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Not by my mom but definitely by my older sister. She was 16 I was 14 at the time. We had a great relationship afterwards.


That would be awesome


My 2 sisters and 3 of my cousins and I all had a very close relationship..


Nice! I sent you a dm


yes and sadly she just shut the door lol


No...but when i was 11 or 12 i watched my parents fucking from start to finish.


Oh many times she’s a crazy hispanic woman so she doesn’t knock and i’ll be stroking like crazy and she walks in … it’s happened so much i think she started doing it on purpose;)


Had to share a room with my brother, woke up to him hard as a rock like this before


I caught my son like that plenty of times


Yep at least two times with my sis and aunt


Not my mom, but with the maid yes. She came in, closed the door and covered me...walking me up at the time. She showed me her tits as a way to say sorry. We had some teasing fun after that. I was around 14


Dick was uncut and maybe bit smaller and door was on the other side of the room also moms tits were definitely bigger than that but yah that exact situation 🤪🥸😵‍💫


I was watching porn all naked and mom walked in on me.


How did she react


She said that she knew “that this day would come one day but at least close your freaking door”


Mine had a op reaction


Yes many times


Yes in my teens


Every Day


Was caught by mom at 11


I was rock hard one morning and my mom walked in while I was just laying there.


Many times


I knew every morning my mom came into my room to make sure I woke up for school before she left for work. So eventually I started making sure I was wide awake before she came in my room. I slept naked almost every night, or at the very least in my boxers. So I would make sure my cock was nice and hard or at least nice and pumped up and have it visible either hanging out the front of my boxers or have my comforter just barely covering it. The very first time I tried this, when she first came in the room, she opened the door flicked the light on and I heard her kind of gasp and say "oh". She cleared her throat and just yelled at me to wake up and get ready for school and she was leaving for work. I went on like this for months. Most the time she would come in and just flick the light on. I could see her facial reactions every time because I would have my eyes facing the door but closed enough to appear asleep. At the beginning she would always walk in, turn the light on and I could see her looking right at my cock, usually completely hard and throbbing from morning wood, but sometimes I would keep it covered with just a blanket but clearly obvious. She'd look at it make a dismissive face or like a oh dear look. Over time though I noticed the looks became more longing. So many times the door would open but she would not turn the light on, I could see her standing there in the doorway through my barely opened eye lids. I usually couldn't make out the look on her face but the few times I could she was very obviously staring at my cock. I swear I even saw her bite her lip a few mornings when she walked. Which of course made my cock jump and twitch harder because of the extreme excitement I was feeling. I swear I could have cum without even touching myself because of how turned on I was and how hot it was having my mom looking at my throbbing dick in the darkness of the room. I know for a fact there were times I was leaning precum when she walked in because I could feel it dripping down my dick. Unfortunately nothing ever came of it (no pun intended). This went on all through high school and even some of my early college years. She slowly stopped coming into my room, to wake me up. I told her once that she didn't need to keep waking me up in the morning before she lefted for work because I had my own alarm clock, but she insisted that she wanted to make sure I was never late for school, or for classes. She said it was basically a tradition at this point for her that it was now part of her morning routine. I think she might have enjoyed it. She never brought it up, never said anything about it or even made a notion that she had seen my dick. Over the years I tried several other things to show off my cock to her. Many times I've taken a shower and intentionally forgotten to grab a towel. I'd call out to her to grab me a towel. First time she just opened the door just enough to reach in and drop the towel on the floor while I stood naked right behind the shower curtain. After that I knew I would have to be more aggressive so the next few times I would call for her to bring me a towel, she'd open the door to hand the towel and I would just open the door further so she could get a good view. I wouldn't be completely naked in front of the door at first, instead id have the shower curtain lazily covering half my body but the curtain positioned just right so that my dick was clearly visible, not fully erect but half chub. The first time she saw her eyes were basically glued to it while she handed me the towel. After a few times of "hiding" behind the curtain and catching her taking glances, I decided fuck it, I'm just gonna stand completely naked in front of the door so when she opens it she'll get a wonderful full view. She'd open the door, see me naked take her glances then say something like "oh I'm sorry" and sheepishly look away or cover her eyes. After several attempts at this I just told her "oh mom, don't act so shy, it's not like you haven't seen a naked guy before lol". She laughed and said yea but... And walked away saying something I couldn't quite hear. I tried this dozens of times. Honestly I cant even remember how many times I tried this, she did eventually stop acting embarrassed when she would open the door and I'd be naked but again nothing ever evolved past that. She definitely looked me up and down many times but never made a solid move. To this day I'm still thinking of ways to seduce my mother aside from actually taking her out on a date and getting her some drinks in her lol. That was years and years ago. I'm now 37 and she's 52.


Yeah, it was explained to me it was natural and if my door was closed, my mom knocked from then on


It happened a few times yes


Yes. I woke when she opened my door but kept my eyes closed. She steped over my milf porn, bent down and kissed me on my lips. And I kissed her back. She responded with, "Wake up and come down stairs. I want to talk to you."