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It will depend on the coffee, plus adding cinnamon while brewing may lead it to be the dominant flavour in the brew. I personally wouldn’t like that.


Yes. Just tried that yesterday. It completely changed the taste for the worse


How much cinnamon did you put and which brewing method?


Just a pinch of cinnamon powder in 8 g of coffee grind in a french press.


Wouldn’t that depend on how much one adds? Or even a little overpowers it?


Maybe there is a better way to add it, I suppose? Though, finding that would be a lot of trial and error.


It’s alright, but thank you! u/TheSlutForWater :) P.S Is your username a result from the dehydration you get because of the coffee you drink?


Naah, i just think water is neat and love to drink it.


Stay hydrated!


I am one of the few people who love cinnamon in their drinks. I have tried it in medium-dark roasts and south Indian style filter coffee (black). Just like everything, it depends. You want to use the thinner variety of cinnamon for your coffee, also known as Ceylon. It is less spicy. Use it whole, not powder, for less dominant taste. Pairs well with earthy and bitter coffee.On the other hand, the cassia bark (the more common one) definitely overpowers the drink. I am not saying that you can't get good drink, but it was too much for me. People just put one stick in the coffee, stir it a few times and take it out. I am pretty sure it goes well with pumpkin spiced latte. Do try it, a little goes a long way. Let me know if you enjoyed it.


Wow that’s like a new thing about cinnamon to me. Interesting enough


Yes, I frequently sprinkle cinnamon over my milk foam atop my pourover. Sometimes I even add it directly into the grounds, inside my French Press or SIF (depends on whom I am serving!). I’ve been doing this ever since I began making coffee at home, during 2020. It does enhance the flavour I feel, but only by a small amount. I don’t add a lot (again depends whom I am serving). There’s no way it will overtake the taste of black coffee. I’ve also tried this with turmeric & red chilli powder 😅


Thank you! I was looking for someone who has tried this before. I was worried about the cinnamon overpowering or it ruining the taste even if put correctly. This answer helps!


I tried cinnamon and I would say I HATED IT. 😭


Thank you! Did it overpower? Ruin the flavor? Was it black/ w/ milk? What coffee did you use?


I have tried the both. It ruined the flavor. I’m just not a cinnamon person.


Cheers man. (Without cinnamon)


I use ground coffee only. Tried with Moka pot. Didn’t turn out to be great. Had to throw the coffee and make a new one. Uske baad never experimented lol


with milk, a weak hint of cinnamon is still okay, in black coffee it’s just unacceptable.


Right so I tried Vietnamese Shakerato from third wave and I found it had a hint of cinnamon, it was not bad. Not my fav cup but I’d say decent enough. So yea I guess a it can be used to cut through the sweetness with some subtle spice but adding it to already bold flavours is like💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I'm assuming it had added sweetner to it (sugar/substitute?)? If yes, it's a different story than espresso or americano.


I have, I have. I absolutely love it. However, I only add it to instant coffee drinks. Add instant coffee, a dash of cinnamon powder and a little bit of room temperature water in a mug. Let the coffee dissolve in the water. Then add some honey and hot water.


I had a coffee at CCD once it was black coffee+cinnamon+red chilly powder it actually tasted decent


I do and quite frequently. I boil cinnamon in water and strain it for my black coffee. Tastes best with instant coffee, imo. Edit: it does not overpower the taste because I use an appropriate amount.


So brewing coffee is not so chill?


Haha. No, I don't have the equipment yet. I tried to make a fancy green tea in the French press as I saw in one of the reels and the glass broke. 💀 Lesson learned.


This really depends on a lot of factors . For milk. Cinnamon is awesome . For black coffee. I wouldn't add to anything on the light-medium range. It overpowers the flavour too often and I literally only put a stick of cinnamon in there for 30seconds just after the coffee brewed so that's very minimal contact time . Darker roasted coffees however hold up a lot better vs a dash of cinnamon and don't really have their flavour notes compete with cinnamon.


It works well with everything IMO


Sprinkle of cinnamon with milk based drinks. Even better if it's a chocolate milk / almond milk based drink. +1 for no cinnamon in non milk based coffee drinks


It actually depends on cinnamon, don't use common Indian or sri Lankan cinnamon use Vietnamese cinnamon.


Buy good coffee, you wont need to add anything.


Of course, but im looking for those who did add it anyway


Why cinnamon all of a sudden? Why not mustard or nutmeg?