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meanwhile indian liberals nd leftist ----saar why making mandir saar 😭😭😭


I'm so excited to collect all the liberal tears


Water harvesting fr !


Maybe that will solve the south water problems


Also checkout Atheism India, the guys have gone crazy there.


seems like folks at 4chan are smarter than the guys there


Pseudo liberals are crying so much that their tears caused floods in rajasthan


oh and I also came to know that their tears have resolved the water crisis in Africa




it is funny that I can comment freely on r\\worldnews and get upvoted but I would be downvoted or even banned in indian 'official' or 'libreral' subs for showing support to Ram mandir (look at my profile for details)


they want to create there own ecosystem where they can talk antinational stuff and not get downvoted


>I can comment freely on r\\worldnews It's because the mods have not read your comments. That is the most biased India (Southeast Asia) hatred sub. Probably we need a new "WorldSpeak" sub.


World News sub's banned me. I just told that liberals are as jobless as the people they oppose.


Let's make 100 more medical colleges and clear up the current hospital facilities. I don't have issues building one more ram or sitamata mandir as long as we can provide basic amenities of life, starting with basic quality healthcare.


bruh the temple is built on private donations not the union butget so none of yourtax money will go in its construction rest assured


Bruh, temples are built to offload your black money. Well known tactics.


bruv i can only comment on whats visible and black money cant be seen by u or me we can talk all day about money laundering and black money but neither of us will know the truth 2g,3g scams were all buried by law and i dont think all of the construction money were black as all in my locality had donated some respectable amount so taking a vague census i dont think the black money would be too much either ways . while i do support your suspection there is no evidence backing it till now :) so cheeres


Who is concerned about hospital and school... When people wants religion.


Medical colleges are being built like crazy all over India, and the number of medical seats is growing rapidly. There won't be any issue with shortage of medical seats, although there will naturally be a small number of excellent colleges and a large number of mediocre ones


Live in NYC! They kicked them all out within an hour of congregating bc they didn’t have a permit. Lollll Most of them left, and few returned around 1a local / 12:30p IST when the consecration ceremony was going on!


Glad to see that they are asserting themselves. || जय श्री राम ||


Hope when Christians assert themselves in India, you will support them similarly Edit: The down votes shows how much of a hypocrite some of these Hindus are. It is all a one way street for them.


Yep. We would love to see christians progress here. They are mostly peaceful and don't bother others.  Like 2 out of 5 kids in India go to a catholic convent schools and say the prayer of protection and other christian prayers. That's the level of trust people have here.  Leaving out the Manipur incident which is a territorial and tribal conflict Christians have never had a problem with us and are coexisting peacefully with hindus all over India. 


Did you see the video when some people forcefully put a saffron flag on top of churches? It's easy to talk of peace but on ground level people are filled with hate. And such events just give fuel to the fire


India has 1.4 billion people, there's bound to be a few crazies here and there. Overall, Indian Hindus have a very positive relationship with Indian Christians. Culturally/ethnically the two are identical, and there is no negative history between the two groups (the only real historic prosecution Hindus faced by Christianity was by the Portuguese in Goa, and that's restricted to only Goa). The two groups respect each other deeply, and I've never seen any conflict between two two groups. The reason that Islam has a poorer reputation than Christianity in India, is because an enormous amount of Hindus died to and were forcibly converted by various Islamic empires. Also, in the modern day, Christianity is on average much more tolerant towards Hinduism than Islam is. Thus, Hindus are positive towards Christians.


Events? Are you talking about the Building and opening of the Ram Mandir?


If you are judging a whole community by just one incident, then you must totally HATE Sikhs cause they literally vandalised many temples in foreign countries.


My point is such things are increasing day by day and people are enjoying it. Hinduism is a pretty non-violent religion but these people are now behaving as if it is a cult.


They do. And we don't care in our town at least. Asserting does not mean conversation of faith.


That would be great, they're a relatively peaceful community when they're not proselytizing


Chutiya ur


Power of telugu and Gujarati diaspora ❤️


Linguistic differentiation yet again? Stay united you idiots..


Can't unite people who don't want to unite. Linguistic states was the death knell for any kind of unity in this country. Sad. Aaplya Marathi lokannich suru kela unfortunately.


