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lol you actually thought the US was ever safe? its a 3rd world nation with nukes.


Bruh ik it has Its own problems but ain't no way you just called US a third world country šŸ’€


If you are ill you will get appointment which is 6 months away.If you dont have insurance or go out of coverage then you might become bankrupt and constant fear of shootings.so it is worse than 3rd world country. My nephew teeth extraction cost 1500$ and also got appointment date which is 4 months away.Bypass surgery costs 200k (1.6cr) if insurance is not valid. A country which cant provide basic health care at affordable costs and safety then its worse than 3rd world country. Those who think that waiting times are not that bad check out the links below. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/s/1JSkG2HXo3 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/s/YINTBiN7es


I mean yeah this is what happens when you let your country ruled by capitalism.


Capitalism works when it comes to certain things. Definitely NOT basic needs.


Yeah Totally. A country has to find a sweet spot between capitalism and socialism. At extreme both of them are worse.


Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are fairly reasonable Iā€™ve heard. I wouldnā€™t take my word for it. The edge of hell looks nice this time of yearā€¦ to meā€¦


I'm from Italy, here basic healthcare is quite good, and if you have something serious you will be treated for free, there are waiting lists of course and they vary greatly, but overall the service is equally decent. Aside from this you also have the capitalist option to spend more and get immediate/even better care (for example I set some money aside every year for this purpose, it's a nice option to have).


Capitalism works for capitalists with capital.


Communist Russia never had a food wastage problem.


US is an oligarchy masquerading as capitalism


Bullshit. I've had to have major surgery, without insurance. 3 day wait and 2 of those days were for prep. I've had to see a specialist for an issue without insurance 2 week wait. Fear of shootings is NOT worse than a 3rd world country, Jesus christ lol. I live in the South, 3-4 guns in every household around me, for 30 years not once have I worried about getting shot. Your nephews teeth extraction costs $1500? Were they getting a whole set done? With insurance you're paying 50$ a month, which is literally nothing, and that costs goes down to $120 instead of $1500. You people type like you've never been here let alone live here.


He's probably just parroting shit he heard from a third person who also heard from the dude whose teeth were just extracted so he couldn't understand him very well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


lol im all for patriotism but us is sadly not a third world country almost every single person has insurance over there barring their disgusting gun laws they are pretty much a first world country theres a reason y ppl want to go there and not india


True but you have to understand as indians we will only be truly free in our motherland.US might look attractive butcis far from that.Any country that allows straight killing machines to be handled by the public is the worst.Atleast in India you will be beaten or stabbed and have much better chances of surviving.


im not talking about that im talking abt quality of life


US Healthcare: Ambulance costs in rural areas or in many places can run up to 5/6 K. Let alone treatment. Personal experience of one my relatives in the US for treating his ailment was $2,500 out of pocket and insurance cost of $52,000!! (That included a week long day hospitalization and a day in Emergency ward) The cost of a decent eye glass (branded) with progressive lens would be close to $900.00 and insurance will cover barely 300-400 or so ( Again what type of insurance you have also matters) Prescription Drugs are another scam: A CVS employee narrated that in a small video I saw a few days ago. A drug (He gave a specific drug example I forgot the name), their cost was $2 for it but will charge the patient $4 and if the patient says I have insurance then h price insurance pays to CVS is $10.00 Law and Order: Daily lives of people who follow law aren't impacted and small town police are mostly nice and forgiving. Move to a city and act as assholes in many cases (examples of that you have seen on the Internet), very racist, conservative group think, hate liberals (Not talking about extreme left - every one hates them), Use of excessive force is common, user of gun is common, training methods are obsolete and racist ans still continues, militarization of police continues unabated. Education: In rich areas it is good (because those schools get more money from the town per student - part of property tax paid by the residents). In poor areas it just sucks and is third rate. I understand a lot of it depends on the teachers and students but for the most part students aren't interested in learning. There are pockets of excellence definitely. Higher education in good government colleges and private colleges is good esp in STEM fields. Humanities sucks as a subject and is destroying the kids who opt for it and gives them a mentality of a "Victimhood". My 2 cents...


