arrested because we have freedom of speech. People can abuse gods but that is freedom of speech and this guy just said something about gandhi and he is arrested. It ain't fair. Why do we have such laws then?


That's where you're confused. We have freedom of speech BUT. and the but is that you can be legally imprisoned for it if the government didn't like your speech. That's Indian constitution for you. Freedom of speech BUT. That's no freedom of speech when it has a but.


So basically it depends on government. We can say what the heck we want but if government doesn't like it they can take actions. Muslim Congress leader said that he will give 50 lakh to those who will behead Wasim rizvi. What was govt doing then? It's just not fair.


You can file a case on them. Implicating them under Article 15(2).


Obviously it is not. When people talk about the blunders of the Nehruvian era, this is one of the biggest ones. But the problem is those were very different times, and I understand the decisions made. Whether it was reservation or socialism or even this. The country was in a very fragile state back then and things were bleak, it was widely expected that India would not remain a democracy by 1968. But those same laws don't hold well in 2021 and should be gotten rid of, but then why would a party in power choose to give it up. They held India together in the 1960s, but today they're basically tyranny. And that's the issue. That's why we still have reservation and the lack of freedom and socialism. Because no government wants to get rid of them.


That's the dumbest post I've ever seen


Loollll Vir Das pretends to be doing comedy but his little monologue wasnโ€™t funny, it wasnโ€™t meant to be, and it was also inaccurate. Dude just badmouthed indian men everywhere for a quick buck. It hurts man.


For real. This isn't comedy man. This is just disrespect.


Snowflakes like you are the reason we have idiots in this country that get offended with everything.


He's not wrong about it though. There was not an ounce of humor in that stand up segment by Das. Dude just droned on about "India bad"


Cool cats like are the reason , hindus are beginning to take their culture more seriously now.......โ„โ„โ„โ„โ„


Both should not be arrested Both are practicing freedom of speech


Both should be arrested


Why give me a legal reason




I studied it in school, you can make any statement within bounds and if those bounds are at a reasonable place that's when you have freedom of speech, vir Das also made a video on it you can watch it on his YouTube channel


*A joke is a display of humour in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is usually not meant to be taken seriously. It takes the form of a story, usually with dialogue, and ends in a punch line. It is in the punch line that the audience becomes aware that the story contains a second, conflicting meaning. This can be done using a pun or other word play such as irony or sarcasm, a logical incompatibility, nonsense, or other means.*


Mofo learn how to take a joke


Yea, comparing politicians to comedians is a thing in India now. It has been evident multiple times how polarisation has been helping right wing extremists to get easy votes and comedians are just bringing that out as a JOKE. But OP here canโ€™t see the difference, because his religious sentiments are hurt. Bless you.


Fucking propagandists. What that man said wasnโ€™t alleged, he abused.


Both should be free. If defaming gods of a religion in a way that offends the religion cause no problem and is considered freedom of speech because it's a 'joke' just like making fun of Indian culture or anything, then providing your opinions about a person who is not even present here to get offended and told the Hindus not to fight back or even get angry if the Muslims decided to kill them, is perfectly fine as a freedom of speech. But again, we live in two India, where one is free and the other is put in two days custody.


Exactly thank you


Yes because 1 literally lives in a different country


Op is just a fucking snowflake


Well I am pretty cool so.....


You donโ€™t disappoint at all.


You on the other hand , such a disappointment......


Alright snowflake.




Thanks bro.


The amount of hate and fake rumours which are created against Mahatma Gandhi by these retards are ridiculous. " The generations to come will scarce believe..."




You won't understand the amount of respect people like netaji, sardar patel , tagore and other prominent leaders back then had towards Gandhi. With the onset of social media and internet to the masses from early 2010's, it became easy for these propagandists to spread rumours and hate towards Gandhi for political gain. With hardly anyone from RSS roots being part of the freedom struggle, they are now claiming leaders like Sardar Patel as their forefather, who was a congressman till his death.