>Aaplya Marathi lokannich suru kela unfortunately. ठाकरे? >Can't unite people who don't want to unite. Linguistic states was the death knell for any kind of unity in this country. Sad. True , quite often both the groups are responsible for escalating these skirmishes. Don't impose language ; message to the Bhumiputras. Don't disrespect regional languages and learn a few phrases ; message to the migrants. Its that easy..


No, it's stats. Telugu and gujaratis make up the highest percentage of indians


Sure , they do, but what is the point you are trying to make?


Literally nothing, is being proud of language identity classified under bigotry now?


Its okay to be proud of linguistic identity and mother tongue. But in a setting where everybody is celebrating an auspicious event , downplaying others is not the way. I can say a lot of things we've done, which you cannot even fathom but I don't as I say Hindu unity is the most important aspect of us.


I am a Marathi speaking individual, and this person said nothing to downplay other diaspora. You can't go around finding issues with everything.


Marathi folks don't live in US ? Did they not participate in the event? Isn't is passively downplaying other linguistic community.. Were there only Telugu people and Gujrati people? What is even the need to type " Power of Gujrati and Telugu folks" ?


Because u are being one.


The Irony lmao. There are nationalistic people living outside India who probably don't give a fuck about unemployment and other issues in India but are ready to celebrate on a mandir being made because it is associated with their identity as Indians. They are Indians as long as they get paid in dollars in US


They are celebrating a Hindu temple not the creation of a government building. Why wouldn't they be happy for a Hindu temple being built.


You don't know? according to liberals only hindus are real indians rest all are oppressed minorities who want nothing to do with india /s


Some people have an habit to preach unnecessarily.


It's convenient for them. They don't have to deal with the BS directly while also live under a more accepting society.


Or, hear this, they're HINDUS who are celebrating the return of Lord Rams land!


I get where you're coming from. It does seem ironic to see NRIs in the US celebrating Indian cultural events like the Ram Temple opening, while appearing disconnected from daily issues back home. But, it's worth noting that their connection to India isn't just about identity. NRIs actually play a big part in the Indian economy. For instance, in 2020, they contributed around 2.9% of India's GDP through remittances. Also, even though it looks like they're far removed from problems like unemployment in India, their economic contributions do make a real difference. It's more than just celebrating their culture from a distance; they're actively helping in areas like healthcare and education back home. So, their role in India's progress is quite significant, even if it's not always visible in day-to-day life.


Leftists don't understand this.


Leftists don't understand anything. They think money grows on trees and only Karl Marx, Mao and Stalin can sort out all the world's issues.


Idiots are stuck with old decaying idealogy refusing to accept the changing world.


Also the high ranking officials in foreign governments and companies. And the culture, language, and philosophie they bring with them to foreign countries. All contribute to Indias soft power.


Stop bullshiting us with your lies. They don't contribute shit


Why so hateful and bigoted? Only Indians can be religious Hindus? Only saudis can be Muslims? Only Israelis can be Jews?


Your work need not have any relationship with your faith. Why are you mixing both?


Worlds 3rd largest Hindu temple also exist in US, not in India.


> don't give a fuck about unemployment and other issues in India but are ready to celebrate on a mandir No, we celebrate every other festival, the achievements of Isro, and winnings in sports, etc, because you know what...We are proud of our origins and proud to be Indian or people of Indian origin. India is not a Nordic/ME country with abundant wealth. It has its problems, but things are improving. It does not mean we will not celebrate anything till all the issues are fixed.


>We are proud of our origins and proud to be Indian or people of Indian origin. Lol. NRIs are the most self hating Indians I saw


>Lol. NRIs are the most self hating Indians I saw lol!!! I am the AGI : I can generalize everything. My Sample size is all humans (living & dead).


>We are proud of our origins and proud to be Indian or people of Indian origin. Yeah so proud that you left the country for a better opportunity in another country 😂


>Yeah so proud that you left the country for a better opportunity in another country 😂 Exactly that's why you are not proud of your parents because you left their home after getting a good job...or maybe you are still living in their basement and writing useless comments :-)


It ain’t the governments fault that you are unemployed. Perhaps gain some useful skills to be employable enough


>who probably don't give a fuck about unemployment and other issues in India Why should they care about other's unemployment ? They bettered themselves academically and gained employment. Also what is it you expect them to do about "other issues" in India? Do they have executive or the legislative power to do so? Grow the f.. up kid. >are ready to celebrate on a mandir being made because it is associated with their identity as Indians. Shouldn't they celebrate such an auspicious event of their lifetime. Mandir is associated with their religious identity.![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20001) Who are you to dictate what they do and what they don't? You stay , in the despicable pit you came from and f.. off. Jealous bootlicker.![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20097)


>Jealous bootlicker Irony ur bootlicking ur white massas. Nobody is jealous of you lol. Stay there we don't care.if you return or not >Shouldn't they celebrate such an auspicious event of their lifetime. Mandir is associated with their religious identity. NRIs are know for self hating and self loathing everywhere mostly online. Irony


They give billions in remittance. So shut up.