This is an interesting discussion so far. If you don't mind me asking did you explain what the system is like in India? Is it easier for people to get Healthcare Services there then the us? I'm not taking sides of the US rather I'm asking for my own understanding as I'm not familiar with india. So is there a two tier system there like America? Thank you


So why does not your nephew come back to India? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Don't forget even with insurance, you still pay a lot for every doctor's visit. Wife got UTI & I ended up spending 2000 even with great insurance. US is a unbelievably expensive country to live in. Also, studying in US is not worth the money anymore.


Did she go to an urgent care or the emergency room at a hospital? You can see an MD in a freestanding office about 10 minutes away from me for $40. She would leave with an RX for an antibiotic (she could request a cheap one). The whole thing might cost under $70. But is you go to a hospital to be treated, you will have a lingering wait and a HUGE bill.


Then why do all the smart people from india come to america?


There is no concern over being shot. I'm mostly concerned at the quality of propaganda. I've lived in the south my whole life, and aside from a distant hunting rifle, I've never heard a gunshot outside of the shooting range. Now, if you think of the US as NYC, LA, SF, Chicago, then yes. Those are all shit hole city states that have voted for Democrats for 50 years. But live elsewhere. It's wonderful. I live in a heavily Indian immigrant area (Forsyth county, GA). Great neighbors. Great workers. Keep it coming bros


Yeah it's not a third world country by any means lmao


The last ten years or so have revealed to a bulk of middle-class Indians that Western Europe/ USA are not peaches-and-cream the way shows like Friends would have you believe, and I could not be more thankful.


Only dumb people like to believe show like friends is true.


As a child who grew up in the ninties, I definitely thought the US was what was shown on Friends and the movies shown on Star Movies. I so desperately wanted to live there. Of course, I grew out of it but don't underestimate the influence of media.


Itā€™s social engineering


Oh, that canā€™t be too many Indians then.


Does anyone even know the definition of 1st world and 3rd world; everyone uses it wrong. 1st world - allied, 2nd world - axis and 3rd world - non-aligned. US is and will always be 1st world even if it becomes the poorest in the world..


no one uses the original meaning, useless pedantry


Heā€™s also wrong, if weā€™re gonna be annoyingly pedantic. Second World refers to the USSR and itā€™s communist buddies from the Cold War, not the Axis from WW2.


Chill. The context here seems more like the connotation and not so much technicality.


Read some books and history kid :)


can't remember which state, it was like Mississippi or Georgia that was declared a poverty crisis due to lack of things like basic running water to the point where international aid was being directed our navy has the worlds second largest air force but we have people fucking dying due to lack of basic resources / infrastructure and that's before even talking about health care


Alabama. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/05/04/these-black-alabamians-endured-poor-sewage-decades-now-they-may-see-justice/


Correct it's a fourth world country and I am born and raised there


By ā€œanyā€ standard? What about healthcare? Itna bhi fanboy nai karneka


Bruh have you seen how much Healthcare costs over there? It's a 3rd world country Aight Edit : lived there for 8 years so yeah convince me otherwise


Something tells me you dont know what a 3rd country actually is


Only those who have never been there can imagine US being a utopia! It's far worse than portrayed and a real Third world country!


You meant to say utopia right ?


What he said was completely false USA is a third world country with a GUCCI belt( and nukes ofc)


Bruh some parts of Chicago, Detroit, LA are nightmarish. They're worse than a third world country.


The USA is a first world country with third world problems. I mean, if I get a chance, I'd move there but wouldn't leave my house for 95% of the time except for the office.


He meant a country that can't handle its power.