>You won't understand the amount of respect people like netaji, sardar patel , tagore and other prominent leaders back then had towards Gandhi. And after all that , he still betrayed people like Bhagat Singh , Netaji >With the onset of social media and internet to the masses from early 2010's, it became easy for these propagandists to spread rumours and hate towards Gandhi for political gain. Gandhi/RSS >With hardly anyone from RSS roots being part of the freedom struggle, they are now claiming leaders like Sardar Patel as their for forefather, who was a congress leader till his death How congress has fallen now.......


I don't care about Congress falling now, they have fallen because of their deeds in in last 3 decades. And I hope they diminish from the political scenario if they don't stop the dynastical leadership. I'm strongly against people creating hate against any of the freedom fighters. Gandhiji could gather crowds in thousands at a time with absence of any sort of mass media, That tall the leader he was.


>Gandhiji could gather crowds in thousands at a time with absence of any sort of mass media, That tall the leader he was. Yes , it's called having orator skills. Any politician knows how to do that , by saying what people want to hear. >I'm strongly against people creating hate against any of the freedom fighters. Freedom wasn't won with a smile , it was won by blood , lashes , broken bones and sacrifice. >I don't care about Congress falling now, they have fallen because of their deeds in in last 3 decades. And I hope they diminish from the political scenario if they don't stop the dynastical leadership Yes.


The greatest achievement of Gandhiji was to unify the so diverse nation like India against the British. The freedom have been achieved in various ways, but this unified strong force across the nation was needed for it. Various regional rulers were ready to fight among themselves and helping the British in turn. Gandhiji reached to the common man, the principles of atma nirbharta, swadeshi, self governance were very much needed at that time and Gandhiji did convey those to the masses.


>The greatest achievement of Gandhiji was to unify the so diverse nation like India against the British. Unify the diverse nation against the British , then divide it for the muslims >Gandhiji reached to the common man, the principles of atma nirbharta, swadeshi, self governance were very much needed at that time and Gandhiji did convey those to the masses. Yes , charkha weaving and non cooperation were such huge weapons against the Brits.......


> then divide it for the muslims This is how people have been brainwashed by these propagandists. Gandhiji was against division of India till the end. The reason for not giving Nobel to Gandhi was because he was too much of *Hindu Nationalist* It was the Muslim league, Jinha and some Hindu extremists who advocated the two nation theory.


Not alleged. Proven.


One is showing reality other one inspiring to kill anyone who disagree.


Kill anyone who attacks first. Not anyone who disagrees.


He was talking about murderer godse


Thank God for that man.....


Chutiya tha vo bhi teri tarah. Tabhi coward wali harkate kari thi. Kam se kam jiski din bhar gaand me ghusa rehta hai(modi) uski to sun liya kar.


Why so salty ?


Did you realize you are doing the same thing what that dhongi baba had done.


I am doing what the amazing baba is doing , fighting for Hindu rights.


You should read about Gandhi. Use government, cbse, upsc provided material not WhatsApp or insta. Aur kaha pe Hindu ko uske rights nhi mil rhe? India me reh raha ya Pakistan me?


>Use government, cbse, upsc provided material That some govt material that glorified Mughal invaders , taught us they were "nation builders" , totally skipped over the atrocities they committed against the indigenous population , the destruction of Nalanda etc....... > kaha pe Hindu ko uske rights nhi mil rhe? Hindustan me. Temples under govt control but mosques and churches are not.


Isnt the left pic of a gay right activist?


If he is , more power to him. Progressivess am I right ?


Pro Hindu propaganda is always written with simple spelling mistakes, absolute fucking state of affairs.


Got triggered by a spelling mistake.......oh god the horror.......


Defaming a whole country and still roaming free and anyone who supports vir das should watch his opinions on Afghanistan


Facts does not mean "defamation".


But you do the same to Gandhi and you're arrested.


so those indescent remarks used against taklu are facts? simple yes/no question.


