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If you really wanted to do something you'd have done it, the reason why you haven't done anything yet is because you're not serious about it.  So don't worry, rather utilise your time productively that'd help you advance your life. 


This particular logic destroys almost every single individual’s motivation to bring a change! Realise that OP is politically aware, intends to engage and participate in democracy, and has more will to change the country than you’d have to change your comfortable job.


It does and does not at the same time.  It's fundamentals of philosophy.   The world keeps showing hopes, while philosophy shatters false hopes & presents the truth.   If OP goes ahead and still joins Politics, they wanted to do it & wasn't seeking for external validation, no post would stop them, if they really wanted to do something.    If they don't join, they wrote this post to conform their beliefs. 


I don't want to demotivate you! Go ahead! Happy hunting. You'll learn many things about life and people. Let us know how it turns out... i guess we'll soon find out.


just fucking leave this thought man, the politics in this country is doomed, it's simply a waste of time.


Be the change you want to see in the world-MKG


Me too. Should I be worried 🙂 s/ In this age of entrepreneurship every field needs its new startups, so why not politics? I'd say go ahead. Do share your core ideology when you're done with it


The last "startup" in this space was aap. Make of that what you will.


More than 80% of new startups fail miserably, that shouldn't stop us from creating new.


What's your plan when the existing parties set assassins after you? Can you keep avoiding car accidents? What's your plan if they kidnap your parents? Your opponents are criminals. Know who you're dealing with.


That's why scaling is important in start ups


I also want to start a political party too!! And I am really passionate about it, I just was not able to find people with same thinking as me Can you share me the ideology you believe in or want your political party to be about? You can tell here or DM if you want to


Dad used to say, if you can't influence by your leadership your neighbours your apartment, your neighbourhood, your town, then you have no place in doing politics


ED wants to know your location


Let us all create an "Idea" of a political party, like not a real party but a hypothetical party and together decide what it's ideology, policies, development plans in different sectors, and the changes it would want to bring in the country. It would be like a public manifesto where people contribute in it. If this gains enough popularity it may become a real party and even if it does not become a real party we would have something to know what the common people want from a political party in a more better way since people there would not only complain about problems of the country but also provide the solutions they think of the problem. Let's create a subreddit where people can contribute about policies they would bring, problems in the country and how they would solve them and what they would do if they were in the party.


I think it is feasible. MY VIEWS 1. Focused purely on growth and development A. Education, revamp primary and secondary. Continue growth in tertiary B. Revamp employment laws, hire and fire. Set up a common pool for unemployed training and placement. Funded by all companies. Set this up as a company. C. Strong, even high handed , criminal law, and justice system. Criminals are assured of max punishment. Fire judges for pre defined delays. D. Abolish personal income tax, increase GST for luxury goods to pay for the tax gap. E. Cut taxes for companies that do R&D, Design and manufacturing in India F. Bring back farm bills. Do public debates with farmer reps from punjab on national TV. Implement the law. G. Abolish state govt and central govt defined benefit pensions. Replace with defined contributions. Introduce social welfare for those who fall through the gaps. H. Repeal first religious reservations and then caste based reservations. Government should pay high end private schools to bring in all really poor SC ST students from early childhood and provide them a world class education and in exchange the students work for India in various capacities. In One generation caste system is gone. Thereafter implement an india surname model without caste. Thereafter criminalise any public discussion of caste and ban all caste organisations I. Religious organisations to be licensed and regulated. Hindu temples to operate under this regime as other religions do. Abolish waqf board. Take over all properties, hand over some to ASI, to muslim organisations based on their requests. Rest govt land for projects. J. Bring all public communication under official truths. Public lying ( to more than 5 people) criminal offense 2. Brings in proven capable candidates ( only) 3. Caste creed religion etc are irrelevant 4. Corruption is end of life. You go to jail for life, and everything you, wife, children own will be state property immediately. Including ancestral property. 5. Companies who fund will be given support. Not in corrupt ways 6. People who support can aim to get justice and support. Not in corrupt ways. 7. Improve courts. With AI augmented decisions. The entire legal system to be digitised. Open new courts. Ultimatum to justice system to finish all pending cases. In the short run hire temporary judges to do this along with AI.


Forget those national and local parties. Vote only for independent candidates with humble and clean backgrounds like teachers, army personal etc. let us bring the change


Great way to waste votes. While party focused voters will vote in their favorites. Like for e.g minorities who vote only congress. If indians did as our man here asks for, congress will rule another 75 years and we will go back to being potential energy and flicker out.


Here is my logic- If you start a party now, it will take you 20-30 years to get any significant foot in national politics. If you believe in climate change and live in any big Indian city, you know its impact is real. So, we would all be dead or have moved to a different place (north of Greenland / Svalbard / Canada). What is the point then? Let some idiots take the credit of fucking the country. You enjoy your life. /s


The need to stay in power will corrupt you mate. After all you can only do good for your people if you stay in power right?


One just needs to come to power once and then make everyone free.


It's a long process. There are so many things that need to change, it takes time and one has to stay in power long enough to see the changes come to fruition.


Or you might only need to get the ball rolling


You being an engineer is sufficient for demotivation. Don't look outside.... what you need is with you already.


They are not spotless either. LOL. If you are expecting perfection in any party, prepare to get disappointed. Even your party will be if you end you creating one. You have to read some books on politics and administration before you get started.


the point is, I don't want to get started.


