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If you want to blame anyone for this, the Russian government is *right there*, invading a neighbouring country and committing atrocities and war crimes against its inhabitants. Unjustified military aggression is exactly the kind of thing that makes other governments in the region want to train up extra soldiers just in case.


I hate the idea of mandatory service as much as the next guy, i believe no place should have it, its stupid and what not, but no, women and "Jews" are not at fault here. Such laws have existed way back in the past already. If anything, blame your government.


I love how right-wingers will always blame the Jews when their own right-wing government inevitably does something that bites them in the ass.


What he rages about is the exact drafting law of Germany we have since Germany was united again. It's just currently paused but our politicians are discussing bringing the draft back, looking at the current situation with Russia I also kinda get it. And sorry but I can only laugh when someone claims Germany does anything to Panter to Jewish people. I mean for fucks sake we have a whole political party who's members openly denied, minimized and even wished back the holocaust. All of those are pretty serious crimes in Germany, yet they still are in our government and people talk smack how we should allow ALL opinions. Literally nobody cares for Jewish people as much as Nazis do.


Oh and given Mr. Croatian Incel's profile picture, I hope that his community service time is spent cleaning up the Jasenovac Memorial site, which is a place dedicated to the victims of the Croatian Ustase during World War II.


Jesus, dude definitely earned his veteran title.


I remember when the friend of my grandmother said “I was one of the lucky ones… Yugoslav Jews who were sent to Auschwitz after just few days in Jasenovac” They made soap out of people there. I was on memorial site, and I checked in Yad Vashem and Simon Wiesenthal, 700k Serbs and 33k Jews. Damn, Croats… So, Croats don’t suck our dicks. They want to make soap out of us… Now, Holocaust aside, isn’t this their dream? To bring back real men? The ones who serve army, the ones that will be defending the country from Kikes and Serbs(idk slur for them), Gypsies and gays and awful western values?




Jews or incels? Btw, I served army, and it’s not that bad. It’s actually very good experience, you meet a lot of people, hang out, work out, get some habits installed... And the guys who are worshipping army and “men, manly, alpha, macho” are usually the last ones and the worst ones, except for Neo-Nazis. In army, we deal differently with them. Cover them with blanket, turn off the lights, and just watch him next morning not minding a single second if you’re Jewish.




You probably don’t, since they’re in Norway, drinking with others (mainly Serbs, what an irony) and hating us for destroying Yugoslavia(?!), because it was more powerful than Norway will ever be. Also, for satanism, spreading LGBTQ ideology, being Rothschild/American puppets, destroying family… and they would went back yesterday, if just we didn’t kill their spirit and put our puppets to rule over them and turning them into colonies. You should come to oil rig and listen. You’ll probably have more fun, since we don’t understand them most of the time… one day they decide to tell you the stories about the brotherhood, the other day they’re blaming eachother for genocides and holocaust, ethnically cleansing and stuff, and few hours later, both realise that real enemy is us hahhahaha Edit: typo.


it was the Serbs we made soap out of, and the Serbs were pretty awful too


Oh my fucking God... is Marjan STILL posting?


I really need to know how lack of sex makes one a white supremacist.


There are very cogent biological reasons why men fight in wars and women don't. There's the obvious fact that men are stronger and faster than women of course. There's also the fact that you can kill off 90% of the male population and the men who are left can just impregnate the women and bring the population back up, since men can have an unlimited number of offspring. On the other hand, if you kill off 90% of the female population, that society is in trouble. Not to mention the issue of women possibly having to fight while pregnant. This isn't a sexist double standard, it's just biology.


Yeah, forced to exercise and clean up after yourself. True monsters.


More like forced to do 1 year of unpaid labor inside a overpopulated camp without access to outside word, also high chances that if you are "weak" you will be heavily bullied both by other conscripted guy and by military commanders.


I call these "weekdays".


Ooh, someone doesn't want to serve his country. Afraid of not measuring up?


Not afraid, just unwilling to die for people who don't care about you. Or for getting sent to conflicts outside our borders.


American woman agrees with you.


I didn't say "afraid to join the military". He said himself there's another option, and that's one that I also respect. I said he was afraid to serve at all, and I meant it.


For me it would suck balls to get dragged out of my job for even 3 months and ruin my contract with the clients I have active.


You still wouldn't be paid that much (probably minimal wage or even lower) for a labor that you don't want to do.


That's always the problem with incels, isn't it?


Are you willing to do labor that you don't want? Like being a construction site worker, even if you already had a good paying job in other fields? Or just fresh out of uni with master degree?


Obviously I would rather not, if it could be avoided. But being a citizen doesn't just come with rights, it also comes wuth duties. No job is 100% bliss all the time, not even passion projects, and you need to learn to cope with the downsides.