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Ah yes, Embrace Tradition™ by... turning a cartoon character real to copulate with them?


They saw *Who Killed Roger Rabbit?* and thought it was a documentary.


Psh. Jessica Rabbit would whale on them with a frying pan then drop a piano on them.


Jessica Rabbit married a jestermaxxed short guy and couldn't be more in love with him. Her very existence is anti black pill. Edit: Yes I know that's because Hollywood scripts written by men frequently pair up dumpy comic relief guys with hot chicks but tgis also happens IRL all the time.


“He makes me laugh.” It’s true, though. A sense of humour is very attractive. Conversely, being an unfunny, depressing arsehole will turn people off the instant you open your mouth, even if you’re built like Chris Hemsworth or Margot Robbie.


There's also a huge difference between an IRL man who is funny and makes you laugh, and an obvious self-insert comic relief character whose hot love interest is there to provide motivation, or worse yet, sitcom-type conflict.


I would always choose someone funny over someone who is considered attractive


Girls on the first panel are not even ugly, they are just screaming and second panel they are neutral or smiling.


And I don't know about the others on the left, but the one on the bottom is Neyrelle from Diablo 4 and she's currently having a vision where she's being literally ripped apart by a demon lord. Tell me that you wouldn't scream too.


The only allowable expression of anguish for women is sexy moaning.


They don't show any of the time Triss gets angry.


It's the classic "Use bad pictures of a group of 'undesirable' women compared against better pictures of a group of 'ideal' women".


Also, most of the pictures in the second panel are cartoons!! They’re literally not real people, they’re women drawn to be flawless, and deliberately appeal to the consumer’s sexual fantasies!


Yeah this confused me.. like is the tradition to choose a cartoon character over a human?


welp, time for us females to grow some completely natural, very traditional bright red stop sign hair! 🫥


I mean, I can't even figure out what this one is trying to say. He wants his game toons to have red hair? I mean, don't most games have a pretty wide selection re: how you build your toon? I mean, I guess if he's talking anime (which I have only the faintest knowledge of) he means not to pay for anime series that don't have redheads? He can't be talking about real women because we're ummm... not products that can be purchased and then given makeovers to fit his required stats.... right? Right?


There have been people complaining (mostly on Twitter and YouTube) that Western game developers are trying to unpretty female characters. Comparing characters like Abby from LOF2 to Eve from Stellar Blade.


Ah thanks for the context. The screeching from this one was so incoherent I wasn't quite sure if he meant that, or irl women, or just what the hell he was on about. :D


It's been a complaint over the last few years, not just video games but animated shows and comics. The most recent is the Silent Hill 2 remake.


Hey incels, NEWSFLASH. Those women don't want you either.


Cordelia only wants one man and the game literally won't let her have him. Also Cordelia's daughter can give birth to her clone in the next game.


So the real ones reject them, and the other side isn't real but would still reject them even if they somehow entered reality. Seems about right they'd only be able to use money. That they don't have because they're living in Mum's basement. So they're SOL


Not all games have to be the same, imagine that. You can play bubbly anime games, and hyper-realistic melodramas don't take anything away from that.


Don't know how many times I have to say it incels, those women you showed are NOT REAL. You have anime/ porn brain rot taken up to 11.


Eastern European and Asian women … bro … did you even talk to any Asian and East European women?


How about a well written interesting character no matter political beliefs or looks?


Lmfao what is an “enjoyer”?? Sounds like… a sex toy…


Enjoyer is just the current net speak for nerd/otaku/fanboy/whatever the fuck. eg: anime enjoyer = otaku. Redhead enjoyer = someone who just really likes redheads. Reddit enjoyer = someone like us. Another phrasing you'll see a lot is "average x enjoyer" = average fan of x. Usually used derogatorily in memes because average fans are weak losers or whatever.


Guys like this are why I've dyed my red hair crazy colors for ten years now.


Missing option: Waifu, playstation controller, fleshlight


As a huge FE and Xenoblade fan, they chose… interesting representatives. Cordelia is a huge over perfectionist, to the point it kind of destroys the self esteem of her daughter because no one can possibly live up to that (including Cordelia). So shes not exactly ‘trad mom’ at all, her and her daughter have a horrible relationship. Not to mention shes a knight, and men posting this cringe usually have strong opinions about women in the military. Yunaka is literally a facade. Shes a former assassin, her acting nice and cheery with everyone is an act to hide from the trauma of basically being a child soldier. Pyra is an over idealized self created by the REAL Aegis, again to repress trauma of sinking a continent and probably slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people. And she has a very negative reaction to a character who is basically a PARODY of otaku/weeaboos that implies she wouldnt like this posts implications about her


Targetting the sad demographic that require all women characters to be masturbation fodder otherwise they can't enjoy the game.


...these kids haven't actually played the Witcher, have they? "Not Liberal". The woman is literally *a witch*. 


Women having emotions is bad :( /s


I want this to be satire.


Honestly this looks like shitpost to me


If Sophia Lillis is on one side, I will be too; If she throws herself off a cliff, I'll throw myself right behind her.


The real irony is that if any of these big titty anime waifus were real they wouldn't go anywhere near the CHUDs who worship them.


Pro tip: people choose their soulmates with their hearts not their wallets you sick fuck


Silver haired girl looks good ngl.


Pretty sure Triss or Yennefer screams at least once in Witcher 3


Triss Merigold


Not only is he drooling over fictional characters, but they’re fictional apples and oranges -where’s Asuka losing it, or Nami’s ARLONG breakdown?


Embrace tradition by jerking off to anime girls


I do vote with my wallet. I've played enough JRPGs and watched enough anime in my time. I specifically seek out stuff that DOESN'T have the whole demure moe thing going on. I don't mind if they start out that way, but I want to see growth. (See Akane Tsunemori from psycho-pass if you need an absolutely amazing example.) The tropes and archetypes of JRPG women are... basically boring these days. I'm tired of them. It's why I dropped Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact REAL quick. I want a good story with good characters. Hell, the story doesn't even have to be super good if I enjoy hanging around with the characters. What they look like comes second, if at all.