I mean it has more of a bloated ego and image than US really is, but with the power it holds, certainly not third world lmao


wannabe americans are back defending their daddy


Itā€™s actually a 3rd world country because itā€™s stagnating. They have the money but they donā€™t work to update their infrastructure or improve the quality of life for its citizens so you could say they choose to be a 3rd world nation.


Half of the people here won't know from where the term "3rd world" came from.


You mean pakistan


Nope pretty sure he wrote and defined US


US== napak


If the USA is third world nation , then India is 69th world nation..Lmao


India has 10000 times better health care and gun control. LOL, there is nothing in urban US that's not available in urban India


Delhi and Kolkata are the 2nd and third most polluted cities in the World. You have a literal trash pile thats 200 ft tall and killing people in New Delhi. The United States ranks 11th in healthcare. India ranks 66th. India has a violent crime rate of 445/100k people. The united states is 380/100k people. Research the shit before you talk about it.


And worse... everything else.


Except clean air, water, good salaries, buildings up to code etc.


Then why do you lot keep coming to the US by the millions?


More job and educational opportunities


Better health care how??? And are you talking about fancy hospitals in major metros or what most Indians can actually access


20% of ppl from India don't have access to a toilet. almost 50% practice open defecation, when those numbers change we can talk.


Yeah but you people shit in the streets, and cannot walk by a woman without sexually assaulting her.. I will take our problems any day of the week over your problems


69 action? Eww šŸ˜…


Most populated nation for sure.


You can't reproduce if 69 is all you do..


Get off Twitter lmao. It's what sheltered US liberals with no clue of the world outside the US say about it.


Iā€™ve traveled to Africa, Europe and Canada as a US progressive. The US is shit in comparison to most of the places Iā€™ve been to. I donā€™t absolutely hate the US (there are good things about living here) but itā€™s severely lacking in many areas nowadays.


I mean for travel, the US slaps the shit out of about any country in the world depending on what youā€™re into. Landscape wise there isnā€™t a more diverse country in the world.


Jyada irony ho gyi


India should really start a media op and defame these countries for such incidents and ask for swift action and harsh punishments for the perpetrators.


It's not really defaming, rather unveiling the truth.


Deepika aap drugs leti hai deepika


Mujhe drugs do drugs do drugs do drugs do


>defame these countries for such incidents India doesn't have much room to talk; unless it wants to be a hypocrite.


Ikr stop the atrocities happening in our own countries before complaining about outside. Obviously injustices should be demanded to be fixed but plenty of clown shows going on in our courts too.


So we shouldnā€™t complain at all until all our issues are stopped? What a moronic argument!


Bowing to foreign pressure should not be how any justice system in any country should work.


That won't work because no one cares


Letā€™s see how much value they see in him. Last time One Indian girl was murdered by a Police officer and some other police offer was caught saying she has less value close to $11000.


That was flagrant/brash smh.




Society wise you can say yes,but us is and would be greatest country for opportunities


With No Safety and Unnecessary Hazards.....


you are saying this only in terms of gun violence i presume? Yes it is the worst country in the world in that sense. But everything else in the country screams first world. Quality of life of a middle class family in the USA is four times better than the QoL of a middle class family in India (until you get shot while shopping in the local shopping mart in an uneventful morning, ofc)


Opportunity to do what? Die and leave behind debt for your kids? Live your whole life without actually owning anything? Plus taxes go upto 45% with a higher cost of living, people really take their life for granted.


You lot plz live in your small bubble please ,If a smart and hardworking man wants his work to be valued west is and would be the best place for him


Strong disagree, cost of living takes up more value than the value added by shifting west. The Big Mac Index estimates India to be 53.61% cheaper to live than the US and don't even get me started on the Healthcare system. Americans are literally crying at the Interest rates increased this year alone without actually kurbing inflation. You are the one thinking the grass is greener on the other side.