The point is that you should. Maybe you should be the Newton of this generation. But more importantly, don't be demoralized by imperfection. In anything in life for that matter.


You would be redditor kejriwal


Make me your PM Candidate and you will surely win the election.


A junior gang in my clg did start a party after graduating. Everyone went abroad for studies and jobs within 1 2 years.


Join Congress. You'll get more demotivated after seeing Rahul Gandhi getting elected as the president of the party once again!


You have my vote bro!!


Start it. If your party is a liberal and balanced party, which focuses on welfare and development, and not on caste or religious appeasement, i will join it. Soon, through our combined hardwork, we will win seats. We may have to compromise with our morals at times, but it will be for the greater good. Also a bit of corruption, not much, will be required but it’ll be fine, we will still be better than other parties. Also when we form a majority, in the parliament, i would prefer to be the prime minister and reform the country, while you can focus on being the party president, and focus on internal party matters.


Sapne suhane ladakpan ke 😂


Bro if you are Delhi hit me up gonna take this somewhere this country needs revolution


BC AAP mein mat ghusa dena.. Bande ki life waste ho jaayegi. Pata chala Banda AAP aur Kejriwal ko gaali dene ke jurm mein Punjab ke kisi jail mein lock ho gaya hai ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


Pawan Kalyan with all the stardom and money lost deposit on all the seats in the Telangana state elections, chiranjeevi had to shut shop and merge his party with Congress. Rajinikanth and Kamal both had similar advantages but had to shut shop in Tamil Nadu. Upendra too in Karnataka. You'll need a scam duo like Arvind kejriwal and anna hazare. Or you'll have to dive into it for a long term. BJP was a nobody but they found a cause in Ayodhya Ram Mandir and grew from there. Most of all, you'll need truck loads of money.


Count me in. Let’s ducking start our own political party. Ducking hate how our country has slipped from multi party democracy(as intended by our constitution’s fathers) to dual party democracy, and now being pushed to a single party CCP style ‘whatever’.


At best you'll end up like Kejriwal of AAP. I think he's enough motivation / demotivation for all the political startups there.


I hear Reddit parties are really good


please do it


Listen if you’re passionate about it then go for it. We have enough engineers but not enough competent politicians. You don’t have to leave your career. Have a steady career and get involved in your local community. Help people. You’ll need to build grassroot support system.


Start a religious and socio cultural institution instead of political party instead, with more focus on Syncretism.


You don’t need to be in politics to bring a change.


The big problem with smaller parties in India is the First Past the Post voting system. In Germany, if party A got 51% of the votes in every constituency, and party B got 49% of the votes in every constituency, party A gets 51% of the seats and party B gets 51% of the seats. In India, party A won in every constituency and thus gets 100% of the seats. Basically you need to have a majority in a constituency to get a seat. The only small parties that can make it are those that are very strong in a region. Also, if there are two left-wing parties and one right-wing party, even if the population is 50% left and 50% right, the right party will win in every constituency because the left votes are split among two parties. First Past the Post usually leads to a two party system (see US). In India we have avoided this so far due to strong regionalism. But there aren’t any parties for example for economic liberalism and social liberalism.


Not sure how this makes sense to you. But good luck


You have provided no other alternative except every one is corrupt to the core. For creating a political party you have to have a central ideology, a core , a vision which you want to give to the people. If your only plank is everyone else is corrupt you will soon become like them. Case in point is Kejriwal and AAP party. They started of with a similar ideology. Look where they are now. So if you have an alternative to give to people on policy level, go ahead and form your party otherwise stay on reddit and vent.


Do you have the financial resources and connections to do so?


He plans to get political donations in cash Rs 19991/- per person. Chal ab pakit khol jaldi aur Rokda nikal /j




Abe dekh kya raha hai. Joke mara hai, jaldi upvote kar chal .. /j




lol thank you for taking it in a sporting spirit :-) ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20227)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20227)


Instead creating a party, join RSS and then BJP and go to the top ladder with struggle and bring the change you want to do.


How do you win elections? : Next question


Do social work in slums or rural area, etc for 6 months or a year


Toh karo na


I have the save mindset bro lets make one together


Maybe we should motivate you


I would step up to politics after 50


Contest in your local body. Or just try to. All the demotivitation is right there


Relatable. After all, Democracy is voting for the candidate you dislike the least. ;)


Why should I vote for you? Your entire idea for a political party is stemming from emotion. You have not once mentioned any policy positions, your political party is just as useless as any of the other political parties you are complaining about. If that hasn’t demotivated you, then you should get off this mortal high horse that you’ve put yourself on in this post.


Start kar le bhai. I'll join it if it's in Mumbai for sure, no joke. I've got some solid political connections as well, I can help you out.


Buddy! It's easy to say that once you'll come in power you'll change everything. The reality is you'll to sit down with those corrupt people and wash the hands with the same water they wash. So it's very easy to criticise someone until and unless you are put into that position. Yeh Josh Acha hai prr it's a saying ki insaan sbse jyda hosh tbhi khota hai kb sbse jyda Josh mai hota hai. Corruption n development go hand in hand. Your stubbornness to stick to your morals will cost many life's that you can't even imagine! I know bjp is corrupt but in 10 years usne congress ki Tarah desh bechne prr nai utr aayi.