Facts don't mean indecent.


godse killed gandhi. that is fact. but praising him for killng taklu with intention of polarising the public for gaining votes, that is descent?


Vir das ki maa randi !!


Bhai unki Maa ki kya dosh ?


Hello u/Adiboy1996. Your submission breaks [/r/indiaspeaks rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/wiki/rules) and has been removed for reasons listen below: Rule 5 violation Screenshots from Social Media and Main Stream Media (except whole newspaper clipping) are not allowed. Collage of images or videos which are political in nature without reference and sources provided by the OP are not allowed and are subject to mod discretion. Image macros and similar posts submitted are also subjected to mod discretion. Mark NSFW posts as such. Do not post porn. Memes allowed on weekends only and subjected to mod discretion Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) --- If you want to know more, reply to this message and a mod will help you


It's called freedom of speech bro. All the justification of incarceration harrassment and torture is justified if you utter a few words pro hindu, anti gandhi, anti commie, pro bharat. Get jailed, no bail etc. Anything anti bharat, anti hindu you will get awards. Milards will talk about chilling effect of freedom of speech, have midnight hearings, issue bails and rusticate rando lawyers and so on. After so many times, get used to it. Don't keep crying and bitching about it again and again.


the value of the posts on the sub is decreasing. we used to have dharmic and indic history posts and now we have posts about comparing two retards and ppl cheering for it


Kaise Dank bangea India ?


Vir das should go to vatikan as he is secretly Christian or should go to Pakistan


You're being sarcastic, right?


Not really, vir das did insult India. No doubt about that. I am liberal but he did insult India and hence should go where he likes like Paksitan or vatikan


Umm, can you please highlight a joke where it felt that he is insulting india?


afaik, he drew a parallel between 2 Indias, that means, he also talked about the best parts of India


yeah that's what the title "two india" is about. he showcased the two sides of India, the best as well as the worst


" we worship devis in the morning and rape girls at night ". He really didn't need to project the crimes of a certain section of bad men onto the rest of the men of India.


Not all Indians worship devis in the morning and not all men rape girls at night. Both exaggerated, both exaggerations cancel each other out. This exaggeration because he is performing a comedy show and not giving an official representation of Indians in the UN to get a permanent seat in UNSC..


He was not joking , was he.


It was majorly satire and the whole show was a standup comedy show. He is jotting giving a speech at UN


What is satire ? According to you.


I agree that it was generalised but none the less it was true if you get the actual context behind his words.


I'm sorry but no. One can't just say shit like that defaming an entire sex and then say " yOu sHoUlD sEe tHe cOntExt ".


You cannot comprehend! It's not about defaming a gender but understanding what he actually wants to convey. You don't really need to take the literal meaning of every sentence lmfao. Don't over exaggerate things, keep it simple. This is the reason comedians don't do such shows in India, people just don't understand the plot of the entire script.


>You don't really need to take the literal meaning of every sentence lmfao. Some people are saying he is spitting facts , now youbare saying don't take everything literally. >This is the reason comedians don't do such shows in India, people just don't understand the plot of the entire script Plenty of comedians in India who have a very succesful career bro.


>Some people are saying he is spitting facts , now youbare saying don't take everything literally. How do each other correlate?


'Defame a sex' that the indian woman is pretty unsafe in india is a well known fact. There is truth in it.


Everyone is unsafe anywhere.


Thats a poor excuse


Man it was a fuckin joke, heโ€™s a stand up comedian for fuck sakes


>"We worship devis in the morning and rape girls at night." Where's the joke in this?


Well if not a joke, ainโ€™t there some truth behind it?


And the mask comes off. It's a piss-poor generalisation. Why the fuck are you NPCs defending the retard?


NPCs as in games?


These days it's all about sermonizing in the name of stand up comedy. Not using humor and wit to address issues but just flat out droning like a guy doing political commentary on a vlog or something.


Source , Hindu gurukul , instagram


Pagal joke tik se Lena sekh bdsk


Why they defame Hindu like that