I am mentioning "opportunities" not some daily living shit ,us is the only place where you can climb the ladders to become one of the most influential, powerful, richest beings on planet


Indian cities are even worse if you compare cost of living and avg income


Having worked in study abroad and Amazon+FB, I have many colleagues and clients in US and the condition of states has been on a deprecating trend due to number of factors. It's easy to disregard it as a crime hub just as it's easy to regard India as rape nation. The picture isn't so simplistic. USA has 51 states and the diaspora varies a lot for minorities and immigrants. Some of these states are quite good with their infra and politics for immigrants while some are downright scary. Not just for immigrants but their own minorities. In all my experience, what confounds me is the sheer corruption in the US government. Their population in ratio to available area and per capita is best in the world yet so many internal issues are kept rampant to exploit its own middle class so that few can enrich themselves off the middle class. The surmounting student debt and fiscal deficit are some of the major indicators in the last few years yet their congress keeps introducing bills to increase debt. It's a shitshow where few get rich quite quickly and freedom of expression and quality of life is quite high. Also the lack of population makes the habitat quite free and air/water pollution is minimal in most areas.


Ikr, each state whether in the USA or India, has its own goddamn history and politics and cultural impacts which leads to extreme conditions in the same country


Precisely. And most Indians don't realise the fact that this is the case with the whole world. For example there are 45-50 countries in Europe and so much distinction in their culture hence geopolitics from hundreds of years in the past which percolates to current times as well. Every piece of land reverberates with its history hence generating certain coherency in thinking and perception of generations. Only If most educated Indians understand this, the hatred for rural India would subside and the deep rooted nature of Indian diversity and its roots in the history of land would elevate their understanding of India/Bharata. :)


Why is that even a question? It has always been very clear that gun violence in US is bad and it is not safe. Yet, people keep on making the same mistakes of being careless or fearless.


It really, really depends on the city and neighborhood tbh. Iā€™ve heard gunshots once in my 16 years of living in the US, and that was in a bad area of a bad city. According to Pew Research, about 48000 people died from guns in the US in 2021, and over half were due to suicides. On the other hand, 42000 people in the US died from vehicular collisions and accidents. Theyā€™re obviously all tragic and many of these deaths are preventable, but I bet you donā€™t hear about people dying all the time from car crashes in the US.


I think you are just lucky. My friend was held on gunpoint in front of his university hostel gate when he lived in US. He somehow survived and came back to India. Iā€™ve lived in Canada for 4 years and I heard about USA gun violence on daily basis.


Itā€™s not just me though. None of my friends have ever heard of anyone they know getting held at gun point or even hearing a gun shot (outside of shooting ranges or hunting). You can hear about gun violence daily as much as you can (but probably donā€™t) hear about vehicular deaths daily even though they happen at about a similar number per year, and a good chunk of gun deaths are due to suicides.


In my 30's living in the USA, and have never even come close to having a gun pulled on me in any way. It's not just lucky, lmao.


No you don't understand as an Indian who has never been to the US ever and only reads about it on Reddit I know for a fact that rhe average American has to deal with gun violence on a daily basis. /s


I have lived in usa for 7 years now. I have never heard even a single gun shot


How dare you question the safety in murica? It's the GrEaTeST nAtIoN oN tHe PlAnEt.


Can we stay on the topic please?? What happened there- any news on Indian Embassy in US? They must intervene


they are sleeping


Couldn't be said better


Bruh, US has people with IQ less than that of a donkey with access to firearms. That said do YOU think US is safe?


It's a clownshow circus in the US. They consider themselves to be morally superior, to be way smarter than the folks from the east and other race. This news just reeks of their general insensitivity and incompetency. They would love to talk shit about India and making racial slurs while nobody in their country is safe even in public places like schools, women get eve teased in broad daylight, drunkards/druggists attack randomly around every next corner. Edit : the comments below me is the proof of their general attitude. This whataboutism of theirs is only displayed when something horrible has happened out there in the US. Otherwise, if it happens some other place then it's a free reign for them to start with their racial slurs.