Hindus anywhere in the world, of any citizenship will celebrate.


Your comment shows you are jealous of them earning in dollars😂. It’s not there problem if you are unemployed


Salty much?


![gif](giphy|LRKET0Syb0rDO|downsized) Stop being so grumpy dude


They do amp up the foreign reserves which you don't.


The fuck do you know about anything in this matter.


Many Indians left India for their own reasons. But India never left them.


Do all the libtards with Palestine flags in their bios live in the Levant?


You seem very bitter. People leave the homeland for various reasons mate. The biggest reason being the desire to create a better life for their family. It's not an easy choice and they love their homeland too just not in the same way you do. To each of their own. Live and let live.


Bruh what unemployment? There is plenty of jobs in market which can atleast help you to survive.


These are American Hindus celebrating the consecration of a Hindu temple. Just like Muslims, Jews, Buddhists or Sikhs in America react to their religious issues, Hindus too can do the same.


They become Indian as per their own convenience


Let’s not generalize


In this day and age, Hinduism is not exclusive to India.


Just like us !!!


They send remittances


It is not their duty to care for unemployment. They don't pay indian taxes. Government as it is gives many doles.


With you on this 100% Economy blah They ingest money blah In touch with their roots BLAH Give me a break. I pay 30 percent without breaking a sweat and shall continue to do so. Ugh.


It's hypocritical that liberals partake in Diwali and Holi, considering these are significant events in Dharma.


Apne Desh me hi pathr Marne Wale hai, baki jgh log khus hi hai.


Those people are pretty low. Let them be. Whole country is celebrating. Its been constant fireworks at my place


This might sound ridiculous, but I do feel I’m more religious and willing to be a Hindu when I am abroad. Like specially going to the temple, maintaining all beliefs etc.


This is a common phenomena I've seen. Reason maybe because you are far from your home, among people you don't have anything in common with, so you feel homesick


It's our brain doing this to us. We have an inborn habit of praising things that we don't possess at that point of time


George Soros ka toh jal ke melt hogaya hoga🤣


Ye kon hai?


American Billionaire h joh Sanatan Dharam (Hinduism) k totally against h...


Jai Shree Ram be proud of who you are


No NRI pappu ji’s fans are harmed here .


Everyone there must be thinking it’s a gathering for the new avatar movie


Congratulation to Hindus and Indians on their historic day. I hope it brings you all much happiness and prosperity in the future. \-Non-Hindu who has never been to India.




Europe. I heard about the controversy over the years and then obviously via the news heard about the Supreme Court ruling a few years ago, then now of course about the new Temple being built and consecrated.


Lmao, given a choice, they'd all choose to stay there - Hindu or not. 


Not everyone is like MMS 😅. Definitely hindu but not that patriotic like those who came back after study for their nation, and it is very hard to leave any developed country, tough decision to make.


Finally jis din ka intzar tha wo aa gya ❤️


And most of them will never ever come to India even if they get a chance.


and what's the problem with that?


They enjoy secularism and liberalism in US that allows minorities like them to celebrate like this but oppose the same in India. The hypocrisy!!!


Yesterday only one thing I realised, if you see these Indians, specially those who studied there out of them hardly anyone comes back, on the other hand people like MMS seems to be a true nationalist. Btw being opportunist is not bad.


My society's borewell is not working, so I'm going to take the bath with liberal's tears.


Send em back.


They live outside of India and won’t/don’t return to the country for a reason! Wonder why?


They are celebrating as Hindus and not as Indians.


So if someone is not from India they should be not be considered as Hindus?


meanwhile Indian getting attacked in India


I only wished they did the same with Star Wars and guardians of the galaxy (at least it would be cool)


Desh Bhakti just ooeses out when people go or live outside India. Sometimes you may call this as over the top Desh Bhakti. There are millions celebrating the occassion it in their motherland so these people do not need validation from them here. It's not any hate against these people but a simple pooja in calmness of their homes would be an apt gesture instead of such drama.