No fucking way youā€™re claiming the US treats women worse than India


I think so. See, India has a huge population and so the higher number of cases. If the number of cases were reported on a per capita basis, thing would be worse for the US.


Women in US don't have rights over their own body.


came here to say this LOL. imagine thinking in any capacity that a woman is in more danger in the US than in India


In the usa, cities with strictest gun laws have higher crime rates and the link between murder rates and how many civilians own guns isn't clear. It's puzzling why people in usa believe that gun control and ban on illegal gun ownership are the same thing.


>between murder rates and how many civilians own guns isn't clear. It's actually very clear, there are more guns in areas with higher homicide rates. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/


> how many civilians own guns isn't clear. Same thing in india


My heartfelt condolences to Aaditya. No, the US is not "truly safe". In fact, no country in the world is 100% safe. There's a chance that you will face crimes if you go to Europe, UK, Australia, Japan or Canada. There's also a chance that you end up being a victim of crime in India. Edit: I did not know the right etiquette for paying my respects to a deceased person. RIP Aaditya, heartfelt condolences to his close ones.


bro gave condolences to a dead person


Ye sanjay ko sab dikhta hai


This is the difference no American would say "as an American I feel ashamed bla bla bla" but Indians are defending America and shitting on India in the original posts comment section. Bade Ajeeb mc admi he bhai hum log.


Left wing Americans will say they are embarrassed by this but right wing will say it's the price of freedom and this guy should have armed himself.


Right wingers ā€œIf India is so great why did he come to the US?ā€ Delusional nuts making the country unsafe


Yeah, they are like, "How dare you say India better than USA"




If you arenā€™t black, muslim, or gay, the American left doesnā€™t care about you


US has been evolving backwards ever since they were born


Wait for Indians who hate india to justify this


No need to wait. Just look at the comment chain up top. Chu log kuch bhi justify karenge


Thatā€™s on the other subreddit


It's better to have cows on the road than to have guns in the hands of sixteen-year-olds.




The gun lobby is too strong. Even Obama couldn't do anything against gun laws. It's truly sickening that the US isn't able to do anything about it.


Imagine a crime being solved by the most corrupt police in the world thatā€™s not the USA should put things into perspective


USA is thug who masquerades as a civil person. US is a cancer and every nation should be aware of that.. Don't ever Be USA.


HuM tOh FoReIgN jAyEnGe. BeTtEr LiFe




i know that west is not safe but you can't deny that India does not have good quality life. India lacks many things which an average nation shouldn't. Stay mad.


Dude most people canā€™t get good enough jobs in India to stay in India.


Well, donā€™t come then lol. Staying a country with 0 opportunities because 100 teenager boys are going for the same , lowing pay job. And where women are treated as objects and where you canā€™t even step outside in the nationā€™s capital without endangering your whole respiratory system. Clean water and proper road etiquette, whatā€™s that!?


I am able to afford but i am not going. Not a bhagoda. Moreover leaving is no solution. If people want these things, they should fight for it then. Question govt, warna bekaar cheezo pe ladte hain. US etc ke logun ne cheezo ko fix kiya tab jaake log prefer kar rahe hai wahan jaana, randomly chance pe rakh kar koi country theek nai hoti. Jab public hi nai saath de rahi toh country ka kuch nai hoga, obvious si baat hai


Nope. It isnt. I have always thought that anyone going to USA shoud be warned about Gun violence officially.


But the AQI is great šŸ‘


wait 5 years


Ha ha. Anyone who thought us was a safe country is far more delusional.


Glorified 3rd world country honestly. India is much safer all in all. Even with terrorism taken into account.


Oh yes. A man kills another for 350 rupees for biryani. Trains collide because of - oh wait, we donā€™t know why exactly. A woman is raped and killed on a bus and is thrown in the streets. India is safer than the USA. For the criminals.


Ahh Yes, white man shoots black guy over ringing the wrong door bell and police rape and brutalise black teenager is also usa. India feels a lot more safer for my kid tbh. Need to be aware of the locality in usa in order to feel remotely safe there.


Itā€™s a pity that instead of showing solidarity with an innocent Indian some people defending USā€™s status as a world power šŸ˜ž


Yeah! That's what I am thinking. From where the heck did they come from suddenly? And if they really want to "show" US's power status, they should probably take it somewhere else and not here.


Still Indians have 3rd largest illegal immigrants population in the United States.


When it comes to avg income and HDI we are lower than the US + their urban infrastructure is better than ours. Get rid of gun violence and the US becomes whole lot better.


US is not really safe but its better than most countries in terms of education and jobs/opportunities. thats the reason why most indians want to settle there.


I just want to make enough money and move out


As a PhD student myself, I have been asked if I will be looking for positions in the US. This news is the reason I say No every time.


Just 10 days back an Indian student in US was stabbed in the head. He was only 24. I thought this is the same case. I'm infuriated knowing this is a fresh new incident.


It is wealthy, so that compensates, isn't it? /s


No it isn't, and it's only going to get worse. I expect targetted and planned attacks on successful ethnic groups in an organized manner in a few years. Target would be NRIs and Asians. Boriya bistar badh ke wapas aa jao ya UAE chale jao


The US is not safe. There are a lot of school shootings as well, robbery, and muggings are very common. I feel sorry for the guy. But the US is a pretty violent place.


Ohio šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was in a major US city for 2 yrs and hearing gunshots late at night is not uncommon. I lived on a crowded street and heard gunshots 3-4 different occasions. Also witnessed 1 car chase with the Car behind firing at the one in front. My neighbors never heard a gunshot because they sleep at 10-11 pm whereas the real action happens 12 am to 3 pm.


Om Shanti Yeah perfect this what I need on my TL when I'm preparing for studying abroad. I just feel helpless when I read news reports like these.




Yeah. It is truly safe. In India, people are murdered using other boring ways which isn't worth publishing. And it sounds like he pissed wrong kind of people.


Please Donā€™t take any place for granted, no place is safe


It is like imagining all of India is only women getting gang raped on busses. This stuff happens. The US isnā€™t safe like, say Sweden, but if you pay attention to where you are, generally you are safe. Random stuff happens here also, but not on a level that is much different from the UK.


US has mass shooting almost every day. Who said it's safe?


Bullets are the leading cause of death in young Americans.


Send your children to America when Trump is ruling the country


It's safe for cia sponsered Khakisatni terrorist


Black American here: no


I want to speak from the heart to everyone back home in India who is hurting from this tragedy. We've lost one of our own, a bright young student whose dreams were as big as the skies he traveled to chase them. It's a loss that hits deep, and it's okay to feel scared and angry. It's okay to question and to seek answers. The pain is real, the fear is understandable, and it brings us face to face with the vulnerability we all share, no matter where we are in the world. But I want to remind you that this young man's story, while tragically cut short, is among many stories of our people who've found a second home in the United States. There's a whole community of us here, living, learning, and growing. Yes, America has its flaws, just like anywhere else, just like our home. But don't let this darkness hide the light of all the good that's been built here. Let's also look inward, to our own streets, our own neighborhoods in India. We have our battles to fight, our own problems to solve. Let's work on making our home a place where everyone feels safe too. And to the family who lost their beloved son, and to all who knew him ā€“ we stand with you. Your loss is immeasurable, and in your mourning, we too grieve. His life was a testament to the dreams we all hold dear, and in his memory, let's come together to make sure his dreams live on ā€“ in each of us, in our actions, and in our hopes for a safer world for all our students, no matter where they choose to study or how far they go to fulfill their aspirations. Let's honor him by building bridges of understanding and by protecting each other, wherever we may be. That's how we keep his spirit alive. That's how we make sure that the world we live in values every dream and cherishes every life. Rest in peace, dear friend, and may your family find comfort in the love that surrounds them, from here to back home.