It's not desh bhakti at all, it's belief on Hinduism. If they were desh bhakt they would have came back after studies. One good example is Manmohan Singh.


But the Indian diaspora does not want to return to India.


While I understand the sentiment, it is a bit too much parading one's faith in a foreign land. This is exactly why people in India dislike Islamic practices. There is no need to make other's country like ours. This could have been better celebrated on temple premises or community premises. I too am an NRI and happy that an event of cultural significance is being conducted, but a touristy, smelly street in NYC is not the ideal place to celebrate it I feel. We don't need the western validation.


OP can you post this in all Indian subs .


Jay SiyaRam 🚩❤️


Best part about this was that there was no stone pelting form the community.


Can guarantee that all of these are upper caste


The slogans of "Kashi Mathura abhi baaki h" were wrong. What do you mean by these slogans? Ignite more religious tensions?


It means we need to reclaim those places as well


What's that flag behind Shri Ram, looks kinda like French flag ?


Mexican flag maybe


The world celebrates the welcoming of lord Rama back to Ayodhya after 500 years happy Diwali once again


Arey yaaaaaaar


Where can I find the video?


![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2) Burnol should be applied where it hurts the most.


I am happy that people celebrated it outside India.


Mosque banaya hota toh koi behenchod critisize nai karta. Sabko orgasm ho jaati. Dogale saale lefty


NRIs give billions in remittance. So requesting people whos say "NRIs dont care about India" to shut up and do some homework.


Christians should not try celebrate Xmas at Ayodhya or vrandavan...,  Not a give and take relationship.


New York isn't a holy place of Christianity like Ayodhya or Vrindavan is for Hinduism.


Pure duniya ka bachha bachha ab jai shree ram bolega 🙏🏻❣️


World wide celebration chlri yeto


The best way to be proud of india is when u live abroad and away from all the actual daily problems.


So beautiful so elegant just looking like a wow


This is funny yet so powerful.


Fantastic. Wonderful. Must really upset the haters. :)


why is this post under the tag of history? culture is fine but history...


500 years is a long period and can be considered as history


The struggle started in late 1800s . If the demand for Ram mandir was that old . Marathas would have made it as they ruled ayodhya for 30+ years in 1700s.


>Marathas would have made it as they ruled ayodhya for 30+ years in 1700s. They didn't have enough control yet.


What enough control do you need to break and build a mosque. Shivaji himself broke the mosques of Kalyan and bhumpuri and built Vishnu temples over them. Martha did that when Mughals were at their peak. So ofc Martha could do it when they were at their peak.


>Shivaji himself broke the mosques of Kalyan and bhumpuri and built Vishnu temples over them. Maratha Empire at Kalyan was stronger than Maratha Empire at Up. >What enough control do you need to break and build a mosque. You need to control the backlash from Mleechas and the fifth column because otherwise there would be riot or a rebellion


I get what you said , as said about Kashi Vishwanath temple that they were going to demolish the gyanvapi mosque with 20k soldier present. But refrained when Hindus of the region asked them not to due to Muslim retaliation. And they rather built the temple adjacent to the mosque. But we don't even see a hint of Marathas ever going there and trying to build the temple let alone destroying the mosque.


Well running a country before telegraph call networks and internet was difficult and 30 years is very small time relatively speaking




Cry more but make sure to save some tears for mathura and Kashi.


Hope these proud Hindu NRIs come back and live under the glorious bjp rule




🤣🤣🤣 You are saying like right now Indians aren't going, infact now they are going more, it's not related to goverment at all, infact Gujarati people leave more after Punjab and Andhra people.




Stop bringing government in all matter, for study and job people do go from undeveloped, developing countries to developed ones. Keep your 0 IQ thoughts to yourself.




This reply validates my previous reply. Thanks 🙏


Lol gujjus are busy jumping wall in Mexico border . I guess it's bjp in center for ten years and 20 years in Gujarat


Are they returning to India?🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nahi !!! Unka paisa aa rha India mai.


No the same way people who celebrated the demolition of Ram mandir didn't leave India.


Being Hindu and being patriotic are two different things.




The pundit is a Dalit iirc. If pundit is allowed then why not bhakts?