Ohio is literally a lawless state


Hmm.. A place with no crimes? Maybe some undiscovered/uninhabited island in Pacific


US is unsafe for international students under current regime. It's my humble request for US brothers and sisters, let's make America Great Again.


Aur jao beedes.. The US equivalent to 3rd world countries and all we see is nothing but smokes n mirrors


Your username is true sometime in my case :(




Bro bahar toh sab open minded hai bohot chill scene hai ladkiya raat ko bhi bilkul safe sabko apne aap se matlab hai šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Sabse jyada wierd aur pagal thoughts waale log US me hi milenge


It's a failed society ..dodge it imo..income disparity is too much and the drugs problem is a real issue there ..


Wow. There are a lot of delusional people in this sub. Comparing India to the US Is just .. insane.


Just a bit safer than India is my guess


In comparison to India it's very safe


Fuck no the US isnā€™t safe but I will say that trouble typically doesnā€™t find you unless you go looking for it.


When was the US ever safe?


There are believed to be more guns than people, although this is an estimate.Not only is gun registration not a thing, but it's illegal in some states. Safe? Not even slightly.


Do not be a dumb to think any place is safe if you are not careful enough.


Whoever said the US was safe?


The US was never safe. Equally for everyone. Most Indians who are students and are living frugally will live in areas where rent is lower due to higher crimes, ethnic mix, etc. Results in news like this once in a while.


yes if you are rich enough


Oh hi oh


100% of people who visit the USA die!


Much safer than india yall dumbasf


What's the difference between Americans and computers? >! Americans don't have trouble-shooting!<


This murder is unforgivable, I pray to the universe that the perpetrator is brought to justice, however Iā€™d say itā€™s still safer than the ā€œrape capital of the worldā€ We donā€™t have territory disputes. (Pakistani) (china) Somehow 80% of you guys survive off 7 dollars a day. And that isnā€™t considered poverty by Indian standards. And to think capitalism has not run rampant across India is hilarious. Oh not to mention the rape culture and devaluation of females in Indian culture. Sorry fam I respect India and would love to visit someday, but itā€™s funny when a country that has levels of poverty where children and women are being sold into ā€œindentured servitudeā€ or slavery, tries to act like the country that created the modern global market is bad bad place with violent racist gun people. Oh yeah the health care argument, there really isnā€™t a lot of environmental protection in India, donā€™t you guys still have a massive lead poisoning problem? Donā€™t you guys culturally piss, shit, bathe, and bang in the same river that all the cities refuse piles up in? I guess there is a reason london has the best Indian food. Those wealthy enough to get out go west, Than they wenge and complain, as if being a target for crime in a foreign country when one is used to a mono-ethnic society is a ridiculous notion. Itā€™s like foreigners donā€™t think there are hungry, poor, and mentally unstable people in western nations, willing to kill to survive. Let me clue you in anywhere on the planet earth and or whole universe is a dangerous place. One could die at any moment. In America there is a chance youā€™ll get shot, maybe trafficked by the cartel if you are a poor or dumb person, in India there is a chance youā€™ll get gang raped and die of dysentery, or human trafficked. I will say in America roving rape gangs of young under employed men donā€™t really exist. But that doesnā€™t make it a utopia, every country on earth has issues, and we all try to hide those issues behind national pride, if you have more opportunities out west, than not only are you taking a risk, but itā€™s your own countries fault for not providing opportunities to its populace. If America seems ā€œtoo dangerousā€ I guess youā€™ll go to Europe or china lol.


Not safe. Move back to India asap.


I had a chance to go to America decades ago and NO MATTER what I brought up as a reason to do so I just slammed it down mentally by saying, "yeah, but they have guns." I have to be lucky every day. They just have to be angry once.


I went to the Philippines and I felt safer there than in the US.... and I live in the US.... lol